![]() |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Yes, its probably sailing since its not completely inland.
Thank you Jurri for the explanation http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
or maybe they were 'dumbo's' and just flew in...........
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
I just found myself travelling abroad with a broken laptop (hence the stall, actually sending this message from an internet cafe in spain). I wonŽt be able to get another turn in until wednesday (eastern US). IŽd greatly appreciate if we could postphone hosting until then.
I apologize to everybody for the stall and this late notice. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Okay, will do unless there's any major objections.
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Sounds good to me
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
I am heading bush next weekend - probably heading off Wednesday evening US time - for three or four days of fencing fun. Had some storms at the family hobby farm/block-o-weeds and some fences are in need of urgent repair.
I will try and rustle up a sub before I go so the game won't stall for an extended period (I have no problem with waiting until parcelt has access to a working machine by the way). Edit: Have secured the services of a sub for later in the week. So once parcelt is back up and running the game will go on. Will contact game admin with details for making the switch. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Greetings, nations of Feohtan. The Queen of Sauromatia (sorry Digress http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif) has gone on vacation, and our people will be under the administrations of The Head Cannibal vfb for the next few months (game time). The Head Cannibal (that's me) has been briefed on the current events of the world.
If you need to discuss anything with Sauromatia, please PM vfb. This is just a temporary stand-in, so of course I will be respecting any and all treaties, deals, pacts, bargains, trades, and purchasing agreements. THC (The Head Cannibal) |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
The Queen of Sauromatia has returned and has picked up a really nice feather boa and a staggeringly skintight sequinned dress that shows off all my curves, shoes that do my calves justice remain elusive. It is really suprising what you can pick up once you travel the Australian countryside.
Sauromatia remains the good neighbour she has always been and will continue to honour all NAPs and other agreements entered into by our sub vfb. I would like to publicly thank vfb for subbing for the last little while. He has provided sterling service to the Suaromatian nation and will be rewarded in the traditional manner ... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Did... Did Oceania just spontaneously combust? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Looks like the AI squeezed out his dominion. I don't know how, but it certaintly is unexpected. I hope it isn't a bug.
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
I can confirm that it wasn't a bug and do not feel it is fair to be referred to as the "AI". I am not as competent as AI..
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Digress pushed his dominion so strongly that he killed Oceania . I've been following this for quite some time now.
Nice play Digress. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
yup killed me good http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif only had one spot with dominion last turn---but didnt really have a chance anyway---at least on land you can have a buffer zone ---in the sea had none, and digress had a temple right next to my capitol--even with building temples and lots of bishops......Digress has it made now as will take all the sea zones---good fight though!!!
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Ahmm I think Fomoria have some strong UW armies as well. Will be interesting to see who gets the spoils.
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Hehe, I wonder... I mean, Fomoria has actual recruitable (and badass!) amphibious troops, which isn't something Sauromatia can say about itself. So I sure hope Digress has a plan http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Thanks for the game klagrok! Edit: great minds think alike? |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
LOL Jurri, probably twisted, evil minds think alike http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
And yes, thank you Klagrok for the game - tough luck there with your positioning. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
I thought it was Rlyeh that did em in. My mistake.
In other news, I have completely switched production to amphibious troops http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
No Rlyeh gave up a week or so ago---he said he had no time, but I noticed his god kicked the bucket--good luck think I finally took Rlyeh's home province this turn---Im just glad I got into a MP game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Had to pick the water nation--sure is different than playing moronic computer...
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
The end for Oceania occured more rapidly than even my most blood drenched priest had thought possible.
Oceania's start site did klagrok no favours at all. Hope you sign up for some more MP games - once you try them you can't go back. Sauromatia is preparing to stake its claim on some portion of the newly available provinces but intends to continue to act in a peaceful manner that has for so long characterized our activities. We need to secure some provinces that aren't blasted wastelands and depopulated swamps - we see them under the waves. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Argh! Jurri, fight me already! I'm throwing down the guantlet! Let's get this over with.
The suspense is killing me. ; ) |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Uhm...actually no, I meant go fight someone else instead. Yeah, that's it...
Hee. I am utterly destroyed, with Fomoria and Lanka now fighting to see who will get the best parts of my corpse. Best of luck you two, and have fun! I really don't have much to fight over. I had some of the *worst luck imaginable*, this game. If there's any interest, I may scrape up a brief AAR for it. I mean, gods but it was bad! ; ) --IndyPendant. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Hehe, you get what you wish for http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Fomoria and Lanka will also come for a piece, will they? Hmmm, Fomoria isn't in too great a position for that, so maybe you're just mixing up your giants http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif An AAR would be fun! |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Fomoria is confused.
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
I DECLARE WAR ON FOMORIA FOR INVADING MY TERRITORIES! DIE! DIE!! (Yeah, should have typed Neifelheim; just got confused, posting that last night while tired and sick with a cold. *shrug*) I do declare war on those evil Fomorian giants though! You look too much like Neifel giants for my tastes! (Why not? I'm going AI anyways...; ) --IndyPendant. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Hey folks,
With things heating up a bit I'd like to suggest we give some consideration to shifting to a 48/hr host. Thoughts? |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
I support the notion!
Relatedly, do you wanna keep on doing the hosting duties, IndyPendant, or do you want to shuffle them to someone else? |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Doop. I completely forgot I'm covering as the host of this game! Ha!
I can keep hosting it if no one else wants to--but I would probably need PMs or I might miss key requests. If anyone else wants to take over though, let me know. The 'duties' are really quite simple; the important thing is to be reliable about following through with requests. ; ) If I get a 'third'--or at least, no objections--I'll change the hosting time to 48 hours after this turn. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
I can take over hosting, just PM me the admin pass.
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Then it is done! Interval set to 48 hours as of this turn, and I've PM'd Baalz the password. He is now the game admin.
Best of luck, everyone, and have fun! If I can find the time within the next few days, I'll get around to some sort of AAR... |
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
I could not find a sub for the week I will be gone. I have set myself to AI. Let the land grab begin!!
Re: Feohtan - EA game, Open
Wow, server is upgraded to 3.15. Very nicely done, comparing to the hassle that usually accompanies patching a game in progress.
I'm impressed, again, with the LlamaServer. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Has anybody noticed the fact that it has started raining Golems ?
Baalz has noticed, or shortly will, that in getting my turn done in five minutes I neglected to remember that:- 1. Harpies can fly 2. Harpies comprise a portion of Pangaean PD 3. Harpies are capable of killing completely unprotected mages I thought the thread could do with a little bump. I can't be the ONLY one noticing the changed weather patterns. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Sauromtaia is unfortunately not known for it's meteorological knowlege. It is in fact raining ghost riders, Jarls and Ice Devils with a slight chance of wraith lord. :/
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
You're both wrong, in actuality the brown stuff dropping off the skies is Minotaur Lords. It's an easy mistake to make, I know.
Me, I'm more worried about the satyrs migrating out of season, and in unprecedented numbers. I wonder if it's a sign of a bigger change in the climate. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
You're all wrong. Its stones that are actually raining from the skies by evil black hearted dwarves, killing poor ctissians by the hundreds http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
There ARE things other than Golems being blown about in these winds. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Guys, I'm going on a one month vacation starting Apr. 24th.
I would have liked to find a sub for this time but I don't think this is very likely. Subbing for a nation that is in a bitter survival war on two fronts isn't exactly attractive for potential subs. I'm open for suggestions and in fact this is why I posted in the first place. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Ya know, WraithLord, I should have stuck with the rain of stones. It was a lot more effective than that laughable thunderstrike attack a turn ago. Also, it's more fun raiding than being raided. It's tragic that you killed Zwago, who led the HoF in kills.
Thanks for the notice about your vacation. Obviously it's tough for me to give unbiased advice but your vacation is still 10 turns away. Should we see how it goes? If we are still in a stalemate 10 turns from now it likely won't matter since one of the other four nations will just walk in and take us all over. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Hey Valerius its like we're having fun warring in our little corner of the world. Too bad soon one of the big baddies will come and break our party http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
I'm actually enjoying this war since every turn brings new and interesting developments. WRT RoS, its a fine trick and I always fall for it the first time, usually I try to prevent falling the second time but you caught me off guard on that lousy island. One last comment - I have refrained from raiding your lands so far in hopes you'll see the senselessness of our war but as you've probably noticed that's not the case anymore http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Yes, I was kind of wondering why Marverni was suffering all the raiding and I was receiving none, though I was raiding you. It looks like we were even this past turn - both losing two thugs.
Those illusionists are annoying, though - using glamour troops against me just isn't right. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Yeap, Illusionists are effective, in-fact they get MVP [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon44.gif[/img] out of all the troops at my disposal.
Banelords OToH are, surprisingly, fairly fragile. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Indeed. I am beginning to hate those little men with the pointy hats. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
I'd like to request a 6 hour hosting delay. I'll PM Baalz as well.
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Hosting postponed for Feohtan by 6 hours. The game will now host at 09:05 GMT on Tuesday April 8th.
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Since, surprisingly, Ctis doesn't look to be in bad shape despite its current dual front war I have posted for a sub here.
Its either that or going AI. |
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Need an extension of 24 hours - have gone down with food poisoning and sitting in front of computer not working so well http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Much as a Sauromatia stale would help me....
Hosting postponed for Feohtan by 24 hours. The game will now host at 03:40 GMT on Sunday April 13th |
Re: Feohtan - EA game - Well and Truly On
Have partially recovered and sent the turn in. Thanks for the extension.
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 04:34 AM. |
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