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Carkaton April 7th, 2008 01:21 AM

Re: Turn 13
Also, moderation had asked to extend the hosting interval to 48 hours for the next week or so because he has come down with an illness. I hope no one has an issue with this. He said he'd get a sub if there are problems, but I'd rather see him keep his roster spot.

Psycho April 7th, 2008 05:39 PM

Re: Turn 13
I sent you my mail moderation, but am not getting turns

Carkaton April 7th, 2008 06:43 PM

Re: Turn 13
send it to me. Mod was filling in as admin when I was gone.

Psycho April 8th, 2008 04:53 AM

Re: Turn 13
I'm buying a ring with poison protection. Anyone wants to forge me one? Sauromatia? Anyone? I'm paying handsomely.

zenphos April 8th, 2008 05:21 AM

Re: Turn 13
Hmmmm, actually I think everyone is a little more interested in you having your turn at the moment http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
Although I am sure once the turns start up again some will be willing to extort, oops sorry trade, you for a poison ring.

Psycho April 8th, 2008 05:33 AM

Re: Turn 13
I sent the turn. Any idea how to counter earth/nature blessed niefel giants?

zenphos April 8th, 2008 08:10 AM

Re: Turn 13
What massive regenerating giants who don't get fatigued?
Hmmmmm, drop a few fireballs on them would be one way to do it.
To be honest though I am uncertain. But then I am pretty new. High level evocation spells maybe? Falling fires and shadow blasts.
Or mass infantry with priests spamming sermon of courage.

Motomouse April 8th, 2008 09:44 AM

Re: Turn 13
Dear Helheim,

You dont want to counter blessed niefel giants. You want to succumb to them.

Enohg of Niefelheim

Motomouse April 8th, 2008 09:48 AM

Re: Turn 13
To be honest, you want to buy time!
Try to stay around long enough ...

Psycho April 8th, 2008 02:01 PM

Re: Turn 13
Those are all nice ideas, but I have practically no research and they are one step from my capitol and access to air and death

Hoplosternum April 8th, 2008 02:51 PM

Re: Turn 13

Psycho said:
Those are all nice ideas, but I have practically no research and they are one step from my capitol and access to air and death

Bah, Neifel Jarls don't have much Air usually. Just imagine if you came across giants with a 3-4 Air a piece, where would you be then?

Smaller Dave the New Prophet of Fomoria

Psycho April 8th, 2008 03:17 PM

Re: Turn 13
No, I meant I have access to air and death. I ate a couple of words up there

Psycho April 9th, 2008 05:50 PM

Re: Turn 13
Why are we on 48 hours schedule? Isn't it a bit early in the game for that?

Carkaton April 9th, 2008 07:22 PM

Re: Turn 13
Moderation requested a 48 hour turn for a week due to illness and there was no objections.

Psycho April 9th, 2008 07:46 PM

Re: Turn 13
OK. I wasn't aware of that.

zenphos April 14th, 2008 09:48 AM

Re: Turn 13
Does anyone else think it is time to revert back to 24 hour turns?
I am not being pushy and am happy to go with the consensus opinion.
Just thought I would bring it up.

zenphos April 14th, 2008 11:48 AM

Re: Turn 13
Thought I would post a link to this discussion that is now taking place

Carkaton April 15th, 2008 09:43 AM

Re: Turn 13
Sending a message to moderation to see if we can get this back to 24 hours. I'm sure we'd all like to get this game going again, 48 hours at this stage is really sapping my interest in the game.

moderation April 16th, 2008 01:20 AM

Re: Turn 13
I am still feeling ill. I would appreciate it if we can stay on the 48 hour timer for the next few turns. I would like to see how things go and perhaps find a sub or set the game to AI after that. I am undecided on whether I should continue spending energy playing a game I feel has mostly gone sour due to the level of difficulty I have had dealing with zenphos who either does not understand what a NAP is, or feels that it is acceptable to slip out of one with vague wording whenever he feels it is convenient.

Anyway, since zenphos has presented his side of the story in the above link, featuring "the worthy and honourable Arcoscephale", and the "the bloodthirsty virgin slaughterer Mictlan", I feel compelled to present my side of the story here since the thread he started has been presented in a one sided manner and has gone off topic.

It began with a trade negotiation for owl quills that I opened with zenphos early on. Afterwards, I him on the border, and offer him I what I understand is a standard 3 turn NAP that most players seem to use. Note that at this point, he does not understand what a NAP is, so I go to the trouble of posting a question on the forums and sending him the link and explaining it.

zenphos replies with this message:

"At this point I find myself able to commit to a 2 turn NAP.
This is the same NAP I have organised with other nations.
Which means 2 turn warning before any sort of aggresive behaviour or subversion.
Basically scouts are fine but no one else.
Looks like things are quieting down so can install my wizards back into their labs and start thinking about owl quills and other goodies."

We have already exchanged quite a few messages at this point and I think we have an understanding, so I take this as done deal. Particularly the sentence "At this point I find myself able to commit to a 2 turn NAP." Little do I know that he will later turn around and say that we have no agreement and that he believes I am massing on his border to take his owl quills "by force", as if it would be a simple matter to march into his capital, lay siege to it and demand that he forge them for me then. Later on, he will claim that I am "unhappy with a 2 turn NAP and [...] getting ready to invade."

Both of these claims are illogical. The idea of marching on his capital to take the owl quills by force, would have resulted in my empire spanning the entire map horizontally which would make me a target for every other player on the map. An obviously impractical idea, not to mention the amount of time that this would required. Any why would I attack him because I was unhappy with the offer of a 2 turn NAP when I was the one who originally proposed the NAP? I cannot think of a more pointless reason for starting an attack. The whole point of arranging a early game NAP is allow both players to conquer indies without being attacked by another player. As illogical as these reasons are, zenphos used both as excuses to cut a deal with other players against me, all the while conveniently forgetting about our negotiations.

At this point, I consider the NAP and the trade agreement a done deal, and turn my attention to finishing off the early war I had with Lanka and to conquering indies, assuming there will be at least a 2 turn notice before hostilities with zenphos. However all this time, he is busy cutting more convenient deals with other players. When I send him another message to see how the owl quills are coming along before I go off for the weekend, I discover that he believes that we have no such NAP, and that I had been planning all along to invade him instead of trade with him. Why then would I have bothered to set up a trade agreement with him? A simple look at the research graphs would confirm that I was trying to acquire some more research boosters.

I don't know how much back and forth it normally takes to secure a basic NAP and ask for some trades, even by the standards of having to explain it to someone with slightly less experience, but I think I went out of my way to explain it and in return, I get backstabbed. In contrast, my negotiations with other players in this game have all been direct and to the point.

Anyway, it certainly looks to me that like I should have not bothered negotiating with someone who either does not understand how to negotiate, or feigns misunderstanding when it is convenient to backstab someone. zenphos, if you're going to try to slip out of agreements when you find it is convenient and fabricate some illogical reasons for doing so, that is one way to play, but do not pretend that you hold the high ground at the same time.

And give me a break about role-playing that you are "avenging the ghosts of Lanka". Aside from the thematic problems associated with Arcocephale avenging a nation of demons, I saw you attack Lanka several turns ago as I was laying siege to his capital. And now you claim you are avenging them when it is convenient to attack me. If there is a more ridiculous contradiction, I don't know what it is, but I believe other players would be well advised to steer clear of dealings with you.

zenphos April 16th, 2008 07:16 AM

Re: Turn 13

I guess all I can do is refer people to the above thread and let them make up their own minds.
But I will point out that
1. Lanka had been set to AI for 2 turns before I attacked him
2. I enjoy roleplaying and thought this sounded better than "you have lots of lands, I want some of them, I have a big army, here I come."

Psycho April 16th, 2008 08:51 AM

Re: Turn 13
Well Dominions without war isn't Dominions. And the saying goes that in war (as in love) everything is permitted. So if someone decides to attack you, even if he has a NAP with you, there isn't really much you can do about it. Just prepare your defenses the best you can. At least you will know with whom to negotiate in your future games and who to stay clear off. Everybody is making a reputation for himself.

Hoplosternum April 16th, 2008 09:44 AM

Re: Turn 13
Partly Psycho. But I think there has been a genuine misunderstanding here. Both sides believe they are playing it fairly.

It isn't that one side thinks NAPs don't need to be kept (which is the view of some on the board). They both do. But one side does not think they have a NAP.

What is more NAPs affect diplomacy and the whole direction of the game. If Zenephos believed that the NAP deal had been agreed then he may NOT have built up to attack Moderation. He may well have found a new enemy or concentrated on research and held his armies in reserve. Likewise had Moderation realised there was no NAP then he may not have got involved elsewhere and so have been more prepared, or even struck first, along their border.

I am not sure anything can be done but carry on now, although that obviously is not that great for Mictlan.

I don't think (unless someone is flat out lying) that either have behaved dishonourably. It is simply a misunderstanding. I think I would have assumed, as Zenephos did, that when his counter offer was not agreed to it wasn't accepted. Although I would have asked for a clarification.

If I offer a 3 turn one I may not consider a 2 turn NAP counter offer as sufficent guarnatee and so I may be better fighting hm now rather than later when I am engaged elsewhere. It would depend on the situation I was in and the other player's situation as I saw it. But there are no rules here that I know of and I can see why Moderation might believe he had the deal. I would certainly trust either one - at least to sign a NAP with http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

gowb April 16th, 2008 11:26 AM

Re: Turn 13
Actually I was Lanka and Arcosephale attacked me long before I went AI. It's the entire reason I went AI - I didn't really stand a chance against a nation with a fire bless on one side and elephants on the other. :p

So zenphos is lying on at least that point. Maybe more?

zenphos April 16th, 2008 12:14 PM

Re: Turn 13

Was that at the same time as Mictlan was besieging your capital? Or was that very early in the game, turn 4 or 5 I think,, which I admit I had forgotten about, when I pushed your army back across the river and then sent a message saying you stay on your side of the river and I will stay on mine and that will be an end to it. And then stayed on my side of the river for the next 10 or more turns when I could have easily joined in the Lanka land grab, until you had been AI for 2 turns. Oh and EA Arcoscephale don't get elephants. So Gowb is wrong about this, who knows what else he might be wrong about?

gowb April 16th, 2008 04:30 PM

Re: Turn 13
Heh, sorry. I didn't even watch the battle. Mictlan wasn't at my capital, but with you being so mean and him not even trying to communicate I got frustrated and gave up.

zenphos April 19th, 2008 11:58 AM

Re: Turn 13
So is it time to revert to 24 hour turns yet?

Psycho April 19th, 2008 12:33 PM

Re: Turn 13
It doesn't really matter what is the clock set to. As soon as everyone sends their turn, it will host. And if we were on 24h and someone was about to stall, wouldn't it be better to postpone the hosting so that he has the chance to finish then to see him stall?

Well, at least I personally have no problem with 48h. When everyone sends their turns fast it will host fast, and when someone needs a little more time he doesn't have to ask and then hope the host will see it in time.

Carkaton April 22nd, 2008 12:17 AM

Re: Turn 13
Moderation has been subbed by Klagrok. He was the only guy who really wanted a 48 hour timer that I talked to. But since it's already turn 21 it's getting to the time to put it to 48 anyway.

Anyway I put it to a vote to reset the timer back to 24, at least for a while.

klagrok April 22nd, 2008 05:52 AM

Re: Turn 13
24 works for me but so does 48 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

zenphos April 22nd, 2008 08:49 AM

Re: Turn 13
I don't mind the 48 hour timer but it seemed that every turn took that long. It was very hard to get any sort of interest generating in the early game when there is not much happening anyway and the thing that keeps you interested is the fact that turns come quickly.
But to get interest going again I think that 24 hours for the next 5 turns, followed by a reversion back to 48 hours would be good.
But if the vote goes for 48 hours I am cool with it.

Motomouse April 22nd, 2008 11:02 AM

Re: Turn 13
Proceed as you like. I am fine both ways.

Psycho April 22nd, 2008 12:15 PM

Re: Turn 13
Either way is fine for me, as long as this turn stays 48h, because I won't be able to do it today.

Carkaton April 22nd, 2008 02:40 PM

Re: Turn 13
It looks like no one is really emphatic about it either way, but I'm inclined to agree with zenphos to change the timer back to 24 after this turn to try to spark interest back in this game. From there we can keep it until it's deemed necessary to move it to 48. My other game we didn't go to 48 until the late 30's.

Hoplosternum April 22nd, 2008 03:37 PM

Re: Turn 13
I would prefer it as 48 hour turns. It is not just the turns (which don't take that long at this stage) but any diplomacy you wis to do. Things can move quite fast.

But 24 hour turns are OK for a little while longer.

Carkaton April 22nd, 2008 07:57 PM

Re: Turn 13
Well how about 48 hour turns with a request to try and get the turns in early. IE if you got a lot of diplomacy and army config, take your time. But if you are just too lazy to take the 5 minutes to do your turn then please just do it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

zenphos April 27th, 2008 10:09 AM

Re: Turn 13
Well it has certainly gotten a little quiet around here. I think it was a lot more exciting when me and moderation were having our little ***** session. Hopefully things might pick up soon.

Psycho April 29th, 2008 05:17 PM

Re: Turn 13
Nation of Helheim is defeated. I will switch it to AI this turn as there is no point in playing any more.

The final battle was just plain stupid. I just summoned hordes of undead and they held the gate. Niefelheim had no chance of winning the battle even if it lasted for a 1000 turns. But after the turn 50 limit most of his army didn't retreat because they were berserked. Then came the second turn limit and my armies retreated and now they are all dead because they had nowhere to retreat. Also all of his berserked units died.

So Niefelheim lost 30 Niefel giants and a niefel Jarl. That is more than half of the army he sent on me. He is much weakened now and although I lost nearly all my troops, I won the battle so he will have to siege the castle from scratch again. If anyone was planning on attacking Niefelheim I don't think there will be a better time.

One more thing. This battle would sure end in a quite different way if I had researched the essential spell - darkness. I didn't research it because I focused on construction instead on alteration. That is because I thought that Motomouse (Niefelheim) would honor our NAP and give me 3 turn warning before attack. This way I would have enough time to research darkness. But that did not happen. He attacked with no warning. So if a Niefel army is moving towards your border get ready to fight even if you have a NAP.

zenphos May 9th, 2008 10:39 AM

Re: Turn 13

No sign of Carkaton for the last 4 turns. Seems odd since he is the moderator.
4 stales in a row though is not good and maybe it is time to switch to a new moderator and try to find a sub for Sauromatia?
Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?

Carkaton May 9th, 2008 02:47 PM

Re: Turn 13
I apologize. I had a friend subbing for me the last week, and I thought he was aware of this game as well but apparently not. Anyway I'm back and able to continue. Again, sorry about this.

zenphos May 9th, 2008 07:50 PM

Re: Turn 13
Hi Carkaton.

Good to see you are back.

FeydMantis May 16th, 2008 12:49 AM

Re: Turn 13
I was hoping I would be able to send my turn early friday but with Niefelheim (?) having not sent it in yet I might have problems doing my turn over the weekend would it be possible to get an extention till Sunday 23:00 GMT for the next turn?

Carkaton May 16th, 2008 12:59 AM

Re: Turn 13

FeydMantis May 18th, 2008 07:06 PM

Re: Turn 13
Thanks for that!

Carkaton June 9th, 2008 08:45 PM

Re: Turn 13
Sorry about the stale, I thought I had a few more hours.

zenphos June 23rd, 2008 04:44 AM

Re: Turn 13
It seems Carkaton has gone missing and we may need to find a sub or set to him to AI. I have PM'ed llamabeast and hopefully he can help out.

zenphos June 24th, 2008 04:45 AM

Re: Turn 13
Sleet has agreed to join the game. Hopefully he will post to the forum to say hello.

Sleet June 24th, 2008 11:29 PM

New player!
Hi there, I am trying to load the game and get an error when I click on my nation and try to start my turn:

"Can't find map image: parganos__llama.tga"
With an OK button
Click OK and get booted from Dom3

I have the mod installed and activated. I assume I am missing (map image?)something that came in first turn perhaps? Or..? Checked the forum thread and did not see anything.

Look forward to joining...
Sleet http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

zenphos June 25th, 2008 09:04 AM

Re: New player!
Try downloading the attachment in the 1st post. Maps don't get sent in the first turn. Extract it to the maps directory in Dom3. If that doesn't work try downloading it from the Empires Rising thread. It is the same map.
If this still doesn't work let me know.

Sleet June 25th, 2008 11:00 AM

Re: newbtopia- ea game for new players(recruiting)
Thanks, missed the attachment link in the subject. Will get the turn done as soon as I can! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Sleet June 25th, 2008 04:43 PM

Re: newbtopia- ea game for new players(recruiting)
Game is on. Glad to be here...
Thanks everyone.
Sleet http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

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