![]() |
Re: Question for non-interested people
If you are a little sophisticated with a graphics program then you can create your own wraparound maps, at least from random maps, with a little post-processing. See here for example:
http://graphicssoft.about.com/librar...aa080499p2.htm |
Next game recruiting (Bragi)
Bragi is now recruiting. At the moment I will maintain the player list here and in the first post.
Players: Caduceus Halaster Reverend Zombie Ramz Dementd EarthRaver |
Re: Question for non-interested people
You still looking for players? If so, I'd join in. Faction and age don't really matter, I'm just looking to get into the whole PbEM stuff. Single player gets boring after awhile... CU, Halaster |
Re: Question for non-interested people
Yessir, we're still recruiting. I intend to always have a game open in this thread. We got Atla started off, and now I'm recruiting for "Bragi" the second game, same basic settings, unless someone puts in a request. Adding you to the list.
Re: Question for non-interested people
Please sign me up!
Re: Question for non-interested people
Id like to play, this will be my first mp game and i have no preference in age or faction.
Thanks, Ramz |
Re: Question for non-interested people
Signed up. I'll spawn off another thread shortly, but should we wait for near 8 players, or kick off a small game ASAP?
Re: Question for non-interested people
i want to join bragi!!! can i choose a nation or is it random? what age will it be?
I would like to join Bragi as Arco. I have played in one other multiplayer game before, so I am pretty new at this, but have not missed a turn yet.
BRAGI Spawned
Middle Age, Nation of Choice, you two are both allowed in, and I'll spawn the game thread within the hour.
EDIT below: Bragi game thread has been spawned. Will be linked to in first post. All further recruiting will be done there. I will read and keep up to date on any requests within this thread, but... Once Bragi gets started, I'll start organizing the 'c' series game in this thread. |
Re: BRAGI Spawned
LP, I just finally did the FAQ, so you can probably replace technical posts on this thread (such as the biggish one on the first page) with a link to the FAQ.
Re: BRAGI Spawned
FAQ linked, and linked again.
Bah... my Norse Source has no C entries. I think I'll skip C for the moment. http://www.sunnyway.com/runes/gods.html http://www.pantheon.org/areas/geneal...pal_norse.html Now recruiting for game number 3, Dagur |
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
Hey i'm interested in joining this Dagur game, what do I have to do to join?
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
I'd like to join Dagur game. If possible I prefer Pythium or Caelum.
Thanks. |
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
For the moment, you just have to state your intention, and pick a faction (or two, so you have a backup). Once we've got enough players, we'll spin the game off into its own thread and instructions will be posted. If you're curious now, you can check out the llamaserver FAQ I link to in the first post.
If you have any particular preferences other than Middle Age and the settings posted in the first post, now's a good time, though not the only time. P.S. you can take your time in choosing a faction. A simple statement of intent to play is enough. |
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
ok, i'll be playing Jotunheim
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
I'll play in Dagur (MA, right?), unless there is another EA game that is going to start shortly. I need to figure out who to play though. I'm thinking Man or Marignon.
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
I'd like to play in Dagur.
Ulm would be my first choice. Bandar Log my second. Also I'd like to use the Worthy Heroes mod but it's not a big deal. |
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
I'll spawn off a game thread for Dagur sometime today or tomorrow, with a full updated list of players.
Still, before then, I want to ask you here, in here, whether we get the game started ASAP by restricting it to four players, or wait and see if we can get eight? |
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
I prefer eight.
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
8 players
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
I'd like to join Dagur as Marignon or Abyssia if thats possible.
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
8 would be preferable for me too.
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
Okay, that seems sufficent. 8 it is.
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
Hey LP--
It seems that this took a little bit to get going, but you're really cranking them out pretty quick now. If have not said it already--thanks a bunch for dooing this. I only wish I could play in more games! Any thoughts on maybe starting a MASSIVE game as opposed to those with 6-8 players? |
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Recruiting for Dagur)
You're welcome.
But massive games? I've previously figured I'd let people spawn those on their own. Llamabeasts willing to let people use his server, and those often seem an event to organize and get started. I'd be happy to advise where I can, but people like Gandalf and Velusion probably have the most experience. Anyways, no, I hadn't considered MASSIVE games, at all. I wouldn't object to hearing other, more experience multiplayers' thoughts on MASSIVE games. I might become willing to do it. Current opinion? Keep it medium-small and wait for problems to arise. Already we've put quite a bit of polish on introducing people to PBEM, and me remembering what details need to be shared and where. I'd planned on later mixing up some game settings, but I hadn't thought far beyond maybe switching to EA at the end of the Alphabet and going Celtic. I'd certainly be willing to organize two games at once. One 8 player one and one full packed one- the only problem is I'm not really interested in watching over such a game all the way into eternity, especially since I haven't paid too much attention to the great big ones to see their potential pitfalls. I'd be happy to get a little advice, and then organize those massive games, especially if I could then hand the reins of power over to some megalomaniac. WEEEE!!!! WEEEE!!!! TO MUCH ENERGY IS CONTAINED IN A TWO LITER BOTTLE OF CHERRY COKE!!! WEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Okay, so where wwawwadasss I? YARRRR!!!! Talk amongst yourselves, whilst I regain my sanities. As if I have more than one anyways. The voices in my eyes tell the feet in my fingers otherwise. |
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Big Arse Game)
Anyways... pretend that didn't happen.
Aethyr - The next game this thread is going to spawn is going to be a large one. Single era only, though. Nice big map, as many nations as possible. Jazzepi - You want to pick settings/map for this new game (large) or the one after that (medium, 8 players max)? General Announcement 1: Shortly, Llamabeast will be traveling abroad for a week or so. So, no new games can start. Now, just because we can't start them doesn't mean we can't recruit and organize them. General Announcement 2: I'm now recruiting for [placeholder name]Big Arse Game[/placeholder name]. BAG will kick off in around two to three weeks. Ideally, we'll have someone playing every nation. Era not yet decided, will NOT BE EA. There's already a game recruiting all the way up to a full house for that era. I recommend joining the not yet named game first, and only signing up here if someone already took all the nations you're comfortable with. |
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Big Arse Game)
I'm in for the BAG. Woohoo!
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Big Arse Game)
Maybe you should spin off a separate thread if you want to organise a BAG and continue to organise small games here - having a constant source of smallish games is a really good setup I think.
(I prefer smallish games myself since the big ones go on forever, although that doesn't actually matter since I won't be joining a game soon - but other people might feel similarly) |
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Big Arse Game)
Well, since you're going off for week, I figure I'll just hijack this thread and take the extra time to figure out what the heck to do. Maybe in the future... but these are my testing grounds where I hammer (like thor) out the details, and any small game I organized, I couldn't start.
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Big Arse Game)
I'm in for the BAG as well.
Re: Halls of Valhalla - (Big Arse Game)
I gues I should put in my plac holder now: Mid - Man; Late -Marignon. Thanks
B.A.G. placeholder
MA-Marignon; LA-Ulm
Re: B.A.G. placeholder
MA-Bandar Log
LA- Arco |
Re: B.A.G. placeholder
Can pick one, or all the way to three nations per era, and vote for an era, as well. You'll only be able to play one, but if you're not particular, pick a secondary. It'll make it easier to recruit a full crowd. If you want only one nation, than I'll respect that, as well, first come, first serve.
Lazy P - Aga, Atl, Cti Aethyr: Mid--Eriu, Man, T'ien Ch'i Late--Jomon, Marignon, Midgard RevZomb - MidMar, MidCti, MidEri, LateCti, LateUlm,LateMan Papasto - MidBan, LateArco I'll tidy things up once llamabeast's back, and go on a recruiting spree, flesh out some details. Iron out the age. |
Re: B.A.G. placeholder
Re: B.A.G. placeholder
OK LP, here's my expanded choices. Please note my first choice has changed (both).
Mid--Eriu, Man, T'ien Ch'i Late--Jomon, Marignon, Midgard No preference on mid or late. Thanks |
Re: B.A.G. placeholder
I will play a random nation. They're all fairly new to me.
Re: B.A.G. placeholder
Any particular playstyle you find yourself favoring in other strategy games, MAJ_Disgrace? I could make some suggestions or make a choice for you. However, if you prefer random, I can easily do that for you.
Re: B.A.G. placeholder
I've played C'tis and I'm currently getting my tail kicked as EA Ulm. But last night I started reading the strategy guides and things are becoming clearer. I enjoy getting a random nation and "playing the hand I'm dealt."
Re: B.A.G. placeholder
I've settled (last change I promise) Mid: Man Late: Marignon Thanks |
Re: B.A.G. placeholder
I'll update tomorrow, the list.
Actually, feel free to as indecisive as you like. Without LB, no game can start, and if you're indecisive, it gives me a reason to put off choosing a faction. |
Re: B.A.G. placeholder
Ha! My problem is that I've spent almost 100% of my dom3 play time in EA. Thanks for the flexibility.
Re: B.A.G. placeholder
OK, here I go again...
Mid: T'ien Ch'i Late: Marignon (unchanged) My preference is to play a Mid Era game. |
B.A.G. placeholder
I probably shouldn't do this, but here goes:
MA: Ermor, Man, Pythium Late: Man, Marignon, Jomon I'm definitely interested in the short game as it appears my Dagur game will be short. |
How many Games?
Okay. I'll spin off a thread for BAG once llamabeast returns to us.
Before he went on vacation, we were in a bit of a discussion about whether I was creating to many games. We haven't finalized anything, including my opinion, but I was thinking about several options. 1). Continue creating games once a week. 2). Create a game on a bimonthly basis (say, first and third Sundays, for instance) 3). Create a game on a monthly basis. 4). Stop creating games 5). Poll people for feedbacks and opinions Problems were several-fold. Limited number of subs, people over-joining games (maybe I can limit participation to one Valhalla game at a time), college curriculum. The capacity of the llamaserver was not an issue. Primarily, we're wondering if we're harming games by creating a shortage of substitutes, and letting people join to many games. I had several thoughts on the subjects, but decided to take the position of devil's advocate, and argue that this surplus of games may actually be beneficial, or at least that a deficit of substitutes existed before. I came to the conclusion that it would be interesting to watch how atla, bragi, and dagur develop. I'll spare you from all my talking points, though, since I'm not trying to convince you yet. Right now, I'd be interested in hearing what people have to say, though the final word comes down to llama, then me, and lastly, you. At the moment, I'm leaning towards creating games once every two weeks. |
Re: How many Games?
I think creating games on a bimonthly basis is best. There are several reasons for this:
1) It gives people a chance to try new nations and pretender builds. 2) People know how long it will be until the next game is started. 3) People can get acclimated to their games before deciding if they are going to join a new one. I would also leave open the option of creating an additional game if demand is high. I think games are best if they are in the 8-10 player range, enough to give a good degree of variety and interaction, but small enough to keep the game moving. If the scheduled 8-10 player game fills up fast, you can always have a spillover game start up to take the overflow. The only other important thing is to keep eras fluid, don't start up a bunch of any one type of game at one time, unless that is what players want. |
Re: How many Games?
I think Warhammer's idea of an "on demand" game to catch any spill over is a great one.
I think this approach would allow for a slower approach with beneifts: 1) Add only 1 game a month; 2) Generate addtional games "on demand"; 3) Assessment what that demand really is, and increase to bi-monthly later if warranted; 4) Evaluate impact on substitute availability; I also concur that some attempt should be made to give all eras exposure. |
Re: How many Games?
I do plan to expose all eras.
I'll probably do three medium games followed by one large game, then change some setting, especially the era. Thanks for the feedback, and I'll be glad to hear more. |
Re: How many Games?
I wouldn't wait 4 games before changing the era, but that is just me. I would do one in each era, then the big game in era X. But that's me...
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