![]() |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Metropolis theme could work out well. However, the other city mod I know of, Alugra, has amphibious infantry (Fishermen somewhat based on Aquaman). It doesn't really matter that much even if both nations have amphibious infantry, because it's such a basic Water-themed ability.
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Here is a picture of the Parthian Empire from between ~250bc to 250ad.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...4_%28BC%29.PNG At the very least, there must have been two large cities in the empire, Ctesiphon and Ecbatana. My knowledge of Parthia is very limited. I thought the empire extended all the way into modern day Ukraine, so that shows you how naive I am on the subject. I have a few questions to the people more knowledgeable about the Parthian Empire: Was Zoroastrianism still playing a major role religiously in the region at the time of the Parthian Empire? If the answer is yes, I seem to remember there being some elemental focus in the religion, especially concerning fire. Also, what would be the other mythological influences in the region at the time? Is it far fetched to think there would still be belief in Mesopotamian myths? Work should be pretty slow tonight, so I am going to delve into some study of the Parthians, it will probably serve me two fold anyway. BTW, I just bought a gigantic illustrated book of world mythologies, so maybe we can draw some inspiration from there as well http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. P.S. keep in mind it is well within our powers to take liberties concerning the nation, but I would rather not contradict their beliefs, an example being adding woad raiders or Couatls etc. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I do not think this nation will have amphibious infantry, Endo. I'm intentionally avoiding it, since it doesn't seems like something that any amount of faith or worship of elements is going to give to an ordinary human. That is a pretty significant physiological change. Going to start the Initiate sprite soon.
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
It seems to me that Parthia is somewhat well-suited for an amalgamation empire with 4 particular disparate groups. However, I'm not sure that it really fits into the Late Era, and I'm not sure that it fits the degree of difference in the four groups. Perhaps very light inspiration would be the most fruitful route. (Do we really want to rely on light infantry & light cavalry archers?)
Since the general concept here would be a backdrop where trade/commerce or multiple military invasions / successive empires that have placed four seperate ethnic groups into one area; the Middle East could certainly be such a backdrop, as well as Iberia, Sicily, Central Asia, etc. (even the British Isles could be made to fit) The guild concept is nice in general, but seems ill-suited to this situation. I feel like a better story is that these four groups are actually at odds with each other. They obviously have different magical practices, they should also speak different languages, follow different cultural practices, utilize different military traditions, and have before worshipped different deities. The mechanism of guilds in this case, just simply isn't strong enough. However, they face great outside pressure due to their wealth from trade, and are united by a strong leader (the pretender) who uses personal charisma, magical force, a priesthood that is on the rise / increasingly popular, and subterfuge (an extensive secret police / spy system) to put the feuds on hold for the time being and able to form one city-state. (Though a confederation of states is an idea of some merit as well.) Oh, and in reference to Zoroastrianism, while my knowledge of antiquity is a bit rusty, I believe that it certainly flourished to some degree during that time (as it had become popular some centuries earlier and was still around some centuries later), but that as many things Parthian, there is little record of it. By the way, in regards to air, I haven't been completely idle (I've been doing some conceptualization work). |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
How do the other modders feel about the idea that Saulot has presented? I really like the concept, and after a little bit of reading, I feel that Parthia would be better represented in a different era, probably middle, maybe even early.
Four ethnically diverse peoples bound together by the will of the pretender. It seems to still mesh well with the Middle Eastern theme for the reasons mentioned above. We may want to look at a different name for this nation, as Parthia seems to be a mod for another time, another era. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
1 Attachment(s)
I like the idea the Saulot has presented. Mostly because it is an expanded version of an idea I posted here earlier http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
And here's some new units fighting. (attached) |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Is there any chance the axes could be replaced with semaphore flags?
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Actually, you are right, I should probably make them rotate their chest a bit.
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Hey, the name was just a first suggestion.
It was more like "Hey, 1001 Nights sounds like a good flavor, let's see, what name the nation could have" ... And I found this. I still think, including a Djinn aspect could be interesting, even through I agree, that we really don't need to pick up the "Djinn/Effrit/Dao/Merit" quartnity. (Note: The Djinn from the lamp has Fire 5, Air 5, Earth 3 Astral 3, I read from the database.) So, 4 diffrent (and separated) groups united by the pretender god. How would one make this? One option could be, that one has normal mortals and normal leadership, one has undead one has magical beings and one maybe only commanders without leadership - but this does not really sound like it could work for us. There will likely be something like "Earth Infantery in the front, Air-Archers behind and Fire-heavy hitters taking the flanks. Lead by a Water-commander, maybe." One thing might be to give earth a poison spell either in nature or earth magic), Fire a fire, water a cold spell and air electricity (just as there are, but one more that is maybe 10% better) and give the units 75% resistence against their own element, -50% to the opposed (fire to cold sure, air to poison not so obvious) and -25% to the other two elements. Does not sound convincing, either. Edit: about the axe-fighter: In the attack spirte, I'd position the axes somewhere like 1 and 4 o'clock. Like his is attacking one after another, not both at once. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Fire already has a fire spell, the caster makes the target explode http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif (100 accuracy, mr negates, 10+ an damage + nextspell fireball)
As for the rest, making things follow a given formula just tends to make things more boring. I'll change the axer's sprite, but I'm not sure how much I want to change the angle of the axes. I'll decide when I sit down and rework him. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
The axe armed dude is very celtic looking to me. Not really a problem, but just thought I'd say it.
I'm going to draw a water spirit djinn thingy, to see what it looks like, and abide by whatever everyone else is doing. Agreed on not-Parthia, although we needa new name then. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I have updated the original post with the current working information. We need a name for the nation and we will be ready to move onto the next phase of the project.
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I did a 'Marid' in the last 30 mins based off of al-khazim, with the whirlwind totally redone in favour of spliced together water elemental bits, and the Djinn itself recoloured. Its quite pretty, and I might include it as a summon even if we decide against the Djinn theme.
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
As already said in this thread, Marid wasn't originally a water spirit. It was made that way in D&D, probably because "mare" and "marid" sound similar.
This mod is forming up quite nicely. Just in case I seem to be complaining all the time, I only speak up when I disagree with something. I like everything I haven't mentioned. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I just read a bit in Wikipedia.
So, the Marid is a really powerful, evil Djinn, an Effrit is an evil Djinn that is not so powerful as a Marid but still very powerful. Next lower is the Sila and least powerful the Ghul - and those are only the evil. Dao has nothing at all to do with Djinns. I think Djinns would make good unique summons, sadly 10089 is not modable. I'd say it could best be an air Summon with secondary-fire that has fire, air, some earth and sometimes water or astral magic (like 3/3/1/0/0 plus 200% random) Other mythological creatures of this area are the giant bird Roc and the feary-like Peri. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Well, it doesn't really matter, I'll just explain the "celticness" away in the description, and newer guys will hopefuly be a better fit. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
First, I was of course considering everything that was posted beforehand and take no creative credit for anything. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Second, you don't seem very excited by the Middle Eastern theme. Is there something else that you had in mind? I mentioned a few other backdrops, but nobody said anything about them so I figured they were found uninteresting. This is of course, a community project (though to expedite certain matters, Foodstamp should have the final say), so nobody who is participating should feel marginalized. @Modders: I'm not sure how committed everyone is to their sprite work, and if any changes may be problematic. We're still relatively early in the process. So, if change right now is not a problem, then keep in mind, Sicily is still a good idea. It's a fertile land and a trade center. It had Greek Colonization, Carthaginian colonization/War, Roman Conquest, Vandal Conquest, Ostrogothic Conquest, Byzantine Conquest, Tunisian/Berber Conquest, Norman control, Aragonian control, Independence, etc... (In fact, due to my skimming of various locations for ideas, I have some material for some future low-fantasy mods, with the possibility of a second community mod after this one is done.) In any case, we need to make a decision, and then stick with it. Ambiguity is the bane of moving forward. So let's not dwell upon this for more than let's say... 48 hours. @Endoperez: Then I take your silence about Urdheim as a compliment http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Air Update: I've settled on the two recruitable units, and the two spells. As for the others (commanders/sacred/hero), I have a broad group that I'll be whittling away. (My units are not inspired by any particular group mentioned so far, and should work with some minor adjustments for any scenario we choose.) While I tend to stick to an artistic style that is... not 100% in tune with Vanilla Dominions, for this mod, I'll most likely be working with modified Dom3 sprites, to not allow any element to stick out or detract from the whole of the mod. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
What is going on here. I feel I'm being willfully misunderstood.
@Agrajeg. The middle eastern theme has not been officially decided upon. In fact, I went out of my way to point this out in the post you quoted. @Endoperez. I know about the Marid-water nonissue, as I said earlier, hence the quotaion marks around Marid. I don't exactly have a better name. @Everyone. Sorry if I sound grumpy. I'm a bit sick right now, not that that excuses it. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
In fact, I'd prefer pretty much every other theme http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif (as far as mythologies go.) As you can see from my sprites, my thoughts go in the direction of nonespecific-European style, that isn't too different from most ordinary humans in Dominions. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Happy Birthday Agrajag http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. BTW, the sprite you created can be explained away in other manners as well. He could be Goth http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif.
@Everyone We need a new name for the nation. Submit your ideas and we will decide on the new name. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Agreed. Happy birthday.
Apologies for grumping (is that a word.) Hey, just occured to me I'm going to have to upload stuff eventually -should I just use winRAR to compress, or is there a specific format I should use? Getting back to work now. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I used to rar, now I normally zip stuff because I have had some unix users complain in the past. The mod sizes are so small that compression size does not matter. For the purposes of me getting the .dm/graphics for combining with the other modders works, you can use either.
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
(Happy belated birthday Agrajag)
Since it seems nobody will come up with a name, here's one: Acatharti Dominion (loosely translates to: Realm of the Impure / Rule of the Impure) Also, since nobody else seems to have spoken up about the backdrop, and Agrajag (or anyone else) hasn't actually put forth an actual alternative (and no, generic european-style fantasy human won't cut it) we seem to be still passively leaning towards the middle-eastern backdrop. If anyone wants to speak up about it, this is a good time. (While I still have choices to make about some units, and ideas which could take a week or two to flesh out, I can't actually proceed with the spritework until we make a concrete (and final) decision about this) @Foodstamp: Since each of the files we would send are so small anyway, I don't think using no compression at all should be a problem. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
It's more often Windows users than Linux users who can't open rar files. Most distros come with unrar by default, whereas many Windows users have never even heard of WinRAR.
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Thanks everyone http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif (for the birthday greetings, of course http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif)
Regarding compression: how about .7z? Personally I don't really care which compression is used, since I can open every kind that I'm aware of. Regarding theme: It's more that I really dislike the middle-eastern theme than that I prefer any other specific theme. If you want another backdrop suggestion then how about: 1) Norse/Germanic tribes. Yes, I'm aware that there are already several Nordic nations in the unmodded game, but the somewhat tribal tones fit nicely with the warring tribes theme, the warlike tones fit as well http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif 2) Variety. There could be some difference in theme between the different elements. Perhaps part of the reason these groups didn't get along so well is that they come from different regions. 3) Greek and/or Roman. Go for an RTW like feel, where several theoretically friendly factions are aggressively competing with each other. 4) Overrun Rome. Rome after being destroyed by barbaric tribes, some cultural remnants remain from the old Rome, but mostly barbaric/chaotic/disorganized/tribal/adjective rule. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
.zip! It's the only one everyone knows how to open.
Personally I think Middle Eastern would be awesome, and I'd look forward to playing it. Overrun Rome sounds interesting too. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
We could make one point of the compas for every element ...
Like: -From the weather-racked mountains in the north comes the Iron tribe praising the pretender's earth-aspect. -From the hot deserts in the south comes the normadic fire tribe. -From the open, barren plains in the east comes the wind cult. -From the costs of the west comes the water-tribe. Yes, I allready said, I'm a hemispheroist. The directions can be shuffled, if you prefer a hot north or something. I just "researched" pre-roman Spain ... gods, they were unlucky basicly some guys that do bronze but then just get one cultural hit after another: Celts, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks - everybody migrated over the Iberian peninsula, even before Rome sucked them in. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
The Iberian theme would be fine with me. I just finished reading "The Story of Spain", "Comrades" and "The Quest for El Cid" for my Spanish history class, and I read "The Basque History of the World. The first book really goes into depth about pre-Roman, the Basque book touches on it only a little, but redeems itself by being filled with Basque folklore.
I eventually planned to do an Iberian themed nation going by the name "Ebro" with the following influences: Lusitania, Basque, Carthaginian, Greek, Roman, and Tarsis. Either theme is fine with me, and I am pretty sure no one has really dove into doing Middle Eastern graphics too much, so it is not too late to set a new course. Keep in mind we are under no deadline here, so we do not need to set time limits for the various phases of the mod. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I'm fine with Iberian theme, and am glad everyone so far is pleased with it. Any objections?
@llamabeast: If you want I'd be willing to work on a middle-eastern nation. Perhaps a joint effort on both our parts, or I could get to it eventually on my own. Something Elamite, Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Parthian, for Early Era maybe? (or something more Persian for middle era) I'd also be interested in perhaps something Kush/Nubian or Proto-Ethiopian for Early Era. Or middle era, Kushan or Satavahana or something else Indian that's not monkey based. We could definitely have some fun with katars and patas. Or to go back to late era, possibly Turkish Jannisary armies. (as you can tell, I'd be interested in almost anything, though I don't actually have the time to explore anything more than a small fraction of what interests me) @Foodstamp: I understand that there is no real deadline, but IMHO setting goals and having at least a bit of pressure helps. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Huh, did I propose that? Was somewhat unintentionally. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
My objection is, that there is no real suggestion yet. That should be at least minimally worked out before we decide this. Like: How does this fit together wit the 4-Elements theme??? You know, this is no history, we don't have to stick so striktly to something that really existed. Plus, we should in any case go so far away from earth-history, that this nation can be played on any map. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif But now that we are at it, I think the myth of Atlantis (the sunken city, not creatures that breath underwater) is based on that backround. So, this idea followed, We'd have a metropolis of merchants that is lately invaded by: - Refugies from Marverni, after they got pushed away by Ulm. - People of an unknown nation that lost their land to the sea. - Two groups from Arcoscephale: One following the flow of gold on the trade routes, - and one coming with more military preasure to stop their trading influence. Sadly, I see neither air nor fire in "Arcos merchants/military expeditionists". We could easily redirect this to C'tis, however, if you don't mind lizards. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Then the Native population could take the Air-Part, or something. So, now is your part. I'd like to read counter-offers, modifications, clarifications, so that we can then vote on the best concept-design. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Putting my work on this on hold until we have a definite theme, then. I can work with pretty much any restrictions, although if we deviate from humans I will have to redraw some stuff.
I'm not sure, did I originally propose the mid-eastern thing? Has anyone any familiarity with the history of Alexandria? That is the most cosmopolitan ancient city I can think of. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Okay, I feel a bit like stepping on foodstamps toes, but now I sum up some concepts (Me likes project management).
-"Bazaar of Wonders": A big 1001 Nights-flavor city, ruled by the King (King would be correct but Caliph/Sultan could sound okay and differentiate against the other nations) and 4 contestant guilds representing the diffrent elements. -"Contesting Tribes": 4 long time seperate/contesting states (like early Greek city-states) each with an own rulership and elemental focus build a united city to praise their new common pretender. -"Migrations": A world-open, independant traiding city finds itself overflooded by 3 to 4 Early-Era nations that each happen to have a diffrent elemental focus by accident. So, 24 hours for other settings. Suggestions must include a hint on it's flavor backround and how the 4 elements fit into this. Beside this, ~48 hours to give your votes. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Well, shouldn't the voting period start after the suggestion period has ended? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
There won't be a deadline period. Maraxus, this is the only point of your post I feel is even remotely stepping on anyones toes.
I really like the concepts you have submitted. My favorite is: -"Contesting Tribes": 4 long time seperate/contesting states (like early Greek city-states) each with an own rulership and elemental focus build a united city to praise their new common pretender. So that one gets my vote. I will update the first post to reflect the spot we are at in creation. I would also suggest we stay away from real world themes as that has seemed to be the point of contention that has drug out the debates on the different ideas. Vote on your favorite out of the ones listed above or submit your concept and we will move forward http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. Also, someone come up with a wicked cool name http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Well, if we're voting then my vote goes to "Contesting Tribes" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Name? How about Yesod or Yesodot or Arba? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif I actually like Arba a bit, call them "The Arbaean Tribes". Call them "Tarn/Tarnean" after Tarn* the great craftsman of worlds http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif *- Adams http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Did you miss the name I suggested earlier, Foodstamp?
Air Update: I've started testing a few units with placeholder sprites for the time being. I've also started spritework on a few non-human units. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Aye I saw it. Incase anyone else missed it, the name is "Acatharti Dominion". The name is alright, I don't like that it has the word "Dominion" in it.
Here is a current list to condense the names for voting: Acatharti Dominion Tarn Yesod Yesodot Arba If I have missed others, or you have new ideas, just add to the list http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I suppose you're right, dominion does sound better in a completely different context. (Perhaps a scifi one or something not involving dominions)
*ponders* I suppose Confederacy, Commonwealth, Empire, Caliphate, Emirate, Sultanate etc. are all fine substitutes (they can also go before, such as X of Acartharti. Or simply Acartharsis. Or 'Unified Acartharsis'. Or 'Greater Acartharsis'. Also, a play on the Mongols, The Silver Horde. Also, a play on ancient China, The Four Kingdoms. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
It is not the context. The word is the title of the game, as well as one of the game features/mechanics, that is why I don't like the idea of it being used as part of the name of a nation as well.
Acatharti Dominion (Confederacy, Commonwealth, Empire, Caliphate, Emirate, Sultanate / or X of Acatharti) Acartharsis. 'Unified Acartharsis' 'Greater Acartharsis' Acatharti: The Silver Horde Acatharti: The Four Kingdoms Tarn Yesod Yesodot Arba |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
If you name it Silver Horde, put in a multihero "Silver General", age 100/50 human with att/def/str 18, 20 hp and a bonus bite attack. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Riding a bog beast.
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Okay, I'm definitly okay with Contesting Tribes.
For the name, I'd prefer something with more then 1 syllable. Acarthasis sounds good. Like Not-Carthage-ish. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
So "Acarthasis: Contesting Tribes"?
I like that name as well http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. For theme, maybe it can work like this... The pretender has pulled the four tribes together. Even though the tribes are bound together by the will of the pretender, they still jockey for position politically and have a distaste for one another, bred by their worship of different elements. The exception being the priest(s)(I am going to create) who are ordained by the new order, so they are not subject to the politics of the precarious alliance. So while there is a truce of sorts mandated by the pretender, the factions still play the game of political intrigue, trying to stab one another in the back. To top it off, they do not work well when mixed together in units, and would rather be in legions of their own ilk (cold auras, hot auras, vulnerability to opposite elements etc) |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Keep in mind that the AI will make a total mess if you give it units which can't really go together. It's bad enough with hydras and abysians already.
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I don't really care about the name, as long as it's not too silly.
As for auras, I'm not sure I'm comfortable giving my units heat auras, they are still just humans after all. Plus, what Sombre said http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I'm sorry, I made a spelling/typing mistake a while earlier and somehow it multiplied http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
A case of migrating and multiplying R(s)... It was supposed to be Acatharsis, not Acarthasis. But whatever you all like is fine. Anyway, I vote for Iberia. Foodstamp, you might consider throwing in some inquisitors for priests, and possibly combine one with stealth. It would tie in with the secret police, priestly power, rise of the Pretender over the various groups I discussed earlier. I also recommend a weak province defense of something between indep. light infantry and militia, but with different equipment, and slightly better morale and training, and no javelins. These are regular people, but due to nearly constant warfare are far more prepared for it than your average indep or militia, but by no means compare to the military power of the four groups. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
I support stuffed bears as troops, with panda summons.
I'm fine with the ideas I've seen presented, and will hopefully get enough respite from real life to finish the attack sprites by tuesday. |
Re: Looking for 4 modders for fun project
If there are no objections, I am going to add the following to the original post:
Name: Acatharsis, Conflicting Tribes. Background: The pretender has pulled the four tribes together. Even though the tribes are bound together by the will of the pretender, they still jockey for position politically and have a distaste for one another, bred by their worship of different elements. The exception being the priest(s)(I am going to create) who are ordained by the new order, so they are not subject to the politics of the precarious alliance. |
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