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Tyrant April 26th, 2008 05:16 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'm in.

Xietor April 26th, 2008 05:39 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
We have 40/60 so far. In a 24 hour period.

James243 April 26th, 2008 06:06 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'm in for sure.

Where are you Aezeal?!

Kristoffer O April 26th, 2008 07:16 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
He's licking his wounds I suppose http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Some jaguars has teared him up badly I think.

moderation April 26th, 2008 08:14 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'm in. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif How many spots are left?

Xietor April 26th, 2008 08:16 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
18 spots left(though i am saving a spot for llamabeast if he wants in. So 17). But i will take 5-6 alternates, as the game will not start for some time, and i predict not all players that sign up will get their pretenders in.

DaveCG April 26th, 2008 08:17 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
If you'll have a totally green newbie like myself, I'm in, and I'd like to go Jotunheim, if that's possible.

Xietor April 26th, 2008 08:44 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
New players are welcome. I sent you a PM about race selection.

Darkwind April 26th, 2008 10:27 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'm also new, but I figure I might as well jump aboard. Sign me up!

DrPraetorious April 26th, 2008 11:54 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
1 Attachment(s)
I'm in the process of adding N/S wraparound to the map. This is what it looks like presently, it'll take me a few more days of work to get it looking nice, but only slight changes to the map file (I rotate the map back to the original position and all the existing province borders will still work.)

Let me know if anyone has any complaints or suggestions http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

Cor2 April 27th, 2008 12:30 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I am in.

By the way, last time there was a population bonus for last seeders. Is there some sort of bonus now?

Xietor April 27th, 2008 12:37 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
There will be no population bonus.

Welcome aboard Cor.

Dr. P assures me the n/s wrap can be done without connecting the 2 bodies of water that I want to keep separate for the reasons stated in the map selection thread.

Zeldor April 27th, 2008 12:50 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!

But there will be 2 new races in patch, so 62 players and 30 more provinces needed on the map.

Xietor April 27th, 2008 12:53 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
We will just leave out the 2 races no one selects. I do not want to redo any maps at this stage.

Reay April 27th, 2008 12:57 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'm in.

How many spots left?

Xietor April 27th, 2008 01:02 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
13 or 14, depending on whether llamabeast wants to play.
He is on holiday(as they say over there) and I want to make sure i save him a spot since he is kind enough to host the game on his server.

He gets back 4/27, so i will know soon.

Drake49 April 27th, 2008 03:01 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'm in.

Mazel April 27th, 2008 04:10 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'm in.

Cidi April 27th, 2008 04:38 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
Grettings from Spain.

I would like to play

Hellkor April 27th, 2008 05:11 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'll give it a shot http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Ossa April 27th, 2008 08:01 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'd like to join.

cleveland April 27th, 2008 08:05 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
If I don't play, DonCorazon has threatened to attack in Alexandria.

I suppose I have no choice: count me in.

Xietor April 27th, 2008 11:14 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I do not suppose we have any volunteer to update the Mega Age Mod(single age mod) with the newer races? It takes a person with some graphical skill to make the banners for the races.

That will be necessary before they can be included.

Firewalker April 27th, 2008 11:22 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
If some slots are left, I'll join up.

Jazzepi April 27th, 2008 11:26 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'd like to join if there are any slots left.


Xietor April 27th, 2008 11:44 AM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
54/60. we are getting close to being a full game. Though i will take some alternates as i can guarantee there will be a few players that do not get their pretenders sent in when we get to that step.

BigandScary April 27th, 2008 01:04 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'm in

Xietor April 27th, 2008 01:42 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
While I do not want to influence anyone's race selections, when a certain race is picked by 3 players as number 1, I will post that fact so others will know that the chances of them getting that race are not good. But you can still pick any race you want as number one.

With over 20 people having already submitted races, or saying they have no preference, only 1 race so far has had 3 players take them as a 1st pick-Sauromatia(who was one of the very 1st races killed off in the 1st Big Game btw).

DonCorazon April 27th, 2008 01:51 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!

cleveland said:
If I don't play, DonCorazon has threatened to attack in Alexandria.

I suppose I have no choice: count me in.


I just don't want to die alone Cleveland!

llamabeast April 27th, 2008 01:51 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
Hello! I'm back. And I think I will play, it looks exciting. Thanks for organising it Xietor.

If no-one else does, I can probably do the banners for the new nations.

Xietor April 27th, 2008 02:17 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
Welcome Back Llamabeast! Server ran flawlessly for me in your absence.

Kingmaker Cast of Characters(so far)


1. Xietor
2. Dr. P
3. KristopherO
4. Baalz
5. Indypendant
6. ComTrav
7. Herode
8. Meglobob
9. Zenzei
10. Salamander8
11. Yandav
12. Cupido2
13. Unoptimized
14. Amhazair
15. Twan
16. Bernardo
17. Falkor
18. DonCorazon
19. Zoshan
20. Hoplosternum
21. Slobby
22. Dryaunda
23. Digress
24. Shigure
25. Areaofeffect
26. Hadrian_2
27. Lolomo
28. Chrispedersen
29. Cicadian
30. Lingchih
31. Foodstamp
32. Revolution
33. Fal
34. Admiralzhao
35. Coobe
36. Otthegreat
37. Dedas
38. Tichy
39. Tyrant
40. James243
41. Moderation
42. DaveCG
43. Darkwind
44. Cor2
45. Reay
46. Drake49
47. Mazel
48. Cidi
49. Hellkor
50. Ossa
51. Cleveland
52. Firewalker
53. Jazzepi
54. BigandScary
55. Llamabeast
56. Atul
57. Sum1lost
58. Zeldor(almost missed you!).
59. GWAR
60. Mr. Sparkle

1st alternate- Janim
2nd alternate- seryozha
3rd alternate- baruk
4th alternate- Evilhomer/Folket team
5th alternate Gregstrom

Hadrian_II April 27th, 2008 02:26 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!

Xietor said:
With over 20 people having already submitted races, or saying they have no preference, only 1 race so far has had 3 players take them as a 1st pick-Sauromatia(who was one of the very 1st races killed off in the 1st Big Game btw).

Sauro was killed by MA Pangaea (with maenads), as MA Pangaea (with maenads) is now MA Pangaea (without maenads) sauro might last longer http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Xietor April 27th, 2008 02:28 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
You may need to start drinking some Green Tea Hadrian, as that is said to help prevent memory loss. MA Ctis in fact defeated Sauromatia, and I owned that capital until the very end of the game when I TRADED it to you for MA Caelum's capital.

Xietor April 27th, 2008 02:37 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
With it looking like we will have 60, or very close to it, players, there will be no AI nations at the start. If we end up with only 55 players, then I will use the extra room for
spacing starting capitals further apart(i.e. more elbow room).

atul April 27th, 2008 03:16 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I know that somewhere along the road I'm going to regret this...


I'm in.

Didn't learn anything from Perpetuality, after all. :p

I'd suggest Very Hard research instead of just difficult and note that 65% of map is absolutely huge portion, no nation in Perp got nearly that big before game imploding. But I'm game any way.

sum1lost April 27th, 2008 03:21 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'm in.

Twan April 27th, 2008 03:50 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!

and note that 65% of map is absolutely huge portion, no nation in Perp got nearly that big before game imploding. But I'm game any way.

I'd also prefer victory conditions that can be achieved (before running into unit number problems, or having to end by agreement). I think 35 or 40% of the map, or 15 VP with one per capitol would be sufficient for a very long game (and make players more offensive as game has a chance to end without their agreement).

Meglobob April 27th, 2008 03:55 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
Was anyone close to 25 capitals in the previous megagame?

The 65% provinces is a very unrealistic victory condition but contolling a certain number of capitals will be achievable, not by me but certainly by someone else... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I am ok with difficult or very difficult research, whatever the majority want.

atul April 27th, 2008 04:09 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!

Meglobob said:
Was anyone close to 25 capitals in the previous megagame?

I doubt it. Province-wise, I was one of the largest, and I had 10 capitals, with three others right at my border. So unless someone had min/maxed capital conquering really heavily, I'd believe no-one had more than 15 capitals. On nearly turn 100 in a game that required several hours to play a turn.

Xietor April 27th, 2008 04:18 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I agree on the victory condition. But I wanted feedback.

I think capitals are the way to go. It is hard to take a capital. After all of my wars in the Big game I only had 7 at game's end.

But this game is a smaller map, and I do not anticipate it ending due to unit limits with no la ryleh or la ermor, and no turmoil for ea and ma Pangaea.

But I would also like an achievable in 1 year victory condition. How about 15 capitals? That means you have probably killed 25 percent of the nations playing?

we could also put a time limit in(since we will want a Big Game again next summer)and if no one reaches 15 capitals,
then the player with the most capitals next May 1, 2009 wins. That gives a concrete ending time.

Also, if by some chance the unit limit is reached, which i doubt, then we can say the nation with the most capitals at that point wins. That will give powerful nations an incentive to be aggressive the entire game.

Dedas April 27th, 2008 04:21 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!

Meglobob said:
Was anyone close to 25 capitals in the previous megagame?

The 65% provinces is a very unrealistic victory condition but contolling a certain number of capitals will be achievable, not by me but certainly by someone else... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I am ok with difficult or very difficult research, whatever the majority want.

I'm with you Meglobob!

Hard research!

Xietor April 27th, 2008 04:36 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
The problem with very hard research is the nations without tramplers or a heavy bless, that rely on magic to defend themselves, are toast. If MA Man cannot get evoc 5 in a reasonably short period, they have no chance against a rush nation that relies on powerful capital recruitable troops.

I think the Hard research is hard enough. And it took plenty long to get stuff researched on the hard level in Perpetuality.

Herode April 27th, 2008 05:05 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!

Xietor said:
we could also put a time limit in(since we will want a Big Game again next summer)and if no one reaches 15 capitals,
then the player with the most capitals next May 1, 2009 wins. That gives a concrete ending time.


atul April 27th, 2008 05:28 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I don't have problem with hard research, was just giving you the feedback you asked for. :p

Anyway, in Perp, MA Agartha, MA C'tis, Pangaea, LA R'lyeh and LA Ermor were all quite prominent in end-game, and none had sacreds or tramplers. Just playing devil's advocate here. Victory conditions sound good.

Xietor April 27th, 2008 05:47 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
3 of those nations had free spawn, and Ctis had an early war against a newer player. By the time I fought a tough sacred nation(Lanka), I had banelords.

Had I started out next to lanka, I would have been toast.

MA Ermor(Lolomo) was quite powerful as well. And again, he had tons of free spawn as well as tons of clams. MA Ermor may be the biggest free spawn nation left!

Amhazair April 27th, 2008 07:02 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I'm fine with capital VP's, but I would put the number a bit higher than 15.

It is true that in perpetuality no one had gotten those 15, but then, no one had focused on getting capitals either. If you are a strong nation in an otherwise powerful position it should be quite possible to conquer a decent number of capitals in 2 turns, by picking on weaker nations, or capitals already conquered by medium-rate powers.

Amhazair April 27th, 2008 07:04 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!

Xietor said:
With over 20 people having already submitted races, or saying they have no preference, only 1 race so far has had 3 players take them as a 1st pick-Sauromatia(who was one of the very 1st races killed off in the 1st Big Game btw).

Yeah, I was afraid that might be the case. I would really have liked to play Sauro, but I was convinced it would be so popular there would be no point in putting it on top of my list. Seems I was right.

Xietor April 27th, 2008 07:56 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
I am still open for victory conditions. It seems 25 is too high, as that is almost half the world, and one experienced player thinks 15 may be too low. Anyone else think 15 is too low?

Capitals in the midgame are typically not that easy to wrest away from a player, as that likely means they are dead. And other powerful players may start aiding those you fight when you get above 10 capitals.

Amhazair April 27th, 2008 08:05 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
Well, I only played one capital VP point game before in my life, and that one was with anonymous player and no diplomacy, which obviously made coördinating against the leader harder, so take that 'experience' with a grain of salt. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

GWAR April 27th, 2008 10:38 PM

Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!
Im in if there is still space.

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