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Lazy_Perfectionist September 4th, 2007 12:20 PM

Re: Recruiting
A little trouble fitting in Janlm.
R'lyeh, Mictlan, Marignon.

I can resolve this on my own, but first I'll ask for a volunteer.

Those natiosn are taken by MAJ_Disgrace, Evilhomer, Jazzepi...

Evilhomer has the exact same request list, so I can't ask you to change. Though I could work something out if I juggled more people.

On the other hand, MAJ_Disgrace selected random, and Jazzepi also selected Caelum, a nation that no one has yet taken dibs on.

I wish to apologize for various screenname typos, my player list is corrected now. I'll try to get your names right from now on.

fungalreason September 4th, 2007 01:31 PM

Re: Recruiting
I'll hop in as Man if no one has taken them yet

Janlm September 4th, 2007 01:50 PM

Re: Recruiting
hmm, its a bit dificult for me to get a good overview of this, which nations are still free?

Lazy_Perfectionist September 4th, 2007 04:49 PM

Re: Recruiting
Check my second post in this thread, Janlm. I maintain the most up-to date list there. There's two parts to it. A 'preferences' list, that allows for some flexibility in filling in nations and is kept on hand incase I need to juggle nations to accommodate people, and a fluid, changing 'nation-player' list. I'll format that post for more easy reading.

If you want the simplest path, look at the second list, and select an empty slot. However, you can request nations already taken since I've had almost everyone list three options. However, there are no guarantees there, and the best bet is just to pick one with an empty slot.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 4th, 2007 04:56 PM

Re: Recruiting
Currently, Pangaea and Caelum are guaranteed open. fungalreaon has just gotten Man.

Velusion September 4th, 2007 11:33 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Eh... What the hell... I'll take Caelum.

Are there going to me mod nations included?

MrSparkle September 4th, 2007 11:37 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
If you guys don't mind anyone new to the multiplayer game I'll take Pangaea.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 4th, 2007 11:47 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Well... I'm going to stop accepting new players on Thursday.
Some people have mentioned certain mod nations, but no one has actually requested to play one themselves. So...
Velusion - Caelum. MrSparkle - Pangaea. Janlm - substitute or... takes a mod nation. I'm pretty certain at least one nation won't show up to the start.

Hmm... perhaps we can do something about this. Give me a little while to think things over before we consider this player list final. These are just my brainfarts made flesh, not imperial dictates.

Velusion September 5th, 2007 12:06 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
I can make a map if need be. I can just generate a bunch and photoshop the best. Thats what I do for all the games I host...

Jazzepi September 5th, 2007 12:21 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
I think you should take Velusion up on his offers. I've always enjoyed his maps.


Janlm September 5th, 2007 01:22 AM

Re: Recruiting
jeez, you have to be fast here, or everything gets taken under your nose, guess i can't join this one then.

Burnsaber September 5th, 2007 03:31 AM

Re: Recruiting
This is a opportunty to spread mod nation awareness that I simply can't miss.

I'd like to play Ulm Reborn (if it's okay with everyone).

Evilhomer September 5th, 2007 03:35 AM

Re: Recruiting
I wouldn't mind playing a mod nation - We should however agree what mod nations are balanced for vanilla gameplay (Sombre can probably tell us which). I have heard that Ulm reborn is balanced so its probably oki.

Burnsaber September 5th, 2007 03:40 AM

Re: Recruiting

Evilhomer said:
I wouldn't mind playing a mod nation - We should however agree what mod nations are balanced for vanilla gameplay (Sombre can probably tell us which). I have heard that Ulm reborn is balanced so its probably oki.

Well, Ulm Reborn is made by Sombre, so I'm quite sure it's balanced. I think we should stick to those nation mods that have been CB'd. Sombre can probably tell us if we should use the CB or vanilla version.

I think that there are 3 more CB'd LA nations. Vaettiheim, Kharamz Dhuz and Teutanion (or whatever)

Janlm September 5th, 2007 05:53 AM

Re: Recruiting
ok i think i'll be willing to try out Vaettiheim, or perhaps this Kharamz Dhuz, if i ever figure out what they are.. And if everyone agrees that they are balanced enough to use.

Or, if someone bails out with another interesting nation, i'll just claim that http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

llamabeast September 5th, 2007 06:07 AM

Re: Recruiting
Vaettiheim has my vote as one of the most fun LA nations. But then I do like goblins for some reason.

Janlm September 5th, 2007 06:09 AM

Re: Recruiting
yeah i've just been reading the thread, they look kinda cool. Sign me up for Vaettiheim. I asume i'll have a few days to figure them out http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Reverend Zombie September 5th, 2007 09:34 AM

Re: Recruiting

Burnsaber said:
This is a opportunty to spread mod nation awareness that I simply can't miss.

I'd like to play Ulm Reborn (if it's okay with everyone).

It doesn't make sense thematically to have them in the game along with Black Forest Ulm (which I'll be playing) but if that doesn't bug anyone else, I won't object.

llamabeast September 5th, 2007 09:36 AM

Re: Recruiting
Aw, clash of the Ulms would be awesome!

That actually sounds like quite a good 2-player scenario, might try that some time.

Ramz September 5th, 2007 04:47 PM

Re: Recruiting
Don't know if there are any nations left, but i would like to join if possible.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 5th, 2007 05:22 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ

Velusion said:
I can make a map if need be. I can just generate a bunch and photoshop the best. Thats what I do for all the games I host...

I am interested in taking you up on this offer. I'd like to be involved in the selection at some stage, though. Help, if I might, learn if I an.

Notes: Evilhomer is considering a mod nation, Mictlan may or may not be available for Ramz. If Evilhomer doesn't change nations, Ramz will have to take a mod nation. We're still accepting new players, but they need to lay claim to a mod nation. I'll make a post shortly discussing/listing mod nations, but feel free to suggest a mod nation as well.

Current Nation-Player list:
Abysia - Szumo
Agartha - Hadrian_II
Arcoscephale - Papatoss
Atlantis - Lazy_Perfectionist
Caelum - Velusion
Ctis - Baalz
Ermor - AdmiralZhao
Jomon - Jomon
Man - fungalreason
Marignon - MAJ_Disgrace
Mictlan - EvilHomer
Midgard - Aethyr
Pangaea - MrSparkle
Patala - calmon
R'lyeh - Jazzepi
T'ien Ch'i - Saarud
Ulm - Reverend Zombie
Ulm Reborn - Burnsaber
Vaettiheim - Janlm
Utgard - duke_commando

Jazzepi September 5th, 2007 05:27 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
I would like to keep the mod nations to a minimum myself. I played in some all mod games recently, and I did not feel that they were terribly well balanced for large scale multiplayer.


Lazy_Perfectionist September 5th, 2007 06:51 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
So be it. We'll get Ramz get a mod nation. We'll have the game limited to three mod nations, and stop accepting any new players. Three mod nations out of 21 shouldn't unbalance the overall gameplay too much.

If they are too strong, we should be able to manage a strategic alliance and offer the mod creators some feedback.

Velusion September 5th, 2007 07:52 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
LP -

Let me know approximately how many water/land provinces you would like, I'll work up a map and PM you with the link for your feed back.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 5th, 2007 08:54 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Hmm... In my single player games (1 on 1), I generally go with 15 provinces per player to prevent anyone being stuck too close together. But my experience with large games is non-existent. Recommendations would be nice. Otherwise, I'm shooting in the dark.

15x21 = 315 maybe too large?
10x21 = 210 maybe too crowded, especially with unfamiliar mod nations?

By magically pulling an arbitrary number out of my ***, lets go for 260 provinces. So thats about 17 players 15 provinces each, or 26 players 10 provinces each for the RMG.

Velusion September 5th, 2007 08:56 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
I like your original preference at 15 provinces per player if you're going for votes http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

All my games are big games and thats approximately what I use.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 5th, 2007 09:09 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
They won't take to long to finish with 360 something provinces?

Well, I don't have any real opinion on the matter, so just go with your best judgement on the size.

I do have some particular opinions on water provinces and mountains, though. I might tweak some watery areas to contain fewer provinces and better sailing opportunities. I'll also make sure there are some real mountains for the sake of Agartha.

If you'd like, I'd crack open the GIMP and/or Photoshop to try and make a map wraparound.

Jazzepi September 5th, 2007 09:10 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
I'd say somewhere between 13-15 per player is a good sweet spot to hit.

I tried 10 per player in Ludus, and that was a pretty tight fit IMHO. We had a lot of rushers.


Lazy_Perfectionist September 5th, 2007 09:27 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
So, velusion, if you find several you want to run by me, try uploading them as a lower-quality jpeg first. That way, you won't spend all day uploading a rmg only to find out I'm not interested. Once we both think a particular map has potential, then we can go to less compressed, lossless formats, and tweak from there.

Ramz September 6th, 2007 11:15 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Don't know much about the balance of mod nations but can i be sylvania, the nation of elves i believe.

llamabeast September 6th, 2007 11:25 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Sylvania are good fun. However, they may be a little overpowered - it might be worth asking Sombre if he has any opinions on this, and if he has time to tone them down slightly (I'm just about to go on holiday so can't really help).

Janlm September 6th, 2007 05:05 PM

Re: BAG (Closed, Finalizing Setup)
is it time to submit pretenders?

Lazy_Perfectionist September 6th, 2007 06:40 PM

Re: BAG (Closed, Finalizing Setup)
You may, but there's no need to hurry.

The game is set up, and will take your pretender (and also a replacement, if you change your mind), but we won't be able to actually start the game until Friday the Fourteenth, for a few technical reasons.

Velusion September 7th, 2007 12:24 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
I kicked off the script to generate a bunch of map files this morning. Hopefully I'll have something to show LP by tonight/tomorrow.

Saarud September 8th, 2007 01:45 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Guys I just got confirmed that I am going for a trip on 21st september and won't be back until the 24th september. I won't be able to do my turns during this trip. I think the best thing is to give up Tien Chi for someone else. I try to get in another game after the 24th.

Aethyr September 8th, 2007 02:41 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Well...It looks like I will have to bow out as well; I've a big project at work that will require some concentration.

I could probably be OK for a while, but the Sons of Odin deserve someone who can give them more focus.

Good luck guys.

Baalz September 8th, 2007 10:58 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Do we want to open this game back up to get a full house?

Lazy_Perfectionist September 8th, 2007 11:48 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ

Lazy_Perfectionist September 8th, 2007 02:16 PM

Later, I'll include some direct links, but mods...

We'll be using the latest versions of Sylvania, Vaettihiem, and Ulm Reborn. They seem to have made some balance changes, so we'll avoid the CBM versions atm.

Since we can't start for a week, anyways, I figure I'll (maybe you as well) run an ai test game against them to see whats what. Can't promise that, but CBM is an option, though since we havent custom balanced the main nations, I'm not eager. But I haven't played them either way before, so I'm not speaking from experience.

Worthy heroes 1.7b will be used.
Streamers and Standards

Sombre September 8th, 2007 02:27 PM

Re: Mods
If you use the 1.1 vanilla version of Sylvania, be aware it's a very strong nation. In the hands of an expert I would expect it to do extremely well.

CBM Sylvania 2, the most recent rebalance I've done of them, was quite a nerf really. But I tend to make mod nations average or below average power if possible, so maybe it isn't needed. Diplomacy goes a long way in MP.

Tuidjy September 8th, 2007 02:40 PM

Re: Mods
If Sylvania is open, I want it. I have been wanting to play them for a while.
And I do not mind if you give me the weaker version.


Nevermind, I see it has been taken. Good luck, everyone!

Burnsaber September 8th, 2007 02:59 PM

Declaration from New Ulm!
Oh, right. Almost forgot.

*ahem* {is this thing on?}

The noble and benelovent nation of Ulm Reborn hereby declares unending war to their dark brothers. The true Ulmish people will not rest until there is only definition to the word "Man from Ulm", and that definition is of a brave and strong man who uses his power justly.

The light of Aufklarung will shine upon you! In its everburning light your hiding places in the shadows will be revealed and your sins brought for all to see. Be purged by the divine shine and repent your evil ways..
or die!

Jazzepi September 8th, 2007 03:15 PM

Re: Mods
I would prefer that we not use the mod version with the sacred fear troops, I personally thought they were a little too strong.


Lazy_Perfectionist September 8th, 2007 07:53 PM

Re: Mods
So, Sylviana - probable balance issues? I'll check that out.
How about Ulm Reborn and vaettihiem?

I'm looking forward to those random maps, but if those are unowrkable for some reason, perhaps we can modify glory (non-multiplayer version) to cut down on the water provinces, or divy them up. I reinstalled the GIMP on my machine, but I'm a map mod newebie. I'll look into that as well, since it overlaps well with Consecrated Ground.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 8th, 2007 09:03 PM

Re: Mods
Sylvania scares me.. even nerfed as a custom balance nation I think they're overpowered.

On top of that, I don't like them. They really shouldn't be a late era nation. Thematically, they should be an early age nation, or modeled perhaps more off of Tir na Nog and Man and other nations where the tuatha/elves are actually as scarce as their nation description makes them out to be.

I'll allow the custom balance version into the game, though with some reservations into whether its really a good idea.

12 gold and 12 resources for 13 precision, (effectively 16), with access to air magic... and commanders with good precision + nature magic for 17 (or effectively 24) precision, plus bow equipment...
Above average morale, magic resistance, etc etc...

And I think they have too many gems coming in as well, for what they've got. But this isn't a balance thread, so back to the point.

Custom Balance Sylvania is in. And I suspect, deadly. They probably should be ganged up on, but I'll let the game determine that. I may be wrong.

Hadrian_II September 8th, 2007 09:17 PM

Re: Mods
I took a short look at the 2 mod nations, and i dont think they are weak:


9 gold Archers
Trolls Recruitable everywhere
Easy Access to Nature, Death, Astral and Blood Magic and Earth Magic is also Possible Blood + Earch = Blood Stones
Wolf Trolls could be painful with a strong bless also the Troll Mages have some thug potential.

No medium infantry
Strong Mages are Capital only
Most Mages are old Age
No Battle Magic (Air or Fire)

I would say they are balanced

Ulm Reborn

Heavy Armoured
Sacreds that are Recruitable everywhere + H3 Priests means that bless strategies would be easily possible
Sacred Commanders With Fear + Awe Strong armor and 30 HP --> this is what i would call an ideal thug chassis
Sneaking Priests

Very Resource Intensive
Rotten Magic only mage is capital only, acces limited to Earth and Astral
Problems With encumbrance and magic resistance

I would consider this nation rather weak, but i cant judge the sacreds, also the Neugeboren Lords have some serious potential.

I would say that Ulm and Vaettiheim wont pose much problems with the balance.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 8th, 2007 09:21 PM

Re: Mods
Ulm maybe doesn't need the custom balance, but I'm going to take a look at it as well. The hochmeisters seem bugged, with only five encumbrance (5 basic, full plate, kite shield should come to 12)... could I have a second opinion on this nation?

Retraction: apparently its because its mounted. Something in the mod manual but not regular.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 8th, 2007 09:34 PM

Re: Mods
In Vaettihiem, I'm almost certain the CBM mod dropped the price on one of the units, but am having trouble spotting the differences. Do they nerf or buff Vaettihiem?

I see no problem including Vaettheim but I may be overlooking something. Though the creater of the mod did mention trying to make the nation more balanced, factoring in some of the CBM stuff.

Sombre September 8th, 2007 11:34 PM

Re: Mods
I don't think it's a good idea to use the CBM version of a mod if you aren't using Conceptual Balance Mod. The attempt was to balance them to CBM standards and as such some of the units might use CBM stuff, like the "warhorse hoof" weapon which doesn't exist in vanilla. They also use copystats to take values from CBM for units. End result is they'll work without CBM (missing warhorse hoof and some CBM changes) but that isn't what they were designed for.

Enc 5 isn't a bug, it's how enc works for mounted units. Look at the MA Ulm Black Knight for instance.

CBM Sylvania 2 has 4 gem income - same as every late age nation.

Since this isn't a balance thread I won't go beyond the facts. I didn't make Sylvania so whether or not the non CBM version is balanced is nothing to do with me. Ulm Reborn and Vaettiheim SE I did make and the non CBM versions are in my opinion balanced against vanilla nations (at least they're supposed to be).

Velusion September 9th, 2007 12:06 AM

Re: Mods
Here is a sample map with about the right amount of water (not much in the late)

What I typically do is mark about 40% of the border mountains as actual mountains, link all the seas and the isle to the continent and then mark every land province that doesn't have at least 4 land borders as "no-start".

Unfortunately the lack of sea provinces means that most late maps will look rather featureless.

If you want to use that one just let me know or I can keep generating some others.

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