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jimkehn July 19th, 2008 05:07 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Yeah....what's up with this???? How long can the first turn take??????

Bwaha July 19th, 2008 05:15 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Well a lot of vacillation, come on folks. Let just move along, (jeesh, its like herding cats)...

jimkehn July 19th, 2008 06:48 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I'm in a game called Dark Paradise. It started on June 30th and we are on turn 32. At this rate we can open turn 32 for Christmas.

GrudgeBringer July 19th, 2008 06:53 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
well, personally I would like to restart the game with balanced starting positions....but I am one vote

llama has a proposed starting setup, I suggest we take it or this game will be down to 3 players in about 10 turns.

You guys decide

Bwaha July 19th, 2008 07:49 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I vote nay, nein, nyet...

anticipatient July 19th, 2008 08:11 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I'm the last to send it in. I stayed up until 4:30 AM last night, so I know it didn't get hosted until this morning (I think I checked my email before I went to sleep). I think 12 hours is a reasonable amount of time to play my turn, so take it easy guys http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Anyway, unless someone has a major, specific grievance, I think we should just play.

anticipatient July 19th, 2008 08:15 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Although I will say that especially since this is a newbie game, if anyone has less than 3 provinces adjacent to their capital or are less than 3 provinces away from an opponent, we may want to restart. That said, I have 4 adjacent to mine, and I'm fine with that.

Bwaha July 19th, 2008 08:25 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I didn't think of that, I will abide the results of the vote. The one reason I don't want a restart is simply it will add much more time to get going. Sorry if I seem testy but I spent my morning waiting for some action and got one lousy turn in. I'm in five games and no motion whatsoever. Lesson one learned, don't wait for a game, it will happen v e r y s l o w l y. The one game that it didn't happen was the best, "dark paradise". I died early...

Executor July 19th, 2008 08:55 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I have one major problem and that is, I CAN'T STOP JOINING GAMES, I'm in 7 games and starting 1 more!
So this is probably going to be a very very fast game ( I'll win of course ) with these starting provinces, but what the hell WAR ON!!!
We'll make BlitzKrieg 2 when we finish this one too fast!

GrudgeBringer July 19th, 2008 09:25 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I have 2 provinces (not including the capitol) which are both wasteland and a very small island with another 'good ol boy' on it.

since I just played my second turn I guess i'm stuck with it.

I just wanted to know if it was random generated so that I would know what to expect in future games.

I plyed SP with this same group 4 times to see how the races would start and in 3 of 4 they all started in pretty much the same place.

This time they where almost 180 opposite.

I will live and learn so that next time I will adress this before we start.

If you want to start over, GREAT.....but I don't see that happening now.

So good luck and take pity on a poor begger if he stops by and asks for a gold piece to feed his pitiful little army of militia because thats all he can afford (sigh)....

anticipatient July 19th, 2008 09:29 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I wouldn't if this game lived up to its name. My scales aren't the best you've ever seen, which typically means I'm best suited to a quick to medium length game.

Bwaha July 19th, 2008 09:35 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Hey, if you are screwed that much grudge, I will change my vote. So in this case I change my vote to restart. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Executor July 19th, 2008 09:51 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
It it random generated, never really occurred to me to set up starting provinces, but I guess it's too late now, and if it's any consolation I also started in the waste Grudge, just hope nobody's near me or they're suffer a terrible fate, a swift death by my hand.

So Bwaha Grudge and I are for restart should we???
If we do restart, do we use the start locations I suggested, and anticipatient I also wanted this game up and running as fast as possible, but with my luck, my life is basically turnmoil 3 misfortune 3!

Bwaha July 19th, 2008 10:28 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
IF we change, please look at world of warhammer. It has fixed positions already, so arranging a good game will be easy.

GrudgeBringer July 20th, 2008 12:26 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Thanks I really am screwed.....and world of warhammer is a GREAT map. a little hard on my old eyes but a really great looking map!!

Bwaha July 20th, 2008 12:48 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I really like the underground connections,

GrudgeBringer July 20th, 2008 01:44 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
they have underground connections in the warhammer map?

Man, I am not very observant....

where are a couple so I can check them out.

I know about the caves but not the connections.

Executor July 20th, 2008 07:48 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I've received a number of PM's regarding this game, so we'll restart after all unfortunately.
World of Warhammer is too big bwaha it has about 210 provinces that is too much for 8 players, that makes it 26 per players, and if we decided to play that map we'd have to take on more players which will take more time... and so on!

So,we restart, I'll work out best starting locations with Llama, and when we start again I expect to speed up a little we wasted too much time already!

Executor July 20th, 2008 08:04 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I hope everything is fine now Grudge,
check your starting provinces if they are the once I suggested on the previous page, I think they're rather fair.

AlgaeNymph July 20th, 2008 08:37 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
*finds out the game has restarted*

*checks thread*

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

jimkehn July 20th, 2008 09:12 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Same here, Drya. 8^)

GrudgeBringer July 20th, 2008 10:52 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
kool, thanks

GrudgeBringer July 20th, 2008 11:07 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
turn 1 sent in...thanks agian

Cerlin July 20th, 2008 12:54 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
uh so we restarted huh? hmmmm
I like that voting we had there.... <sigh>

Bwaha July 20th, 2008 01:22 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I just found out that fallout3 is for sale. There goes my social life... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

anticipatient July 20th, 2008 03:55 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
FALLOUT 3! oh dear god...

yeah me too. goodbye social life indeed.


Bwaha July 20th, 2008 04:35 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
G4 has a vidio that damn near killed me. Home made rocket launcher that fired stuff including teddy bears... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

GrudgeBringer July 20th, 2008 06:56 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I played the first 2 Fallout games....

I remember having to fight off giant scorions with a dang KNIFE just to get started when they thru me out of the shelter...

A nice change up I think

Bwaha July 20th, 2008 07:17 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Where's Cassidy when you need him... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif and Sulik and the grampy bone...

Executor July 20th, 2008 08:51 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
What the hell are you all talking about!?!?

Bwaha July 20th, 2008 09:04 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Sorry, old game, Old rpg game that had shotgun weddings and stuff... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

jimkehn July 20th, 2008 09:56 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Is this game on 48 or maybe even 72 hours??? It should be set to 24 until MAYBE turn 50. Even then...... If it is on 48 hours from turn one, I'm gonna hafta think real hard about continuing.

tgbob July 20th, 2008 10:18 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
It ought to be 24, isn't it on 24? I'm not very good with time zones.

jimkehn July 20th, 2008 11:01 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Not sure when I played my turn, but next turn isn't due to 11 or so TUESDAY morning. I know I played the turn either this morning (Sunday).

I just hate thinking about waiting 48 hours to play a turn that takes less than 5 minutes. And I have been around these games long enough to know, that if you give the gang 7 days, someone will want one more day...cuz 7 just aint enough time.

Bwaha July 21st, 2008 01:45 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I think someone is sulking... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

anticipatient July 21st, 2008 02:38 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Oh jeez, I thought I sent that damned turn in! Sorry guys.

anticipatient July 21st, 2008 03:04 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Okay, who set up these start locations?

jimkehn July 21st, 2008 09:14 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
>I think someone is sulking...

Ok,Ok!!! I'll stop whining. Just got spoiled with Dark Paradise.

Bwaha July 21st, 2008 12:48 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Yes, when that game is over I want a rematch with the dark paradise players... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Executor July 21st, 2008 01:53 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Jim, the game's on 24 hours interval with quick-host on.

anticipatient July 21st, 2008 04:30 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I mean it, really, did someone assign these starting locations or did we randomly restart?

Executor July 21st, 2008 06:01 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
The starting positions are
38, 27, 39, 76, 106, 123, 124, 79

anticipatient July 21st, 2008 07:31 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Okay. Well they weren't correctly assigned. I'm happy to play with things as they are, but I know for a fact that at least one of those is wrong. I have a very, very close neighbor. :p

Executor July 21st, 2008 07:46 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
You should have said something earlier, I posted a reminder to check if the starting lands were OK,
So, do you wanna keep going like this or what, I'd hate to restart again but if it's a BIG problem...

GrudgeBringer July 21st, 2008 11:20 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
OK, everyone was really good about when I was screwed.

I just checked my map and see 6 crowns (what I assume are capitols), I don't know why I can't see the others but here is what I have showing on my map.

Do these show the same on other peoples maps?

124...118...75...6...(these next 2 are right on a line so it could be one or the other)either 90 or 103...141 or150.

most have 4 to 5 provinces between them I has 3.

What ever you guys want to do I will go along....if its start over for Anticipatiant then I say lets do it and stay in the game and not get frustrated.

If its continue, maybe they could have some diplomacy. And lets continue.

You vote I will abide by the majority.. Anticipatiant if your close to me I will work something out with you.

anticipatient July 22nd, 2008 02:35 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
No, don't want to restart! Just wanted Exec know for his edification http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Uh, and also I wanted to vent just a little.

But it's okay, really. Anyway, I couldn't say anything earlier, because I didn't see my neighbor until turn 2. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

anticipatient July 22nd, 2008 02:39 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Yeah, the crowns show the same, but the crowns aren't the capitols. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

jimkehn July 22nd, 2008 09:12 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
>Anyway, I couldn't say anything earlier, because I didn't >see my neighbor until turn 2.

And aint he good lookin???

GrudgeBringer July 22nd, 2008 03:51 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
The crowns arn't capitols?

What are they then and why have them?

Just curious

anticipatient July 22nd, 2008 05:22 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
They're victory points. They're built into the map. In this case, they may have higher chance of magic sites, but basically they DON'T MATTER, since this is a fight to the death. You can ignore the crowns. I believe, in fact, we may have been mistaken in restarting in the first place, unless you had any, er, confirmed sightings http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

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