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-   -   FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (RUNNING) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39370)

effeDom June 22nd, 2008 09:18 AM

Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
well damn, now if you look at this last page its all just complaining (of stuff thats already been resolved from previous complaining)...
renojustin, really, i dont enjoy the idea of playing with you in this game anymore at this point. i am going to ask that you leave this game and the reasons i think are justified:

1) i had already gotten some private messages warning me of your habits and had said i would keep an eye out but that otherwise i really didnt think anything would be a problem. I didnt think it would be a problem.

2) ever since your first post here you have complained about something. I even changed settings a bit just for you. nobody else wanted to change anything. on this same subject, i will say that discussing/complaining a setting is quite fine, i even asked people to do so, however it got a bit "nit picky" from you, wanting specific settings then saying if they werent EXACTLY that way, it was unfairly favoring me/my play style. which is absurd. furthermore on this subject, your requests at first were quite fine i must add...you gave good reasons etc and it was constructive, however every post thereafter became more and more demanding (changing the hosting server i think takes the cake) to change the game the way you wanted it.
finally resulting in you even trying to "logically debatefully force" us to change hosting server.

3) as far as hosting server, really, i am up for anything. HOWEVER, since this thread was started, certain things were set in stone. llamaserver is hosting, thats set in stone. EA for example, thats also set in stone. its a newbie game, that as well...set in stone. there are certain "attributes" if you will to games that people setup that are sortof, you know, the whole concept of what that game is going to be. coming along and wanting to change these 'attributes' is idiotic (read: non-logical;).

4) this reason is i would say my main motivation for asking you to leave, and that is, you are not a newbie. because of the whole non stop complaining i decided to investigate what some of those other players had told me in PM and read up a few other game threads they pointed me to where you had gotten into some issues with players as well. i learned 2 things from this. a) getting into issues isnt new to you, but more importantly, b) you have played alot of MP and obviously with 380+ posts youve been active here awhile. this game is dedicated for those who havent played MP much and havent been here awhile.

these things i have all stated from the very beginning, and repeated myself numerous times.

thank you for your contributions, they have, in fact, been constructive. i will look into network hosting later. i dont agree with your more or less one-sided favoring of network games, though i do agree that, given a perfect world with a perfect network server (that adds perhaps some backup stuff and functionality that would try to match the bonuses of playing PBEM), then network playing would be obviously superior to non-network. as another player has said though, and as ive read on these boards more often than not, network games tend to not be reliable.
maybe one day ill set one up, with a hosting server. for now, no.

conclusion to all this nonsense that i didnt want to type:
this game isnt for you, and theres nothing negative about that, i just think its quite obvious.
when im not a newb so much myself it will be interesting to play a game with you, youre obviously an active player who is quite into all the workings and balances of the game, and want to make games run better/efficiently etc (which is good!) so until that time, ciao...
this game, i repeat, for everyone, is for newbies who dont much have a clue. its not going to be any important game, and no it wont be going towards hall of honor/fame whatever its called.

lets get playing everyone http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

effeDom June 22nd, 2008 09:26 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPLOAD)
edit: nevermind the changing nations business, then http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

whats the consensus, btw, of changing nation at this point (before uploading pretender, obviously)??

i was going to try atlantis last night, i was looking at them but was quite sick/headache yesterday (swedish midsommar partying for teh win) so didnt bother with it... and since nobody took water guys....well not much water and its seperated but thats still probably nice to be alone in the water. also i have always wanted to try atlantis, havent actually ever played them haha. so this might be suicide.

if that is considered bad let me know, i thought about it a bit but i dont know the convention of MP, ive seen players swap nations plenty i just dont know if its considered bad or what?

im going to upload an atlantis pretender and change my nation in the top thread, and if anyone complains (or wants to swap theirs for abysia, which i had taken) then please let us know (well, in the case that people complain i will swap back, abysia is my fav nation anyway so i have no qualms there:) -- in the case that someone wants abysia, and then someone else wants that persons previous nation, and then someone else wants THAT persons....etc etc...well then if a chain reaction goes off here ill just swap back to abysia as well.

majuva68 June 22nd, 2008 09:36 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPLOAD)
I think you don't change.All took nation and now when you see nobody took water nation you change.It's no good

Executor June 22nd, 2008 01:27 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
I have no problem with anybody changing nations atlantis or whatever, there are 12 of us now, that means about 17-18 ladns per player, and you start alone in water and get 22 ( as I've seen that always bothers at least a couple of players ) , but like you said you never played Atlantis and it's not too much of a difference anyway.
For the record I don't mind, so lets get the game started!!!

Gandalf Parker June 22nd, 2008 03:21 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
There are advantages to PbEM altho I tend to speak more as a server than as a player. A PbEM server can easily run 20 games for each one that a direct-connect server runs. Changes to the game are easier to do. Update patches are easier to do. Its easier to manage the server for multiple purposes (not having to dedicate it to purely a Dominions server). Since every player tends to automatically have a backup copy, arguments are easier to moderate by suggesting do-overs. And a PbEM server can schedule hostings so that much larger games can be run without impacting each other.

IF (big if) Shrapnel ever decided to do an official server I would highly expect it to be a PbEM server. Direct connect games are great when one of the players hosts one game they are in. But running a server full of them is a major pain I can totally verify. (major kudos to the developers by the way for ironing out the server side to not be such a hog having multiple copies of Dominions running at the same time)

effeDom June 22nd, 2008 04:34 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
actually with this # it would be prov-per-player land advantage slightly...
with 11 land players, thats 199 land/11 = 18.09 each
there are 22 water provinces but 3 of them are "inland"...non-accessible to other water provinces (think: huge lakes). so that gives a single water nation 19, however all water provinces border land provs, which makes imo this a very hard water nation map to play. i tried it with LA r'hley awhile back and only because they are easy to get on land was i able to corner off the top/right of the map and then fight off atlantis in the water...otherwise wouldve been screwed because even patala was attacking me in the water by that point haha http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

anyway, no worries. lets leave it how it is and just play http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

upload pretenders everyone!!! gogogo http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif)

Renojustin June 22nd, 2008 04:56 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Wow, effeDom, I really didn't expect this from you. I was only exhorting the values of Network over PBEM, I never said anything about having to play on it. In fact I SPECIFICALLY explained that I was happy playing on anything, but apparently you did not read my posts... you just jumped on the let's-be-mean-to-Renojustin bandwagon.

I have played in TWO multiplayer games, the first of which was cancelled due to Gandalf Parker's server going down and the second of which I was forced to leave very early in the game due to extreme personal reasons IRL. Most of the people in this game have more MP experience than me, and I joined the forum community only three months before you. There are much older players in this game than I. The fact that someone is active on the forums is no reason to remove them from the game.

So please don't try to justify and rationalize your reasons for trying to exclude me from the game. The fact of the matter is that I joined this game in good faith and apparently now there's some kind of conspiracy to remove me from it. What exactly are you afraid of?

I patiently and unnecessarily explained what happened to me in the game I was forced to leave to the person who aggressively attacked me about it (completely unjustifiably), who has now gone behind my back after saying that they'd be happy to play with me in PM.

So I keep hearing about how fantastic the Dominions 3 community is supposed to be, but lately have met with nothing but unwarranted aggression and bullying. If you don't want me to play in this game, that is your choice, and if you read my posts, I've always said that everything in this game is your choice... but your reasoning for it so far would be completely specious and it would not be an honorable or fair thing to do.

Gandalf Parker June 22nd, 2008 05:02 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Posts back and forth between individuals and about individuals endanger a thread. Please take such conversations to private messaging.

llamabeast June 22nd, 2008 05:15 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Sounds like a PM job to me too. I haven't bothered to read all the above posts - please keep me informed if I need to remove any pretenders for nations people have changed from or anything.

effeDom June 22nd, 2008 07:02 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
i sent him a PM http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
honestly i wish i could delete this last page entirely. 1 of 2 pages in this thread is just blubber, really http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
cluttering up a game thread before its even off the ground, for teh win! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif)

llamabeast June 22nd, 2008 07:57 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Well no one will look at this page shortly. In the meantime the best way to fill up the thread is with role-playing stuff from your pretender. That's always good fun.

GrudgeBringer June 22nd, 2008 09:03 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Well.....for better or for worse I will post my 2 cents worth.

I have NO CLUE what one half the stuff your talking about.

What I DO know is this is supposed to ne a Newbie game.

So guys like me can get our feat wet, noses bloodied, and see why all those neat things I did in SP....just won't work.

The guy set up the game the way he wanted it...we joined it, lets live with it and get it under way.

If he wants to change to a water nation thats ok with me.

If someone wants his old nation...thats ok with me.

If someone here is NOT a new guy....Thats NOT ok with me.

I won't last long anyway but I DO want to play with other guys that more or less are the same level.

If someone just wants to thrash everyone so they can get points then to me thats kind of like having the Yankees playing a little league team. They will win but who cares.

Lets lock and load so I can do my Marverni Kama-kazi and GOOD LUCK to ALL!!!!!!!

Darkstone June 22nd, 2008 09:47 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Llamabeast, I sent my pretender file earlier today, and it's still not showing up there.

I recall this happened in the other game I was in.

Any suggestions as to what I should do?

Executor June 22nd, 2008 10:00 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
I couldn't agree more with you GrudgeBringer,
Even I've lost track of to everything said and tend to follow up all the posts.
And yes I also agree with you effeDom it is a very hard map to play with a water nation.

Bwaha June 22nd, 2008 11:52 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
hi, i'm still fighting vista, hope to win and get my pretender in. have i said I HATE WINDOWS VISTA yet... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif Bwaha

anticipatient June 23rd, 2008 02:16 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL

Anyway, Grudgebringer, try checking out the dominions chat on iRC. It'll help a lot http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif It's on gamesurge.net, channel #dominions. I'm new too, but lovely people there have helped me quite a bit http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Quoting Gandalf Parker's post:

IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
There is also a Dominions chat room on GameSurge.net
Server: irc.gamesurge.net
channel: #dominions
port: 6667

llamabeast June 23rd, 2008 04:38 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Here's an old thread about finding Dom3 files on Vista:


The second response is the useful one.

Darkstone - curious - maybe PM me with what you did. Also just try e-mailing again, and cc me (llamabeast[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net) in.

Bwaha June 23rd, 2008 12:23 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
My thanks to you all. i got my pretender in. Bwaha

effeDom June 23rd, 2008 05:33 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
i gave darkstone until tomorrow to submit his pretender, otherwise we start without him.

and the issue with reno is over with i hope we can drop it completely off the edge. unfortunately even after i PM him nicely and even invite him to play next game wherever i happen to do that he just blames me for more rubbish and yells at me. oh well http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif i think it would be nice if he could join someones game though. active player and seems interested in all the inner working stuff but, well thats all ill say http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif he probly call more me names even for this much eheh http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif))

llama are you getting my PMs by the way? i didnt see a reply from the PM i sent you a day or two ago about setting up the game etc. also lowering player count, if possible.

will the game only start when it hits 13 players now??

Darkstone June 23rd, 2008 06:06 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Alright, I've sent it again. Hopefully this will work, and if it doesn't, not sure what to do, don't want to hold up everyone else.

I'll resign from the game if it can't be resolved by tomorrow. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Bwaha June 23rd, 2008 07:59 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
hey i think i may have a soulution to the vista problem. it worked for me. go to the windows start button, then in the search box type newlords, after a while it will magicly show up. minimize this screen, then create a new folder, copy the file into your new folder and behold the hiddin files are now easily manipulated. friken fraken window vista. why the hell would they hide your files from you it just makes no sense. wheres the unibomber when you need him.... just kidding http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif Bwaha

Bwaha June 23rd, 2008 08:07 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
hey while your waiting if i may, veterans of the psychic wars by blue oyster cult is great dominions mood music. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Bwaha

Renojustin June 23rd, 2008 08:08 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL

effeDom said:

and the issue with reno is over with i hope we can drop it completely off the edge. unfortunately even after i PM him nicely and even invite him to play next game wherever i happen to do that he just blames me for more rubbish and yells at me. oh well http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif i think it would be nice if he could join someones game though. active player and seems interested in all the inner working stuff but, well thats all ill say http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif he probly call more me names even for this much eheh http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif))

Don't blame your obvious cowardice on me when you're the one using obscenities and harassing me in PMs, guy. You didn't do anything nicely.

Bwaha June 23rd, 2008 08:19 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
dude i'm not here for a flame war. i'm here to have fun. why don't you host a game. this way the settings are to your liking. futher the only insult i sent via private email is that you sound like a 12 year old. this will be my last post here to cause you to stop mudding our waters. thank you for you time Bwaha. ps i'm still in i hope http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Ballbarian June 23rd, 2008 09:35 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
I am going to simply repeat Gandalf and llamabeast's words of wisdom:

Posts back and forth between individuals and about individuals endanger a thread. Please take such conversations to private messaging.

In the meantime the best way to fill up the thread is with role-playing stuff from your pretender. That's always good fun.

So, let's drop it and get on with the wonderful warfare and mayhem please. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Bwaha June 23rd, 2008 09:54 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
deep in my slumber i dream. a dream of life and joy. pretty little elven lasses. knights of glory and fame. soon we will share our joy with the various independent provinces and even some of the unfortunate non-alligned "pretenders". ZZZZZ http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif Bwaha

GrudgeBringer June 24th, 2008 12:43 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
I just thought of something that (sigh) COULD be real important to me.

I have been so happy over learning how to send a pretender that I sent a another one just to see if it worked (it does).

So how will I know when the game starts (this is my first MP on here)?

Will I get an e-mail?

I read how to setup a different file ect but not sure how all this is done.

Any hints before I make a bigger fool out of myself than I will anyway?

Bwaha June 24th, 2008 01:32 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
if you click on the llamabeast link it takes to his site. this is where you find info on the game. it looks like we are waiting for pretenders... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Bwaha

anticipatient June 24th, 2008 04:15 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Llamaserver FAQ is here http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...?Number=531116

You will get an email with the first turn when it starts. Just put it in a folder under your saved games folder. IE .../dominions3/savedgames/freshmeat

llamabeast June 24th, 2008 04:57 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Yo guys, apologies for my silence effedom. I wrote a long answer to your PM, then had a power cut, and was so tired I couldn't face starting again. Anyway, I have to start the game manually so just let me know when all the pretenders are in and I'll start it up for you. I'll remember to remove Reno's pretender as well.

effeDom June 24th, 2008 08:28 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
thanks, please start game tonight (at your latest convenience) if darkstone is or isnt in...thats about as long as we can give him.

and yes remove reno. pretty incredible he would still send in a pretender after being told to leave.
not so incredible that everyone was very happy when i did remove him, though, i sortof realize that now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.
now even saying i send him obsceneties and harrass him in PM haha...wow, what a loser. i would be happy to post the message i sent him. something i doubt he would. i dont think anyone here has been nicer to him than me even after his crap, but enough is enough.

by the way, taking this to PMs is pointless, because it is not a 1 to 1 issue. personally i dont care about reno, why the hell i should have to PM or even talk to him is beyond me. its more of an issue that about 4-5 players in this game have made it clear that they already dont like him and didnt want to play with him, for stuff he's done before. this is not something that can be sorted via PMs so that typical mantra of mods "take it to PMs" is just evasive and causes more problems, because the real problem never gets solved.

that being said, real problem solved would be removing reno from this thread entirely.
is there any way to ban a user from a thread that you make?
i really just dont want reno justin to be posting here at all, and i think everyone else wants the same.

right now anyway he is just a lost case, being nice to him doesnt work so the only other thing to do is ignore him, but he is already coming back to bother us even when he's been out of the game for 2 days or so now. can you lock him out of this thread please?
thanks whatever you can do.
dont worry about the lost message llama http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

GrudgeBringer June 24th, 2008 10:07 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
OK....Prepare yourselves for the MIGHTY Marverni Paratrooper Druids dropping out of the clear blue sky!!!

We have gathered around the fire and drank our Holy Wine and made peace with the great God, tied a ribbon around our head and have started chanting....Beware!!!

Seriously...I have the folder made but the folder only says "Freshmeat" although it IS in the same general File as My other saved solos games (each one is a independent file) amd the Newlords file.

In the faq it has that I should create a file saying 'dominions3\savedgames\Freshmeat mine only says freshmeat but it is (as I said) in the same folder as 'Newlords' and my solos saved games just under a different file.

Is this ok....guys this is my first MP and I an somewhat computer challenegd, but once I learn it I am smooth.

So as we are starting, if someone could actually tell me if I am doing it wrong please help me. Because I am reading it that I am ok waiting for the next step.

I have read the Faq 20 times and DID (YEA!!!) manage to send in my pretender (twice I may add) so someone let me know if I am on the right track and I will be fine.

Thanks for all your help and don't worry about that one dude...there is ALWAYS one...just Ignore him, as thats the worst thing a guy like that can have happen!!

meister_miagi June 24th, 2008 10:42 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
You should be fine if the game folder is in the same place as your other savedgames. \dominions3\savedgames\Freshmeat is the destination folder to your saved game, not the filename.

llamabeast June 24th, 2008 03:19 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Okay, everything is ready for the start apart from Darkstone's pretender. He's tried sending it again, but I think his e-mail must be somehow not working correctly. I'm communicating with him via PM, so hopefully we will be able to get it sorted shortly.

effeDom June 24th, 2008 06:55 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
llama, i asked please start the game without him, we have waited 2 days for him, we wont wait anymore. i send you a PM again to tell you i guess you arent reading the thread ;p

should have some automated hosting server, doing manually is too dysfunctional lol. hard to script tho for sure...

GrudgeBringer June 24th, 2008 07:16 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
OK I have 3 or 4 serious questions as to the proper way )if there is any to do things.

1. How do you 'chat' in MP? I realize its not real time and I would suspect it is e-mail...but do you go thru the game or do it on the side?

2. In some MP games I have played there are 2 or 3 different types of agreements (such as Non-Agression pact for a number of turns (10, 15 whatever), Alliance for number of turns or until notice (usually a 5 turn notice that alliance or non-agression is to be broken if its indefinate). Mutual defense treaty ect (same type rules).

My question is....

Do we have (or want ) a structured plan like that.

If we do have a structured plan are we honor bound to follow the rules and not sneak attack someone?

(I for one will ALWAYS be honor bound but I just wanted to make sure of the rules).

And if we DON'T have a structured plan are we Honor Bound if we make an agreement with a player?

Also, IF we DO make an agreement and it is NOT strictired do we need to make it public?

Like I said, I have played a lot of different types of MP (just not this one) and have seen games get busted up because someone didn't know the rules.

I just don't want to get my little feelings hurt if someone stabs me in the back and I think its all Honor bound.

Either way is ok just think we would need to make it clear to the REAL new guys (like me) so I (or they) don't do something to screw up the game.

BTW< I look forward to playing with all you guys (and girls if any) and hope to make some fast friends (especially if you let me win!!!)!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Bwaha June 24th, 2008 07:27 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
man first glory2 goes into eternal delay, and now this. i'm starting to think that i'm not suited to this style of game. are most of the games this hard to get going? or is it that we all are newbies? in fact thats what going on. well i slumber on ZZZZZ http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/fear.gif Bwaha

llamabeast June 24th, 2008 07:49 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL

llamabeast June 24th, 2008 07:50 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
GrudgeBringer - I suggest you ask that question in a separate post or something. Sorry, I would answer but it will be involved and I need to be in bed!

Bwaha June 24th, 2008 08:21 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
hoorah, game on. played my turn, sent it in,(i hope) because of vista i transfer the file to my flash drive then email it. i think that the way to do this system of playing the email game. if it works great... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif Bwaha

Darkstone June 24th, 2008 09:37 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Alright guys, I was never able to resolve the problem, so I'm out of the game. Oh well.

Good luck with your game.

Piggles June 24th, 2008 09:46 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
I had Worthy Heroes on accidentally when I made my turn, is the game smart enough to turn it off automatically or should I redo it?

effeDom June 24th, 2008 10:13 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
grudge, no rules, we just gonna be a bunch of newbies running around with padded sticks whacking eachother http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif)

personally i like to honor my treaties, but i see no reason to enforce that somehow http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

besides its a game of character too...roleplaying a bit etc....

another thing i want to note is that up in the top left corner, there are 3 players starting quite close, and up in top right corner as well....luckily im neither of these....but given that this map is so big i was thinking it was a bit odd....a few people are only 3 spaces away from another capital.

anyone want a rehost? hehe, i know its a pain in the *** to do that after it took so long to get this thing going (a week! wtf! a week to find a game, a week to get one started....blah!)
anyway its up to all of you. if i was stuck up in the corner right next to 2 other people in a map this big for 11 players, id be none so happy. thats a pretty quick game for 4 people here (considering, probably, 1 person out of each "trio" in each corner will conquer)....

but then again maybe not. maybe they do some treaty. but in that case for the ones pocketed in the corner, they will eventually (very soon) be blocked in unable to expand.

i actually have quite a good position so its a bit of a pity to restart but for sake of a good game, i vote for restart.

maybe darkstone can even figure out how to email a file by then haha http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
if 5 more people want restart before hosting tonite, ill ask llama to restart it.
if not we continue.
welcome to the game everyone!
do your turns and submit them in any case, btw...

Piggles June 24th, 2008 10:27 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Let's wait. If I defeat all my neighbors, we can go on, if they defeat me, then I suggest a restart. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Hehe, j/k. I think restarting is probably the best thing to do, but I understand if some people just want to get on with the game.

Bwaha June 24th, 2008 11:05 PM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
i'm easy either way. but if theres a restart i would like it to be timely. i ask the players put a vote, yea or ney for restart. if no one votes lets continue, no long debates please. i abstain from this vote because i just want to play and want no more delays. i'm one of the close proximity players and will either win or die and be better for it. maybe a ally with one or both of them, so we can make up for our disadvantage. anyway lets go forward not backward. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Bwaha

GrudgeBringer June 25th, 2008 02:29 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
I havn't looked at the map but a restart is ok with me...(Murphy says I WILL be in the worst position!!) just let me know.

GrudgeBringer June 25th, 2008 03:19 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
I have Gone to the dominions file/saved games/freshmeat file.

I received the e-mail with the marverni_.trn file which I put in that file (I tried to open it but windows xp couldn't do it)

I also received the marverni_.2h file but windows would not open it either.

I went to see if the game maybe didn't need opening and it wasn't in the exisiting games.

Did I do something wrong?

I need to have my turn in by tommorrow so any help would be appreciated Thanks and Heeeeeeeeeeeelp!!

Bwaha June 25th, 2008 03:59 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
okay try this, create a folder anywhere handy. i love my flash drive becuase its not cluttered with a bunch of stuff. then go the the email that contains the turn file. copy don't cut the file. then go back to the folder and paste the turn file there. now that you got that little bugger pinned down its easy to manipulate. i'm still new at this but i found this to work. i'm sure there's a better way, but it works for me. (i hope) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Bwaha

Executor June 25th, 2008 05:02 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
GrundeBringer- there are agreements Non-Agression etc. and most player ARE honorable and won't sneak attack you, there is always a couple of turn notice, but I've been betrayed twice so far ( man that can be nasty ), so now I'm always on the look out, treaty on no treaty.
And I think something of a black list should be created for this so you should know who to thrust.

Calahan June 25th, 2008 06:38 AM

Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL
Good to hear the game is up and running :-)

Haven't had chance to check out where I've started, but if 2 seperate groups of 3 players have started on top of each other, then I'd certainly vote for a re-start.

11 players on 'Cradle' should be plenty of space for everyone to have a decent start, even without a water nation. But it sounds like 3-4 players won't survive long enough to learn anything, or have any fun :-( And all us newbee's are here to learn and have fun right? :-)

I won't be able to get my turn done until tomorrow anyway (luckily for me it's 48hrs first turn) so a re-start might not be that big a delay at the end of the day.

(Edit) ps. If there is a re-start, we can give Darkstone another chance to get in if he still fancies it. As from his posts it looks like he's missed out through no fault of his own, and certainly not through lack of trying.

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