![]() |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
So is it right to say then that:
Whsiker_Biscuit - Agartha GrudgeBringer - Arcosephalae Didn't receive their first turns? Did you get yours after the requested resend GrudgeBringer? (Is the e-mail your checking the one you submitted your pretender from?) We can roll back to the first turn if Agartha & Arcosephale want. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
GrudgeBringer, I have changed your e-mail address to (address given above) and requested a resend.
I couldn't see what your e-mail address was before however, so I dont know if this will do any good. If it is working then we can roll back to the start once we sort out whatever problems Whsiker_Biscuit is having. Edit by llamabeast: Removed e-mail address to prevent harvesting by spambots. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
i got both turns and sent in turn 1 but it was stale...I did send in turn 2.
I don't understand how if my pretender went in ok then I wouldn't receive my first turn on time. I don't know how this will effect me in the game but i'm not happy about it. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
We'll roll back to turn 1 since you were afflicted with technical mishaps.
Sorry to anyone who got lucky in their first turn, but I can't imagine too many people did. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
This all sounds strange, haven't encountered such problems before. Those of you who didn't get the first turn - have you checked your junk mail folder?
By the way everyone, you should be careful posting e-mail addresses on public forums. Spam bots will find the addresses and start spamming you (it happens fast). You can post them in the form llamabeast[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net and be fine though, because they're not desperately smart (yet). |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Thanks for taking the time to replay turn 1.
I did check my junk file and amd my deleted file and no dice. I have no idea what happened and your right I should know better than to post my e-mail address, I have to run spybot and ad aware twice weekly now (sigh). Thanks agian and Good Luck All!!! |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Yes, thanks heaps llamabeast.
Anyone heard from Agartha? |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Thoughts on getting a sub for Agartha? It's effectively been 4 days or so, and we haven't heard anything.
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
I checked another game Whsiker_Biscuit was playing Agartha in (Jotunland) and he's missed his last 3 turns in that as well. I guess we'll need a sub before we can get started.
I've postponed Hosting for 24 hours, hopefully we can get someone quickly. Sorry and thanks for your patience Guys. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Hey no prob RadioGibben - thanks for being so proactive on this! In my experience most games have a little bit of 'teething' time, but run smoothly after that.
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
i'm cool with it...
Just roll when you can |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
So hey..... I've got a few games ending here, and so will have time to add this one maybe - I do like Agartha. 8 )
What I am curious though, has the game actually officially started? It sounds like it sort of hasn't..... I'd be much more interested if I could design my own pretender, rather than being stuck with who knows what. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif I could have the file sent within a few hours at most of knowing I had the spot, so it wouldn't require much waiting, if it's an option. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Hi JimMorrison.
The game hasn't taken off yet but I was hoping to avoid evryone having to resubmit their Pretenders. I'll check with llamabeast to see if a restart would delete the pretenders or if only yourself would have to "resubmit" a pretender, presumably after "Agarthas" e-mail address is altered. Either way I'm off to bed now so theirs no need to rush yourself. EDIT: I mean if we do have to resubmit pretenders thats not really any hassle, but I'll just check what the correct technical procedure is for a restart, cos I've never admined before and am still feeling my way around. Cheers. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
If Jim wants to re-design etc then lets just start from scratch (guess who didn't like their starting position http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ). Seriously though, it isn't like the game has really kicked off in any way and it would be unfair for a sub to inherit a pretender at this stage of the game.
Want to second the appreciation for the pro-active admin of the game to date. Well done RadioGibbon and Llamabeast. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Works for me - best to have a game where everyone is happy with their pretender (and their starting position http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif !).
Thanks for subbing in! |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
OK with me, heck I am so new I never design my pretender twice the same way anyway....
I may just get it better, as far as starting positions go if they are random then we take our chances if you have predetermined then it will work out ok... Welcome aboard Jim!! |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
I'm happy with a full re-start to allow Jim a chance to design his own Pretender. As James243 says, it's always best to have a game everyone is happy with :-)
Top marks for RadioGibbon's admin so far as well. Please let us all know if the Pretender files need to be sent in again, or if the ones already sent in will be transfered over automatically. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
We aren't restarting are we?
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
'Executor'. I'm not 100% sure what's happening, but from reading the thread, it appears that 'JimMorrison' will be coming in to to take the place of the AWOL Agartha player, and he'd like a chance to design his own Pretender rather than use the one the original Agartha player designed.
And I guess if the majority of the players are happy to allow this, then that is what will happen, and the game will be re-started with new start positions. Of course if the majority aren't happy with this, then I guess it won't happen. Unless of course the admin calls it. As his decision should always be final :-) |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Bad News: Were restarting Good News: No one except JimMorrison need submit a pretender, and this pretender can be for any nation he likes (except of course those that are already taken). Sorry to those of you who've already played turn 1 three times or however many it's been. If it will help console those of you who were happy with your start posistions I was over the moon with mine, next to one of the sunburst magic sites, close to defensible bottlenecks and got the first turns merc ration. Anyway, I've already restarted, so as soon as JimM sends in his pretender we can get started again. Cheers. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Has Jim been informed by PM or email?
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Ahh! Sorry about that guys. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif
I forgot to check this thread today, and just now got a PM from Llama telling me I should submit a pretender. >.> Grabbing something to eat really quick, then I'll sit down and cook one up, hopefully soon enough that the game hosts. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Well, you said I could just pick, so since I'm doing Agartha in another game already, I thought I'd give Sauromatia a spin. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
And Llamaserver has gotten it, I'm grabbing some sleep. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Game Started.
Good luck everyone. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Ummm, gee C'tis, are we gonna have a problem?
I must admit, seeing an awake PoD 2 provinces from my capital, and so early, is a bit distressing. Especially when you cut me off from several territories that I rather coveted. I'm going to suggest you PM me and try to work out a deal, because I'm not alright with your current strategic placement. <3 |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Hmm..C'tis already has a big province lead too...hmm...
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Anyone got surpluss death gems? PM me if you're interested in a trade.
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Bad luck C'tis! Did you stale? I see you got turn 10 in really early - hope you squeaked in turn 9!
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Pkaw! Pkaw! Nevermore!
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
This is my first multiplayer game. I'm having a really slow start. I got a couple bad luck events early on. Its going ok now.
C'tis is my neighbors too. We'll see how that goes. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
This is my second multi-player game. Got absolutely hammered in my first game but it was a lot of fun.
I've also had a horrible setback in this game which I am trying to recover from. Ran into a bunch of mages with all my best troops on the fourth or fifth turn and got wiped out which has really slowed my expansion. Slowly getting back into the swing of things now. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Was it those sneaksy air mages that I never notice? Never looks too bad until round 4-5 of combat, then comes the Lightning Bolt spam.....
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Exactly, Jim. They were the ones. I've never seen them before. That Orb Lightening (level 5 spell) just rips through your troops.
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Don't suppose you'd care to tell us which province these bad dudes are in would you http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif?
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
All those first timers - welcome! Second game for me.
On the topic of sob stories... Helheim has lots of troops who have glamour. Glamour gives troops mirror image in battle. I didn't realise that it also gives stealth. Until I sent my non stealth prophet to attack a province with all stealth co combatants. I think he was more surprised than I was to find himself facing 40 woodsmen...alone. Let's just say it hasn't been the fastest start for me either! But hey its a noob game, and still awesome fun! |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
That right there is tangled up with the issue of why I refuse to Prophet my starting scout (or any scout). Then they're the stealthy ones who try to avoid going in to bless your army and smite your foes, and they get Leader 0 so you can't even drop non-stealthy troops onto them to force them to go in.....
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
You just have to be careful and always put them to move not sneak, and it's useful to have a stealthy prophet in many ways, and you can always put crown of command or something alike on him to make him a leader
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
I've noticed that making scouts prophets is pretty popular - why? Is it just to play games with other players dominion? Unless you're playing against mictlan it seems little benefit. But I must be missing something...
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Commander Prophet and Scout Prophet are very different beasts, sure. They both have capabilities and drawbacks. All I was saying, was that with my playstyle and what I generally try to accomplish - I really dislike the Scout Prophet. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
There are many reasons, you get H3 for blessing while your starting army patrols or attacks, spread dominion to attack like with abysia or niefelheim, with MA C'tis you can get a stealthy prophet assassin, Ermor to reanimate from start...
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Right, I wasn't saying it's invalid, just something that I never apply. Interesting to note, I also don't believe in the tax/patrol start. So, my own list of reasons why I'd ever use a scout prophet, just get smaller. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
I always start with tax/patrol and it's the first thing I check at the start of the turn, I don't trust the automatic tax rate it never drops under 50 no matter how high the unrest , and with pangaea and cealum you can go to 200% and not get unrest, that really help get an early start!
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
200% without unrest? O.o With "OMG I love those crazy bird people" Caelum, no less?
< runs off to start a SP test game > |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Well, test game implies if you have an awake Lady of Love as Pan, that she will reduce unrest by 10 each turn. 200 unrest was giving me 19-20 per turn, so I'm guessing she could support 140-150% safely, which is pretty neat. Of course, just being awake is a bit of a design point sink, and you're not getting an SC out of it, just more gold. I'm sure that can be leveraged nicely if part of a larger strategy though.
But Caelum, at least in EA, doesn't get Lady of Love. I tried Lady of Fortune, who did jack and nothing. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif However, both got the same 19-20 unrest per turn that Sauromatia did with some random shmoo for their pretender. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif Is there anything I am missing? |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
I was meaning MA Ermor, but you can make a black servant a prophet in any age to reanimate but only sauromatia can reanimate longdead horseman and the giants get londead giants which is quite nice.
Oh and there is a little trick you can do with EA Ermor or really any nation, cast life after death and kill your priests with cold or poison so they become undead ( resistant to cold and poison ) and can reanimate. |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
Three |
Re: Pretenders Playtime - An EA Pbem Beginners gam
! After honoring our non aggression pact through its completion, evil lanka chose to declare war on glorious peaceful helheim (me) . Lanka chose the risky strategy of dividing his armies so as to take 2 provinces per turn. While allowing helheim's lich king to claim two key victories, the strategy has paid off with lanka now seiging helheims capital. With haakon the aged and the entire faculty of svartalf university mobilised elsewhere, the research strategy and pretender aspirations of helheim lie in ruins. But not without significant cost to the demon ogres of lanka. And in that lies opportunity. If you lie to the south or west of lanka, now is your chance to invade! This will benefit helheim but helheim is crippled anyway. But it will benefit you too! And don't think that lanka, once done with helheim, won't be looking elsewhere for conquests. Attack now, at lankas moment of weakness! |
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