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-   -   Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - full (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=36680)

Tyrant November 4th, 2007 10:22 PM

Re: Multi-mod?
Pretender sent, good luck to all and thanks for hosting Llama.

llamabeast November 5th, 2007 03:24 PM

Re: Multi-mod?
Okay we are started! You should all have your first turns. Mod nation people - yours will seem to have been "resent" - this is just a first-turn oddity with me not having done a perfect job yet of getting the server to deal with mod nations.

Incidentally I'd quite like to encourage RP in this game - we have plenty of interesting nations after all. I thought Tuidjy's efforts in Neo Xekinima were very entertaining.

AlgaeNymph November 6th, 2007 12:59 PM

Re: Multi-mod?
My message says I got turn 2, but it's a copy of turn 1.

sum1lost November 6th, 2007 04:19 PM

Re: Multi-mod?
I have the same issue as dyraunda

Tyrant November 6th, 2007 05:34 PM

Re: Multi-mod?
Me three

Digress November 6th, 2007 07:07 PM

Turn 2 ?
Make that fur ... sorry four.

On another note I hope to have a sub playing Skaven for the coming weekend (Friday through Monday)as I have been summoned on a fishing trip.

I will contact llamabeast with details ASAP - have sounded out a couple of possibilities but haven't had a reply yet.

Digress November 6th, 2007 08:32 PM

Re: Turn 2 ? Stale ?
Turn two has arrived and I have staled. Is this a shared experience ?

llamabeast November 6th, 2007 08:45 PM

Re: Turn 2 ? Stale ?
Ooh dear. Really? Let me check.

I seem to be doing well on the bungling at the moment http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif I will rehost it if it's staled everyone anyway. Hang on...

llamabeast November 6th, 2007 08:47 PM

Re: Turn 2 ? Stale ?
Gaah, yes, same here. I will just rehost it...

llamabeast November 6th, 2007 08:50 PM

Re: Turn 2 ? Stale ?
Okay, fixed! Sorry guys.

Digress November 8th, 2007 07:56 AM

No sub for Skaven ?
I have had no luck finding a replacement/sub for the next four or so turns.

I will be heading off bush tomorrow morning and will be away from a computer for 72+ hours.

I will check forum and e-mail first thing tomorrow (my six month old son should ensure it really is first thing) and send llamabeast any good news on the sub front.

Any thoughts ? (I am not averse to being subbed permanently)

llamabeast November 8th, 2007 10:53 AM

Re: No sub for Skaven ?
Digress - no worries, if you can't find a sub we will just wait for you to get back.

Digress November 8th, 2007 06:50 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Valerius has very kindly offered to sub for me. He has my very public thanks.

I will PM llamabeast his e-mail address.

And remember boys and girls - rats have eyes EVERYWHERE.

Sombre November 9th, 2007 04:27 AM

Re: Sub for Skaven
It's true, I modded them to have #nbreyes 1313.

llamabeast November 11th, 2007 03:11 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Grr, very unhappily I staled last turn. I actually have no idea how that happened, being as I took the turn very carefully, and thought I e-mailed it in. I obviously screwed up clicking the 'Send' button. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif Ah well.

sum1lost November 12th, 2007 07:04 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
If I could get a 24 hr delay, it would be much appreciated- running a 102 fever right now.

llamabeast November 12th, 2007 07:50 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Okay, done. Let me know if you need a further extension. Hope you get better soon!

llamabeast November 13th, 2007 03:08 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Just gave myself a 3-hour extension to next turn as the next 24 hours are going to be insane.

llamabeast November 25th, 2007 11:45 AM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Okay, the server seems to have largely recovered. Just waiting on Bandar Log now.

sum1lost November 25th, 2007 02:35 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Bandar log wants our mannanas, and will stop at nothing to get them!

As if that weren't enough, Tien Chi is now massing not one, but TWO armies of mannanaless men in an effort to seize our bountiful lands, just as our men have marched forth against the apes to defend the mannanas of Arga Dis.

We beg the nations of the world to help us repel these threats to our mannanas.

Sombre November 25th, 2007 02:36 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
So could you give a general update on the state of things in the game?

sum1lost November 25th, 2007 02:45 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Bandar Log invaded me with a bunch of elephants and double-blessed f9w9 tiger riders, white ones, plus a few random militia. The elephants, tiger riders, and white ones chopped down my mixture of hoplites rather handily. I've driven them off, now, but I can't make headway against them. So I've sent a large army to hold the line.

And now that most of my troops are there, Tien Chi has massed somewhere around 300 troops on my other side. ><

I don't know how anyone else is doing, except that the mod nations and abysia are dominating the HoF

llamabeast November 25th, 2007 03:00 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
What're mannanas?

sum1lost November 25th, 2007 03:44 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven

llamabeast said:
What're mannanas?

A very low-brow play on words involving the monkey's favorite food.

AlgaeNymph November 25th, 2007 08:38 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven

sum1lost said:
Tien Chi is now massing not one, but TWO armies of mannanaless men in an effort to seize our bountiful lands[.]

Actually, they're there to defend the borders. Also, the people of T'ien Ch'i dislike mannanas, too salty.

llamabeast November 30th, 2007 08:59 AM

Re: Sub for Skaven
High Priest Heinrich sat at his desk, reading the monthly Inquisition Reports from scouts all over the lands neighbouring Ulm. In the days before the Civil War this office would have been luxuriously decorated, filled with portraits with gilded frames and hung with velvet curtains. Now the room was all but empty. The Aufklarung had brought the understanding that material goods were merely a distraction from piety. Never again would lust for gold distract the priests of Ulm from spreading the enlightenment of Archaeon.

Heinrich paused as he read a report from a young scout by the name of Hans, who was travelling through the kingdom of Skavenblight. Relations between Ulm and the men of Skavenblight had always been cordial, and Heinrich had not expected any trouble. But the report made for strange reading.


On his second day in the lands of Skavenblight, Hans had come across a swarm of giant rats, each as big as a large dog, feasting on the carcasses of sheep in broad daylight. Startled both at the bizarre sight and the fact that the vermin were not being stopped by the local farmers, Hans nonetheless stayed undercover and moved on, mapping the lands he travelled through.

On the fourth day he saw in the distance across another swarm of rats - this time moving intently to the north. They did not appear to get distracted by the livestock around them. In fact... they even appeared to be moving in formation. As the swarm came closer and he was able to see them more clearly, Hans choked back a gasp of horror. The swarm was led by some kind of horrific being - it walked upright like a man, but otherwise had the appearance of a rat - what kind of abomination was this?

As soon as the swarm had passed out of sight, Hans knew he must act. The men of Skavenblight must be warned that such monsters moved amongst them! Without delay he made his way to the nearest town, and asked that he be allowed to speak to the mayor. The men of the town regarded him with disbelief, but dutifully led him up to the town hall. Hans was kept waiting outside the main hall for some time, but finally the doors swung open. Hans gasped. Assembled before him was not as he expected a mayor and his loyal retinue. Instead, on a throne sat another rat-thing, dressed in white robes encrusted with filth, and all about him stood more of the rat-men, dressed in armour and carrying weapons like men. As the door opened they turned to look at him, hissing evilly, their eyes glowing red in the dim room and saliva dripping from their maws.

Hans screamed, and ran for his life. Back out through the corridors of the town hall, through the streets and out into the safety of the forest, he never slowed for a minute. Luckily for him the human guards made no effort to stop him - it seemed they had no love for the rat-things themselves. Once in the forest Hans had sat recovering his breath for no more than a minute or so before he brought out his parchment and quill - Ulm must be warned! Having finished his account he brought out the magical scroll contained he had been given by the White Priests, and placed the parchment within. There was a flash and a puff of smoke, and the parchment was gone - his message was safe with Ulm now.


Heinrich sat back in his chair, shocked. There was no choice, it seemed. All this time they had been dealing with Skavenblight, they had simply assumed the kingdom was one of men, like those of Ulm, Man and Bandar Log. But it seemed it was ruled by blasphemies of the highest order - Skavenblight was an empire of RATS!

The Neugeboren Guard would be summoned from their barracks. The steeds of the Black Templars would be readied. The enchanted armours of the Anchorites would be awakened, and the Black Priests would urge the Penitents into new frenzies. New Ulm would march to war!


Digress: In case you hadn't guessed, that's a declaration of war - my troops are invading this month. Sorry. Let the battles begin.

llamabeast November 30th, 2007 11:18 AM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Ah, it seems Skaven took their turn while I was writing that last. Sorry - I did want you to read it before I invaded, to give you a little warning at least. I meant to write it last night, but got back really late.

Digress November 30th, 2007 06:49 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
The seers had read the signs and our scouts had warned us of the slow march of Ulm's various religous loonies.

Steel against disease ridden rats - woo hoo.

llamabeast November 30th, 2007 06:51 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Yes, I thought it was probably pretty obvious.

It should be interesting. I actually have no idea which of us is stronger, and it should be a cool and dramatic fight in any case.

Digress November 30th, 2007 07:43 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
We rats think your healthy province advantage and somewhat "distracted" neighbours may well prove decisive.

The Skaven find themselves at war midway through an unplanned (but enforced) strategy change. This is somewhat unfortunate.

The seers of Skavenblight send a message to all powers who still have delusions of victory :-

"Cease your petty bickering and look at the rising power of Ulm for it is taking on the characteristics of an unstoppable juggernaut, albeit without the dominion spread (you have to pay for that bless somehow don't you llamabeast http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ), that will crush you all"

llamabeast November 30th, 2007 08:23 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Does anyone else hear chittering? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Hmm, strategy change eh? Interesting.

I do actually have dominion 8 and six temples, but strangely it isn't spreading very well. I suspect Bandar Log and Man have strong dominions themselves which are squishing mine. I can't imagine what you mean about the bless. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Anyway, noone needs to worry about me. Once magic comes into play... ugh. My best non-capital mage is just E1!! Occasionally E2, but I've only had one of them so far. Also of course, New Ulm is defending the purity of the world, and has no interest in war other than the destruction of blasphemies. If you're not a blasphemy, you need not fear the White Priests of Ulm.

Finally, what's the single thing everyone knows about rats in general and skaven in particular? That's right - they exaggerate a lot.

Digress November 30th, 2007 11:56 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Chittering indeed !

We rats possess a wide range of vocalizations that allow us to sing the praises of the glorius, though in many ways hideously disfigured, horned rat in a great spectrum of sound, much of which your ignorant Ulmish ears are incapable of hearing.

No calling it squeaking either, thank you very much. We rats a revered in many cultures though obviously not your in your steel encased monolithic barbarism known as Ulmish "kultur".

Only poor little E1 mages heh, I seem to have a lot of E3+ mages knocking on my door right at the moment.

"If you're not a blasphemy, you need not fear the White Priests of Ulm." That quote says it all - when you get a couple White Priests together talking about the weather it takes only seconds before there are cries of "blasphemer" "heretic" and a couple of 'em are burning the stake while the survivors are off in their cells "disciplining" themselves. Ulmish people are about as much fun as a simultaneous outbreak of mange and the clap - and we skaven know exactly what that feels like.

We Skaven call it as it is - not as it might be "Once magic comes into play...".

Sombre December 1st, 2007 05:16 AM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Need I remind you of this quote from a Skaven of noble character and great stature?

"Die die manthings!" Warlord Queek Head-Taker

You know what to do. Ulm doesn't have hordes of archers or poison immunity or fire resistance. Their armour is of little consequence to your best weapons.

llamabeast December 1st, 2007 08:17 PM

Re: Sub for Skaven
Postponed hosting for 4 hours at Digress' request.

Digress December 2nd, 2007 07:46 AM

Ulm\'s lapdog/declares war on the glorius Skaven
Thanks for the hosting delay llamabeast. My apologies to everyone else. Back to the state of the game.

The seers of Skavenblight can report that Ulm's lapdog Man has declared war on our nation. This spectacularly servile breed of man has reduced itself, by this act, to the status of Ulm's most obedient and pathetic vassal. We will not sully our filthiest breeding pits with the corpses of creatures such as these.

They will, no doubt, claim a debt of gratitude to Ulm who came to their "rescue" when they clashed with the Tomb Kings. The war between Man and the Tomb Kings allowed Ulm to grow unhindered whilst their southern neighbours struggled before Ulm turned and crushed the newly risen Tomb Kings back into the desert sands. We note that recently Ulm "nobly" tossed Man some scraps from its table, presumably to ensure they would carry out Ulm's every command.

How long, we ask, before Ulm takes these scraps back ? Not much before it tears stewardship of the forest of Avalon from your weak grasp, methinks.

Again we repeat our call to all remaining powers in the land. Make a peace and turn on Ulm before it turns its baleful, and frankly loopy (in a religous sense), eyes on you. Its power grows while you squabble like children.

There is no glory to be had in coming second.

llamabeast December 2nd, 2007 08:32 AM

Chitter chitter. Where's the warfarin?

Digress December 2nd, 2007 09:59 AM

Re: Rats
Some of our more committed believers actively seek out experiences that leave them with massivea and uncontrolled internal bleeding and a foaming mouth. As a result our mages have warfarin at the top of the list of research goals.

We have a developed a couple of stop gaps that your intrusion into our lands will allow us to test.

llamabeast December 2nd, 2007 11:34 AM

Re: Rats
Apologies for delaying the hosting even more, I had no fewer than three games to start this morning! Took hours. Anyway, all done now.

The Skaven ratlings managed to kill no fewer than three of my beloved White Priests with Vengeance of the Dead, despite them having 15MR! How is that possible? And I didn't get any messages that they survived any attacks. So either the ratlings cast heaps of Vengeance of the Deads and there is no "you survived" message, or they are insanely lucky!

Also on the insanely lucky front - I was just thinking that the Skaven had no cheap S1 commanders they could use to Magic Duel my lovely white priests when what do I see but a whole load of Crystal Amazons each carrying a pearl ready to sacrifice themselves to the ratty cause. Lucky rats! I guess that means no more White Priests for me then.

I have to say, having effectively got a single useful mage which is capital only and has S1 is a bit disgruntling. Good job my troops are so awesome.

Digress December 2nd, 2007 06:47 PM

Re: Rats
If only I had more gems with which to grind your leaders up with. Your army routing without losing a man was more than a little annoying.

As for vengeance of the dead - hooray for boosters and a magic scale I say. I was hoping to do a little better from that one trick pony (like destroying some of your troops to go along with your white priests http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif).

If nothing else I have made some room in the hall of fame.

Digress December 3rd, 2007 08:03 AM

Re: Rats
My seers see a dark future for the Skaven. I fear I rolled the dice and came up well short of what was required last turn. See what happens this time around.

llamabeast December 3rd, 2007 09:15 AM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
Argh, won't be able to take a look at the turn till tonight. The tension!

I have to say that I was phenomenally lucky to get away with no troops lost last turn, although it was still a disastrous turn for me. You were also quite phenomenally lucky to kill three of my beloved White Priests! But I guess if you were hoping to burst out, Magic Duel all my priests and annihilate my army you must have been quite disappointed.

Sombre December 3rd, 2007 12:13 PM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
Poor ratties, always seem to be under the boot. Shame because Ulm Reborn look on paper to be a good foe for them.

Digress December 3rd, 2007 06:58 PM

Re:Distressed little rats

llamabeast said:
I have to say that I was phenomenally lucky to get away with no troops lost last turn, although it was still a disastrous turn for me. You were also quite phenomenally lucky to kill three of my beloved White Priests! But I guess if you were hoping to burst out, Magic Duel all my priests and annihilate my army you must have been quite disappointed.

Quite dissappointed is something of a understatement. I was looking to cause significant casualties, hoping to keep you off my back long enough for me to deliver a short riposte to Man before having to turn around and meet the next Ulmish army marching south.

It looked a wonderful plan on paper ..... bah.

Alneyan December 3rd, 2007 09:10 PM

Re:Distressed little rats
Fear not, Skaven! Reinforcements are on the way! Oh, wait, I'm reinforcing the other army. There's to hoping I'll actually manage to be more than a diversion this time. So yeah, go Ulm!

I've tried to write down something like a declaration of war, but it didn't work all too well. The reasons are pretty much the usual thing: old grudges, Skaven's the only convenient target, I couldn't beat anything on my own, you've got some stuff I'd die for (though I'd prefer making you die instead), etc. So instead, I've aimed for something more descriptive about the current state of affairs in Man, but it sort of twisted and shot straight for the weird factor.

With no further ado, meet my Man:

Morgause was not having a good day. She should have, by all rights: she was Mistress of the Vale, the guardian of one of the most beautiful places left in the cruel world, and the most powerful person within the Vale -- the most powerful save for her sisters, that is, and the kitchen staff excepted. Alas, there was the burden of administrating the Vale (for her nephew Mordred did not bother volunteering to help her), the loss of various administrative registers, the theft of some thistle trinkets, Mordred's disappearence, all the warring going on, Gwenhwyfar's snatching her letters, the incessant political bickering of her fellow sisters, and she had misplaced her comb.

Of course, the sister Gwenhwyvach entered her room right as Morgause was rummaging through her items. Ah, there it was, stuck between a weathervorn report from an equally weathervorn scout and a parchment almost as ancient as herself describing some pact they have with a place called Skaven. Gwenhwyvach gave Morgause her usual smirk, handed her a platter of apples (marvellous, juicy red apples picked straight from those great trees the Sisters had so insisted on planting. She saw why they did now, and after all, Avalon was the Island of Apples), and sat down on the floor. It looked as if she had a lot of paperwork on her lap -- nothing that couldn't wait for her to break her fast anyhow.

Gwenhwyvach was the most crafty of the Sisterhood, having more than her fair share of wits and great talent in magic (she stood at the end of the Fold, and she could draw power from all her Sisters and did not have to spare any of hers). She actively craved power, too, and her youthfulness (a paltry one hundred odd years) gave her an edge over her sisters. So she came to become Morgause's most trusted adviser -- and her only one, as most Sisters preferred to plot in secrecy (what were their goals? Morgause had asked the Goddess one evening, and she had no idea. She suspected that not only the Sisterhood's left hand didn't know what the right one was doing, but that the right hand itself didn't know what it was doing).

"... close to victory... war... New Ulm... army... defeat...", Gwenhwyvach was saying. Morgause paid her little attention: she had heard everything about war of late, so what more could she learn? That, and she was no warlord... warlady (not that she really knew what she was). "I apologize, Sister Morgause, but you do not seem to be paying me much heed. I need your leave to prepare for war with our foe." There was that sarcastic note in Gwenhwyvach's voice that Morgause had learned to hate. "*****", she thought -- or she thought she thought that, until she saw the glare in Gwenhwyvach's eyes and understood. "You know that's true", Morgause said by way of apology. "The whole Sisterhood knows too."

For a moment, it looked as if Gwenhwyvach was about to hit her. "None of that", Morgause advised her. "We're not young Apprentices anymore. I wish I was, though." It seemed that Gwenhwyvach's wisdom had the upper hand over pride, and she settled down. Morgause knew she could trust her: she was content of wielding power within the Vale without the actual title that went with it. That, and nobody would willingly become Mistress of the Vale, for the role involved becoming the Matrix of the Fold. She, Morgause, was the weakest of the Sisterhood as she expended most of her strength to help others. She did not know that fact when she became Mistress. She was a foolish Apprentice.

"Sure, war", Morgause went. "New Ulm sounds like a tough nut to crack, but I trust our might." Gwenhwyvach looked positively stunned by the comment; it took her several seconds to muster an answer. "Morgause, that's not quite what I had in mind." "You did say war, right?" "Not against New Ulm; they're our allies. The foe is Skaven." "Skw-what?" "Skaven. There on the map. They have been a nuisance of late, and they are now at war with New Ulm." Gwenhwyvach saw that Morgause was not making much sense of what she told her, so she added: "Skaven. Rat-folks." Those words were enough to get the message through Morgause, if the grim look that took her was any indication.

"Them!", Morgause screeched. "The ugly critters with ... their little piggy eyes! Why do we suffer them to live! What happened to the various kingdoms of mankind? Abominations! Gut them, the..." It wouldn't be accurate to say that she was foaming at the mouth and waxing incoherent; that would be an understatement. Gwenhwyvach did her best to calm her elder, anxious to avoid another epic scene -- it was hard enough already to keep the Vale in kelter. But a fortnight ago, some officer gave her the skull of an undead leader, complete with rot and decay; her nightmarish screams kept them all awake for the better of three nights (until the officer was promoted to patrol duty on the barbarian marches).

"The only men on our borders are Ulmish", Gwenhwyfar offered when it looked like the worst was over. "Our allies. The ones who saved us from our previous foes, when hope grew dim. The ones..." "Those apples are delicious", Morgause said. "... the ones who could have stormed our walls, and with nothing but their greenest soldiers. The ones who are currently warring against the rats. The ones who need our help to prevail." Despite all her proding, it seemed Morgause was not quite making the connection. "They helped us; we must repay them", Gwenhwyfar said at last. At last, there was a glimpser of understanding in Morgause's eyes, and she said: "I see. We have debts to pay, but... I know! Let's give them a lovespoon?"

Morgause was slipping into one of her childish moods now -- apparently a side effect of those youthfulness spells. Gwenhwyfar braced herself for a very long afternoon. "No trinkets. War. They need our men. Our soldiers. It's war again." With a sigh, she took a neat piece of paper from Morgause's systematic chaotic desk and handed it to her. "One: Skaven has failed to provide us with any assistance whatsoever in our hour of greatest need", Morgause duly read, raising one accusating finger with each item. "Two: Skaven has mercilessly slaughtered a patrol of ours on our borders, with no apology forthcoming. Three: Our lands are ridden with spies hired by Skaven, as they are proud of their extensive spy network. Four: Skaven has interfered with our sphere of influence, seizing provinces claimed by the Vale. Five: We have evidence Skaven is researching spells of massive deadly potential that will surely be used against the Vale. Six: ..."

"There", Gwenhwyfar interrupted her. "Do you see why we need to go to war?" A nod. "Good. Now let's write down a nice letter to the rats, stating our griefs. Of course, we also fight for the greater glory of the Vale, but no need to mention that. Do not forget..." "I don't like that. Why do we have to rely on foreigners? We are strong folks, and surely, surely..." Gwenhwyfar shook her head. "We could not defeat a small army of our foes, and now you propose that we fight a whole war alone? Folly, I say." "I just don't like it." Gwenhwyfar took a deep breath, then another, but she was running out of patience. "You don't like Ulm, fine with me; I don't like seeing Man ruled by a dimwit and a monster."

A guttural shriek boomed out as if to underscore her point. It didn't come from Morgause, of course: no human lungs could have that much power. The source was instead hovering a few hundred meters above ground, right above that huge apple tree. The silhouette was hard to make out from the ground, but those with sharp eyes saw a metal-clad warrior all dressed in black and blood, a gothic sight of death and doom. An interesting spectacle, Gwenhwyfar thought; she could already see the whole Sisterhood protesting, folks quivering in fear, and the priests of New Ulm inquiring why this creature was suffered to live. The Sisters liked to see themselves as angels now; they were more like angels with bright hair dabbled in blood.

"Now that I have your full attention", Mordred said, his monochord voice sounding bored, "I'd like to share a story with you. I've just been assaulted by a party of men in the Plain of Bones -- yes, right there were the Skaven hordes slaughtered your kin. The men were led by one Bogus the Troll, as he told me, a big rat himself, and they were agents of Skaven sent specifically to slay me. Their message is plain: they are not content with the blood they have already spilled in our land. Anyway, here I stand before you, with the first spoils of this war. For it is war, undeclared, and our own message is plain: it will be delivered with sword and bow. Ready yourselves for the fight ahead. Erh, that's it." Mordred flew away; he was heading west.

"You know, Gwenhwyfar, Mordred is a slave to the Vale, just like me. Mistress of the Vale indeed!" A pause." "And just like you."

Digress December 4th, 2007 11:44 PM

The Folly of Man
The forces of Man again show their complete lack of ambition or vision. Now would be the time to make at least one attempt for victory and make an almighty strike at Ulm, but instead we see their true nature.

SHEEP. Old tired sheep not waiting to be shorn but to be slaughtered. The Crones of Avalon are like so many old bleating ewes wobbling around crying "oh the wolves of Ulm are our flocks saviour".

The seers see but one future for the forest of Avalon. A future ensured by Man's current course. The ancient trees will be adorned with the broken bodies of the Crones and Daughters of Avalon, strung up by the priests of Ulm as the witches they are.

And on the subject of Ulm - will your armies please stop running away. Even weighed down with all that armour our fleetest footed rats cannot run your troops down.

The Skaven are having some success killing off Ulm's mightiest mages however we are having no luck in bringing down their troops.

Digress December 5th, 2007 07:53 AM

So near yet so very, very, very far
It is well and truly curtains for the Skaven I fear. Early gambles didn't pay off and we are now completely out of cards. We send our heartfelt thanks to all those who aided us but maintain aid could have been better in the form of, you know, attacks on Ulm. Are we bitter ... no, apparently rat meat is suprisingly sweet (if a bit gamey).

Again Ulm's troops ran - but this time we started running first (you know after they had killed everybody) ... double bah.

llamabeast December 5th, 2007 07:29 PM

Re: So near yet so very, very, very far
My troops didn't run! Or at least I think not - I think they were just chasing some zombie behind them. I may have seen it wrongly though.

Man, that was a hard battle to watch - I am on my parents' computer, and it is _so_ slow. Was quite an epic battle though. I am very proud of my knights, hanging in there for so long, gradually dying of poison, afflictions everywhere (my entire army seems like a mass of afflictions, not entirely sure why), but keeping all your sacreds at bay for all that time until my main army could reach them and mow them down.

Your Shadow Blast was scary. After the first barrage I got really lucky with you missing most of my troops.

Good battle, anyway.

llamabeast December 5th, 2007 08:15 PM

Re: So near yet so very, very, very far
Bandar Log seems to have achieved a specatcular recovery. Only two months or so ago they were reduced to two provinces, with a vast Argan army on their doorstep. Now they seem to have reclaimed all of their old territory! Astonishing. Seems the Argans are in trouble.

I wonder what is going on in T'ien Ch'i. I haven't seen any sign of them for the entire game, until just now when a remote scout gave me my first sighting of one of their banners. From the location I guess they must probably be quite large though. Well, I guess the Orient is meant to be mysterious.

sum1lost December 5th, 2007 09:21 PM

Re: So near yet so very, very, very far

llamabeast said:
Bandar Log seems to have achieved a specatcular recovery. Only two months or so ago they were reduced to two provinces, with a vast Argan army on their doorstep. Now they seem to have reclaimed all of their old territory! Astonishing. Seems the Argans are in trouble.

I wonder what is going on in T'ien Ch'i. I haven't seen any sign of them for the entire game, until just now when a remote scout gave me my first sighting of one of their banners. From the location I guess they must probably be quite large though. Well, I guess the Orient is meant to be mysterious.

Thats been the entire war, actually- each of us finds a new strategy/spell and devastates the entire enemy army. Unfortuantely, Arga Dis isn't a brilliant nation in terms of magical diversity.

Digress December 6th, 2007 01:41 AM

Re: So near yet so very, very, very far
We Skaven know what running looks like. We choose to believe your troops were running like the terrified manwhelps they are http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

I think my bless on the censer bearers, council guards and mages has yielded a rich crop of afflictions amongst your armies but has yielded a particularly poor crop of Ulmish corpses. Sure Ulmish troops will continue to drop dead in the months to come but that ain't going to provide much satisfaction.

And the Shadow Blasts - I know Skaven may not have great precision but it got a little ridiculous watching all that death inflicting badness go flying over the serried ranks of your army .... leaving nothing but vast swathes of dead grass and shrubbery as a mark that the Skaven were actually employing battle magicks.

If only my gem income wasn't so dire - it would have been nice to be able to fire a few more off. I mean they had to start hitting something sooner or later ... surely . http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif

Triple bah.

Edited to add triple bah.

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