![]() |
Re: Game talk
Re: Game talk
Re: Game talk
That was amazing! Oops, can't say more until the gag order for the journalists reporting on the frontline is lifted. We will allow for the following bit of propaganda however:
Such wanton slaughter. The citizen militia of pangaea so wantonly treated as cannon fodder by their evil overlords; unceasingly resurrected, never knowing the full peace the arrows of Man are meant to give! This only tightens our resolve, to liberate the people of Pangaea under the rule of our most benevolent Goddess. In other news, the artificers of Man have succeeded in perfecting the techniques of mass producing owl quills. We are interested in any offers of custom our friends may have. |
Re: Game talk
The nation of Arcoscephale is looking to buy E gems at the rate of no less than 20 gold/gem or trade others gems on 1:1 ratio. Anyone interested please PM me.
Also we are proud to announce that Arcoscephale Forging Group(AFG) is formally open. We are glad to offer our diverse magic paths (all but A,B) to all nations. Please do not hesitate to PM me if you need something forged by us. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Game talk
Looks like forgin is a good way to make friends. I guess I could also inform that I am researching construction and even tough its still on lvl 4 I am open to any trades you might think of. You just need to suggest a price yourself cause I havent come to think of anything. Evrything from nature, death, astral and water. Also some fire and in time air (when a theurg of that kind shows up).
Re: Game talk
Patala is also selling items. Specifically hammers. We will take payment in any form of gem except fire or air (and you can even mix and match). Bidding starts at 17 gems.
Re: Game talk
I'd just like to confirm - the provinces with the more interesting graphics don't necessarily have more magic sites do they?
Re: Game talk
Actually they do
Re: Game talk
Probabilistically. They may still have none in reality - but they are more likely to have some.
Re: Game talk
Those provinces are marked as "Many Sites", so it will have more chance to get sites.
Re: Game talk
So whats going on? Everyone nicely forging away...? We in the north side of the river would be interested in news of the south. The war with Pangaea is all but over and we hope that there will at last be a measure of peace to the shattered people of the land. Unfortunately, the winds of war flame on, for we have heard reports from our scouts of battles raging between the Eagle and the Serpent.
... The two nations with amphibious nationals have been quite quick to jump into the water in the absence of pure aquatic nations though I was quite surprised to see Patala with an early underwater fortress. I didn't think land nations could build underwater castles... well apart from LA Atlantis. |
Re: Game talk
I didn't build that fortress, I found it. As far as I know, most nations can only find underwater fortresses or create them by magic. But I think there is a higher number of hidden underwater forts than land ones.
Re: Game talk
Oh yes, that reminds me - when you take over a province, either indy or an opponent's, does chance determine whether sites present in that province get uncovered? Or like... if you conquer that province with a w4 mage then its more likely that u'll find a water site? When i mean 'find' i don't mean by finding via site searching... I mean by just walking over it with an army
Re: Game talk
I think certain sites are automatically visible. And other you have to search for.
Re: Game talk
In case anyone still needs hammers, here we have one for 15E.
Re: Game talk
Earth seems to be quite the 'in' thing :p
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
For sale: water gems
Price: 1 astral OR death gem each PM me your orders. |
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
To answer shard's question of a few posts ago: Every site has a difficulty level for finding between 0 and 4. If it is zero it will be automatically uncovered when the province is captured. Otherwise a mage of the appropriate level has to do a search to find it. Hence a level 4 water mage is guaranteed to find all water sites in a province when he does a search. He does have to actually do the search though.
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
We have received reports from our remote border wardens of Pythian watchforts being swarmed by a large body of flying creatures accompanied by mammoths and a slew of horrific living dead. While we prefer to stay out of the affairs between neighbouring nations such a potential threat to our own people cannot be taken lightly.
Re: Game talk
The war is truly raging. Still I cant tell you who is winning as my computer is down but as far as remember I think my pretender is now heading for the capital along with few hydras. Yet I must admit that our armies are not as grand as the ones of caelum but we shall see what happens.
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
1 Bag of Winds (const4, a4, misc). PM me with your price quotes. -Agartha |
Re: Game talk
Whats going on. Cant connect to server. Just keeps saying:
-got bad packet from the server Its my bros computer but I downloaded the map. Should it have a tga file cause there was none when I downloaded it. The patch is right too. |
Re: Game talk
Yeah, download the image from Ballbarian's map thread first.
Re: Game talk
I think Ballbarian updated his map to 3.01 - there were some pixels out of place in a province or something
Re: Game talk
Oh yes, that would be a problem. For this game you need the old image from the v3.00 version, not the new one.
Re: Game talk
Could someone put it here cause I dont know where to get the old one.
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
1 Attachment(s)
Here it is.
Live Graphs
We now have some live graphs for this MP game:
http://valhalla.techno-mage.com/scor...e=Rhoscrowther More info in the Scenarios, Maps and Mods forum. |
Re: Live Graphs
Re: Live Graphs
Hmm, tritons can't walk on land can they? Or should I start worrying about that sizeable army overlooking the coast? The Naga and Nagarishi ensconced in that underwater castle do seem pretty far from home as well!
Re: Live Graphs
No, tritons can't walk on land. Nothing to worry about. And those naga and nagarishi were there before you reached the coast.
Re: Live Graphs
Ahhh i'm bored, I thought the turn would be done by my lunch break.
Why is Man 'Man' anyway? I keep thinking of horrendous puns whenever i sign off my pms... Oh and good job on the live scores Ich! |
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
Nations of the world:
2 formidable armies of Acroscephale have appeared at the undefended Agarthan boarder, without provocation or warning. Their intention is clear: Acroscephale has declared war on Agartha, a nation nearly 1/2 her size. Rest assured that at this moment, the Agarthan army mobilizes for war; even our deceased ancestors return from the grave to answer the call to arms. But will you? Agartha will most certainly fight to the bitter end, but our undead legions are simply no match for the Acroscephalian elephants; the ensuing war of attrition will inevitably end with destruction of Agartha. After taking the Agarthan homeland, Acroscephale will control 54 provinces, surpassing even Man as the worlds most powerful nation. Combined with his geographical advantage, the reality is clear: if we cannot stop him now, we will never stop him, as he will never be weaker. His offensive forces are concentrated in the South. Boarder nations: you must attack, as your survival depends upon it. United we stand, divided we fall, etc. PM me to discuss strategy -Agartha |
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
Well, it is the Agartha who broke the NAP in turn 14. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif We can only assume by breaking NAP, Agartha is planning on attacking Arcoscephale with its formidable combat SC and large army of magicians. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif
In any case, with Agartha research skyrocketing, it is only a matter of time that Agartha will come down on Arcoscephale with overwhelming force. We have no choice but to prevent this from happening. It is do or die time for Arcoscephale nation. We probably will stand no chance against Agartha SC or magic, but we certainly will try or die trying. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
Are you still playing? |
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
What happens if he passes the next turn?
So much for my handily written message on the last turn... |
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
As per my rules laid out before starting, I will set him to AI before he stales a third time if there's no further life sign.
mercenary list
Is there some sort of list where we can find out what the stats are on for mercenaries? I've seen a chinese website, but iirc that only gave the types of troops.
Re: mercenary list
You can check the stats of the units in Edi's Dom3 DataBase, found here: http://koti.welho.com/ehalttun/Dom3/
A most useful tool http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Game status page
Hey! Coturnix! Are you back? I see you got your turn in. (Or did Ich just set you to AI?)
Re: Game status page
I set Abysia to AI. It is very hard to play them, granted.
Re: Game status page
Oh man! My army of gladiators is all gone! and almost none casualties with the caelian besiegers (should have realized that gladiators dont like arrow rains)! Reptior is mad as hell http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif.
Unfortunately he wont have much time on being mad as I think the game is lost for me. But there is still chance to make some radical moves. |
Re: Game status page
Atlantis and Jomon both stalled last turn http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
How is the game doing for time? Is this the usual pace? Hang in there Pythium! The cavalry is coming! Oh, but should Reptior finally succumb to the lure of the great Serpent Heaven in the sky, I might need a sub in a couple of weeks. Assuming I'm still alive and kicking of course http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif |
Re: Game status page
Yeah I was out of town for two days and missed the turn by a whopping 30 minutes http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
If only my crappy laptop could run the game. But alas, it runs win 98 and the only thing it's good for is holding files, email, and connecting to hardware via serial port. |
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
Going to a wedding, already late. Please extend the deadline! Sorry! Cleveland |
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
The world awaits with bated breath as the main protagonists of the Great Southern War face each other in what may become a 72 hour long staring match!
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
Got it in. Thanks alot.
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
Err... any reason why Arco went ai????
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
mmmmmmm no idea at all
Arco was also doing good as far as i could tell |
Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
I am going to be out of touch for roughly 4-5 days starting on DEC 1. Am I supposed to find a substitute or something for that time?
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