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-   -   Urapara - [finished - Abysia + TC win] (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=36609)

llamabeast November 1st, 2007 08:34 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Right, the game is started!

The first turn has 48 hours on the clock in case of problems, but you shouldn't even nearly need that much time. Subsequent turns will have 24 hours.

You should have got an e-mail with your first turn in it, which explains how to take your turns. If that's not clear take a look at the LlamaServer FAQ, linked below.

And finally, some tips from me on making it a fun game:

- Engage in lots of diplomacy. It's fun. Send messages to your neighbours, preferably in the character of your nation. Make threats, deals and alliances. One thing though - if you actually agree to a deal (such as peace for n turns, or exchanging items), do stick to it, otherwise you are likely to upset other players and make the game unfun.
- Post in-character stuff on this thread. See Tuidjy's posts on the "Neo Xekinima" thread for an excellent example of this. I really enjoy reading that thread.

People always say the most fun games are the ones with lots of messages flying around and posts on the forum. Silent games are fun too, but miss out on one cool element of multiplayer play - they're a bit more like single player versus very competent AIs.

Enjoy the game!

Firewalker November 1st, 2007 09:15 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I loaded the turn and noticed that we are using the Ulm Reborn mod. Can someone point me to where I can download this or post it as an attachment here?


llamabeast November 1st, 2007 09:19 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Oh dear, that wasn't meant to happen. One second...

llamabeast November 1st, 2007 09:31 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Right, I restarted it. You should all have received a second "Game has started!" e-mail - use the trn file from that one.

There seems to be some weird bug in Dominions where it just decides to use random mods when it starts a new game. Haven't figured out why.

Anyway, I just temporarily removed the mods folder when restarting it so it couldn't do the same thing again.

HJFudge November 1st, 2007 09:48 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Ah I seem to have figured out the how to send turns back thing. Wasnt as hard as I supposed it would be. That turn took all of a few minutes. Maybe if we are quick we can get the second turn in faster?

DonCorazon November 1st, 2007 11:59 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
The mighty Grom is running late for work so won't be able to get my turn in til this evening but will generally be able to take one pre-work in the AM (west Coast) and later evening.

Cheers. Let the battles begin!!!

Too bad about that Ulm mod - sounded like it would have been a boost for the Mighty Grom....

llamabeast November 1st, 2007 12:06 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Nah, that mod is a whole new nation for the late age, called Ulm Reborn. It's like an alternate history to the normal LA Ulm - it's what would have happened if the Malediction had been averted by a new enlightenment. It's an excellent mod, I recommend checking it out - it's in the maps & mods subforum.

Zeldor November 1st, 2007 01:08 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game

With all that time zones it will be really hard, some people are in Europe, I am on East Coast...

Zeldor November 1st, 2007 01:12 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
It's interesting that Abysia's pretender has "Enemy of Man" in it's title http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

llamabeast November 1st, 2007 01:23 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
By the way, the crowns on the map are "victory points", but they won't actually help you win because the game isn't set to use a victory point victory condition. They do produce dominion though, so they are marginally useful things to capture.

Zeldor November 1st, 2007 01:59 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
But why are they there in the first place? I have played that map many times in SP and they didn't show up. IF they produce dominion, there are 2 of them it is a bit unfair and strange...

llamabeast November 1st, 2007 02:02 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
To be honest Zeldor, I don't know. Some quirk of Dominions perhaps. I have never worked out how to control their appearance. People don't normally pay much attention to them.

HJFudge November 1st, 2007 04:43 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Standard victory conditions then?

llamabeast November 1st, 2007 04:44 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game

DonCorazon November 2nd, 2007 11:34 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
So, this is my first MP game, so far so good. Thanks for hosting Llamabeast. So my first revelation is that Mercs seem to go for high prices...not sure what people's bid strategies are but having only played a few games against the AI I was used to winning auctions with meager bids.

Anyway, this game is awesome! Glad I got the Stardock coupon and finally got Dominions. I had been thinking about it for a while but it took that extra push...somehow it feels like a PC game should be under $50.

Zeldor November 3rd, 2007 01:25 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I will need to change my SP playing habits to be better prepared for next MP game. If that one goes well we can all meet for the next game with the same people http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I already have new ideas.

Eomi November 3rd, 2007 01:41 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I'm curious as to what time zone everyone is in. So far it seems there may be a kind of pattern as to when each of us is submitting our turns, and I'm guessing it has something to do with how our time zones match up. Since llamaserver is run on GMT, obviously there are a fair number of European gamers who play Dominions. I, personally, am on Mountain Time.

Zeldor November 3rd, 2007 02:09 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I am GMT -5 [it may be -4 now because we are switching time tomorrow].

DonCorazon November 3rd, 2007 02:36 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I am Pacific time (San Francisco).

HJFudge November 3rd, 2007 09:48 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Eastern Standard Time here

spacht November 3rd, 2007 10:23 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
GMT +1

llamabeast November 3rd, 2007 10:24 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Everyone should give a latitude too. Then we can guess a country. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

parcelt November 3rd, 2007 12:20 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Eastern time here as well.

Firewalker November 3rd, 2007 04:14 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I (Bandar Log) am US Central Time here (GMT -5hr). I am usually sending turns before going to work (6-7AM CT) or after (6-8PM CT). All depends on if I am home or not. I am thinking of installing the game on my PC at work ... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

HJFudge November 3rd, 2007 06:04 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Muahaha dooo it. I installed it at my GF's house so I can play even there http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

parcelt November 3rd, 2007 06:36 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Definitely have it installed on laptop. Although that doesn't mean I can really play at work (well, not all the time at least http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif )

Zeldor November 4th, 2007 08:42 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
It is really crowded here. Some nations have good luck and may get about 15 provinces but for some it looks like 10 per nation. Bloody.

Eomi November 4th, 2007 10:31 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I haven't seen anyone so far, so I must be one of the lucky ones. I'll be ready with my elephants once someone does venture too close.

Zeldor November 6th, 2007 09:15 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
And here we get a first example of "diplomacy". Everyone should be aware of the treacherous nation of Man that breaks it's own word! Their messengers came with peace offering years ago, using peaceful intentions of TC nation, just to stab them in the back later.

T'ien Ch'i announces that treacherous cowards from Man shall be purged from that world!

cleveland November 6th, 2007 10:55 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
A proclaimation from Man:

Below is a copy of our PM conversation. Curious to know what TC is talking about.

Equally curious why he thought I should/would give my lands to him.

Equally curious why he's accusing me of aggression, as he instigated hostilities with a sneak attack & a capital "instill uprising" 4 turns ago.

However, the troops of Man rest easy, having already repelled 4 TC attacks without the loss of a single soldier.

Hopefully, the wise leaders of TC's imperial bureaucracy will *remove* whichever dope is currently running the Department of Diplomacy, and replace him with a man willing to consider this truly reasonable offer: give me back the province you stole in your sneak attack, and we can finally have our non-aggression pact.


TC: Welcome neighbour I bring an offer of peace and mutual growth. Both of our nations can work great together. IF you are interested write me your offer of our borders.

Man: I'm a reasonable man, and will entertain any reasonable proposal. What did you have in mind?

TC: Signing a NAP, making borders [so we do not try to conquer the same provinces] and if it goes well and we both decide it will benefit us making an alliance later.

[At this point, TC sent an ingame message asking I give him all the lands on the southern border of my capitol.]

Man: This sounds good. I received your ingame message. We'll need to rethink the boarder provinces. In the mean time, perhaps we can setup a non-aggression pact. I propose a NAP-3, with the following terms for clarification:
- Neither party will enter the other's territory (including sneaking units) while the non-aggression pact is in effect.
- The NAP will remain in effect until 3 turns after a party gives notice that the NAP is to end.
- End-of-NAP notice must be given via the in-game messaging system. So for example, if end-of-NAP notice arrives on turn 10, then troops may be in the opponent's lands on turn 13. Is this agreeable to you? If I do not hear from you within 1hr of the hosting deadline, I will assume it is not.

TC: I just woke up Yes, that seems like a good NAP. So what would you change in borders? I see you have expanded quite a bit

[TC now captured my province Blessed Gorge (140). I also was given a report of spying in the capital]

Man: I propose the following boarders:
-I get Blessed Gorge (140) back, ie you pull out all troops & no PD.
-You can keep NW Valenwood (124) & have Babrin Fields (136), which will makeup your northern boarder.
-Also, move your spy out of my capital. Word of advice: when you're the only opponent with access to spies, don't instill uprisings.
Assuming these are acceptable, the NAP3 begins immediately. If I don't hear by 1hr before the hosting deadline, I'll assume not.

TC: I think that we should set a border that benefits both sides. You are not making friends with demanding so many land. Treat the thing that happened in your capitol as a warning, I was fully aware that I will be the only nation that can be blamed for that. We can both prosper in peace but it must be on equal rights.
We need to divide our location so everyone has about the same amount of land. I have two offers:
1. I take east, so you give me #155 and all the east from that. On west I take 141, 154 and 136 and you take all north from it.
2. I take west and we set border on [provinces I take]: 141,154, 166,4.
Respond mi ASAP so we can make adjustments that you probably will want to propose. We should have resolved that matters earlie so we wouldn't be in a not so nice situation we are now in.

[For the record, I'd already owned all lands he's mentioned.]

Man: I went to through a lot of trouble capturing that land, and I'm not giving you any of it. If you want a NAP, great. If not, that's cool too.

TC: Put yourself in my situation. Look at the map. What you try to do is to close completely my expansion routes. So it makes your terrain natural expansion path. There is plenty of terrain both for you and for me. And I don't think you want to expand everywhere and border with everyone. Having shorter border is better solution, even if it takes some sacrifices.
All I want is a route to expand, be it either east or west. I think you would make a good deal letting me take that 1-2 provinces and being able to move your armies to fight on different fronts.

Man: It's unreasonable for you to expect me to give you my territory.
I'm willing to enter into a NAP3 with you, subject to the terms I specified earlier. If I don't hear a response from you by 1hr before the hosting deadline, I'll assume there's no deal.

[At this point, TC attacks 2 of my provinces simultaneously, losing both with heavy, heavy losses.]

TC: I am offering you to keep the rest of the provinces. Territory is territory. You really cannot demand that other people will be satisfied with some tiny part of the map when you take the rest.

Man: So do we have a NAP or not?

TC: Are you going to agree on borders that are good for bot me and you and not only for you?♠

Man: I cannot agree to anything you've proposed.

TC: I see there is C'tis to the east. All I want then is a passage to the west so I fight someone else, not you. Could I get 141, 136 and 162? I shall then remove my armies from waters above you.

Man: I'm afraid I cannot do that.

[This was the final communication before the most recent hosting. TC launched 2 amphibious assaults against me; both were easily repelled. And I killed his spy.]

HJFudge November 6th, 2007 11:49 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
...Im having fun so far http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

spacht November 6th, 2007 02:23 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Oops http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif

After reading cleveland's post I checked my own PMs and found several greetings sent by some of you a few turns ago. Up to now I was using only the ingame messages and was already beginning to wonder why some people didn't respond. Seems I am really a noob.

Firewalker November 6th, 2007 03:58 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Ah, we have a war already!

So far, I've only spotted one other player and someone else's dominion. Now, you guys brain each other bloody while I quietly expand. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

DonCorazon November 6th, 2007 06:23 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Grom grow tired of so many words. Grom's head hurt. Words like wind in branches. Make sound but mean nothing.

Now Grom speak for nation of Ulm, honorable nation, for all to hear.

Grom ask nation of Man not to cross west of the river for those lands are ancient burial grounds of mighty Ulmish warriors.

Grom invite other nations to speak out in open like warriors, not whisper in back room like eunuch!

P.S. Please don't kill Grom!

cleveland November 6th, 2007 08:14 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
With all due respect, mighty Grom, what's in it for me?

P.S. "Grom not hit you in head with rock," though compelling, isn't likely to convince the well-helmeted knights of Man.

You'll likely have much more luck with, "Grom give you X dwarven hammers within Y turns. Twofold benefit for Grom: (1) allow Grom to expand, and (2) allow Grom to prove Grom's word honorable, as Man will of course report completion of transaction on internet chat board for whole world to read."

DonCorazon November 6th, 2007 11:04 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
From DonCorazon, royal adviser to Grom:

To our dear heathen neighbors of Man,
Understood. Our offer was not particularly enticing. Take it more as a thought to consider, along with the fact that the good people of Ulm do not fight with stones but rather Black Steel, very good for poking holes in the heads of their well-helmeted foes. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif

P.S. We look forward to meeting you on the West side of the river.

P.S.S. For a newbie you sure seem to know a lot. What are Dwarven Hammers?

cleveland November 6th, 2007 11:34 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
A dwarven hammer is a Construction level 2 item that decreases the magic gem cost for item forging by 25%. It costs 15 earth gems and can be crafted by an earth3 level mage.

Of course, if you forge a dwarven hammer, and use it forge more dwarven hammers, they each cost 12 earth gems...

You are researching Construction, right?

DonCorazon November 7th, 2007 03:33 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Thanks Cleveland. Yeah, I am on Const for a while but I must admit I screwed around my research in the beginning since this is first game for me. All those spells just looked so delicious I kept switching schools. Stupid, I know.

Next time Grom think first, then take action!

parcelt November 7th, 2007 11:01 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
If I may make one suggestion (was told this myself in my previous (first) MP game): it is generally considered good manners for the last player to send in his turn to wait 2 minutes for the llamaserver to send the new turn back, and then take that turn immediately too.

Not to put pressure on anybody, in principle there is the 24hr limit, so if you're in a hurry than that's fine. However, if at all possible it is considered the polite thing to do, especially in the early to mid stage of a game where turns don't take that long yet.

cleveland November 8th, 2007 08:35 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]

1 Pendant of Luck

The nation of Man will pay 15 gems (any combination of air & nature) to the first nation to deliver a Pendant of Luck.

PM me if interested.

DonCorazon November 8th, 2007 01:45 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Will that help revive Man's Fallen Prophet?

Firewalker November 8th, 2007 07:47 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
I do like playing any of the Kailasa races -- it's like a "what if" the Planet of the Apes happened in classical India. Being a student of Eastern religions, it is pretty rich to play, whether or not it is strong choice to win games.

<Ahem, sorry, back into role play mode.>

HJFudge November 9th, 2007 01:10 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Prepare thyself Man, for thy Doom is upon thee.

DonCorazon November 9th, 2007 03:42 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
parcelt, so what you are saying is whoever makes the last move in a turn, should, if possible, then follow up with their next move right afterward to help speed things along?

cleveland November 9th, 2007 03:44 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]

HJFudge said:
Prepare thyself Man, for thy Doom is upon thee.


Presumably this is your clever way of declaring that our NAP-3 is over...in 4 turns.

You of course remember that you agreed that end-of-nap notice would be sent via ingame messaging, right?

And that you agreed no troops will be in enemy territory until 3 turns after such notice arrives, right?

You wouldn't want to develop a reputation on the forums as a man who can't be trusted...do you?

Players of Urapara: I shall report in the coming turns whether HJFudge of C'tis is in fact a man of is word, who honors the terms of the agreements he enters, or if he isn't to be trusted...in this game or any other.

HJFudge November 9th, 2007 03:52 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Well when the turn processes you will see I sent you an in game notice and no one is in your territory, at least none of MY guys...


But the turn has yet to process. Unfortunately. Tien Chi, is he still playing? Or has he staled the last 2-3 turns? Havent heard anything from him in awhile...


I hate being impatient but I am lol

cleveland November 9th, 2007 03:58 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]

HJFudge said:
Tien Chi, is he still playing?

He is the host of this game, so presumably yes.

cleveland November 9th, 2007 04:01 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
P.S. Perhaps Grom would like to comment on C'tis/TC's "in-the-shadows" communications...

HJFudge November 9th, 2007 04:01 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
I thought Llamaserver did the hosting automatically, and he simply set up the game.

Now the hosting occurs automatically at the time interval set or automatically once all turns are in.

Could be wrong though.

DonCorazon November 9th, 2007 04:05 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
It happens as soon as the last turn is in. I was last once, and when I was last, I took a follow-up turn right away. I think Tien Chin has been the last to finish a turn for the past couple of turns, so we have to wait on him, but he has not been following up with a second turn, per parcelt's suggestion, so we are only getting in one turn a day.

All times are GMT -4. The time now is 04:26 AM.

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