![]() |
Re: Modding shortlist
#onebattlespell presently works not only for battle spells but for summoning spells, but when a summoning spell is used, it casts the spell over and over for the duration of the battle. At least it does for "Summon Spectral infantry"
If this is something easily coded, it would be nice to expand #onebattlespell to summoning spells(as it seems to have been done maybe inadvertently), but limit it to a single cast. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
I have used the spell successfully for combat spells. What i was trying to do was add a bit of diversity to it if it was easy to do. One of my heroes casts "living fire" just fine.
However, I did not want a mod with many authors contributing to it modding a bunch of spells as there would be a risk of conflict. So I was trying to find a way to get a great eagle summoned in combat without modding a spell to do it. May not be possible. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
Actually the caster is not casting the spell. it auto casts the entire battle. The caster is casting other spells.
Re: Modding shortlist
That's really weird. Can you post the scripting for the spell? Because my guy would spam the #onebattlespell summon before I made the change. Then after I made the change, he would autocast it to begin with, then cast other things.
Maybe this is some type of new bug introduced in the last patch, because I have not touched modding since I was hearing reports that modded magic paths were messed up. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I've never seen a unit actually /casting/ the #onebattlespell. I've only seen it go off automatically. How did you get him to cast it?
Re: Modding shortlist
I think I did it with:
#researchlevel 0 #school -1 Here is the spell since then. I did not intend for him to be able to cast the spell beyond the initial #onebattlespell casting, so it has been modified. -------------------------------------Special Spell-------------------------------------------------------------- #selectspell 87 #clear #name "Summon Spirit Champion" #descr "The Caster is able to revive the spirit of a troll warrior who has died outside of combat." #school -1 #researchlevel 1 (This was 0 originally I think) #path 0 5 #pathlevel 0 1 #path 1 1 #pathlevel 1 1 #effect 1 #range 5 #nreff 1 #sound 18 #flightspr -1 #explspr -1 #fatiguecost 5000 (This was originally 0) #damage 2033 #restricted 62 #end And here is the guy who casts it: #newmonster 2010 #spr1 "./midgard/spiritmaster1.tga" #spr2 "./midgard/spiritmaster2.tga" #name "Spiritmaster" #descr "There is no greater glory in Midgard than dying in combat. Some people are not granted such a chance the first time around. Spiritmasters are able to recall the souls of those who have died a dishonorable death. These newly arisen spirits serve the Spiritmaster in return for a chance to die in combat, which will guarantee them a spot in the house of the new God." #hp 10 #size 2 #prot 0 #mor 12 #mr 14 #enc 3 #str 10 #att 9 #def 10 #prec 10 #mapmove 2 #ap 12 #gcost 100 #rcost 1 #nametype 115 #coldres 25 #weapon "Quarterstaff" #poorleader #onebattlespell 87 #itemslots 15494 #magicskill 1 1 #magicskill 5 1 #end If you alter the spell to the way I had it originally noted by the bold it should give you a caster that is able to spam a summon spell. |
Re: Modding shortlist
The modding wishes shortlist has been fixed and is once more readable.
Re: Modding shortlist
That was fast! :eek: Thanks for the work.
Re: Modding shortlist
1. I would still like to have the #useinwater (or something similar) to be added for ranged weapons.
Would be great for the total conversion dom 3000 Even better would be: 2. 1-2 new province types: air (and/or space) -only accesable by flying creatures -above average chance of air and or astral sites ( - I'd say they'd not be used in general games etc, just for modding (dom 3000) purposes I guess the 2nd proposal might even be easier to implement and if it could be done it would be GREAT!!! (if also the #flying command was available only or #airshape and it's returning counterpart) |
Re: Modding shortlist
Edi I would still like to see above requests added to the wishlist :D
Re: Modding shortlist
I support the idea of allowing underwater ranged weapons, allthrough #copyweapon (allready on the list) might solve the problem (I have to check, if there is any ranged weapon that is not MR negates, that fires underwater).
(But new terrain types: My guess would be: chances are small. ;) |
Re: Modding shortlist
I'd like to see modifiable underwater ranged weapons, flying, and stealth in the game. Not sure that Stealth isn't already possible, though
Re: Modding shortlist
Underwater stealth will be possible with the next patch (through seashape / landshape)
Re: Modding shortlist
There are already underwater stealth units. A Bogarus summon for instance.
I have no idea if it works though. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I used a gor ghost as a stealth unit in a prior mp game. The joke was on me if he showed as stealth but really was not(: He did show as stealth though.
Re: Modding shortlist
Added #landlubber to monster modding wishlist so I won't forget it (found a thread where it was requested while browsing through the forums).
Please keep all modding wishlist related discussion to this thread or the other threads linked from the shortlist thread. |
Re: Modding shortlist
A list of possible stuff for event modding added to list as per request from KO. :)
Re: Modding shortlist
I saw this in a thread about caves.
Making a province neighbor connection hidden until discoved by a search. Could be used to find hidden paths through mountain ranges and/or into a second layer on the map. |
Multi-Tier PD.
HoneyBadger has created a thread in the main dominions forum containing his wishlist/modding suggestion:
Wishlist: Multi-Tier PD The original content of this post can be found at the above link. HoneyBadger felt that the content was relevant to this thread and the Mod forum, but to allow extensive discussion of the suggestion, he requested that I edit this post. Have a nice day. :) - Ballbarian |
Re: Modding shortlist
I've searched the short list and this thread and haven't seen this suggestion. (No guarantee there, one would have to have much more patience than I possess to claim 100% accuracy.)
How about a spell that is the reverse of banishment or smite demons that demons and undead could use on sacred/holy non-demons? Also, while going though the short list I saw the magic item section the following: "#prec [bonus] Item grants commander specified bonus to precision" I make weapons with enhanced precision using the "#precision <>" command. Won't this work on items also? |
Re: Modding shortlist
Eye of Aiming affects the unit's precision directly, and affects spells as well as fired missiles. Spell modding is rather complicated. Unit abilities are all given as independent command tags, but spell effects and specialities are given as bitmask values that can be used to enable a number of options from a greater pool. It might be possible to mod a spell that only affects sacreds; if it isn't, it's unlikely it will become available. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Eye of Aiming affects the unit's precision directly, and affects spells as well as fired missiles. QUOTE] I understand the difference. I thought about that difference on my drive home last night and surmised that might be the case. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
#Prophetshape {monster name/ID}
Used to provide a second shape if the monster is prophetised. This is already in the game for units like the Abysian Warlord, Ctisian Lizard King etc. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Added to shortlist as #prophet [monster nbr] | "monster name"
Re: Modding shortlist
Would it be possible to have "go AI" possess a turn limit option?
I think this would be useful in testing mods, choosing to run 5 or 10 turns on automatic pilot, so to speak, and assessing the graphs. Right now all I get is "GAME OVER". I can't even figure out who won. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I can't find an extremely important 'wish' for mods on the wishlist:
MORE NAMETYPES We used to have a few we could use. We now have only 2 nametypes which are free, 127 and 128. Naturally a lot of mods use these. And if we can get more nametypes, can we get a LOT (like hundreds more) so we don't run out. They were supposed to have been extended before but it didn't work out. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I'll second Edratman's suggestion-I had the same thought myself, last night-(I'd suggest the name 'Blasphemy' to replace the 'Banishment' spell, and 'Fall From Grace' to replace 'Smite'), and also Sombre's nametypes. Both of them are excellent, intuitive suggestions that ought to be included.
Re: Modding shortlist
And shouldn't it be interesting to have the following mod commands : - SPELLS : - #scale [scale; i.e. "cold" or "order"] [bonus] : allow a spell to be more or less according to the specified scale, like Murdering Winter which is more effective with a high Cold scale. - #killcaster : the spell kill the mage who cast it ( a bit like Ashdod's "Banquet for the Dead"). |
Re: Modding shortlist
Next patch will give us a bunch of nation and site modding commands:
New nation modding commands:
New site modding commands:
These commands and their usage will be listed in detail in the next modding manual version, which will be included in the coming patch. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Cool additions. :up: :up:
Re: Modding shortlist
Seriously. That's awesome. I know I'll be making at least one Warhammer themed site collection mod now. The nation commands are a little bit less exciting, because we don't have much control over them - they just replicate existing stuff (we can't mod the undead reanimation tables etc) but being able to change temple and lab costs is going to be pretty huge. It could even be useful in CBM. |
Re: Modding shortlist
A command for the opposite of #restricted would be useful.
Maybe call it; #notnation <nation number> It would be useful to not allowed a specific nation to use X spell, X unit, X item I could really use such command :) Exampel; #selectspell 110 #notnation 91 #end Which doesn't allow nation 91 to use spell 110 |
Re: Modding shortlist
On the Wishlist are the monster modding commands
#clearweapons and #cleararmor Those can allready be done with #weapon 0 and #armor "Nothing" Including this in the next modding manual could be a simpler solution than including a new command (...don't know ...) ;) For side modding instead of the specific #summon command #cast [commander type] ["Spell name" | Spell id] might be not much harder and much more useful, because it would include scrying sides like the well of all waters and allow some new ideas (teleport gates). -commander type would be -1 for "any commander" and 0 to 8 would be a mage of the according magic path numbered as usual. (...Again, maybe it's not possible, maybe it is, don't know...) |
Re: Modding shortlist
What about allow changing sprites of;
- Magic Item Modding - Magic Site Modding and - Temple With "Magic Item Modding" and "Magic Site Modding" a #spr "imgfile" would be nice. With "Temple" there could be a #templespr "imgfile" --------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon & armor modding: Allow to give weapons/armor the ability to boost magic. A #magicboost path boost and #gemprod type number would be nice. Another nice thing would be to mod "misc items". |
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
Just thought of this. Would be a cool way to introduce nation in a deeper level to the game.
Mercenary Modding #addgroup - adds new group of mercenaries #name "name" - declares the name of the group #leader [mon nmbr] - declares who commands the mercenaries #troops [amount] [mon nmbr] - first number declares how many troops and the other what the monsters are #startcost [amount] - How much money will they ask when they are available. #end - always at the end of #addgroup |
Re: Modding shortlist
hehe I'd love this.. dom3 K needs to get rid of all existing mercs to start with.
so I'd need a command to remove them |
Re: Modding shortlist
We would probably also want #leadername. Might also be good to specify magic paths (and maybe even magic items) for the leader. |
Re: Modding shortlist
items, yes, paths would just be under it's newmonster modding stuff
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
yes analytic, if you just create a new monster (you know er can do that :D) with whatever stats/costumization you want you can link it to that already with his idea :D
Re: Modding shortlist
I see, Aezeal. You're looking at it more like the way national heroes work. I looked in Edi's DB, and didn't see some of the standard mercs listed in the 'uniquename' column in the 'AllUnits' sheet. But, that's not to say that things couldn't work the way you suggest. I'll concede that it would be more flexible.
I would be happy either way. :) |
Re: Modding shortlist
Mercs aren't listed in the unique stuff in the DB because the captains are all the same two types for the regular ones. Mercs are hardcoded, so they are not easily pigeonholed into anything particular.
Re: Modding shortlist
Mercenary companies would just kinda be cool way to really force nation in the backround of dom3. Even if no one is actually playing the nation, it still has a effect on the game. *Shrugs*, well, at least we have the #mon site command to make random magic sites that allow recruits of nationals. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I've seen some mercs when looking through the allview map though.. some seemed commanders from their description. Is there some way do disable them then? I can't think of a command to remove existing troops except by replacing them...
Come to think of it if I replaced them all with dom 3K flavoured mercs it wouldn't be that bad.. except all my indies are about 3x as strong as what mercs usually have but whatever. Does anyone (/me looks hopeful at Edi) have a list of the commanders unitnumbers and the troops unitnumbers. (could be you just said this was impossible but I'm not totally getting what can be done and what not from your remark) |
Re: Modding shortlist
Some mercs units overlap poptypes or national units so changing them would be a problem. But there are some mercs whose description says mercs (in both commander and units) so Im guessing that they would not appear anywhere else. They could be safely modified and still be mercs?
Re: Modding shortlist
For the purposes of dom3k that wouldn't really matter, since it doesn't use vanilla units anyway.
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