![]() |
Re: Sucks...
Press 1-9 till you get that back http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif But no neighbours info for anyone. Nor event info. I got hit by worse things http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I should be doing fine, I just hope there is no one stupid enough to attack me. I am bored with people that try to make useless early war they have no chance to win but try to slow down both nations. |
Re: Sucks...
chrispedersen, everyone is in the same boat, so it sucks for everybody!
The unrest will have been caused by a unlucky event, I had a extremely lucky event http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif So you see it all evens out real good... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif Indies and scouting will (probably) be normal next turn, same thing happened in the 1st megagame. |
Re: Sucks...
I have nothing against playing blindly for 10-20 turns. That would be fun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Sucks...
With indies 5 I think odds are small to lose with elephants, so I don't feel really concerned.
But I'd find better to skip (stale everyone for) this kind of turns, it's a free province for the bless nations who can blind attack and be 99,99% sure to win, others basically have the choice between losing one turn of expansion or risking to lose their starting army (and so several other turns) against dark vines or knights. |
Re: Sucks...
we had this occur in Perpetuality as well, and Velusion never staled to try and get past it. That adds problems as well.
You do not actually have to attack blind. You can actually have your scout attack instead of sneak, and set him to retreat and have him near the back. chances are he will survive. That is what i did on turn 1. I do that in every game, not because i was anticipating a problem with scouting report. I like to actually see the army i am fighting early in the game, as it is more accurate than a scouting report, which does not include those mages that spam orb lightning. |
Re: Sucks...
Not the same for everybody.
Awake pretenders, elephants, most giants. Who cares. You're beating indies most of the time, especially on turn 2. |
Re: Sucks...
I have seriously no idea what my pretender just fought. At least he won.
jazzepi |
Re: Sucks...
you did not get a battle replay? I got a battle replay and it was fine.
Re: Sucks...
No battle replay. With all the prophetically inclined scouts, I think it's just out of my reach in the message window. I patrolled successfully, as I have zero unrest, but I can't see that message either.
Jazzepi |
Re: Sucks...
Maybe a future project would be a way to prioritize messages,
or even eliminate some messages altogether, such as other nations making a prophet. That information is of dubious value anyway. |
Re: Sucks...
I very much doubt the UI is ever going to get any work. Personally, I feel it's an awful shame. Dom 3's /worst/ point is its awful UI, and extreme lack of tools to help with late game micro.
I feel it would open up the game to a whole new set of players if stuff like that were installed. I mean, the in game message system is [censored] atrocious. You can't even move a cursor around on the screen where the message is, you have to delete all the way back and you can't review your messages. Jazzepi |
Re: Sucks...
I was not taking a shot at the whole UI, i was just saying if we can cut out the prophet messages it may help things a bit in the future. heh. I guess that is not the kind of thing you can mod either. |
Re: Sucks...
Anyways, I have no fear. I'm attacking with my army this turn. Jazzepi |
Re: Sucks...
I do not want to turn the Kingmaker Game Thread into a general forum thread for dominions III. So even though i started it with a UI suggestion, mine was game related. heh.
Re: Sucks...
Re: Sucks...
I just want to chime in and say that I made another thread suitable for discussing the UI issues. Look in the General forums for 'Issues With: The User Interface (UI)'.
I'm sure I'd love to hear Jazzepi's rant. |
Re: Sucks...
What Endoperez said. Use 'v' on the battle province.
Re: Sucks...
i dont see any indies around my cap or anywhere else.
ive sended a scout and i dont get a report what is that ? |
Re: Sucks...
Read the thread preceding your post coobe. Everyone has the same problem, but it is expected that it will go away after this turn.
Re: Sucks...
HUZZAH! My pretender beat up on some militia. Jazzepi |
Re: Sucks...
jeez, all that drama for nothing.
Indies are visible now...
...and I've seen the first nation that's going to die. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
By the way, I'm playing Hinnom, and I've been keeping up with the thread. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif |
Re: Indies are visible now...
Well tell us too, nothing bad in some theatrics this early in game. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
...um, and what's up with deathmatch thread? I found the idea of Blighting Hinnom to ground quite appropriate, too bad I'm not playing ED-nation. :E |
Re: Indies are visible now...
Ulm has survived! It's a miracle!
In other news, my dominion is disappointingly low and I have a knight province with ~100 units next to my capital. That province has more units than my entire nation. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif It'll be fun to watch the looks on their pixellated faces when those silly indy Normal Knights meet my very serious Black Knights. And finally, it appears my EA cousin hasn't conquered a province. In fact, MA Ulm has more provinces than more than a third of the nations in Kingmaker. I find that a bit ironic, since MA Ulm is often considered rather weak. Though it might not be now, after its buffing-up; I'm not too sure. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Indies are visible now...
Re: Indies are visible now...
Well my blind attack was a success http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. Not a serf perished, although the battle scared one of them so bad he will forever be haunted by the memory (-5 Morale http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif )
Re: Indies are visible now...
We had 2 stale turns. I will need to find out from Llamabeast what nations since the names are cut off the chart.
If the same 2 nations have not done their turn tomorrow by host time, I may pause the game briefly if we have 2 players who want to take the races over. Do not worry, if i can get get the switch done quickly, then the 2 races will just be set to AI. I guess I will give our temp sub for ea caelum 1st choice if it happens, since he was good enough to cover for janim. |
Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I just started an anonymous poll that asks the Kingmaker players to report their pretender selection.
It could be kinda neat, seeing exactly which pretenders are being chosen, and which are being ignored. Participation is of course strictly voluntary, but the results will be available even if you don't complete it. It can be found here: Post#613911 It'd be very interesting if everyone in this game completed it. Cheers, cleveland |
Re: Sucks...
I agree with Twan. I'd luck to run stale for everyone until this shakes out.
Re: Sucks...
It only lasted a turn. Similar to perpetuality last summer.
Re: Sucks...
Hey guys...
I cannot open my latest turn. I have enabled the mods, disabled the mods. No dice. I downloaded and unzipped - no dice. I get a null list of nations when I look to open the game. Kingmaker and Worthy the only two mods enabled. Ok. I downloaded it again, and opened it. And now I can open the turn. And I open it up to find that it says I staled. Which I know I did not do. I remember the turn distinctly, remember exactly what I built (5 levite troops and a leader). Remember which territory I attacked blind. And, after I sent in the turn, I posted on here that I had to attack blind. Which I really didn't care for. I don't know what heppened, since all I had to do was hit reply- but I'm already too far behind the 8 ball. The starting conditions - not being able to see adjacent neighbors (I still can't) with weak starting troops is just too big a disadvantage. Rather than boosting Death Match; I wish the same emphasis was made on making starting conditions fair. People make a great fuss about setting the strength of independents to 5 or 7 beneffiting rush nations. But I find this whole thing about 3 turns of not being able to see some or all of the indies strengths a MUCH bigger deal. I'm out. |
Re: Sucks...
Re: Sucks...
[/quote] You have to attach your 2h file before you hit reply. Rather than go AI, you should give your position to someone else. It is still fairly early and the only real disadvantage your nation has suffered is your mishandling of one turn, which will hardly matter several turns from now. [/quote] I know I have to attach a turn Foodstamp; thats kind of facetious. Especially as the first 2? turns completed without stales. But saying I'm down 1 turn is just idiotic especially without knowing what kind of build I took. Some builds are much more susceptible to starting conditions than others. On turn 3 I'm still stuck building 5 crappy levites (think flagellants) or *1* decent army unit. With no territories except capital. And this is with very positive scales. Yeah! As for subs - I don't know anyone to ask, and anyone I did know I wouldn't. Update: Interesting. I unloaded Dominions and loaded it again - and now I can see units in territories.... The only difference is I downloaded the kingmaker mod again, prior (third time since game restart). Wonder if it would have made a difference. |
Re: Sucks...
You should allow Llama to look at your turn before you go AI. Maybe it is just an issue with your computer, and someone else may be able to see the indy provinces on their comp. Seriously, one stale is no reason to go AI over finding a sub.
Re: Sucks...
llamaserver actually emails you a confirmation if it receives your turn. And you can check llamaserver's web site to see if your turn has been received. On top of that, I think any player that has not sent in a turn gets an email notification that their turn has not been received.
I would not overly worry about a slow start, or even being eliminated early. The races are not equal, and some starting spots are better than others. Just have some fun. What will be, will be. If you the slow start has got you down though, I will try and find a sub for your race in the morming US time. |
Re: Sucks...
Its not fun. Sub away.
Edit: Xietor, JimMorrison wants to take the position. So unless one of the signed up temps have priority, give it to him. |
Re: Sucks...
Re: Sucks...
Re: Sucks...
I'll second that; I've spent hours figuring out start positions for two maps now--12 for Cradle, and 8 for Lonely Mermaid.
I would not even *consider* the idea of being so masochistic as to try to work out starting points for SIXTY-ONE nations on a single map! No. Way. ; ) |
Re: Indies are visible now...
Yeah anyway, glad to see fellow ulmmy alive and well, and don't worry, I'm fixing the no provinces thing atm with MASS DEATH AND FIRE...well...flying shards...but hey, beggars/choosers anyway, I got the greatest event ever on the second turn, I love luck scales. ULM WILL WIN! Not me, but one of us better, CONAN DEMANDS IT! (I really want him in the Hof...now...so all may see...) |
Re: Indies are visible now...
Personnally I'm a lucky coward. I had an intuition and cancelled my blind attack, fearing to lose my first elephants. And now I see it was a good idea : the province I was about to attack has 70+ troops with longbowmen and knights.
Re: Indies are visible now...
Elephants>knights. My biggest fear blind would be the blood druids and their dark vines!
I did have an old email, not yet deleted(fortunately)with Jim's email. So I will insert Jim as the new owner of LA Garth and get someone else to do ea caelum's final turn before Janim returns tomorrow. Edit: It is done. Jim you will receive LA Gath's turn shortly and will need to do it before host time. I have asked Llamabeast to delete the turn you sent in for ea caelum. Congrats on your new race! Chris, sorry it did not work out. We will miss you, and hope to see you in next year's Big Game! |
Re: Indies are visible now...
Not that early, I doubt starting Arco army + 3 elephants defeats a big knights + longbowmen province (10 elephants have no problem of course).
Re: Indies are visible now...
my elephants have armor younger brother.
Re: Indies are visible now...
Yeah, map is inbalanced. But starting position are made as well as possible on map like that. IF someone is really complaining about that he should simply try to make new map. And it can be used for next Kingmaker or we could start CBM Kingmkaer in autumn when many players will be out of that game.
Re: Indies are visible now...
I can honestly say, with respect to the start positions, that I will never undertake to do something like it again. At the time I decided to do it, I never realized what an undertaking it would be. Keeping track of all the starting spots, then trying to visualize where they are when you place the next one, is a challenge. Luckily I had a graphics program run by Ballbarian, that put yellow dots superimposed on the map image where i had capitals. That helped me catch some errors, and I still have that image as the wall paper of my computer! But then some spots had to have neighbors changed, the map needed edited because dom III had flagged some as no start, etc. But, I was in the same boat as every one else with respect to a random start, so i tried to make even the worst of them "ok" as I knew I may end up with it. While far from perfect, the flaws were not from lack of effort or time spent on my part. |
Re: Indies are visible now...
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif Manually adjusting start positions (especially on a map of this grand scale) is no small feat. It is exponentially more difficult when attempting to keep the starts fairly balanced. |
Re: Indies are visible now...
I've started to make one with same kind of starts positions WoG has (minimum of 4 neutrals between 2 caps, equal number of neighbours terrains and pop around each) when Xietor asked for maps, will probably be ready for the next (but testing/fixing errors will be long).
It's easier to do when you place capitols first and draw the map around (it's just long and boring, especially when you have half the map to erase because you have forgoten the wraparound connexions making several caps too close). |
A quibble about names
Re: A quibble about names
I think he does that nearly on purpose. Like, I've been "Bander" Log since Xietor first listed the nations. As if the proud apes would pander to all their neighbors' wishes! It's pure propaganda I say, propaganda!
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