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Re: Swarm 2.5
Added links to the first post for map and mod.
Re: Swarm 2.5
Pan uploaded.
Re: Swarm 2.5
I'm in
Re: Swarm 2.5
We are waiting on Abysia and QM, if he still wants to play.
Re: Swarm 2.5
QM is bailing on us! Nooo..
Also, he says that there are apparently some bugs in CB mod 1.2.. he says that version 1.21 will be out soon ... ... ... I am asking him if 1.2 is playable. If it is, we will just accept the bugs, I think. |
Re: Swarm 2.5
How will we get turn updates?
Re: Swarm 2.5
This is a server game.
My ip = 97 dot 81 dot 77 dot 39 Port = 2000 The server will upload the turn to you. |
Re: Swarm 2.5
I meant how will we be notified when the timer has run out and a new turn begins?
Re: Swarm 2.5
Essentially? We're not.
There is a timer displayed when you connect to check your turn though. |
Re: Swarm 2.5
you can use wraithlord's little app "py_eye_gui" to check out the status of any of your games. the user interface isn't the most polished, but it works nicely http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Swarm 2.5
Oh! Sorry, DryaUnda, I was confused about what you meant. I think, if someone is the last oen to take a turn, they should post here and let people know.
I pm'ed fictionfan. He needs to upload his god before we can start. Although perhaps we should find someone else if he's staling already. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Swarm 2.5
If fictionfan doesn't show up soon, we will just start guys, sorry for the delays. Defintely by sunday afternoon, we will be starting. QM says we can update the CB mod on the fly, so that is not an issue.
Re: Swarm 2.5
Okay, started!
I wanted to wait for another person to join, but I guess that's not happening. We have only 7 players for 120 provinces -- a little less jam-packed and brutal than I originally wanted it. But, it will give us some elbow-room and make difficult research maybe not so bad after all. And besides, there are other games open right now, and I don't know how long we'd have to wait for the game to start. Have fun guys! The timer won't be turned on until everyone has taken their 1st turn. After that it will be 24-h quickhost. |
Re: Swarm 2.5
Hey, please restart the game. I am dropping because I originally joined this game to play with a friend, but we are going to just start our own server. Sorry.
Re: Swarm 2.5
Eep. Okay, I think we need more players now.
Unfortunately. : / |
Re: Swarm 2.5
I agree. Eep.
Um.. who was your friend? Who is still playing? |
Re: Swarm 2.5
My friend never joined the game.
Re: Swarm 2.5
I count 3 games open in addition to this one right now.
Makes me wonder if we're going to get any more players anytime soon. I suppose we could leave this game open and wait, we could switch to a smaller map and just start with the players we have, or we could scrap this game and all join the other games opening up. I'm up for whatever, even if you guys want to scrap this one. I just want to play, basically. I can try hosting again at a later date when not so many games are open. But, maybe we'll get more players. We'd just have to wait for a game to finish up. |
Re: Swarm 2.5
I am open to all those options CU.
I really only see one other game open and maybe not anymore. Also, you are hosting a network tcp game, which is much more convenient than pbem. So I think if we make it obvious it's open for new players, more will come. I am just saddened all the pregame posturing was wasted as Argitoth is no longer playing. Did I come across to scary? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif |
Re: Swarm 2.5
Haha, yeah I think you scared him away. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif
Re: Swarm 2.5
Re: Swarm 2.5
Okay im playing in two games atm i can handle a third... but just give me a few hours (until tomorrow midday european standard time) to choose a nation and pretender... i have played a few games mp over at quartertothree....
Re: Swarm 2.5
just remember to get crushed in at least one of them and you'll be fine... |
Re: Swarm 2.5
Re: Swarm 2.5
Okay iŽll make it easy for me and take ulm...
Re: Swarm 2.5
Okay, I am going to set up the server now, IP info is in the first post. We will still accept new players (at least 1 more) if any want to join before we start. |
Re: Swarm 2.5
Can I join? I want play Shinuyma. Shall we use CB 1.21?
Re: Swarm 2.5
Yes, the new CB is what we should use.
Sure, you're in Zolharm! |
Re: Swarm 2.5
Someone hit start. You have to wait until everyone loads up, and then the host hits start. I will set up the server again.
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
Pan uploaded.
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
Waiting on DryaUnda (T'ien Ch'i) before we can start.
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
*later* Uh oh, I think I need to re-upload my god; my pretender activated the cheat alert and was reduced to an arch mage with no paths. If that means you have to restart the server again, I'll PM everyone to expedite the re-uploading. |
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
It seems like everything went smoothly DryaUnda. Is there a problem on your end? I don't see any cheat message.
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
Server down? i cant connect....
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
I was having internet problems before I left the house. Probably the problems are continuing. It will likely be spotty all of today. Maybe check back in 30 min or so. Sorry about that.
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
I tested the pretender in single player, the cheat message showed up there.
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
Let me know if anyone still has trouble connecting. My internet looks to be pretty stable at the moment.
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
I can't connect at all, still.
And in all honesty, I am not sure I even want to play in this MP game any more. : ( The recent scale-loss bug/or/feature will completely *HOSE* me on this map, playing R'lyeh with most water provinces surrounded by land. R'lyeh really needs Order-3, and I don't want to play it without Growth-3. I'll get neither, which will royally screw my strategy, and my fun. And the only other MA nation I'm currently interested in playing--Ermor--gets hosed by the CB mod... |
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
Sorry but im still not able to connect
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
I also can't connect.
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
It looks like my IP address is different now for some reason, that was the problem.
My ip: 97 dot 81 dot 86 dot 245 Port: 2000 Try that, it should work. "The recent scale-loss bug" That doesn't affect every game, does it? I thought it was an intermittent problem. If you took order-3, you should have it, right? |
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
No. The old scale-loss bug was intermittent. The recent patch fixed it--and introduced a new one: now, a province's scales change depending on its neighbours' scales, regardless of dominion. So if you have Order-3 and Growth-3, but your opponent has Turmoil-3 and Death-1 for example, and he owns some of your province's neighbours, you can kiss your good scales goodbye.
Still, I...think...KO has recently indicated that this is indeed a bug, although he's being annoyingly murky about it, possibly due to ESL. If it is a bug that is going to be fixed soon, then my initial start will be rather severely weakened by a loss of roughly 25% of my wealth--but then a start could be hampered by poor positioning too, for example. If I get my scales back in another patch soon, I'll keep playing. ; ) --Oh, and changing the IP fixed things for me. |
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
Turn #1 has ticked.
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
Next turn...
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
Turn deadline extended. I don't like to see people stale so early.
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
Did the last one playing the previous turn forget to post, because I got a stale.
Is there any way to get e-mail notices for turns? |
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
Sure, I would do that.. how do we set up e-mail notices? Does anyone know?
Re: Swarm 2.5 - uploaded
I would talk to Velusion. He seems to be the master of the hosted games. (llamabeast being the master of emailed games. ; )
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