![]() |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
I don't bother with icons. I just search for the game names. Ctrl-F, type in Priori, hit Enter, done! ; )
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Doh! Scale Bug! Noooooooo!!!!!!!
Hey thanks for teh new icon. Brians yum. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Just in case you were curious..
The island start position in the far west is stupendously lame.. I'm talking 5 provinces to expand into until you meet your neighbor to the south who blocks all growth kind of lame.. Really really lame! |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
I am somewhat foolish.. Ok.. Rather foolish in that I did not notice a way off of my island. I hate not noticing things that are staring me in the face.
Unfortunately I based my strategy upon this lack of a way to get off the island and felt forced to attack my neighbor in order to grow. Ah well, many wars start with such foolishness in intelligence (unlike a certain president, we have fired our C.I.A. director) We declare war upon Pythium. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Turn on Map Filters-Neighbors. This will show you all your connecting provinces. You have a clear path off of that island.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Oh I had it on.. I wish I had that excuse but it's just foolishness plain and simple. I shall eat the sour cake I baked for myself.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Turn's up.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Edit: Never mind, seems to be working again now.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
is the servers ok? i cant enter now.
just entered np. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Curse you Oceania. We will grind your bones into plankton. We shall make fish food of your livers. R'lyeh will not stop until all your followers have been turned into mindless chaff!
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Carrion crows cawed loudly from their perches on the statues of once living snake worshipers. Their brethren plucked the eyes and entrails from the hundreds of twisted corpses below. Noisome hydra bodies and broken centaurs littered the now calm again valley. A few surviving horse-men surveyed the scene in the company of their cloven hoofed allies then turned and sped away to less harrowing spectacles.
Nice battle. I am unsure as of yet who got the Pyhrric end of the stick there.. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Ooops i got a stale turn... because i got fever over weekend... sorry i have missed onr turn... it isnt bad for me as the last turn wasnt that important... had to wait for research and money anyway...
So after all the great ulmish bazaar should open in two turns... our mastersmiths stand for quality and durabillity dont get caught without the right equipment. Orders and offers are taken now, dont be late http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
How much for some earth boots? I also would like a skull staff, but you can't do that right?
IBandar no more
The god of the monkeyfolk has faded from memory. Dominion death at the teeth of a giant Chinese worm- the most ignominious way to go.
GJ Ylvali. Thanks for hosting V. |
Re: Great battle
Great battle, Oceania. Those knights are very tough. It appears both our armies are a bit decimated now though, although mine won the day. And you wounded the Great Lord
(not to worry... he will recover). Our thirst for revenge for the killing of our Prophet has not abated though. We will have our revenge. |
Re: IBandar no more
The wyrm diverted your attention, while my prophetised consort did the real kill. I was kinda nervous your patrollers would find her, that would have been the end of my god too who was already badly afflicted. Well fought, though. It was a close one. |
Re: IBandar no more
The seas boil with fish and alien blood.
The rest of you let us know who wins, ok? We will be busy for the quite some time. |
Re: IBandar no more
Bye Tyrant http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/fear.gif
Hope to see you in another MP! |
Re: IBandar no more
Abysia is trading fire gems and boosters for earth gems/earth booster
Re: IBandar no more
Hi. I urgently have to leave town until sunday 11:30. I have no idea if IŽll survive two stales but I couldnŽt find a sub so... If possible could you postpone hosting a bit to bring it down to one stale for me?
Re: IBandar no more
Velusion is pretty strict about stales and timing but I personally am ok with a delay even though with your being a neighbor it is to my advantage to have you at a disadvantage. You did look for a sub and all.
On other topics.. I am looking for a luck pendant/medallion whatever the misc thing is (brain not awoken yet..) I have a variety of gems to trade but would prefer to give nature gems or gold. |
Re: IBandar no more
I'll put in a 24 hour delay this evening.
Re: IBandar no more
Man.. The luck you have had in this game makes me think you worship a misfortune 3 deity Velusion. Perfectly played too but for the things beyond your control.
Re: IBandar no more
Eh? What's this? What happened?
Re: IBandar no more
I lost my cyclops pretender in a fluke loss to a really crappy set of indys early... so I don't feel very lucky this game... |
Re: IBandar no more
And three turns ago your main army lost it's only leader capable of moving them all around due to it's hiding in the hydra's gas clouds. The leader was initially well placed but instead of remaining behind his infantry screen he ran all the way across the field to the hydras. This allowed me to pin and destroy the army. Said hydras also gassed a good 20-30 of your guys in the process. This turn to add insult to injury, Bogus and Co. attacked a province of yours.
My sympathies! |
The trials of Shinuyama
Well this is turning out to be an interesting game. It appears awfully crowded in my area, I encountered 4 nations within the first 6 turns - Mictlan, C'tis, Jotunheim, and Tien Chi, all within 3 to 4 provinces (capital to capital it seems). Then Mictlan decides to storm my castle, thinking me to be easy pickings, or so I have to guess. His Dragon God fell as my force stormed from the castle walls into the field. But lo and behold while pushing back Mictlan I see the Wyrm God of C'tis taking a few of my outer territories. I asked him to look elsewhere for his expansion, but to no response. I started to venture forth against Mictlan, taking out another of his large (and hopefully last or few left) armies, only to see yet another God (of Jotunheim) heading towards my capital.
If anybody is looking to support me in my efforts against Jotunheim, I'm pretty sure I can take out his wounded god if he attacks my capital. Any death gems you would be willing to spare to weaken his army or make him suffer more, donations are welcome. Who knows, maybe I'll be 2 for 2 in taking out fellow gods. Or not. |
Re: The trials of Shinuyama
I agree, its a little too close for comfort. I am used to playing roomier games. Ends up whoever is the worst diplomat is expelled first (or those chosen for an effective rush).
Caelum looks to be in a swift decline. |
Re: The trials of Shinuyama
That'll happen to the AI
Re: The trials of Shinuyama
Server down?
I can't connect to it or the status page. I'm off to work, so I won't be able to try again until this evening. |
Re: IBandar no more
Whats funny is that this is one of the very few times I've choosen the luck3 scales. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: IBandar no more
Velusion, could you push back the timer a few hours?
I couldn't get in this morning and won't be home until after the deadline. |
Re: IBandar no more
Damn, I guess I'm staling this turn. I'll miss it by an hour or less.
At least I'm not the only one. |
Re: IBandar no more
Naw, you have plenty of time Jeff. The timer has been extended. 29 hours as of this post, you and two other players have not turned in their turns.
Re: IBandar no more
Excellent. Thanks Velusion
The battle in the sea
How much PD did you have in that province Xox? Like 100? -R'lyeh |
Re: War of Vengeance!
Ermor declares its intentions to rid the world of the filthy Abysians!
Earlier in this game, I made an offer to Abysia to exchange a specific province of mine for one of his. Abysia decided to...'translate' my offer into an invitation to conquer my province from me. When I clarified the point, I was ignored. Ermor is patient, and the time has come for vengeance. Abysia's greed probably violates the terms of our NAP, so that I need not give warning. But the Lord of the Dead will honour the terms of the NAP with this unworthy foe. It is currently Turn 18, with 36 hours to go. On turn 21, I will give the orders for my minions to invade. --Vitae the Glorious, Lord of the Dead. |
Re: War of Vengeance!
Awesome battle Velusion! Nice work there, nice work indeed.
Re: War of Vengeance!
Re: War of Vengeance!
Details, man, details! ; )
Re: War of Vengeance!
A large mixed host of Satyrs, horse-men and shrieking Maeneds appeared over the crest of the low hill. Backed up by a jumbled mob of archer types and Dryads they poured into the valley below.
Awaiting them in fine order were a disciplined group of Retarii, Emerald guards and Principes. They in turn were stiffened by a full squadron of Arch-Theurgs and the lord of the snake-men himself. Initial prayers were sent and blessings made the very sky shine with divine power. The Arch-Theurgs formed a single mind with their communions and began to rain paralysis upon the horse-men who had made contact with the Retarii and standard bearers of the legion. The frozen horse-men were easy pickings for nets, swords and pikes, but the unfrozen reaped an awful toll upon the newly freed slaves and their companions. Terrible though the price was the snake-mens right flank held against the onslaught. The Snakes left flank was an even stiffer barrier to the nature lovers. The screaming female horde hurled themselves upon the extremely well armored Emerald Guards and Principes knowing that their individual chances were poor but hoping to tire out their opponents by forcing them to hack and thrust until they collapsed from exhaustion. A large group of Satyr javelinists hurled their missiles to little effect into the armored group but here and there men did fall with crude weapons protruding from their armor. The Dryads sensing that here perhaps their songs of fear and fatigue would win them the day raced to the fore and began to sing their withering lullaby's causing brave snake worshippers to quail, their arms as lead. The exhausted fell in ones and twos to the nails of the women and the spears of the Satyrs but this flank did hold! The god of the snake worshippers, though crippled, made his rocky way through the middle of the battle trampling wailing women with his brand new boots and provided the force which finally broke the Pangean horde.. Fortunately for the Pangeans their speed in advance was matched by their speed in retreat and many fled the field vowing vengeance another day. Pangean initial armies= 200+ with 10 leaders Pythium fielded a bare 90 with 18 battle ready mages. Results? 80 pangeans and their leaders fled the field while the snake-men held the ground with a bare 30 men but all of the mages survived. Oh and the snakemen cyclops took a vast 3 hps out of his 168. Detailed enough?! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: War of Vengeance!
Hey all,
I have some stuff I've gotten in luck events. Black steel full plate, enchanted shield, Just Man's crossbow, ring of fire. We R'lyeans don't use any of that crap. Let me know if you want any of it. I'll trade it cheaply... maybe for some water or astral gems. |
Re: War of Vengeance!
Wow, you got all that? I have found a couple of artifacts so far, including a mysterious barrel. Upon opening the barrel, our mages discovered all that was inside was...air! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: War of Vengeance!
Yeah, I usually get gold events with high luck, but this game, it's been mostly magic items. I just wish I could get something that I can actually use!
Re: War of Vengeance!
Re: War of Vengeance!
Re: War of Vengeance!
i never violated our nap to be clear. you said i can have that prov back. though its honorable that you will respect the 3 turn warning. i offer peace to the people of Ulm, willing to pay reparations to the havoc my Armies have done greetz Coobe |
Re: War of Vengeance!
Hrm. Exact text of the message I sent to coobe/Abysia, on Feb 21:
Re: War of Vengeance!
--IndyPendant. |
Re: War of Vengeance!
Hmmm i seem to not been able to connect!
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