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Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
It seems so. I can't as well
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
I will not let this happen again. If someone needs more time they have to tell me how much. In Janlm's case, he told me how much time he needed, but decided not to take his turn when that time came. This is unacceptable game etiquette.
3 hours left to host. In case server is down, from now on the rule is to report on the forum so I know you didn't just decide to hold up the game for everyone else. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Ok, actually I'll turn on quickhost for now. But let this be a warning. I'll make sure each person knows the new rules.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
I know janlm, and I'm quite sure that he didn't do it on purpose.
For all we know, he might actually have been trying to do his turn. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
eh yes, i had some problems with my Internet last night, i've taken care of my turn now, thanks for waiting, and sorry for the trouble.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Heavy cavalry appears to be the bane of the great Arcoscephaleian armies...Unfortunatly we have not quite mastered the fine art of disconnecting horse from chariot to form our own cavalry force. 3 chariots were burned (as well as the attached horses) as a result of my overwhelming rage.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Just something to keep in mind, the 36 hour hosting is not meant to give you 36 hours to take a turn. The reason it's 36 and not 48 is because if you take a turn at 5pm and think "oh, I have 24 hours to take a turn, I'll take it again at 5pm" guess what happenes? You've missed your turn because 5pm to 5pm is 24 hours. If I set hosting to 36 hours that means you have till 5am to take your turn again. That 12 hour window is so that you don't have to wake up in the middle of the night to take a turn.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
I'm turning off the timer permanently. There's so many complications with having a timer. Say I restart my computer and there's 5 hours left to hosting. That means I have to set it to host in 5 hours and then wake up on time to set it to host in 36 hours, or it will host again in 5 hours.
I could, however, set the timer at certain times of day, but then guess what happenes? If quickhost is on and someone takes a turn at midnight and I set the timer to host at 1am, then it will host twice in one hour. From now on, only quickhost will be on and I'll keep track of hosting times some other way. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
The server is down?
I cannot connect to it now... |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Server should be fine. Maybe my internet went out for a second.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
It was probably fine, my mistake...
I wasn't connecting to the good IP. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Timer is off, quickhost is on. For some reason Nihil hasn't taken his turn. Game will pause for 18 hours until further notice.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Game has resumed!
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
> Unfortunatly we have not quite mastered the fine art of
> disconnecting horse from chariot to form our own cavalry > force. Speaking as nation in which only greatest warriors know how to stay on horse while engages in combat, we commiserate. We have invested heavily into researching highly technical 'stirup device' but no progress so far. Some young whipper snappers suggest we just copy it from heavy cavalry's lancers, but what they know? |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Agarthan Troglodyte forces have sacked an outlying Arcoscephalian province! An unprovoked attack such as this is inexcusable... as I speak the Arcoscephalian armies are gearing up for war...my battle mages will turn the ground beneath your armies to ash while my Jade Lizards feast on the still smoldering flesh.
...My nation's Philosophers suggest that your people are an abomination, a half fish half human blight that is merely the result of evolution gone wrong. Arcoscephale invites any nation to join us in our pursuit of ridding the world of your evil. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Agarthan people are abominations. Our spies report they are now trying to crossbreed elephants with fishes... The sage from the smouldercone cannot let this vileness happen.
We are glad to help Arcoscephale stopping the treacherous Dr.Doom plans! |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Jotunheim is taking a beating from Mictlan and Lanka. They think that Jotunheim can easily be defeated with brute force. There are a few surprises that await them. I will make sure of this.
I want those nations dead, you see. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Beware the elephant-fish! We only trying to reach the ocean, you see. All this dry land is drying our skin. No harm done, right? Dr.Doom will gladly meet your delegates to discuss this matter in his underground lair http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../firedevil.gif.
I haven't even met any Jotun forces yet so I don't see why you would want to see us dead http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif. But no matter, we will await your surprises! |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
OH! FRIK! Sorry, edited my post. Not Agartha, I meant LANKA!!!!!
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
What do you have to say against Lanka? Actually the phrase "Jotunheim is taking a beating" is highly incorrect. If you know the situation, you should not say so, because monkeys' losses are MUCH MORE significant. And from this game I've learned well that Niefel is too much unbalanced race. However, we won't argue.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Ano, don't complain about balance. Take it as a challenge, because it's impossible to balance any game well enough. A lot about Dominions is luck and unseen strategies and advantages. A lot of the balance comes from things you might not be noticing or taking advantage of. It's 2v1 right now, Lanka vs Jotunheim vs Mictlan. You can't complain about balance. Maybe you should have formed an alliance before attacking someone. Dominions is more than a number game if you know what I mean. Use your head, see the weaknesses in enemies.
Personally, I think Jotunheim is not unbalanced at all. Just because you lose in one battle doesn't mean all of a sudden Jotunheim is unbalanced. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Well, almost all of what you just said is false, but I really don't want to argue.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Ok, so then you must be right. Jotunheim is unbalanced and this game is all about numbers.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Argitoth is the server going to 3.14?
Also that ^ conversation could take place at several other venues where it could be a interesting and thoughtful discussion. In this thread, in this game, after losing a fight or two to someone; complaining about balance is a cop out and pretty lame in general. Keep it light, everyone knows what happens when stick wielding monkeys fling their poo at house sized giants. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Well, Revolution, I just said what I thought and experienced and I always tend to do so. I don't know where you saw complains or something like that. Everyone sees just what he wants or expects to see, don't you know?) And I mentioned twice that I don't want to argue on any point and won't do it just because there is absolutely no sense of it. You said about your lacking chariots, I said about overpowered Niefel. Can you see the difference?;-) And that is the last thing I say on that issue at least until the game ends. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Arcoscephale is looking to aquire some death gems. I'll trade gems of any other kind (except for blood) for them on a 1-1 basis.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
hmm, manfishelephants... do they come by mailorder?
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
sorry for the stall, lost internet connection from the snow storm.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Ah, no problem.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
I'd like to ask to increase the hosting interval to 48 hours starting from the next week. The game begins to require much more time than at the early stages.
Please, tell your opinions. Thanks. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
LOL! Ano, you're so selfish. You want all the provinces AND more time to take your turns. Good thing Jotunheim is around the corner http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
I don't want this game to slow down just yet with 48-hour hosting. Request a pause instead and I'll just switch off the timer. If there's enough people that want 48 hour hosting, I'll consider it. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
I'm pretty happy with the 24hr hosting for another couple weeks I think
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
I was under impression that in this forum, casting battlefield enchantment and retreating mage to leave enchantment working and unstoppable is considered abusing a bug.
Thread's first post was edited, and I do not remember whether this rule was stated. I had it used against me, so, do we allow it? I will be upfront, if we allow it, I will use ANY bug I know of. Including mists of deception + wrathful sky, which is unbeatable, and forging without gems. I would like game stopped until I get answer, but it is up to host. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Forging without gems? I don't know that one. How do you do it (just out of curiosity)?
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Yeah, do tell. I though this was was removed in Dominions II. I did see something about it on the AG forums, but my Russian is probably worse than that of someone named Nikolai :-)
Client hacking again? |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Is someone abusing bugs? That is not allowed.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Please refer to the bug shortlist. I don't know what is forging without gems or something like that but when I call something a bug I refer to the link above. If the issue is in this list (or int the list in the bug discussion thread) then I consider it a bug. "Mists of deception - wrathful skies" bug you speak of is present there but just casting and retreating is not because it is not a bug, but WAD and I've read several discussions about this all of them saying the same. Battlefield enchantment ends _ONLY_ if the casting mage dies. If he retreats or teleports home, it stays in power until all the friendly units are dead. It is expected behavior, no matter you like it or not. And the bug with mists of deceptions _IS_ a bug, because that spell continues summoning units while another battlefield enchantment stays in power and these 2 enchantments support each other to an end and nothing can be done.
As for forging without gems it would be more honest of you not to threaten others with using it but to write about it to the corresponding thread.. Update: Hm, I recently found the issue in the shortlist. You are right and I am not. Really, I never thought it is considered a bug and didn't notice it before. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
I admit I was mistaken and won't do it again. ...However, in this case i could just cast protection on the casting (expendable) mage and defend him with some units.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
yeah, Nikolai... its not cool making threats like that, I certainly hope our host will put you to ai at once if you make good of any such threats, no matter what else might have happened.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Ano admits he made a mistake and we should be able to continue without issue from here out. However I think that it should be taken off of the timed hosting until nikolai takes his turn since he was waiting for this issue to be resolved and it would be pretty rough for him if he ends up with a staled turn because of it.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
I believe that Argigoth has turned off the quickhost. He should have done so. Timer doesn't matter if quickhost is off.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Nikolai can just take his turn, can't see why we should wait because he decides to act up.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Because he asked for a delay in his post.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
I have extremely little patience to people that would threaten the game that i play like he did...
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
> However, in this case i could just cast protection on the casting (expendable) mage and defend him with some units.
My heavy cavalry went through where your mage was two turns later. Instead of enchantment ended with her death, I take 11 more turns of mopping up crap, and instead of clean massacre, it was almost a tie. Lets not forget that if it had worked, I would have lost ALL my army, pretender, prophet, etc... It was game ending (for me) fight, and you used shortlisted bug. I am new here, and I knew about. Since I have been here, there have been two long discussions about this. > I have extremely little patience to people that would threaten the game that i play like he did... Glad to see you have big patience for people who use bugs in crucial battle. Well, this last turn went fine for me and Tir na Nog - no losses, busted temple, killed a lot of troops... But I am switching to AI. Caught red handed, he appologize, and I am [censored] for thinking that once abuse is forgiven, all abuse goes. I will not ruin your game. Have fun. By the way, on gems hack - it modifies client, it allows orders that server does not check, and if you have no gems to cover some actions, it will execute anyway. Yes, it is Russian. No, I am not. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
This is a noob game and he made a noobie mistake. I hope you reconsider going ai nikolai.
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Nikolai, just think about simple thing: if I wasn't going to retreat with my mage, could I leave her unprotected at the bottom edge of battlefield at the side where (as I supposed) you cavalry was positioned? If I wasn't going to retreat, I would leave her in a group of sacreds, warded to stay alive long enough. But I definitely don't want to speak about _what could have been_ etc. I always used "cast and retreat" tactic and never thought it is considered a bug (I described my reasons and comparison with "mists of deception and wrathful skies" exploit above). I am sorry for that mistake, but believe me, it changed nothing in the battle result.
I will not calm you any more, because I already said all I could and had to say. |
Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Ano (Lanka) requests a pause till Saturday 12:00 GMT
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 04:31 AM. |
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