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Edi April 30th, 2008 10:49 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Good idea. So if someone would kindly present me with a list of undocumented key shortcuts, I'll add it to the FAQ. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Zeldor April 30th, 2008 10:54 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Do a printable version of it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Dedas April 30th, 2008 11:38 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
If you press the "Print Thread" button at the bottom of the forum it does a pretty good job.

vfb May 3rd, 2008 10:19 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Most Flying units cannot fly underwater, but the Djinn can.

Kristoffer O May 4th, 2008 01:44 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Did you know that:

A cat charm increases the seduction chance for succubii.

NTJedi May 4th, 2008 02:42 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Kristoffer O said:
Did you know that:

A cat charm increases the seduction chance for succubii.

I've seen debates in the forums on whether it does or does not, yet this is the first official confirmation. Kool thanks for the info!

** Modding Manual says 10 is standard for seduction... so how much does it increase the seduction chance? (?+2 or +10? or something else?)

Kristoffer O May 4th, 2008 03:10 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Might be +1, not sure.

Dedas May 4th, 2008 03:12 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Does bear talisman increase seduction for male seducers?

Zeldor May 4th, 2008 03:15 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Kristoffer O:

Another question about mechanics: what is needed to trigger Sickle Whose Crop is Pan gem generating effect? I have reasons to believe that killing mindless units does not give you gems.

Kristoffer O May 4th, 2008 03:17 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Not sure there was a bit of jumbled code that made me think cats charm and bear claw both had effects, but I couldn't figure out if and what they did. The succubus was a bit more plain so that one is confirmed.

The others might also be a restriction making it impossible to seduce if the wrong item is used, now that I come to think about it. To get a definite answer you'll have to ask JK.

If they have effects they work for female and male seducers respectively.

Maraxus May 5th, 2008 03:56 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Did you know...

...Jotun Boulders get a small area of effect fire when enchanted with flaming arrows.

Ironhawk May 5th, 2008 04:02 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Wow, really?

Baalz May 5th, 2008 04:41 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Mages who lose some of their magic paths when leaving the water (Oceana primarily) apparently have this functionality tied to their unit type, so you can circumvent this by casting transformation, twiceborn, etc.

lch May 5th, 2008 04:50 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

NTJedi said:
I've seen debates in the forums on whether it does or does not, yet this is the first official confirmation.

That's not true. It was said before by either JK or KO in the forums that all that the cat charm / bear talisman does is to change the possibility of being seduced. It would not change the actual chance of seducing others, was what I remember.

sector24 May 5th, 2008 05:50 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
I've been using LA Pythium's satyrs from the Orgy spell, and they have a virtually 0% chance of seducing anything. There just aren't enough female commanders around. However...they are fantastic assassins because as far as I can tell they force a duel without bodyguards. Can anyone confirm this?

Dedas May 5th, 2008 05:58 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Isn't that what happens when they fail their seduction? Guess there are less gay commanders than you think. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Saulot May 5th, 2008 06:53 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

lch said:

NTJedi said:
I've seen debates in the forums on whether it does or does not, yet this is the first official confirmation.

That's not true. It was said before by either JK or KO in the forums that all that the cat charm / bear talisman does is to change the possibility of being seduced. It would not change the actual chance of seducing others, was what I remember.

It's sad that even after all this time, there are still a few things nobody is quite sure about.

Ironhawk May 5th, 2008 07:47 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

sector24 said:
I've been using LA Pythium's satyrs from the Orgy spell, and they have a virtually 0% chance of seducing anything. There just aren't enough female commanders around. However...they are fantastic assassins because as far as I can tell they force a duel without bodyguards. Can anyone confirm this?

This is not correct. The seduction-failure assassination battle occurs just like any other. I've seen them fight bodyguards many times. You must just be getting lucky and hitting commanders without guards.

churl May 5th, 2008 08:34 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
If you forge 1 clam of pearls per turn (with a hammer), it takes 29 turns to "break even": the number of gems put in (29 clams at 14 gems each == 406) equals the number of pearls output (0+1+2+3+... for 29 turns == 406 pearls). If you need gems output the break even isn't for 57 turns! (1596 pearls output, which alchemizes to the 798 gems input)

For blood stones (forged with hammer), you break even on earth gems at turn 15 (105 gems), and blood at turn 23 (253 slaves becomes 253 earth gems).

For fever fetishes, assuming you place them on units with 10hp and produce 9 fire gems before switching to another unit, (and forge with a hammer), the break-even is around turn 16, using 96 gems (assuming some amortization of the gems output).

So, fever fetishes are by far the most efficient gem-producing artifact.. although they're also require the most micro-management.

chrispedersen May 6th, 2008 02:07 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
If you just remove the random nation (so the last nation is human), each nation you add will be human too...)

chrispedersen May 6th, 2008 02:10 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
I've used it many times. Anecdotally, it is well worth the price of a cat charm to add it to a succubus - or a lanka demon.

K May 6th, 2008 02:37 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Did you know...

When you have the Gift of Health up, and put a Shroud of the Battle Saint on an already Holy unit, your Regen percentage for a Nature Bless is doubled, and based on your new HPs (so N10 is 40% of (base HPs + GoH HPs)).

K May 6th, 2008 02:47 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Did you know that....

Horrors sent to Hell with Claws of Cocytus(at B9) or Infernal Prison(at B9) will eventually come back to the world, attack a random province, and then sit around in that province(assuming they won the province battle) until defeated?

K May 6th, 2008 03:05 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Did you know that...

You can cast Life After Death and Foul Vapors to kill all your mages in a battle, which then turn them into Soulless, and then you can stop paying upkeep for them.

As Souless, they'll lose all their unit powers, but they'll have magic paths to research and cast, have a lower encumbrance, and you won't worry about age or disease anymore. They do have a low MR, so watch out for Banishments.

Doing this to a pile of Priests is great way to create Reanimating Priests.

K May 6th, 2008 03:37 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Did you know that....

Size 4 units and larger are brought back as Giant Mummies instead of Mummies when Ritual of Rebirth is used on them? They have double the HPs and Str, but one less MR.

kasnavada May 6th, 2008 10:29 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

For fever fetishes, assuming you place them on units with 10hp and produce 9 fire gems before switching to another unit, (and forge with a hammer), the break-even is around turn 16, using 96 gems (assuming some amortization of the gems output).

10 hp fetish means the indy basic commander ? So you will have to add about 272 upkeep cost (over those 16 turns) + 480 (16 turns) + 6 replacement for the deads (probably more if neverhealing wound is "gained" before of the disease) + 180 gold, totalling about 1000 gold. The other gem producing items can just be used on your researching mages, causing no additionnal cost.

Tip and tricks :
Fever fetishes can be used without any commander dying if the commander has recuperation or a way to recuperate from affliction (fairy queen, and some arcos priestess, being immortal) and high HP. A good example would be the minotaur commander for Pangaea (29 HP). However, disease doesn't heal immediatly so take the fetish away when hp is still "high" (7 to 10). When the commander is healed again, give him the fever fetish again ! It's probably not as cost effective as using indy commanders depending on the unit used to wear the fetish (due to higher cost) but it simplifies micromanagement a lot. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Falkor May 6th, 2008 10:33 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

vfb said:
Most Flying units cannot fly underwater, but the Djinn can.

Same for Horrors.
Send (lesser) Horror spell is as valuable underwater as on land. The beasts are amphibian and will "fly" directly for horror marked units. You just can't cast it underwater but you can target water provinces.

RonD May 6th, 2008 11:21 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Saulot said:

It's cool that even after all this time, there are still a few things nobody is quite sure about.


lch May 6th, 2008 12:57 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

K said:
Did you know that...

You can cast Life After Death and Foul Vapors to kill all your mages in a battle, which then turn them into Soulless, and then you can stop paying upkeep for them.

Mwahahaha, that is evil! I love it! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

llamabeast May 6th, 2008 01:04 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

You can cast Life After Death and Foul Vapors to kill all your mages in a battle, which then turn them into Soulless, and then you can stop paying upkeep for them.

As Souless, they'll lose all their unit powers, but they'll have magic paths to research and cast, have a lower encumbrance, and you won't worry about age or disease anymore. They do have a low MR, so watch out for Banishments.

Doing this to a pile of Priests is great way to create Reanimating Priests.

Damn you K, that was my secret trick!

Though actually I wasn't clever enough to use Foul Vapours. When I did it I just had all my priests stand next to a Bog Beast. Still I was quite pleased with myself!

Ironhawk May 6th, 2008 01:48 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Wow that really is a great trick. Poor researchers!

DonCorazon May 6th, 2008 01:55 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
i think my employer did that to me! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

sector24 May 6th, 2008 01:57 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Sounds like a great move to use with LA Pythium to get rid of their Heretic status (and upkeep of course). Plus they have easy access to Foul Vapors or Hydras.

Cor2 May 6th, 2008 02:05 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

K said:
Did you know that...

You can cast Life After Death and Foul Vapors to kill all your mages in a battle, which then turn them into Soulless, and then you can stop paying upkeep for them.

Ha, I thought i had discovered this one as well! Found that the mages end up with like 5 mr, so its not good for battle mages. and IIRC ocassionally you lose a mage, the life after death does not trigger.

Kristoffer O May 6th, 2008 02:56 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Wouldn't you be immune to mind hunts as well?

Renojustin May 6th, 2008 03:29 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Mindless death-spell-casting corpses. Now there's a movie.

Ironhawk May 6th, 2008 05:06 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

K said:
You can cast Life After Death and Foul Vapors to kill all your mages in a battle, which then turn them into Soulless, and then you can stop paying upkeep for them.


Doing this to a pile of Priests is great way to create Reanimating Priests.

So, while I think this idea is just great - the use of it to create Reanimating Priests seems a little fishy to me. Can any undead priest reanimate? Cause it would just be totally bizarre to have a nation like Arco with a widespread capability to get undead freespawn.

What do you all think?

K May 6th, 2008 05:13 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Any undead or demon priest can reanimate.

K May 6th, 2008 05:17 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Did you know that....

Several nations get their own special Soulless and Londead. While most people know about Lanka's undead bandar and markata or Caelum's winged undead, few people know that Atlantis gets undead that have coral armor and weapons.

Amhazair May 6th, 2008 05:18 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Ironhawk said:

K said:
You can cast Life After Death and Foul Vapors to kill all your mages in a battle, which then turn them into Soulless, and then you can stop paying upkeep for them.


Doing this to a pile of Priests is great way to create Reanimating Priests.

So, while I think this idea is just great - the use of it to create Reanimating Priests seems a little fishy to me. Can any undead priest reanimate? Cause it would just be totally bizarre to have a nation like Arco with a widespread capability to get undead freespawn.

What do you all think?

Thematically I'm fine with it. Of course this would represent a major corruption of society, but if a nation like Ermor could be tempted by the dark powers of death magic, why should Arco (or any other nation) be immune?

K May 6th, 2008 05:55 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Did you know that....

Storm Demons are one of the few creature who aren't affected by Storms. Toss in a Gift of Reason and give them a Bow of War and you have Storm-immune archery (and as Commanders, they can be set to Fire Rear). The Precision of 14 doesn't hurt either.

Aezeal May 6th, 2008 06:12 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Storm demons and air elements and air queens right?

K May 6th, 2008 06:21 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Aezeal said:
Storm demons and air elements and air queens right?

There are some nation-specific units as well.

ano May 6th, 2008 06:38 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

K said:
Did you know that....

Several nations get their own special Soulless and Londead. While most people know about Lanka's undead bandar and markata or Caelum's winged undead, few people know that Atlantis gets undead that have coral armor and weapons.

AFAIK, any non-humanoid nation has its own type undead similar to the majority of population (meaning R'lyeh gets atlantians, for example).

K May 6th, 2008 07:47 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

ano said:

K said:
Did you know that....

Several nations get their own special Soulless and Londead. While most people know about Lanka's undead bandar and markata or Caelum's winged undead, few people know that Atlantis gets undead that have coral armor and weapons.

AFAIK, any non-humanoid nation has its own type undead similar to the majority of population (meaning R'lyeh gets atlantians, for example).

EA Argartha and EA Formoria both have normal Reaninmated undead, as well as all the "mixed" nations that are both monsters and human units or are humanish (Yomi, All Abysia nations, Tir' Na' Nog, etc).

PS. Several of the giant nations get giant longdead, which are aweesome.

Ironhawk May 6th, 2008 08:04 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Amhazair said:

Ironhawk said:
So, while I think this idea is just great - the use of it to create Reanimating Priests seems a little fishy to me. Can any undead priest reanimate? Cause it would just be totally bizarre to have a nation like Arco with a widespread capability to get undead freespawn.

What do you all think?

Thematically I'm fine with it. Of course this would represent a major corruption of society, but if a nation like Ermor could be tempted by the dark powers of death magic, why should Arco (or any other nation) be immune?

But you can make thematic reasons for anything, really. This effect is basically a loophole because the nations who dont have access to Reanimation were designed that way. Reviving a mage skirts the upkeep cost but doesnt add capabilities to a nation that never had them before. While I would LOVE to use this trick, I think I have to admit to myself that its an exploit in the case of priests.

chrispedersen May 6th, 2008 09:36 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
tengku, come to mind.

thejeff May 7th, 2008 09:06 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

K said:
Did you know that....

Storm Demons are one of the few creature who aren't affected by Storms. Toss in a Gift of Reason and give them a Bow of War and you have Storm-immune archery (and as Commanders, they can be set to Fire Rear). The Precision of 14 doesn't hurt either.

Are they actually storm immune? I know they can fly in a storm and I can easily see them not get the precision penalty, but doesn't Storm also stop 50% of missiles? Are they really immune to that?
Not to mention GoR just to get an archer seems a bit of a waste...

Amhazair May 7th, 2008 10:06 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Ironhawk said:

Amhazair said:

Ironhawk said:
So, while I think this idea is just great - the use of it to create Reanimating Priests seems a little fishy to me. Can any undead priest reanimate? Cause it would just be totally bizarre to have a nation like Arco with a widespread capability to get undead freespawn.

What do you all think?

Thematically I'm fine with it. Of course this would represent a major corruption of society, but if a nation like Ermor could be tempted by the dark powers of death magic, why should Arco (or any other nation) be immune?

But you can make thematic reasons for anything, really. This effect is basically a loophole because the nations who dont have access to Reanimation were designed that way. Reviving a mage skirts the upkeep cost but doesnt add capabilities to a nation that never had them before. While I would LOVE to use this trick, I think I have to admit to myself that its an exploit in the case of priests.

True enough. From your post I wasn't sure whether you meant it thematically or gametechnically. I'm quite sure I have seen KO confirm that the fact that all undead priests can reanimate is WAD. Of course, that was mostly in regard to someone prophetizing some random undead to reanimate a few chaff units. I do agree that it is quite a leap from there to the mass production of priests in this way. I do see why you think it could be fishy, though I don't have strong feelings about it either way. It certainly is a very neat trick though.

MaxWilson May 7th, 2008 11:54 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
In a battle, if you type "U" (capital-U) you can create enemy units, and if you type "K" you can kill the unit the cursor is over. This doesn't affect the outcome but it lets you simulate battles.


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