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Jazzepi August 15th, 2007 08:13 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
1 Attachment(s)
Yummy, the people of Jomon have broken the backs of the army of the double traitorous Hako.

Just in case no one has noticed, Emor is growing at an astounding rate. We call upon all nations nearby him to attack swiftly and without mercy. He will soon overwhelm the entire north eastern section of the map if he is not stopped now.


Meglobob August 15th, 2007 10:03 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)

Jazzepi said:Just in case no one has noticed, Emor is growing at an astounding rate. We call upon all nations nearby him to attack swiftly and without mercy. He will soon overwhelm the entire north eastern section of the map if he is not stopped now.


Oh please spare me, how exactly am I going to overwhelm the NE of the map? When I can't even overwhelm Ulm?

Also what happened to dieing shortly like you said previously? You really should not make promises that you can't keep... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

My 1,000's of undead should be no problem to the mighty Jomon anyway after there defeat of elite Abysia warriors. You can probably defeat me all by yourself...and then go on to terrorise the world... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Jazzepi August 17th, 2007 01:18 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
I'll terroriZe the world all by myself, sure http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif


Lingchih August 24th, 2007 09:58 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Well fought, Mictlan. You still packed quite a punch in that last province. My Vans will sing songs about all their brethren killed in that battle, and the bravery of your soldiers.

Sensori September 3rd, 2007 08:47 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Looks like this game'll be Ermor's. Why do I get the weird feeling that I'm the only one actually "fighting" him right now? Oh well. ;p It's been funny running away from like three over thousand undead armies.... Or make it one over 1,5k army and two over 500 ones, but still, the effect is the same.

Lingchih September 4th, 2007 01:17 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Nah, he hasn't even encountered the western nations yet. If all the western nations band together, I think we would stand a chance against him. That said, R'lyeh would have to abandon it's attacking of Man, and instead turn toward the East.

Meglobob September 4th, 2007 09:56 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)

Sensori said:
Looks like this game'll be Ermor's.

Far, far too early to say that.

Also very insulting to the other world powers, R'lyeh, Man, Arco, T'ien Ch'i.

You yourself (Marignon) are pretty powerful and I have yet to do more than merely scratch you.

Btw did no one tell you, its Holy Marignon's sole responsibility to destroy Unholy Ermor... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif


Sensori said:Why do I get the weird feeling that I'm the only one actually "fighting" him right now?

Thats because you and Ulm are the only ones fighting me. I have yet to attack anyone yet. Theres no need, everyone just attacks me and I defend myself.

Notice how Patala meekly give up, after his attack Ermor, attack Ermor, Ermor must be stopped nonsense. Did not even raise a short sword to back his own words up. Moral of the story, only follow a leader who leads from the front.

Sensori September 4th, 2007 10:19 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)

You yourself (Marignon) are pretty powerful and I have yet to do more than merely scratch you.

That's because I've managed to dodge your biggest armies a few times, nothing more. I can't hold your zomg 7k and growing fast army at bay with my army of zomg 1,3k and growing pretty slowly. I've won like 1 battle, while you've won all the rest. ;p You don't even need a strategy, all you need to do is come in with your insane undead rush army and it's laik instalose.


Thats because you and Ulm are the only ones fighting me. I have yet to attack anyone yet. Theres no need, everyone just attacks me and I defend myself.

So Jomon, who asked me to attack you, quit fighting you? And Abysia is not fighting you? Sounds "nice". Hey Meglo, I think I found someone to give my gems to when I lose, since all the rest of these guys are PANSIES. At least Ulm tried until he got hacked into shreds. :/

Stryke11 September 4th, 2007 02:01 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
By the numbers, Ermor is tough, yes. But being as they are underwater and many of us don't have amphibious capabilities, and even with items our troops have disadvantages, I'd say R'lyeh has more defensive staying power.

My line of heavily guarded coastal provinces with mage support, who of course are just sitting there because they cannot attack is testament to that.

Wind Guide = lifesaver.

Sensori September 6th, 2007 10:02 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
I'm going to go away on Friday and come back on Sunday, so if there's gonna be a turn I might stale, could the turn be postponed a little? Pretty please!

Zachariah September 7th, 2007 03:38 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
I AI'd Ulm cuz they were about to stale again.

Meglobob September 7th, 2007 02:56 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
A dangerous breakaway cult of Ermor priests have taken over province Acyste(51), directly neighbouring Arco's capital.

Ermor has no control over this dangerous cult and his not responsible for any actions they take in the area.

Should any of the neighbouring powers, Arco, Pangaea or C'tis seek to eliminate them feel free to do so.

Stryke11 September 7th, 2007 09:44 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Hail friends. Just a head's up that I have set Man to computer controlled. I missed a turn recently because I have been busy and the commitment required to keep things up is more than I have. Also, I am friendly with my two land-based neighbors and don't want to attack them, and R'lyeh is coming after me (and only me, since they are completely safe in the water) hard, and since I have no amphibious ability, and cannot counterattack, basically were I to continue I'd just have to create troops, send them to the coast, fight off R'lyeh. Defend. Fight off R'lyeh again. Get beaten. Send another army up to take the land back again. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. For weeks. Not so much fun, especially when I don't hardly have any time to play anyway.

Midgard and Pan: feel free to take my territories. To the host, thank you for running this great game!

Good luck everyone!

Lingchih September 8th, 2007 12:26 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Wow, that changes this game immensely (for me and Pan anyway). Sorry to see you bow out Stryke.

Wahnsinniger September 8th, 2007 11:00 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Darn you and your cultists! Right in the middle of a warzone nonetheless.

Meglobob September 9th, 2007 03:21 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)

Wahnsinniger said:
Darn you and your cultists! Right in the middle of a warzone nonetheless.

They are drawn to the smell of death.

Sensori September 9th, 2007 03:13 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
I is back lawl, sank joo for waiting!

Sensori September 16th, 2007 12:11 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Well, that's it ya bastaads, I'm going AI, have fun with a huge Ermor. ;p

Lingchih October 5th, 2007 01:27 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
I think Man is doing better since he went AI.

Meglobob October 9th, 2007 08:53 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
New patch 3.10 out, but please remember to do your turn with 3.08 until the host updates the server.

Reverend Zombie October 9th, 2007 09:47 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)

Lingchih said:
I think Man is doing better since he went AI.

He's fighting me, and he definitely is. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif

Meglobob October 9th, 2007 10:29 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)

Reverend Zombie said:

Lingchih said:
I think Man is doing better since he went AI.

He's fighting me, and he definitely is. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif

At least the AI nations on my side... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Snacktime October 10th, 2007 08:46 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Hey - can we safely upgrade to 3.10 or do we need to keep on 3.08 for this game for a while?

Snacktime October 10th, 2007 09:14 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Also, is there a server problem? I staled last turn because I did my whole turn and then it told me connection to server broken. The same is threatening to happen again...the problem is not my internet connection.

Snacktime October 10th, 2007 11:48 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Can someone delay the turn for 24 hours? My whole turn was lost for the second time in a row I assume because the connection with the server was lost; I'd rather not stale twice, and I doubt I can redo before the time runs.

Meglobob October 10th, 2007 12:16 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
The server is down.

Someone probably crashed it by doing there turn using 3.10.

Use 3.08 until Zachariah updates the server with 3.10.

I have PM'ed Zachariah.

Lingchih October 10th, 2007 09:01 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Actually, Zach upgraded the server to 3.10 (or so he posted in the game the next port up-8097, Dawn of War).

I logged into Dawn of War and did my turn just fine with 3.10. But this game is down... just hangs on the waiting for server screen.

Snacktime October 10th, 2007 09:55 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Given the server problems, can we delay the next turn for another 48 hours after the server is fixed? My ability to redo my turn will be limited in the next 24 hours.

hako October 13th, 2007 07:42 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Is server alright? I cannot connect... Using still 3.08 or 3.10?

Meglobob October 13th, 2007 09:38 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
I can connect fine with 3.10.

3.08 no longer works.

Zachariah October 13th, 2007 07:32 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
yah, sorry: server updated to 3.10

Lingchih October 13th, 2007 11:16 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
I don't have the big picture, but I can read the graphs. Is it time to just give this game to Ermor, or are there enough forces out there to continue? I can hold against him for maybe 10 more turns, but it will be purely a defensive retreat on my part. Does anyone seriously challenge him?

Sir_Dr_D October 14th, 2007 12:27 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
The army size of ermor doesn't concern me. It is easy enough to destroy huge armies of skeletons.

But Ermor has twice as much magic reasearch as anyone else, an insane gem income, and most of the provinces on the map.

Even if we all ban together I don't see how we can beat them.

Snacktime October 14th, 2007 02:12 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
We have to throw everything we have at him, defensive retreats won't work because he gets bigger and bigger. Let's take our massive losses now in an all out offensive rather than slink back to our capitals to die.

I know it's hard to tell because I can't see the whole map, but I still don't think everyone has really started fighting Ermor full on. Midgard just got to him really, and I don't think R'lyeh is fighting him right now, nor is Pangaea.

The odds are terrible so I understand, but our only chance is if we all throw everything at him at once.

Of course, I agree that the chances are low, and I gotta believe Utterdark is coming soon...

Lingchih October 14th, 2007 02:52 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
OK. I will fight on as long as everyone else is willing, or at least until my Pretender has bit it. I have an army or two of his tied up for now, so someone please try and take advantage of that.


Meglobob October 14th, 2007 05:43 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Thats the spirit...where theres life theres hope!

Cthulhu, the Hidden One, the Undeceivable God, the Far Traveler and Moe, God of Mountains, Bestower of Good Gifts, Symbol of Unchallenged Victory are still very much a serious threat to me.

I have been fighting R'yleh for some time now btw...

R'yleh, T'ien Ch'i, Abysia and Midgard have all been attacking me.

I am very interested in seeing if I can win vs you all and bringing eternal night and damnation to the world of Starfall.

Lingchih October 14th, 2007 05:48 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Which begs the question? Why has Pangaea not attacked Ermor?

Sir_Dr_D October 14th, 2007 01:21 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Pangaea would like to borrow either a ring of sorcery, a cloak of the Magi, or aring of wizardry for one turn. If someone can offer me one it will make a big diference.

Zachariah October 16th, 2007 02:16 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
i AI'd Abysia cuz they were about to stale a 2nd time in a row.

Lingchih October 16th, 2007 11:35 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Fight on against the darkness. Hope is not yet lost (although it's pretty damn close to being lost).

In other news, AI Man is now destroying Pangaea, routing R'lyeh, and massing huge armies on my southern border.

Go AI!!!

Snacktime October 16th, 2007 11:45 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
There sure has been a lot of premature AI'ing in this game. What's up with that? I mean the minute I gained a leg up on Patala he went AI, and Jomon, Man and Arco went AI for unclear reasons way before they were defeated. Sort of defeats the purpose of an MP game.

*end rant*

Lingchih October 16th, 2007 11:46 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
If only we could convince the AI to attack Ermor http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Snacktime October 16th, 2007 11:51 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Man AI is like having a tiny slice of Ermor on the other side of the map annoying Midgard, Pangaea and Rlyeh. The AI will never attack Ermor because he's never even seen Ermor, and I'm sure Ermor will happily spare him until all the humans are dead.

Lingchih October 16th, 2007 11:58 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Actually Man has a border with Ermor now. That shows you how well they are doing. But yeah, why would it attack Ermor, when it has such juicier targets that are already at war with it.

Sir_Dr_D October 17th, 2007 12:34 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)

Lingchih said:
In other news, AI Man is now destroying Pangaea, routing R'lyeh, and massing huge armies on my southern border.

Yes I am losing to AI Man right now. It is rather embarassing. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/fear.gif Lets not mention it.

Sensori October 17th, 2007 06:05 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)

Snacktime said:
There sure has been a lot of premature AI'ing in this game. What's up with that? I mean the minute I gained a leg up on Patala he went AI, and Jomon, Man and Arco went AI for unclear reasons way before they were defeated.

As I said, PANSIES the lot of 'em! At least I was at death's door when I went AI. Ermor had destroyed my armies and was at my capital. And NO ONE was willing to help against Ermor except Coobe and his already back then dead Ulm.

And to all those who said that "nooooo Ermor won't be a problem for us western nations"...

Who's laughing NOW?

Reverend Zombie October 17th, 2007 09:38 AM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)

Sensori said:

And to all those who said that "nooooo Ermor won't be a problem for us western nations"...

Who's laughing NOW?

Only the dead http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/skull.gif...or the mad!!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

Meglobob October 17th, 2007 04:05 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)

Snacktime said:
Man AI is like having a tiny slice of Ermor on the other side of the map annoying Midgard, Pangaea and Rlyeh. The AI will never attack Ermor because he's never even seen Ermor, and I'm sure Ermor will happily spare him until all the humans are dead.


Ermor found the minds of Man weak, we influence them to do our bidding... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

You should all accept your fate and join the ever growing ranks of the undead... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Snacktime October 19th, 2007 05:56 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
The brave warriors of Tien Chi take down yet another 1000 unit army of undead. These jokers haven't beaten me yet, but I still feel hopeless. Something about getting as many new troops a turn as I have levied in the entire game...

Also, and I hate to do this, but can we delay the turn clock until Monday? I am going out of town this weekend and unexpectedly won't have internet due to a broken wireless card without time to fix. I don't think I'll have time to do my current turn before I go. I'd really appreciate it - let me know. I'd send a pm but I'm not sure who is in control of the server.

Meglobob October 19th, 2007 06:42 PM

Re: Game: Star Fall (open)
Zacariah is the host and in charge of the server.

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