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Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
even more confusing is that the Zorros are not actually foxes, they are a genus all their own, and I think even more closely related to wolves than foxes; thus making them double confusing.
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Yes, actually I recall reading that. But they're fox-like, I think we've proven that!
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
dangit i sent in my .2h file and it wasn't recongized by the server... i've tried resending it ... hopefully i can manage to make it accept this time
nevermind resending it fixed everything |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
anyone wanna make some bets on who hinnom elimates first? and on what turn? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I wish O I wish how I was a fish! so that i could watch the battle http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Darn, humble and peaceful nation of Hinnom do not like war and have been at peace with our neighbors. We just happen to eat a lot (and I do mean A LOT!) so we need a little more living space, but that is just a tiny tiny little bit more. And unlike those scary double bless niefelheim giants, we are all about loving the planet and the sun.
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
hey I'm not trying to start a fight with anyone! I figured if I posted you might take it personally. (thats why I added a lymric)
I was just trying to spice this forum up a little bit, I don't have much intelligence and it'd be a shame to totally miss several wars or whatever http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif this is my first MP game! I figured looking at the score graph that maybe hinnom was going to attack someone maybe not... i took a guess... i figured if you were going to attack someone that... maybe the other person would feel like writing something colorful here in response.. anyways I apologize for making assumptions based on your national stereotypes |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
My oracle is surprised to find icy nation of Niefelheim on the lush south. What are blizzard bringers doing in Florida? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
hey... giants go on vacation sometimes ... you know tans are in vogue in the north now!
we would kindly thank you not to leak intelligence against our top secret summer home near boka |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Heh, it is just a game, and nothing is taken personally. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif But rest assure that Hinnom is a peaceful nation, in fact we have non-aggression treaties with all the nations we met so far. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Hinnom must die!
hehehehe... |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Shilvering in fear http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif... Mighty (what's your nation again? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif), please spare us. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
I looked at the nation list and wow, this game is a rush heaven. Nief, Hel, Mict, Sauro?! And to lesser extent, TNO, Fomo... I wonder why the expansion rate so far has been ughr... modest? Is everyone hiding their strength to deceive others?:)
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
The only resource rich province is one filled with knights of *** beating +5 right next to my capitol http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Jazzepi |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
It is a VP province for a reason.:)
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Well, obviously.
It's just a little annoying that it's occupying a space next to my capital. Jazzepi |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Helheim's gem income jumped by 6 in a single turn? That's some kind of nice sites. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
this game is turning faster than any other i've ever been in, i think. i love it.
in interest of keeping fast turn arounds, i'm increasing hosting interval to 36 hours. although this sounds counter-intuitive, players have expressed fears of accidentally staling, and are withholding turns, which also sounds counter-intuitive. so i'd thought i'd meet one counter intuition with another, and increase hosting interval. this way, no one has to worry about the deadlines cranking down on them. |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Oh, no! Now that you've gone and mentioned that the game is proceeding with decent speed, somebody will start submitting every turn five minutes before the deadline. IT IS INEVITABLE
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
looks like you're right cyborg http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
the problem i have sometimes is i work on my turn late at night and pass out before sending the email then i wake up remembering that i did the turn.. and forgetting i never sent it... i'm new to mp please don't hate me
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Jazzepi |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
I am going out of country this coming Monday (GMT). I need a one time 48 hour extension for next turn (turn 11). Thanks!
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
no worries namad
no problem konming |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
on a brisk winters day during the tenth month of this first year, Kailasa has finally made contact with another land power. Initial meeting circumstances were less than ideal, as the bullheaded Burelk and his laughable platoon the "City Gaurd" marched into a province shortly after Tien Chi nationals had arrived. Tien Chi made short work of what was a fiercely independent but poorly equipped native tribe. Burelk and his men, accompanied by a small troop of Kailasian nationals, found the battle-weary Tien Chi force as they were resting from their recent engagement. Bull-headed and probably a little drunk, Burelk ordered his men to form up and charge what seemed a small force of lightly armored swordsmen. The accompanying Bandar commander, never known for his brightness, followed suit.
The Tien Chi soldiers were better prepared than Burelk bargained for. They're accomplished swordsmen and hardened fighters. The poorly trained and armed City Guard were quickly mowed down by the much smaller force; the Vanara and Markata soldiers were little better able against the swordsmen, and were also quickly cut down. The loudmouth Burelk was last seen fleeing the field of battle, and neither he nor his remaining men (if any!) have been heard from since. Good riddance, say the Kailasian high command. The Bandar commander managed to escape to a neighboring province, and is being commentated for his past victories and his current better discretion. Despite the opening run in mishap, the embassies of Tien Chi and Kailasa have agreed upon an initial six month non-aggression pact. |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Damn, there HAS TO be a conspiracy against me in MP game. In my luck 3 domain, I've got not a single ounce of gold due to my unbelievable good luck, and already had 5 money losing events, 3 in last turn alone.
Luck aside, my seven chariot died in front of 30 something tribals? This is unheard of in previous Hinnom adventure. On the brighter side, since the turn is turning so quickly, my request for delay is now for turn 12. |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
And no hero either? While in my test games, 3 times two appeared in the first year, and twice one appeared.
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
I am glad that its not just me that Dominions, 'kicks in the teeth' on a regular basis! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
The DRN generator really, really hates me... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
The commanders of both the Glorious Northern Conquest Brigade and the Invincible Southern Expeditionary Force have issued profuse apologies for the unfortunate incidents of these past two months in which they unintentionally obliterated small portions of the Kailasan Army. The Divine Emperor hastens to assure all that T'ien Ch'i intends only peace to the highly articulate monkey people of Kailasa. Unfortunately, the uncivilized followers of the god Marc have refused our offer of peace and are subjugating the innocent peasants of our northern lands. Helheim, your cruel acts shall not go unavenged!
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
I played one game with high luck and turmoil, it was by far my most disastrous game ever! Had way more bad luck than good. I must have bad karma or something..
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
It looks like I do not need the extension, not now anyway. Since my trip was delayed due to unfortunate events http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif, the game can go on without me dragging the foot. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Comedy of errors
a second run in the following month! Damn these EA no scout provinces.
your apologies are assuring of lasting amiabilities between our nations, but are otherwise unneeded. our own expeditionary force had been pushing too close towards Tien Chi homelands anyway. that was, however, quite the Invincible Expeditionary Force. |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
would anyone care to sell me one or two dwarven hammer for some number of water gems?
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Water Gems is the magic word here. Kailasa will gladly sell you a Dwarven Hammer, as soon as we can make them.
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
i don't suppose anyone is making them NOW http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif ?
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Nation of Hinnom is buying gems.
While in other games, you get 15G for limited types of gems, we the peaceful nation of Hinnom believe that everyone should get a fair deal. We are paying 20G/gem for any kind of gem. That's right, we pay for any kind of gems, including those just fell from sky. What's more, we also pay 250G for 10N. If you do not need gold, we are quite willing to trade ANY other kind of gems for N, 1:1 of course. Here is your easy source of next castle or the gem type you just need. |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Utgard is keen to purchase a dwarven hammer. On sale are nature, death and astral gems, and/or cash.
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Utgard? Wrong game?
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Dragar is Fomoria in this game, if memory serves.
I guess confusing them isn't unimaginable. or are you thinking of another game, Dragar? |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Gah!! apologies, yes was speaking about the other game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Fomoria aint trading nothin for now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif sorry for the confusion |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
wait... gems actually sell for that low of prices???? i'm new to mp but that sounds really low for gems anyone want to sell me some astral or nature or death gems? paying ever so slightly more than hinnom?
maybe it is obvious from my post but I suppose i'll clarify i'm capable of forging I suppose I could perform some basic forging services if the tip is lucrative enough i'd be willing to trade astral gems for nature/astral 5water:4(N/S) or maybe death |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
The Divine Empire of T'ien Ch'i seeks to trade its stockpile of water gems and astral pearls for earth and nature gems on a five-to-four basis; in other words, five of our water gems or astral pearls for four foreign earth or nature gems.
Thank you for your responses; the gem requirements of T'ien Ch'i have been fulfilled for the moment. We must again thank our ally Kailasa, whose clever traders have swiftly undercut the competition. |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
So any report from the war front between TC and Helheim?
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
So quiet here... zzzzZZZZ
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
The vile armies of Helheim have hesitated in their attacks on our sovereign soil, no doubt reluctant to challenge our Emperor's divine authority without first using their cowardly stealth to ascertain the extent of his power. As of yet, they have only engaged the few peasants assigned to guard our territories as province defense, but once the Invincible Southern Expeditionary Force reaches the disputed territory from the far-flung corners of the Earth they set out to explore and bring under the protection of T'ien Ch'i, they are surely doomed. Be warned, Marc, Lord of Injustice and King of Barbarians; your aggression shall be your downfall!
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
The world must be a strange one. TC attack Hel in early game...
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
On the other hand, your expeditionary force must be truly amazing...
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
com'on namad, why are you so pokey with turns?
i'm going back to 24 hour scheduling. |
Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Jazzepi |
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