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-   -   What other games complement your Dominions 3? (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39385)

Wokeye June 23rd, 2008 02:57 AM

Re: Current other active game software
With Dom3 dominating my strategy needs, I'm playing The Witcher and Vampire: The Masq. for my RPG fix ATM. Dwarf Fortress I also play when feeling creative and focussed.

For my action fix, it's BF2: Project Reality mod all the way, and has been for over a year. Man that's an awesome tactical combat game when played correctly.

Sleet June 23rd, 2008 11:44 AM

Re: Current other active game software
Play once in a while:
* Age of Wonders 2
* NeverWinter Nights (long ongoing campaign once a week)
* Steel Panthers (usually on the laptop while traveling)

* Fallout 2 (Recently started up again, there is a mod that has improved the graphics and another to add a great deal of content. Hope they don't screw up FO3. Not counting on this [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img] )
* Combat mission

All time Favs:
* Darklands (have this on a USB key and am able to play once in a while)
* Master of Magic
* Civ series (of course - I - III)
* Wastelands (awesome game)
* VGA planets 3 (Great game, was my only game I played for a while, tried the beta for 4 but could not get into it)

Never did the MMOs, well, when they were text-based I did (sooo long ago), never got into the money-churning EQ or WoW. (and I am glad of that)

relee June 23rd, 2008 12:01 PM

Re: Current other active game software
Other than Dom3, this is what I'm currently wasting my time with:

Hearts of Iron
Galactic Civilization
Ageod's American Civil War
Crusader Kings
Gary Grigsby's World At War

I have many others that I can waste time with, but they are not currently loaded on my system. Perhaps I'll reinstall them later.

I played Stars! almost nonstop for years, the last three years playing almost exclusively PBEM on AutoHost. It was a lot of fun, but I don't think I'll go back to that again. In those days I was known as The Crusader and played almost exclusively as the Super Stealth.

Cor2 June 23rd, 2008 02:47 PM

Re: Current other active game software
why not Hearts of Iron II?

HoneyBadger June 23rd, 2008 04:03 PM

Re: Current other active game software
Sleet, what are the names of those Fallout 2 patches?


Taqwus June 23rd, 2008 05:15 PM

Re: Current other active game software

Globulation 2 for a quick RTT fix.
Slay, by Sean O'Connor.
Occasionally SE:IV.
Triple A, a pretty darn good Axis-and-Allies clone.

Not really fond of CM. IMHO they need to actually spend time on UI -- logs, event-based autopause, SOPs -- or alternatively, co-op, if they want to make scenarios like Ash Shammas playable in a remotely realistic fashion. CM:BB was fun, but that didn't have RPGs carried by elite troops seemingly capable of reliably getting first-shot kills @ 250+ m.

Don't think KoDP, JA2 or any Fallout games work on my XP box. Unfortunate. Maybe at some point I'll see if I have a SMAC CD lying around, but I don't think I brought it with me. *shrug*

Meglobob June 23rd, 2008 07:17 PM

Re: Current other active game software

Cor2 said:
why not Hearts of Iron II?

Hearts of Iron (the original) is just far, far superior to the follow ups in my opinion.

The game lost its soul to the new interface, just can't play HoI2.

Best WW2 strategy game I have ever played Hearts of Iron.

quantum_mechani June 23rd, 2008 07:24 PM

Re: Current other active game software
I don't play all that many WW2 games, but Gary Grisby's World at War is by far my favorite

Cerlin June 23rd, 2008 08:13 PM

Re: Current other active game software
Lets see...now Im playing:

Dawn of War (I never seem to get tired of this.)
Company of Heroes (love the Mp, even if its too fast.)
Eve online (For my space fix)
X3 (got to love building empires.)

I did play Dwarf fortress but it is TOO addictive!! It is an awesome game but I dont have the time to sacrifice. Thankfully Dominions is easier to pull myself away from. I think my girlfriend feels the same too haha.

Gandalf Parker June 23rd, 2008 09:07 PM

Re: Current other active game software
Lets see, where is that sig I used to have?
Something along the line of "Don't complain about the processing time of Dominions. Its their way of making sure they arent sued for starvation, popped bladders, and lost marriages."

Zentar June 23rd, 2008 09:33 PM

Re: Current other active game software
Dominions3 has eclipsed the playing most other games.

I dropped my World of Warcraft, rarely play Heroes of Might and Magic V, no longer play HOMM4 or HOMM3, rarely play Wesnoth, no longer play Master of Magic, Civilization, Stars, Master of Orion, Master of Magic, Empire (1979), Tome derivatives, and so many others. Mule is still on my 1983 atari computer, but I would have to take it out of storage. Chess ruled from 1961-1982 but I never played in a FIDE or USCF national tournament after I was married. Chess programs have become far better than most humans, but I rarely play them. I like Lords of Magic SE in the late 1990's. There were several role playing games in addition to the strategy genre, but I am not going to list all of them.

I am still finding out new things about Dominions3. New mods, maps, game versions (add ons), player guides, forum / community, ect... just keep me coming back for more.

Bwaha June 23rd, 2008 09:37 PM

Re: Current other active game software
if you can find it "masters of orion 2" is a hoot. for you older players close combat 2 is hair raising tension.(if your side is the poor allies). this only counts in head to head as the ai is stupid. Bwaha

HoneyBadger June 23rd, 2008 10:22 PM

Re: Current other active game software
I've got copies of MOO and MOO2. MOO2 is great! I used to have MOO3-I know, it's not very good, but I was fond of it-but one of the disks went missing, and I haven't found a replacement for it.

Gandalf Parker June 23rd, 2008 10:58 PM

Re: Current other active game software

Zentar said:
Mule is still on my 1983 atari computer, but I would have to take it out of storage.

MULE! Thats a memory.
Did you know that Shrapnel sells a version of that called Space HoRSE?

HoneyBadger June 23rd, 2008 11:07 PM

Re: Current other active game software
I've thought about getting a copy of Space HoRSE-and I will, if I ever have any money again.

Lingchih June 23rd, 2008 11:42 PM

Re: Current other active game software

HoneyBadger said:
I've got copies of MOO and MOO2. MOO2 is great! I used to have MOO3-I know, it's not very good, but I was fond of it-but one of the disks went missing, and I haven't found a replacement for it.

MOO 2 was greatness. MOO 3 was, well, ok. I enjoyed it. Nothing like MOO 2 though.

I've moved onto GalCiv2, but I have to admit the expansions are quite buggy until, like, the fourth or fifth update. I'm playing the newest expansion now, Twilight of the Arnor, and it's very cool, but riddled with bugs. Things like crash to desktop buggy. But it's good fun. Save early, save often.

HoneyBadger June 24th, 2008 12:05 AM

Re: Current other active game software
Yeah that was the biggest problem I encountered with GalCiv2-fun game, but buggier than anything except, well, MOO3 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Zentar June 24th, 2008 01:13 AM

Re: Current other active game software

Gandalf Parker said:
MULE! Thats a memory.
Did you know that Shrapnel sells a version of that called Space HoRSE?

Yes I know that, and in the most recent Space HoRSE thread I commented that it too bad it is NOT available to MAC users.

Lingchih says:

MOO 2 was greatness. MOO 3 was, well, ok. I enjoyed it. Nothing like MOO 2 though.

. Agreed MOO2 was best, then MOO1, and MOO3 least.

I played many "epic" multiplayer games with MOO2 and HOMM3. These games ran for 12 hours or more non-stop (microwave ovens reduced food preparation to a couple minutes at the most and seconds to reheat coffee between turns). Being able to do your turn while others simultaneously did their turn was an improvement over other games where each player took one turn at a time. MOO2 is still an immortal but it is not available to MAC and can not be played on any of today's PC computers. I miss MOO2. Civilization, Europa Universalis, MechWarrior, Warlords 1-3, 4 was buggy, Age of Empires II, Starcraft series.

For the rpg's I also played Diablo, Diablo2, GuildWars, NeverWinterNights (very good), Dungeon's of Moria, Morrowind, and World of Warcraft, and more.

For Wargames I liked Allied General a lot (my son loved it also), and Operation Crusader.

There is a lot more, but it is late so I must be going.

Lingchih June 24th, 2008 01:58 AM

Re: Current other active game software
No, I have MOO 2 for the Mac. In fact, that is where I play it. It is the only machine I have that can still play it.

JimMorrison June 24th, 2008 03:03 AM

Re: Current other active game software

HoneyBadger said:
I've got copies of MOO and MOO2. MOO2 is great! I used to have MOO3-I know, it's not very good, but I was fond of it-but one of the disks went missing, and I haven't found a replacement for it.

I also was quite fond of MoO3. Maybe because I hadn't played the other two, so I didn't know what I was missing? I just felt MoO3 had so much interesting content, and it seems like the AI was actually competitive (all too rare to find), that it was easy enough to overlook most of the flaws. It's funny now that I think about it though, the "hands off" scripted method of combat in Dom3, for all its quirks, gives better results than the "hands on" tactical combats of MoO3. There was nothing like watching a task force of Point Defense ships get completely flattened by missiles without firing a single shot. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

I think I'm going to get AoW again, I've been missing it, and seeing so many people talk about it is really getting under my skin. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif

Tuidjy June 24th, 2008 03:40 AM

Re: Current other active game software
I found out about Mount and Blade two months ago. I have hardly played anything
else since... but once I'm out of it, I will probably go to my old favorites: the
original X-Com, Angband or ADOM, Age of Wonders (how can anyone like 2 better?)
Kohan: Arihman's Gift, and of course, at some point, I will have a Dominions
relapse. And Ceasar III. I can't explain it, but I keep playing that game,
although I have yet to find anyone else who enjoys it.

cupido2 June 24th, 2008 04:44 AM

Re: Current other active game software
Currently it's (theoretically) GTA IV, but after a few hours I put it aside for dwarf fortress, more dwarf fortress, battleground europe (wwiionline) and even more dwarf fortress. I hate you, dwarf fortress.

Run kitten! Run for your life!

Endoperez June 24th, 2008 05:13 AM

Re: Current other active game software
What's so fun about Dwarf Fortress? I have played it, made forts, failed to make waterfalls, etc etc. Surviving in the early game is usually either easy or almost impossible. Even in the 2d version, I didn't have any real problems feeding my dwarves, but I usually got bored with it before I got to see any big battles. I find that I have very little to try and achieve in-game and in-the-dwarves'-perspective. They're happy with no bedrooms and a huge dining room with lots of stuff, and they can't appreciate projects that look good to the player. Managing huge construction projects is a challenge, but it's too micromanagement-based for me to enjoy them.

I expect it will become something I could spend lots of time with, but it isn't there yet. As an example, I'd like to see the dwarves do more stuff for themselves. For example, I don't want to have to mine and set furniture for a dozen bedrooms. Mining the main tunnels and setting the area as free personal room space (max room size 4, max of 1 room/dwarf) should be enough. Dwarves would only work on their personal projects if there are no commynity projects to manage.

Agrajag June 24th, 2008 10:24 AM

Re: Current other active game software

cupido2 said:
Run kitten! Run for your life!

Why is it running away from a goat? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

cupido2 June 24th, 2008 01:07 PM

Re: Current other active game software
I loved Lego and Playmobile when I was a child and DF feels a bit like playing Lego or Playmobil with dwarfs living in my constructions.
Another reason is, that I am rather new to it (february I think) and haven't seen it all yet. I haven't built on an aquifer, in a desert, at an oceanshore, haven't tried out water- or magmapumps, got the first time slaughtered by hitting "hidden fun stuff". And I'd like to try out a megaproject or two (there's a 3dwarf program to visualize your fortress in 3d).

I have fun to make everybody, including the nobles, ecstatic and build fancy appartments for them, and try to manufacture good stuff for a character in adventure mode.
For me, part of the fun is the graphics. With the ASCII I can imagine the stuff that happens and the stuff I build the way I like them. But I think, when I've done all the things that I myself wanted to do, I might lose interest, because the game itself delivers no real aim (yet).

Btw: Goats are killers. Ask my hunter. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

HoneyBadger June 24th, 2008 01:37 PM

Re: Current other active game software
I think you have to be part dwarf to appreciate Dwarf Fortress-you must, no other race could enjoy eating rocks and being miserable so much. Playing Dwarf Fortress is like saying "hey let's go live in the Congo for a couple of weeks, without any bug spray, that'll be awesome!" and then convincing 6 of your friends to go with you, and ending up having a great time.

It's like the Apocalypse Now Amusement Park. It's SimJonestown. I can't explain the appeal, other than that it's in the effort to survive and prosper in a hostile world-one that you're actually grateful is virtual, but that feels very real.

Omnirizon June 24th, 2008 02:15 PM

Re: Current other active game software

i can picture a flash game with this title on Kongregate now.

you have to build a little village while keeping your sims deluded until you can get them all to commit suicide.

well now that I think about it, sounds like america on a smaller scale.

I think song says it well:

baruk June 26th, 2008 08:15 AM

Re: Current other active game software
At the moment I'm playing UT 2003, Railroad tycoon 3, Stars!, MOO3 and chess (on gameknot and FICS, handle: tonylemesmer).

Its good to see a lot of appreciation for DF, Wesnoth and KoDP. Games I happen to be taking a break from, but will probably go back to in the future.
Poxnora is surprisingly good also, but not a game I'm planning to spend money on, I've been down the CCG/MMO route before.

Slay, by Sean O'Connor.

This is great, isn't it? Very simple and satisying turn-based strategy.


And Ceasar III. I can't explain it, but I keep playing that game, although I have yet to find anyone else who enjoys it.

I just reinstalled this, haven't played it in a few years. Never quite got around to finishing that last map.. (have a lot of games in this state)

Mount and Blade is a great concept - first person hack and slash 'em up rpg.

I recommend Monster's Den on the kongregate site. A rather good turn-based tactical rpg, though I would suggest playing on one of the harder difficulty levels, as I found on the easy level I would get swamped with loot, and spend most of my time sorting through it.

Does anyone else play Pax Galactica? Imagine Stars! or MOO but pared-down to the bare bones and tick-based rather than turn based - you just move the ships, ship production happens automatically, and there is no research. Surprisingly enjoyable.

Calahan June 26th, 2008 08:43 AM

Re: Current other active game software
Anyone here ever played, or even heard of a game called 'PSI 5 Trading Company' on the CBM 64?

I played little else in the late 80's. I still play it often now after finding it on an abandonware site. It's a very simply space combat/management game in which your only control is in giving your crew orders, and hoping they'll decide to listen to you.

Maybe it's the James T. Kirk wannabe in me, but there's something immensely addictive about shouting "shoot him down for f%$£ sake" at your gunner, and watching a square block image explode on the screen.

Vintage gaming years :-)

ArkkiMeisseli June 26th, 2008 01:38 PM

Re: Current other active game software
Armageddon Empires, Oblivion, Baldur's Gate II and... World of Warcraft. Occasionally a UT2004 mod called Killing Floor.

Mostly just WoW, though. It is a horrible disease.


HoneyBadger said:
...one of the disks went missing, and I haven't found a replacement for it...

You can have mine.

Ironhawk June 26th, 2008 02:05 PM

Re: Current other active game software
I've seen a couple of people here list MOO3 as one of the games that they are currently playing or played and enjoyed. This is really surprising to me. I played that game and was quite turned off by it. After a while, I was able to get a grip on how to manage an empire - but there were still some crippling problems. First and foremost that comes to mind is that there was no way to accurately tell the composition of enemy fleets.

How did you guys get around all the problems of MOO3? I would very much like to know cause I desperately wanted to like that game, but couldnt...

MaxWilson June 26th, 2008 02:44 PM

Re: Current other active game software
I haven't played Moo3 but I followed it during the early design stages. I heard it was way too "macro." Sometimes during late game Dominions I decide that "macro" is not such a bad idea...


JimMorrison June 26th, 2008 05:04 PM

Re: Current other active game software

Calahan said:
Anyone here ever played, or even heard of a game called 'PSI 5 Trading Company' on the CBM 64?

Haha! I LOVED PSI 5! What's a Cravenlator? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif I still randomly say that, people just disregard it now as part of my general oddness. >.> It makes me sad though, I could never win on the later missions. I tried them over and over and over, and a couple of times got within 2-3 minutes of completion, and still no dice.

For MoO3, I worried less about what the other guy had, and rather did the same thing I did in "Stars!", that is to make fleets that had their own built in rock-paper-scissors progression that could kill anything out there (carriers + missiles + beams + point defense). In later game, I'd take some losses like that, but the computer always had a strat, so after I saw if they were going all missiles, or all carriers or whatever, I would retune my fleets to compensate. I have to say though, enemy carrier fleets were the most frustrating, you were guaranteed a lot of losses. Damn, now you're making me want to play it again..... not because it's "such a great game", but because it was ALMOST such a great game, and my imagination was generally able to fill in the gaps. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Reverend Zombie June 26th, 2008 05:23 PM

Re: Current other active game software
AGEOD's American Civil War.

it's only other thing I'm playing, and it's great if you're a Civil War buff!

Calahan June 26th, 2008 05:34 PM

Re: Current other active game software

Glad to hear I'm not alone on PSI-5 :-) I find so few people have ever heard of it that it sometimes seems like I own the only copy in the world!

Think I have about a 5-10% success rate on the toughest mission. Best chance is to set-up engineering so that you can go full pelt and still fire. And despite playing it 100's of times, I've still no idea what half the things available to repair actually do! "What's a Cravenlatorr" :-) LoL

Although I am sure that the fuzzy furry pink bloke is the best kick arse gunner around!

JimMorrison June 26th, 2008 05:40 PM

Re: Current other active game software
The teddy bear guy? The one that keeps gumming up his controls with chocolate? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Are you running on an EMU? I had one for the 64 once, but it had some severe issues with core clocking and such. Half the things that I tried to run on it just didn't do anything right at all.

I still want a modern remake of MoM..... And of Archon and Archon II. Hell, if someone could make an Oblivion-esque version of the Ultima games, I would be a happy happy camper. I tried to play them again, but just moving around and looking at things took SO LONG I couldn't handle the pain.

Also, what about Worms? The C64 Worms, not the stupid Artillery knockoff that everyone thinks of when I say the name.....

Gandalf Parker June 26th, 2008 07:17 PM

Re: Current other active game software
There are a number of projects trying to recreate MoM as a MoM2. But at the moment there are very few trying to do it authenticly. They cant seem to help trying to upgrade it (such as adding multiplayer mode) which tends to kill it.

GrudgeBringer June 26th, 2008 07:22 PM

Re: Current other active game software
I was in Caeser III (at least my name 'GrudgeBringer' and my other alias 'Three toed Pete" are Barbarian's in that game. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

I was as a moderator on Civil war Generals 2 and they liked the names...my only claim to fame.

I play Great invasions, Ageod's American Cilvil War (talk about Micro though) but a very realistic game.

MOO3 was a terrible game I thought but I played MOO 2 online and THAT was a good game so I guess it just didn't live up to my expectations. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif

Stryke11 June 26th, 2008 09:55 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
1) Medieval 2: Total War (Not vanilla, but MODS - Stainless Steel and Broken Crescent - seriously, if you have M2TW you NEED to try these mods, 500X better than actual game).
2) Galactic Civilizations 2: Twilight of the Arnor
3) The Witcher (pretty unknown, but absolutely awesome, think Oblivion with more action and for adults).
4) Dwarf Fortress (it's been so long since a patch that I don't actually play it much, but it's there waiting).
5) Battle for Wesnoth (occasionally).
6) Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES (Playstation 2 game, but it's still a game, so it counts.)

P.S. HoneyBadger: You mentioned you would like a Fantasy: Total War, well, I highly recommend you try Fourth Age: Total War, which is a LotR mod for Rome (with Barbarian expansion) and is set in the 4th age of Middle Earth (after the events in the novels/movies). You can be Gondor, Rohan, Harad, Rhun, this bizarro evil-twin Gonder that has Gondor infantry with orcs and trolls, located in what was formerly Mordor), and Dunland. They are also working on a mod for Medieval called Third Age: Total War, which also looks very pretty.

Wokeye June 26th, 2008 11:00 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Will have to try those TW:Med mods. I would love a Total War:Fantasy game. Even better if it had significant imporvements to the AI/diplomacy aspect too, then it would be *almost* my ultimate single player game.

Ironhawk, I agree with you re MOO3 - I enjoyed it when I was expanding/building/exploring, but once I started having to fight other races I lost interest very fast.

Good to see so many DF fans, I actually enjoy seeing the progression of the game more than I do actually playing it ATM. The next version should be great.

Ballbarian June 26th, 2008 11:51 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Lately my game plate is pretty sparse.
I have been playing the heck out of the free Digital Eel games just for some quick entertainment:
Big Box of Blox
Dr. Blob's Organism

Especially the Blox. It is like an insane Tetris, and I was never a big Tetris fan. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Probably the newest game that I enjoyed was Call of Duty 4. After you beat the campaign, you get a bonus mission involving a plane and terrorists. I must have played that mission 30 times. Easy, but fun as hell. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

I briefly played a couple of rounds of Wesnoth not too long ago and still enjoy it.

I played quite a bit of Galactic Civ for awhile and purchased Sins of a Solar Empire. Big disappointment for me. It looks really good, but the way the whole pirate thing was handled just made me hate to play it. I finished one game and tried to start another, but just got to the point where I dreaded playing it. I imagine that I will go back to it some day and try to keep an open mind...

I am sort of looking forward to Spore, but a big part of me is afraid it will be a little too cute. By cute, I mean like the newer Sims cute. I really want to get excited about it, but I am afraid that I will be disappointed. The creature creator is good fun, but it won't take me long to get bored with it unless the Spore environment and game itself can draw me in. Conceptually, I find it fascinating.

JimMorrison June 27th, 2008 04:17 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Ballbarian said:
...and purchased Sins of a Solar Empire. Big disappointment for me. It looks really good, but the way the whole pirate thing was handled just made me hate to play it. I finished one game and tried to start another, but just got to the point where I dreaded playing it. I imagine that I will go back to it some day and try to keep an open mind...

Was this immediately after release? The first few patches did wonders for the game, including a toggle for pirates on/off for all maps, in case you just don't like dealing with them at all. Honestly for my first few games I struggled so badly with the pirates, but as soon as I let my economic patterns revolve around making sure to have plenty of money to hire the pirates, they made the game too EASY in SP, I could practically win the game just by putting the pirates against my largest foe with increasingly massive bounties.

So yes, if you haven't played Sins in v1.3 or higher, you should give it another run, with or without pirates. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Gnadalf - It struck me after I read your post, and Googled around for Mail Order Monsters (I should have said MOM, not MoM) that you thought I meant Master of Magic. My mistake. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

das123 June 27th, 2008 05:47 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Sins certainly improved with the latest patches. Actually, I liked the pirates because it only takes one capital ship to destroy them and then the capital ship get heaps of experience.

MaxWilson June 27th, 2008 09:09 AM

Re: Current other active game software

JimMorrison said:
I still want a modern remake of MoM..... And of Archon and Archon II.

There was an entertaining Archon-esque game called Dark Legions a few years back. The biggest difference was that there were no power points and, more importantly, your army was purchased with a point-buy system and not fixed. Great fun for hotseat play against a buddy.


Leif_- June 27th, 2008 09:17 AM

Re: Current other active game software
Let's see...

Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword,
City of Heroes
Alpha Centauri
Sins of a Solar Empire

Ballbarian June 29th, 2008 10:46 PM

Re: Current other active game software
I downloaded the demo for Mount&Blade early Saturday morning and bought it Saturday night. Very cool game! If I was forced to choose between it and Oblivion then Mount&Blade would win hands down.

By the time I played Sins, they had already added the pirate toggle, but for my first game I just used mostly default settings. I am sure that I will return to it some day and give it another spin. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Cor2 June 30th, 2008 01:07 AM

Re: Current other active game software

baruk said:

Does anyone else play Pax Galactica? Imagine Stars! or MOO but pared-down to the bare bones and tick-based rather than turn based - you just move the ships, ship production happens automatically, and there is no research. Surprisingly enjoyable.

I play Astro empires, which sounds alot like that, but with more control (you build your own fleet and research) Its a great game, but brutal if you dohn't start in a good position

Cor2 June 30th, 2008 01:10 AM

Re: Current other active game software
Mount and blade cannot hold my interest for more than a few days. Gets very repeditive

baruk June 30th, 2008 01:45 AM

Re: Current other active game software

Cor2 said:

baruk said:

Does anyone else play Pax Galactica? Imagine Stars! or MOO but pared-down to the bare bones and tick-based rather than turn based - you just move the ships, ship production happens automatically, and there is no research. Surprisingly enjoyable.

I play Astro empires, which sounds alot like that, but with more control (you build your own fleet and research) Its a great game, but brutal if you dohn't start in a good position

Incidentally, I got the name wrong. It should be Pax Galaxia. Note that you can play a full game of it in under 10 minutes, though it depends how aggressive your opponents are. The fact that surrounded enemy fleets can be captured means that attacking play is often rewarded.

Atreidi July 19th, 2008 11:41 PM

Re: Current other active game software
have any of you tried the Continuum?

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