![]() |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Yeah, now I _think_ that the terrain type of your capital doesn't matter. I hope I'm right there. So I deliberately put it in the wasteland I think. If you have got unusually low income or resources - sorry Ubercat!
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
I've seen better, but it's not too bad.
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
We could go many many turns in a game like this before we make contact with another player.
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Quickhost means that the game will process as soon as all the turns are in, right? So if, for instance, all eight of us were sitting at our computers all day playing the game, we could get alot of turns done in one day, right?
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Yeah, right, you could even finish the whole game in one day. And then hell freezes over. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
It appears that Xanatos may be a no show. I sent him a PM a while ago and no response yet. He hasn't posted anywhere in the forum since his one post in this thread which was three days ago.
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
jotunheim is the only nation that has not played, and that has been the case for the last day or so.
i think we need to think about finding a replacement for jotunheim. |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
I know he was having some technical difficulties (apparently the dominions directories are somehow a bit strange on Vista, which makes PBEM difficult to work out how to do), but I haven't heard from him in a while. I've just e-mailed him again.
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
The least he could do is let us know what is going on. It's very rude to keep seven other people hanging without a word. We could be on turn three by now, or even higher.
Does he even have a legal copy of the game? That might explain why he couldn't get his pretender loaded until I gave him explicit directions. He sat there for about two days until I said something. We'd probably still be waiting for it. |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
His problem is that he's using Vista, which apparently makes things very different. I was helping him with getting his pretender in by e-mail, it sounded really quite tricky actually. I've never even seen Vista myself, which doesn't help.
To answer previous questions/comments: StrictlyRockers - having 8 players on this map gives you about 15 provinces each, which is perhaps a little smaller than average for multiplayer. I think you might meet people faster than you think. Ubercat - yep, you're right about how quickhost works. I'm not quite sure what to do about Xanatos, since he seemed quite keen (by e-mail). I think if he doesn't at least make contact by tonight (when 48 hours are up) I will take his turn for him and start looking for a sub. |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Let's not jump to conclusions here.
He played a couple of blitzes on Gandalf server (anonymously) and a few Blitzes against people in the IRC channel, so I suppose that he just doesn't know what he has to do with this PBEM thing. He seems to be unable to find his game folder and his savedgames folder, it seems Vista is indeed unnecessarily complicated. |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Well for some reason it is apparently treating all the contents of his savedgames folder as hidden files, so he can't see them.
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Well I'm optimistic that Xanatos will show up, since he seemed keen. But just in case I thought I had better change the thread title to advertise for a new player, because I really want to make sure everything is running smoothly before the weekend, when I'm going away.
If we do get a new player, we will do a restart. I still have everyone else's pretenders, so we can start again as soon as the new player gets his pretender in. I think it is worth having everyone redo turn 1 in order for the new player to have a nation and pretender of their own choice. We can probably even squeeze two new players in if people are keen. So, if you are reading this and would like to join, please post and say what nation you'd like, and I'll reserve the spot for you should we have to do a restart. |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Aww, I really like my position. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Ah well, it's sad, but I haven't heard from Xanatos, so I've restarted without him. Sorry Xanatos!
In his place we have Yucky, with Eriu. And... we're off! Good luck guys. |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Your absolutely right Ubercat I apologize for putting you guys on hold like that, I couldn't figure out how to get the file where it needed to be to play until now, and my internet was down for a while yesterday-today which kept me from getting back sooner, I am very sorry that happened, when i finally did get to take the turn it said i needed the Heros mod as well?...i didn't even know that, i think i will stay out of this next game until i learn how to do PBEM faster, sorry again guys! and yes, i have a legal copy:P. |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
llamabeast, thank so much for setting up you nifty server and hosting for us, your great. Your the best llama i know.
If you are ever in Hawaii you have a floor to sleep on in my apartment. Do you have a tutorial for how to set up a server like llama aerver? |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Cor - thanks! But, no tutorial sadly - the guide would say something like 'first, write a couple of thousand lines of code'.
But I've written the LlamaServer so that it can host many games at once, and also so that people other than me can host games on it (see the 'admin options' page for one of the started games, not quite finished yet). I'm happy to take requests for new games to run on it. And eventually, my grand plan is to have a 'Create new game' page, where you can choose the map, number of players, mods and so on and it will create a game for you, without me even getting involved. But that is still some way off. |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Writing one line of code is beyond my tiny brain's capablities, forget about 1000.
My concern is that one day that server will run out of processing juice, the demands will be too great. I just think it would be neat to have 20 Llama servers around so everyone in the world could play dominions 3! Ma Ha Ha! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Sorry if I was hard on you, Xanatos. We have all had trouble with mp games at soem time or another.
I hope to see you in a MP soon. |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
There are signs of an ancient force, a nameless fear inhabiting the land. A deep darkness comes over the mountain and woods. The natives whisper of the return of an ancient God. They name the land the mountain and woods of the God. Then suddenly out of the deepest and darkest woods the eyes, ears and mouth of the new lord reawaken.
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Cor - if it ever runs out of processing juice, I'm sure we'll find a way round it. I'll be pretty shocked if that happens though. Gandalf reckons a computer can run about 10x as many PBEMs as network games. I'd put the capacity of the LlamaServer up somewhere near 100 games, although that's a completely wild guess.
Coding is not particularly hard by the way, you just have to be taught. My older brother is a computer programmer and got me started as a kid, so I had a big advantage. |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Guys, I'm going away for the weekend to visit my girlfriend's parents in a few hours, and I'm strictly forbidden from doing anything server related. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif So, hopefully there will be no problems. I will PM the admin password to Cor (chosen arbitrarily), so he can postpone the turns if anyone requests it.
I've e-mailed StrictlyRockers to ask him to take his turn, by the way. Perhaps this game has a one-player-won't-take-his-first-turn curse? |
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
My email is corlew at gmail dot com. If anyone needs a postponement. or you can post to this thread, but my email is faster.
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
we are just waiting on Pythium to finish turn 2.
Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
I was the slowpoke this time, sorry. Did my turn. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif
I note in my defence that I was 24 hours early, however... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
C\'tis Benefits from Worthy Heroes Bug
It seems that one of the worthy heroes belonging to C'tis (played by me) has a bug that is a little overpowered. Turin, the person who is responsible for creating the mod, has been notified and has issued a fixed version. Which is pretty impressive given he fixed it less than 12 hours after I notified him of the problem.
Below is a quote of post he made in another thread (another llamserver game in fact) "For your info, I had a nasty bug with one of the heroes( the sentient hydra) in Version 1_7 of my worthy heroes mod that gave him the wrong and pretty overpowered domsummon. It affects EA Sauromatia, MA Cītis and Pythium. The fixed version is uploaded here: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...o=&fpart=1 " We should wait until llamabeast is back on deck before we make a decision as to how to proceed. I imagine we will all have to apply the fixed mod - BUT PLEASE WAIT UNTIL LLAMABEAST TELLS US HOW TO PROCEED. I will send him a PM telling him of developments. I will not make use of the domsummoned units to aid my expansion and so make sure I do not advantage from this bug. |
Re: C\'tis Benefits NOT AT A LL from Bug
Well the buggy hero has died an early and somewhat unexpected death so I don't think he has had any appreciable effect on the game.
Re: C\'tis Benefits NOT AT A LL from Bug
I got one, a sentient hydra that is. What is the bug? I don't see anything weird about it.
A message from Pythium to Caleum
Due to poor intelligence ,our troops recently tried to take the same province as Caleums troops. Our deepest apologies for any losses Caleum may have sustained. We cede the territory to Caleum. We are a peaceful people and we do not seek further conflict.
Pythium |
Re: C\'tis Benefits NOT AT A LL from Bug
Well the sentient hydra spawns heavy cavalry rather than hydra hatchlings with dominion. I found it was spawning quite a few a turn which might have given me quite an advantage early in the game.
Re: C\'tis Benefits NOT AT A LL from Bug
I only got one heavy calvary this turn. It is the indy, Are they really better than a hatchling? Dont hatchlings cost more?
I would certainly rather have hatchlings, so if we can fix it that sounds good. |
Re: C\'tis Benefits NOT AT A LL from Bug
Okay, I have fixed the Worthy Heroes bug on the server. Now, I reckon that you won't need to fix your own copies - the spawning is worked out by the server after all. So would you mind leaving your copies unpatched for a turn or two and let me know what happens? Hopefully you will start getting hatchlings.
Probably everyone should update to the new version sooner or later though I guess. |
Re: C\'tis Benefits NOT AT A LL from Bug
Any new erroneous heavy cavalry this turn?
(if it is fixed it is fairly unlikely you will have any hatchlings, as they are meant to be produced much more slowly than the heavy cavalry were being produced). |
Server Issues?
I can't get on the server and yet two turns have run today. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif
Re: Server Issues?
No cavalry. No nothing. I think it killed spawning entirely. I got a total of 1 heavy cavalry from the thing.
But either way I like the hydra, its thuggable AND huggable (if your posion resistant). |
Re: Server Issues?
About the server: The server is actually lots of different machines, each doing their own bit. One of them, not run by me, is responsible just for forwarding you to the server's webpage when you type in 'www.llamaserver.net'. And it's quite unreliable unfortunately (working on finding an alternative). But the other bits (the e-mail server and the machine which does the actual hosting) are, I think, very reliable, and carry on regardless.
About the hydras: The line in the mod was meant to read: domsummon20 123 (not actually 123 but I can't remember the hatchling's unit number) and actually read domsummon 20 123 The erroneous line just lead to production of unit 20 (heavy cavalry), and the 123 was ignored. But domsummon is 20 times _faster_ than domsummon20. So the hydra was producing 20 times as many heavy cavalry as it was meant to be producing hatchlings. Hence, it's quite unlikely you'll see a hatchling for a while. Hope that makes sense! |
Re: Server Issues?
Ah yes thanks for the clarity Llamabeast.
Re: Server Issues?
Who am I? Why am I here? What Turn is it?
llamaserver.net says we are on turn 6 waiting for my 2h file. My email says we have finished turn 9. What is the reality? What warren is this? All hail llamabeast? |
Re: Server Issues?
hmm...everything was ticking along nicely...
Re: Server Issues?
Aristander - that is very odd. The website definitely says the right turn, but what can happen sometimes is that your computer keeps a copy of the webpage in its memory, so it doesn't have to keep checking the real page. If you hit the 'refresh' button in internet explorer that should fix it. On the other hand the website keeps going down anyway...
Re: Server Issues?
Yes llamabeast that does sound like it could be one explanation.
Unless... it is in fact that sentient hydra empowering some kind of astral mind altering spell? |
Re: Server Issues?
Er, could well be I guess.
I've finally found what I think will be a permanent and reliable solution for the website. It'll take a day or two to come into effect unfortunately, then everything should be nice and smooth again. |
Re: Server Issues?
No, Just ignore the Hyrda behind the curtain.
MP question
If you send a message to another player, he sees it in his opening messages at the beginning of the turn, correct? I sent a message to someone two turns ago and haven't recieved a reply. I'm wondering if he somehow missed the message, or is simply rejecting my offer in the easiest way.
There's been no limits placed on diplomacy in this game, right? (other than there only being one winner in the end) |
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