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-   -   New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39414)

johnarryn July 23rd, 2008 11:31 AM

Re: Everyone loves Pangea
Hey folks. Due to some personal matters, I am forced to withdraw from all the games I am currently playing. I've chosen to set myself to AI (which I normally hate to do) rather than look for a substitute because I don't want to delay the game any longer than I already have. Thank you for your understanding.

Darkwind July 25th, 2008 04:56 PM

The War with Ermor
I would like to announce that I (and Utgard) am currently fighting a war against Ermor. Any donations of holy-raising items or anything to alleviate my poor Prophet of his many afflictions from the war with Ermor would be appreciated.

As an example of the viciousness of this incredible war, Ermor has already fielded multiple 200+ unit armies, as well as its Lich Queen pretender. Ekishnugal, my prophet, recently headbutted with a massive army of over 120 units headed by Carcator the Arch-Censor and the prophet of Xanatos. With only 15 men and 1 PD, Ekishnugal nearly single-handedly freed their entire army of their servitude to the Lich Queen Xanatos, leaving them with only the two commanders. He went to any length to win the battle, even fighting personally with the feared Knights of the Unholy Sepulchre who had escaped his banishing. He acquired three afflictions which massively weakened him, though fortunately, as he by that point had more lifepower than Xanatos herself (and more kills!), he may still lead the C'tissian war on Ermor.

Renojustin July 27th, 2008 07:23 AM

Re: The War with Ermor
I'm sorry to say that with Burning Man coming up, I'm finding it increasingly tough to concentrate on Dominions, and I would have had to sub out in any case at that time, so I've gotten myself a sub now... Bwaha will be taking over for me, R'lyeh.

Just wanted to say that it was a pleasure dealing with the people that I dealt with in character, especially Jomon and Marignon! I've told him of our current state of ftaghn so if you want to continue on the way you were, I'm sure he'd be happy to. See yas!

Revolution July 27th, 2008 11:54 AM

Re: The War with Ermor
Pangea would like to aquire some earth gems. I offer 30 gold for each gem or will trade nature or air on a 1 to 1 basis.

Bwaha July 27th, 2008 02:00 PM

Re: The War with Ermor
Well I,m checking in, got a post with the right info. Right, got it up and running. Now on to the current state of affairs, Since I just threw the last ruler into the stargate without a rope, I would like to negotiate with the powers around me. Also I would like a pause while I get up to speed. Thanks http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

llamabeast July 28th, 2008 05:17 AM

Re: The War with Ermor
Saw this and did a 24 hour delay as Reno was concerned Bwaha wouldn't have a chance to settle in. Hope that's okay, Xanatos.

Bwaha July 29th, 2008 11:57 PM

Re: The War with Ermor
I'm up to speed now, so no more delay on my part. Thanks for the delay... Wow its so strange looking at the armys of Rylah, almost insane, no really. Bwahahahaha... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif Oops, sorry... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Darkwind July 30th, 2008 09:04 PM

Re: The War with Ermor
Could the next turn be delayed? I'm going to the state fair tomorrow, and will thus likely have little or no chance to turn in a turn.

Edit: I just got back from the fair. I have enough time to do my turn, fortunately.

Bwaha August 1st, 2008 06:27 PM

Re: The War with Ermor
can we go to 48

Revolution August 5th, 2008 10:43 PM

Re: The War with Ermor
Pangea is looking to trade away some excess air gems. I am looking to aquire some fire gems, death gems, astral pearls or nature gems (site searching has not been kind to me).

Revolution August 11th, 2008 10:09 PM

Evilhomer appears to be stalling out. I think we should pause and try to find a sub unless it turns out that he can continue playing/doing his turns again. I sent him a message and am waiting for a reply (I sent the message right before the forums bailed so don't read too much into that) in the meantime though I have not seen anyone picking at his lands while he is away and he is not in too bad a position so he should be subable. If not, then we should set him to AI so I don't feel so bad when I start taking his land...but I'd like to give homer a little time and we can find out what is up before we try to sub him. Maybe we can get a pause? 1 turn/day is a bit hectic at this stage anyway, perhaps we should go to 48hr host.

Darkwind August 12th, 2008 11:11 AM

It seems like everyone wants to go to 48 hours. Could someone set it to 48 hours for us? I've been staling a some, and though it's partly my fault, it's partly because the timer is set so low.

Revolution August 13th, 2008 08:32 AM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
Hosting interval has been changed to 48 hours, Marignon is now AI. Pangea is looking for earth gems...

Revolution August 15th, 2008 08:28 AM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
Allright, so there was some kind of hosting error with that last turn and we all got stale turns. We can continue from here or roll back to the previous turn depending on what people want to do. I'm going to go to work right away so in 8hrs I'll check back and probably go with what the majority want to do. I'd probably rather roll back but I don't care too too much.

Bwaha August 15th, 2008 01:20 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
Oh this is great, my computers motherboard is being recalled. So i will have to drop out... Sorry guys but I will back in about five days. It was fun...

Revolution August 15th, 2008 05:43 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!

Originally Posted by Bwaha (Post 631465)
Oh this is great, my computers motherboard is being recalled. So i will have to drop out... Sorry guys but I will back in about five days. It was fun...

You can't get a sub for a couple hosts? If we have one more competitive nation go ai (caelum, marignon,) we might have to call the game...

Dragar August 16th, 2008 03:00 AM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
If its a couple of hosts a sub or delay would be better. In terms of the stale turn I'm happy to move ahead and treat it as just one of those things, but am not opposed to a rollback

Bwaha August 17th, 2008 01:42 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
Hah, I fixed the problem myself! I'm so outraged at Hp tech support. Not only did I get the guy who can't speak english, he had the gall to demand $100.00 to transfer me to tech support... So long story short, I'm back in...

Revolution August 17th, 2008 02:45 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!

Originally Posted by Bwaha (Post 631971)
Hah, I fixed the problem myself! I'm so outraged at Hp tech support. Not only did I get the guy who can't speak english, he had the gall to demand $100.00 to transfer me to tech support... So long story short, I'm back in...

Beautiful. Now come play with my god in the sea

Bwaha August 21st, 2008 12:11 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
I just lost my best friend of over twenty years. I request a 72 hour hold. I'm mourning...

Revolution August 21st, 2008 12:22 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!

Originally Posted by Bwaha (Post 632916)
I just lost my best friend of over twenty years. I request a 72 hour hold. I'm mourning...

Hosting will be extended. I am sorry for your loss.

Revolution September 16th, 2008 12:44 AM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
Seems to be a problem with the llamaserver...if it has not fixed itself by morning or if it looks like there will be a few stale turns, (just before the host) I'll pause the hosting for 24hrs or until llamabeast gets back from vacation.

Bwaha September 20th, 2008 06:14 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
Llama server is up:D

Revolution October 6th, 2008 06:59 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
I just noticed that this thread has slipped to the 3rd page and figured I'd give it a bump (apparently we're not a very talkative bunch). C'tis and Man staled this last turn, Utgard is on the ropes (you have fought well though Dragar, you had a surprising amount of SC's, some of them very good. If not for carrion beasts and mind hunt this would have gone differently...or at least taken much longer) and R'lyeh is sort of just chilling out. I find myself in a pretty dominant position at this point...I have massive gem and gold income and control most of the map. I'm still enjoying playing but if some of you guys are just going through the paces waiting to die at this point, then if you want we could just call it here, I could declare victory, and we can all go on to fresh new games. Unless someone has got something really big and surprising up their sleeve I'm pretty sure I've got this one. Anyhow let me know what you all think, I'm happy with fighting until the bitter end but if some people aren't really interested any more we can finish up.

Dragar October 6th, 2008 08:14 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
Its been Pan's game for such a long time, I'm definitely happy to call it.

Next time someone else can fight ermor at the beginning! ;)

Bwaha October 6th, 2008 11:42 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
Wait a moment. I'm almost done with my art project. I'm sure you will appreciate the effort that it took to make this happen.:D hey since we are here let go to flashchat.

Bwaha October 9th, 2008 01:29 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
I've changed my mind, Yeah I give up. I have a new art project that will take some time. Good game, really strange setup from reno, I just didn't get it. Thanks for a good game. :D

Revolution October 9th, 2008 09:29 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
So what did you have planned Bwaha?

Bwaha October 9th, 2008 11:33 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
Can't say, I'm gonna do it way earlier in my next Rylah game. Hehe, Its gonna be a lot a fun. :D

Dragar October 11th, 2008 07:25 AM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
so we're wrapping this up yes?

Revolution October 11th, 2008 11:34 AM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
I'm still waiting to hear from Darkwind and Arkki in this thread...or at least darkwind because he still has some decent armies running around.

Darkwind October 12th, 2008 10:57 AM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
Well, I'm still a bit optimistic about my situation. I doubt I control much, but I'd like to think I could at least put up a decent effort. No one else is quite so optimistic about the situation, though, I think, so if everyone else thinks Pangaea has pretty much won then I guess Pangaea has pretty much won. It's not like I'm experienced enough to say much, really.

Also, I love talking about the game on the forum. It just seemed to me like no one else does. Maybe everyone just sort of mutually agreed to stop posting in the forum thread? Who knows.

Revolution October 12th, 2008 06:10 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
I didn't even realize those chariots were undead until my tartarian stood there killing one or two enemies at a time with their frost brands. DOH! ...damn tomb kings.

Also nice attempt at trapping my mind hunters Dragar...I did come quite close to mind hunting that province but figured that you would eventually start throwing around some astral mages.

Waiting to hear from Man how he feels about continuing.

Darkwind October 13th, 2008 07:04 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
Those birds of yours are incredibly annoying, they make life a pain. It's more the 1-move-per-turn part and the lack of sight, since I have enough money to run for several turns at no income (I would like to think, at least). The Earth Elementals are beginning to get annoying too. Also, it was a clever move to move your army to Ermor when I can't get to it in time ;) Rest assured I will try my best to keep that bonanza of purple gems in my hands. Although, if anyone else wants to help by donating gems in case I happen to lose Ermor, well, that's okay by me too. :)

ArkkiMeisseli October 14th, 2008 06:03 AM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
Well, I play Man and lack the gem income to summon anything other than cannon fodder to boot, so I don't have anything against declaring Pangaea the winner.

Although I could've sent a 100 knights to do a lance rush. :p

Bwaha October 14th, 2008 03:53 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
So we continue? I staled the last turn because I thought it was over. Well I will now rise forth and battle anyone who dares to face me... I cast a gauntlet down. Come get some...:D

Revolution October 14th, 2008 07:05 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
I'm going to end this game; it was a blast and I hope you all had fun. Everyone has now agreed to end it. I figured I'd finish with an epic golems VS undead hordes fight (damn frost brands and their ineffectiveness against the undead...)

Good game everyone!

Darkwind October 14th, 2008 07:19 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
But what's the fun in a Golem vs Undead battle if only we get to see it? Let's put a turn out in public for the joy of everyone. :)

Revolution October 14th, 2008 07:37 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Darkwind (Post 645689)
But what's the fun in a Golem vs Undead battle if only we get to see it? Let's put a turn out in public for the joy of everyone. :)

Sure, why not. I have attached my last turn file, anyone who wasn't in the game and wants to for some reason see my last turn file will have to download the corruption map from the first post in this thread. The battle to which I was referring to in the above post is at Tapanete

Darkwind October 14th, 2008 08:30 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
1 Attachment(s)
I might as well show my turn file too. Here it is. :)

Thus comes to a close my third (!) game. It was fun :D

At about whjat point does one stop being a Dom3 newb, I wonder?

Bwaha October 14th, 2008 08:47 PM

Re: New 10-15 player game - Corruption - SEND IN GODS!
I think once you get used to the kind of tricks that humans do that the AI doesn't. When you start looking for ways to destroy a army instead of just defeating it. I feel I'm no longer a newbie, but I still have plenty to learn. :D

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