![]() |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Stupid question. I'm joining OutRiders in addition to this, and they're both network games. Is there a way around having to reenter the addresses and ports each time I want to play a turn?
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Yes, command line switches. Like " -C --ipadr <GAMEHOST> --port <GAMEPORT>". GP will love to tell you how to create a bunch of icons for that on your desktop, I don't want to take that fun away from him. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Under Linux, making an alias in your .bashrc is enough. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Thanks, I'll fool around with that for a while. What's the -C switch for? And do I leave the address and port within the < >?
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Actually no. (I think you misunderstood the question)
You use the actual address (or port) instead of the whole <GAMEHOST>(or <GAMEPORT>). "<" and ">" do not appear in the actual command. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Thank you, this'll be a great help. I'll have to figure it out later, thogh. Right now it won't boot from my shortcut, but I have to run to work.
"C:\Games\Dominions 3\dom3.exe" --noglext --C --ipadr dominions3.dy.fi --port 2222 |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
I just made my turn in with 4 seconds to spare. Would it be possible to set the quickhost to 25 hours instead of 24? I'll still send things in as early as possible, but sometimes events conspire to make it just barely impossible to get a turn in without giving only partial orders.
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
The unholy Ermor hordes have attacked the Empire of Man. Our troops are
retreating back to our domain, where we WILL return the undead abominations to the grave. From what our scouts report, a significant portion of Ermor's spellcasters is part of the invasion. This is a perfect time for all living nations to work together to end the undead threat once and for all. I call upon the High Inquisitors of Marignon to fight their hereditary enemy, to the Angakut of Atlantis to protect the oceans from those who do not breath, to the wise Sauromancers of C'tis to teach a lesson to those who never knew restraint in their dealing with the undead. We have not had contact with with Pangea and T'ien C'hi, but we believe that they do not want to see the world turned into ashes and ruled by nercomancers. Let us fight together! |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
I've finally cleared out the last of the independents from the narrow stretch of land occupied by my peoples.
The people of Ice and Bone, the Frozen Sea, aren't necessarily opposed to the spread of a fellow death cult, but we are troubled at the direction this war is taking. If Ermor takes out man, my Atlantians will be hemmed in by the unliving to both the north AND south. Our NAP with Ermor was 'indefinite' and vague, with no clauses towards the length or proper termination thereof. Instead of taking the opportunity to launch a surprise attack, I am taking the somewhat honorable route. I am declaring our NAP null and void. To be clear, I am NOT declaring war on the nation of Ermor. I've got things I'd rather do. But if the situation becomes dire, I will become involved. In man's favor, in the attempt to stabilize the situation. I would define dire as threatening their capital, not currently an issue. Possibly, the threat of an attack on other flanks will be enough to slow Ermor down and give Man some advantage. I will also retain the option to invade Ermor if I change my mind and decide to go a-banishing. I'm not currently concerned about the state of things, since diplomatic relations with man have been cordial, but extremely limited. Feel free to carve into each other, trading territory, while I enjoy my first game where I actually HAVE MONEY! A game where I'm not scrounging for every cent?! Will the wonders never cease? |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
If someone wishes to negotiate with me live, I'm on aim. LazPer12.
I finally got that network game shortcut working. I'd accidentally stuck an extra - in there. This is what finally worked for me, minus the noglext tag that most of you won't need. If you want to create a Veturi shortcut, I'll share/help. -C --ipadr --port 2222 Thanks again for pointing out the command switches. Also, a pox on Ich for throwing that red herring my way. There is no --help. A hundred years from now, when I'll be skilled enough to take you on, my Atlantians will be doing the macarena over your pretender's corpse. http://www.dom3minions.com/docs/CommandLine.txt |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
There definitely is a --help! I just tested it to be sure.
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
You're correct. But why the fark did it appear in C:\Games instead of C:\Games\Dominions 3? Oh well, I revoke my pox, and render apologies. Can I keep the macarena?
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
As 'mistakenly' stated earlier the guy playing Ermor is me and not 'Viikinki' (it's a board name in another board). So, let's get to business.
I'm not playing an overly expansive strategy at the moment, my threat to the 'living nations' is greatly exaggerated. And make no mistake, the nation first to cross my borders will face my full military might. Are you certain you want to be the one to take on the full might of my military and as such do the dirty for work others when splitting up my provinces? Then again, we're not playing Sim City here. You're all welcome to come in and try. Someone has to die first, right?:) Be it me or the first aggressor... |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Despite our missing w9 d4 bless, Tien-chi continues to hold back the invading armies of Marignon. Maybe they will finally realize that their efforts are futile and they will move on to easier prey.
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
> I'm not playing an overly expansive strategy at the moment, my threat to
> the 'living nations' is greatly exaggerated. Well, you took a province next to your capital, and I did not mind that. I would not have taken it if I had not thought you had left the game. But if taking three other provinces is not 'overly aggressive' I hope I never live to see what is. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Well, I really can't be boxed within one province radius of my capital. I had a bunch of stale turns due to a holiday trip and thus I had a very slow start. You are free to believe my intentions as you wish, currently my borders are where I need them to be. Whether you want to war over them is up to you.
Edit: And it was next to capital + 2 other provinces, not three. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Hmm? Two or three is not such a difference, but one of us cannot count.
And in this game, getting a name for 'miscounting' is hard to shake. The one next to your capital was 52. You also took 56, 62, and 67. So can I assume that you did not intend to keep 67, and won't mind me retaking it? |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Oh, and please allow me to express my admiration for whatever negotiations allowed
Ermor to move all his spellcasters and both his major armies north. It's educational to learn that even tying up some Ermor forces on the C'tis and Atlantis border was more support than I could expect. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
It's not a matter of fine negotiations. I've signed a 5 turn non-agression pact with Ermor simply because this is my first game playing Atlantis, let alone CB. My research is horribly lacking, and while I might survive a war, I can't expect to gain anything with the tools currently available. I'd probably lose territory.
Ctis actually did take some territory from Ermor, though Ermor took it back. Besides- why should I get involved in your war? Simply because you make an impassioned plea? I am the nation of ice and _bone_. Some of my sympathies lie towards ermor, though as I stated, I am willing to get involved LATER, I want to gather intel first and see how it does turn out. There's still about 400 undead to the north in one province- the fifty or so Ice Warriors I have stationed in a fort are hardly a match for that. On the plus side, I'm starting to produce mage-priests from places OTHER than my capital. They're not very powerful or versatile, but they can be used against undead or living foes. I might even summon some undead chaff myself- though my site scans are turning up rather sad results. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Not that it matters much but I don't remember you ever having province number 56, but I must admit I just might remember wrong, and judging from the layout of the provinces - I probably do remember wrong. So my apologies on the possible error on '2 or 3'.
And while offtopic, what comes to my spellcasters. The need to move them around has crippled my research quite majorly - so they're not too scary to be even mentioned:) Apart from that I stand by my words when I said my borders now lie where I need them to be in order to feel the least bit secure. My border moves with steel, blood, and gems and currency - the pick is yours to make, Man. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
> My border moves with steel, blood, and gems and currency - the pick
> is yours to make, Man. Am I to understand that you are willing to sell the ONE province that I care about? Since the second month of the war, and I did not even consider it a war until then, this has been about province 67. I have NO interest in the other provinces you took. You could smash through my defenses... I lost most of my scouts, but I believe that at this point, you have 80% of your troops at my borders. For all I know the percentage of spellcasters may be higher. It will cost you, but if you have rock solid peace agreements with C'tis and Atlantis, you can afford it. There is nothing I can offer you to stop you in that case. But if you do not particularly wish to lose too many of your troops and would let #67 go for gems and gold instead of steel and blood, we can talk. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
C'tis has a great need for Earth Boots. Contact me with PM's if you're wlling to make one. I can pay with money. death gems or death items (I have con4).
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
As stated before I said my borders move also with gems and currency - after reviewing the situation I have come to the conclusion that I can't afford to let them move. I doubt anyone has enough to pay to make them move, it just is not worth it for the nation of Ermor at the moment.
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Sigh... I'm not going to miss any turns, but I would love to have someone take over Atlantis for me, permanently.
I'm not engaged in any wars, I have all the sea provinces, and a nice income. But this game is a bit much for me to handle, with the three other games I'm in right now, this one having the cb mod to keep track of. There's nothing wrong with my situation, its just I'm having a bit of trouble finding enough time to strategize and come up with a plan. I'll be playing this game at less than full-steam. Then again, one of the games might be switching to 36 hours... but it's still a bit much on my plate, and I wouldn't mind having someone else take control. If someone's willing to take the position, I'll brief them on the situation- diplomacy and what not. Oh, and is there a way to hand over control without giving up my password? It's no big deal if I have to, it just means I'm not extending the offer to members of Outrider... or I could just, you know, trust someone since it IS only a game. I think I'll go with the latter. But I'd rather not have the question of trust come up at all, thought its not a big deal to hand it out. I'm just tired and blathering away on my keyboard, wondering where im heading, tyhping aimlessly... I think I should go get myself some rest... How can I be so tired at eleven? It doesn't make any sense. GAH! Rambling. Rerailing my train of thought. #1 in provinces by a significant margin, with Pangaea pulling up in second, possibly to pass, unless I actually get involved in a war. #1 in built forts, might help with catching up in research. #1 in income, more or less tied with the nation of man. Barely #1 in gem income, but its nothing special, considering the number of sites I've given level 9 scans to. I am opening up some other paths than water and death, though, so there is some hope, though nothing very promising. Research is third from LAST. But ready to climb upward thanks to those forts I mentioned. Dominion is middle of the road, with dominion walls at my land borders, but lots of hostile dominion in my seas. And my army size is actually respectable if you take Ermor and Pangaea out of the equation. Strategic vision is next to last, but I've been pretty good at avoiding stalls. I don't want to make too much information public because it would handicap any replacement, but I'll share a bit to provide the flavor. My scales are order 2, productivity 3, cold 2, magic 1. With temples, my dominion is 7 in my capital. My current NAPs have varying terms, but they're more or less expiring right about now. My pretender is not a supercombatant, but is based around being a mobile spellcaster. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
You should post in a separate thread. Few people read the threads for games
they do not play. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Good point. I'll do that tomorrow. I've got one PM already, but that person might not want to take over permanently.
Edit: Thanks, Ich, for making that post for me. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
It seems C'tis launched a cowardly attack on my flank without advance warning, I guess this means war.
Well, my forces have been waiting for an opportunity to fight and die for a long while now, less than a year ago C'tis was repelled from Ermor territory, and very soon now it'll happen all over again. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
We had no NAP. What did you expect, a friendly warning? C'tis has no friends amongs the vile dead. Deceased are supposed to serve the living, not the other way around!
The sacred summer winds are blowing, blessing my kin with heat and reducing your kind to mere ashes. All hail Raiptur, the Purifier! We would also like to announce that we have no more need for Earth Boots. However, we are very intrested in a 1 Water Bracelet and some Water gems. Air booster without gems would also be intresting deal. We can trade Nature/Death booster and gems in exchange. Contact with PM if intrested. Eshum, Prophet of Raiptur |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
The nation of Ice and Bone is withdrawing from all non-agression pacts. We are not declaring war, but this is the three turn warning included in our signed agreements. Renewal of peace treaties can be discussed via in-game messaging. I am interested in renewing peace agreements with some of you, though I hope not to make it immediately obvious who I will attack. Especially since it's not obvious to me, yet.
How's Maringnon and Tien'chi, by the way? I'm looking for someone to wage war with, and am wondering whether to avoid your conflict, aid you, or assault you wholesale. Pangaea's behind on research, but ahead on aggression, it seems. What's in my best interest? It's looking a little unlikely that I'll get a sub, so I'm starting to develop some strategic goal. Would you mind switching the game over to a 30 hour quickhost? It'd be a lot easier for me to manage. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
I would just like to say that I'm not opposed to 30 hour quickhost. I don't particularly need the extra time (whoo, summer break!), but if it makes someones life easier, I'm all for it.
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
I've stalled a couple times, but those times either the server was down or the host's internet connection was down. If the server has gone down, could the host restart the timer? Often I only have one chance to connect per day and if I miss that window, then I get a stale.
On another note, Tien-chi has successfully brushed off the attacks from Marignon and Pangea. In the past few turns, Pangea has lost several armies as they broke upon Tien-chi's provincial defense like waves on rock. They have declared no war against us and not once have we attacked their lands. We expect their half-hearted attacks to continue to occur and continue to fail. Marignon has given up hope and we are advancing on their lands. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Sigh. Pangaea hasn't declared war against us, either. But they've invaded us as well. And I think I know why. It looks like my plans may be waylaid a bit, but hopefully that may be all.
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Yeah, I think we killed their pretender when we both simultaneously attacked a neutral province. He must still be holding a grudge about that. Though, I don't know why he would start another war when he isn't really making progress in his war against me.
I guess we'll have to take care of them after we finish up Marignon. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
I am all for making the game run every 36 or 48 hours. In all honesty, I am
struggling not to stall, and have taken turns with 15mn to spare. At work, I have lost a person from my VERY small IT department, and I go home very late... it would help if I did not have to religiously get on-line and send some pacifist orders. I think that today I may be up for some very simple orders again. In any case, thanks to Pangaea for at least not attacking _me_ Of course, that may have to do with us not having much of a border. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Another raiding party, it seems Pangaea is serious.
Sigh... 30 units? Certainly I don't have much PD, but I can easily outproduce that. The problem is I have too much exposed territory. I'll have to decide carefully what to do, or I'll burn myself out chasing after raiding parties. It's not like there's only one way into my territory, and the amount of PD I'd need to spread around... Certainly fortifying the site thats producing them, they are. They're spawning out enough to overwhelm light pd, but at least they can't put any PD or castles up underwater. Actually... maybe they can, now that I think about it. Though I think a Living Castle is a bit unlikely, all things considered. EDIT: A little note for the hoster, Cooron. Your status page is quite handy, I'm exceedingly grateful for it. I will mention one small flaw I just noticed. At this moment, it shows my turn (31) as completed. In reality, all I did was connect, download, look at my turn, then quit without saving. If I reconnect, the in-game interface shows my turn as untaken. Thanks again for the info webpage, I've found it handy. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
I couldn't connect to the server about 8 am this morning.
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Did you try
I haven't had any trouble connecting since I set up a shortcut with that instead of dominions3.dy.fi |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
I am already using the IP in my shortcut. I was able to get home for lunch to do my turn.
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Yeah- its cool. I really don't mind whether its worked around or not, what I'm interested in is seeing Man send in their turn so I can see the results of my retaliation against Pangaea, and hearing a bit from Cooron. Quiet sort, while I blather pointlessly sometimes, but I do like to gossip about the game a bit. Pangaea is currently 'silent but deadly', growing large, saying little. Perhaps a more strategically wise way of playing than some of the tidbits I've given up on occasion.
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
As soon as I get home... This is why I would like a longer timer. Right now
I have to take my turn as soon as I get home. Feels like a job :-( Especially in a game in which I feel as useless as in this one. There isn't much that Man can do against Ermor. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
I haven't played Man yet, myself. Someone's always grabbed it before me.
Your post... It's given me some interesting ideas as to how I might try to use air and nature magic against hordes of undead, but... Lacking any experience, I guess I'll have to try a sp test game at home, though MP opponents are always more challenging. On top of that, this is a CB game, so I really have no idea how my ideas will turn out, even against the unclever ai. EDIT: Actually, I'm pretty skeptical about my ideas, the more I think of them, but oh well, I'll try em out anyways in a quick SP game. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
What nature magic? LA Man has no nature mages. I am fighting Ermor
over a province that had nature mages before he devastated it. And now I am off to take my turn. I hope it is not too late. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
As I said, I have VERY little experience. I got confused with MA Man.
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
And now Pangaea has left the seas to attack Ctis...
I'm assuming they made a small move order mistake there. Or are trying to start a world war. My retaliation was underwhelming, to say the least. But at least I discovered all those harpies at relatively little expense, just some death gems. |
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Pan tried to attack me too maybe he just got bored?
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