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Jazzepi July 29th, 2008 01:20 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Looking to buy a large order of

Spell penetration items

Please PM me ASAP if you have them available for trade or sale.


llamabeast July 29th, 2008 01:24 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
LA C'tis would like one or two Bane Venom Charms.

Can pay handsomely in most gem types.

Please PM me ASAP if you can make them.

Xietor July 29th, 2008 04:42 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Bah, LA Arcos is still trading valuable s gems for near useless water or fire gems. 4 s for 5 f or w.

Or though we are highly reluctant to do it, we will also trade a ring of sorcery for 50 f or w gems or a combination thereof.

That does not mean mean the forges of LA Arcos are open for forging constr 6 items in general-they are not. At least not at this time.

(order is filled-sorry).

atul July 29th, 2008 06:27 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
MA Bandar Log does not believe in such artificial suppression of demand!

Markatas will forge (or ask other apes to forge) Const6 items for a cost! Just ask and we'll provide, for a price!

Addendum: Due to logistical difficulties forging of high-price items (Rings of Sorc and Wiz) is delayed for a couple of turns except for high-profile customers (if you have to ask you aren't). But we are open to negotiations and future orders of even such items, because we're nice!

cleveland July 30th, 2008 10:19 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
MA Eriu selling Astral gems 1-1 for Air gems.

Status: <font color="red">CLOSED </font>

LoloMo July 30th, 2008 11:46 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Late Caelum is willing to forge Air Boosters. We are willing to trade for Blood Slaves, Astral Helmet, Crystal Coin, Death Helmet, Nature Boosters, Water Boosters, Fire Boosters.

Trades will be on a one gem cost on one gem cost basis, with 2 blood slaves equal to one gem cost. Sorry, we do not require gems at the moment. We can make only one air booster a turn right now, but expect our production to increase in the future.

Update: Will repost updated requirements.

JimMorrison July 31st, 2008 06:58 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Having recently arrived at Construction 4, Gath is moving into the "Mutually Beneficial Forging Trade" market, or MuBeFoT!

Our business model is distinctly different from the other forging nations - and here is how! We understand that at this point in the process, many nations are finding time in their research for developing their own forging capacity. Gath wants to help you optimize your time and gems!

Here's how it works - Gath can perform Cons4 forging in Fire, Earth, Death, Astral, and Nature currently. Some cross path forging can be done in Fire-Earth, Fire-Nature, Fire-Death, Astral-Nature, Astral-Earth, Astral-Death, and Earth-Death.

Some forging will require boosters to be used, and as such is in limited supply, and may incur a small premium depending on that limited supply.

Because of the many factors involved, if you need something, simply fill out the order form 10-A with the items and quantities that you seek, and enclose a list of your own forging options. We will promptly return to you a reply based on what we can forge, and what we desire in return.

It's that simple! If you can tie your own shoes, you can get great item trades from Gath™!

Also opening soon, our new line of Baby Gath™ stores!

atul August 1st, 2008 10:27 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Bandar Log opens its forges for the world to see! Wonders you've barely imagined, sights no eyes should ever gaze upon! At prices you wouldn't imagine! But still cutting our own throats to deliver them to you!

Current pricing:
Ring of Sorcery 55S
Ring of Wizardry 85S

Due to limited supply of native astral pearls, all purchases are to be paid in advance! Currently we are able to make only one of each per month, so waiting lists are established if there is need!

Please note, there is no other place for you to get your precioussss ringsssss than Bandar Log! That's why tentative pricing model is Pay Through Nose, and the price may increase should there be excess demand! So act now, or lose more later!

Also other Const6 items for sale, at more reasonable prices!

Exclamation ends!

cleveland August 4th, 2008 08:51 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Eriu needs jewelry for an upcoming party with some flamers.

Paying <font color="brown"> N </font> or S (or any combination thereof) at the following rates:

6 for Rings of Fire
8 for Water Bracelets

Prices negotiable, PM me.

Status: <font color="red">CLOSED</font>

<font color="brown">Edit: D gems out of stock. Will pay with N or S. </font>

Zeldor August 4th, 2008 08:52 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
LA Agartha is buying FIRE gems. Name the price.

Amhazair August 4th, 2008 12:52 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
LA Pangaea is in great need of earth gems.

I have gems of all kinds except astral available for trade, though the numbers of A and W gems are quite limited.

cleveland August 5th, 2008 01:49 PM

Wanted: Water Bracelet
Eriu needs only 1 more Water Bracelet.

Now paying 10 S or D gems.

Price negotiable. PM me if interested.

Status: <font color="red">CLOSED</font>

LoloMo August 5th, 2008 10:57 PM

Bag of Winds and Air Helmet Available for Trade
Late Caelum is willing to forge Air Boosters (Bag of Winds and Air Helmet). We are willing to trade for Death Helmet, Monn Vine Bracelets, TreeLord Staff, Water Bracelet, Water Magic Robe, Fire Boosters.

Trades will be based on a one gem cost for one gem cost basis. Sorry, we do not require gems at the moment. We can make only one air booster a turn right now, but expect our production to increase in the future.

We also have a few Dwarven Hammers for sale this turn. Price is 15 Earth or Air Gems each.

Status: Open

cleveland August 6th, 2008 12:14 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Eriu will forge Air boosters for gems. Price is 18A + 18X. X = any combination of gems, 3slaves = 1gem.

PM me if interested. This offer will remain open throughout the game.

Zeldor August 6th, 2008 06:40 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
LA Agartha would like to buy Blood Stone.

DrPraetorious August 6th, 2008 10:46 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
I would like tribute.

Those who provide generous offerings to my magnificence may be spared.

Amhazair August 7th, 2008 05:53 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!

cleveland August 8th, 2008 04:50 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Potentially suicidal post was here.

Amhazair August 8th, 2008 08:52 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!

cleveland said:
Potentially suicidal post was here.

Now you're making me curious... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Darkwind August 8th, 2008 09:07 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
I remember it quite clearly. I agree with Cleveland, though -whatever chance he has of winning right now, even if guaranteed (ha!), would be gone if he hadn't edited that post. I'm not telling, either. It's a useful piece of blackmail, should Cleveland manage to outbrawn MA Ulm. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif

Also, so this post relates to the topic, MA Ulm is out of the forging business right now (due to needing the gems and also concentrating on getting Iron Blizzard/Magma Bolt deluxe). Those Fire Brand and Charcoal Shields will have to wait.

Meglobob August 9th, 2008 08:31 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!

cleveland said:
Potentially suicidal post was here.

Ha ha, I saw it! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Will you pay me 50gp to not reveal its contents? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

anticipatient August 13th, 2008 05:32 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
LA Agartha has created the legendary Forge of the Ancients! It can not be allowed to exist, or Agartha may become potentially unstoppable! The Mages of Midgard (LA) have researched Dispel and stand ready to destroy the forge. We need more Astral Gems to be sure our efforts at dispelling succeed. If you have any interest in preserving your chance to forge certain important artifacts, and you don't want them gathering dust in Agartha's vault, or worse, being used against you, send what astral gems you can afford to LA Midgard. If you have no astral gems, excesses of other gem stockpiles could be transmuted and put to good use! I act in all our interests. Remember, the forge is a 50% discount on forging AND +1 magic paths for the purpose of forging! We CAN'T afford to let this enchantment persist!

Zeldor August 13th, 2008 05:37 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
LA Agartha is buying earth gems, 20 gold per gem. If you are also far away from us you can put your S gems to better use, like sell them to us for 25 gold a piece.

anticipatient August 13th, 2008 09:08 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
You have got to be kidding, Zeldor.

LoloMo August 16th, 2008 10:06 PM

One Ring of Sorcery Needed
LA Caelum is looking for a Ring of Sorcery. Willing to pay with an Air Helmet and a Dwarven Hammer. Other reasonable offers will be considered.

LoloMo August 16th, 2008 11:42 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
There doesn't seem to be a way to edit posts. Trade for ring of sorcery concluded.

JimMorrison August 17th, 2008 01:54 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!

Originally Posted by LoloMo (Post 631880)
There doesn't seem to be a way to edit posts. Trade for ring of sorcery concluded.

We are being protected from ourselves. :shock:

Twan August 19th, 2008 09:04 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
MA Arcocephale is interested by death gems.

I offer one ring of sorcery for 40 death.

I may also trade other useful astral items (things like MR amulets, penetration items, skullcaps etc) for their base price in d gems, or (up to 20) air gems for death.

I'm also offering 20 gold a piece if you want to sell d for money.

Zeldor August 19th, 2008 09:09 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Good luck with that, I don't have much success with buying them at 25gold a piece.

DrPraetorious August 22nd, 2008 02:12 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
I would like nature gems (and to a lesser extent, fire, air or earth gems). I will trade water or death gems 1:1 for nature, or blood slaves 3 slaves:2 nature. I could also part with some astral pearls but will bitcn and moan while doing so.

I am willing to forge stuff in exchange for gems; prices negotiable. I can't give a fixed pricing formula because I have such a weird mix of paths and booster items and limited hammers etc. etc.

Twan August 23rd, 2008 08:43 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Ring or other s items for death gems -> trade concluded offer no longer available.

sum1lost August 23rd, 2008 10:15 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
I would like to apologize to all those players who I've inconvenienced. I got stuck without almost any internet access the last two weeks with very short warning, and unfortunantely, the forums were down in that time.

atul August 24th, 2008 04:35 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Bandar Log wishes to buy Rune Smashers.

Markatas need some pretty clubs now that they've gotten bored to bare sticks, you know.

Redfrog August 28th, 2008 12:26 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!

-> trade done.

AdmiralZhao August 28th, 2008 12:32 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
LA Marignon has a limited quantity of blood slaves that we are willing to trade. Also, we can forge blood items up to B6 and Con-6.

Zeldor August 28th, 2008 12:34 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
LA AGartha is buying blood stones.

Darkwind August 28th, 2008 06:26 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
MA Ulm is back in the forging business, after much deliberation. Current items we can forge for our customers, and their outstanding qualities, include:

Fire Brands (AoE attack, 50% fire resistamt, +4 attack)
Gate Cleaver (Damage 29, AN, +50 siege points)
Charcoal Shield (Fire Shield, 50% fire resistant)
Shield of Gleaming Gold (parry 9, Awe)
Elemental Armor (50% fire, cold, & lightning resistance)
Boots of the Behemoth (Trample)
Earth Boots (Earth +1)
Lightless Lantern (+6 research)

Any orders involving Earth gems will, unfortunately, have to pay an equal or greater amount of Earth gems to the ones I spent. Otherwise, as before, prices are not set and each order can settle on a different price.

Twan August 28th, 2008 11:24 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
ME Arco would happily trade 20 fire gems for same number of (by order of preference) earth, death, nature, pearls or water.

DrPraetorious August 28th, 2008 12:22 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
I want to buy more nature gems. By preference, I would trade items - prices negotiable.

Zeldor August 31st, 2008 02:30 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
MA Agartha can forged everything in better quality than MA Ulm, so beware of their low-quality fakes :)

We are buying all kinds of gems for gold, as always.

Xietor September 2nd, 2008 12:23 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
LA Arcoscephale is trading gems for water gems.

were are trading on a 4:5 basis.

ie we will trade 40 death for 50 water etc.

We do not have earth gems to trade, however, as supplies of that gem type have eluded our site searchers(:

We have vast stores of nature gems, moderate stores of air, death, astral to trade.

We have a limited amount of fire gems to trade.

MrSparkle September 3rd, 2008 04:55 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
MA Atlantis has a stockpile of 100 air gems burning holes in our collective pockets with nothing to spend them on.

We would like to trade for a staff of storms, a pair of winged shoes and any weapons that would be useful for maiming tomb oracles.

Gems are also acceptable as trades but items are preferable.

Zeldor September 3rd, 2008 09:11 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!

I am sure I can sell you something :)

DonCorazon September 10th, 2008 11:49 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Utgard has some fire/air gems we'd like to rid ourselves of in exchange for some items made from nature and air gems. PM me if you are interested.

DrPraetorious September 10th, 2008 07:08 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
I need a Robe of the Magi and a Winged Helmet.

I can trade items (I can make a lot of cool stuff, although my air, fire and astral are limited), gems, and/or military/diplomatic consideration, although I'll need to make a bunch of air helmets of my own before I can teleport across the world to kill people for you, if that's what you need done.

Offer is valid until I lose patience and empower somebody :).

DrPraetorious September 10th, 2008 08:35 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
I've filled my order for air items - now I want a ring of wizardry.

If anyone wants to send me a ring of wizardry 3 turns from now, I will send them a robe of the magi the following turn (which I need the RoW to make.) That's a 65 gem item for a 40 gem + 40 BS item, which seems fair to me.

If people aren't interested in the robe, I could also offer other stuff.

Darkwind September 11th, 2008 07:13 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
MA Ulm is buying up to 60 Astral Pearls for a project that will either destroy it or save it. Name your price and, uhh, we'll bargain because I'm not selling you everything I have for one pearl. We have a large stock of Fire and Earth gems, and a fair-sized stock of everything else. We also have all sorts of useful items from T'ien Ch'i's "Everything Goes To Ulm" sale in which we got every single item in T'ien Ch'i for the low price of absolutely nothing. We have boots of all sorts (Quickness and Flying are just a couple we currently have in stock, and we can also forge all sorts of different boots), and we have Skull Staves (items that give +1 Death magic). Buy quickly because if you don't the chance of the seller being overrun by Basalt Kings is disturbingly high (did you know 5/4 of all people die of Basalt King-related deaths? True fact!).

Darkwind September 23rd, 2008 07:05 PM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
MA Ulm once again requires pearls. Thanks to one of our benefactors' generosity, we have enough for our project, however we need still more. Any number of pearls helps. We can sell E, F, and W gems. Due to Monny taking a nap and unfortunately not waking up for an entire month, we were sadly short on organization and have lost several provinces with no gains. Gold is appreciated as well. As always, Ulm can also pay in items should you wish.

DonCorazon September 25th, 2008 03:36 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
Utgard again has plenty of air and water gems and is interested in trading for items made of air or straight up nature gem trades.

Zeldor September 25th, 2008 05:22 AM

Re: KingMaker Trading House now open!
LA Agartha will buy 100N gems.

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