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-   -   Mod: Dominions 3000 v0.81 - lots of new indies, new map (using the brand new map commands) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39996)

Nikelaos August 30th, 2008 12:53 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
alrighty then, two are done already, if someone could provide me with the sprites for foulspawn, preferably the big strong ones, then it would be a big help.

Aezeal August 30th, 2008 01:24 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
lol that is easy there should be a file on this forum with sprites from all units til version 3.14 at least (probably updated already but I haven't got it)
I usually look for a creature with the search function in database and then look at the sprites.

of course you can't do that since you don't have those files... I'll mail them

Aezeal August 30th, 2008 08:09 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
0.46 coming in a fwe min

HoneyBadger August 30th, 2008 09:00 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Endoperez: That Alpha Centauri mind worm idea is excellent. When you're done setting Kalevala up, would you consider working on such a nation?

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 08:48 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
OK next edition will have a major change at least (2 numbers)
I was wondering why range combat was SOOO strong while I had some nice shields with decent protection values....

right protection values.. and def 0 (= parry 0) ok so now the shields will actually HAVE a parry value and combat in space will be as it never was.

Nikelaos August 31st, 2008 11:00 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
right ermor sprites are coming along nicely,i got 3 more which i'll send you now aezeal, anyway whilst doing ermor i got an idea for pangea, i thought it weould be better to finish ermor first but this idea excites me so much that i am starting now and working on both.

sticking to pangeas 'nature pissed off' theme, lets say that (with all the new weaponry and stuff) earth got trashed, many civilisations by now have already left for the final frotier but nature is still left with this massive pain in the backside, the only survivers on earth now are a variety of mutant hybrids (not much has changed here for pangea :P), fungi and a number of intelegent insects. It was once said that World War 4 would be fought with sticks and stones, this is infact true for pangea who travel the universe on the spores of mother nature's bounty, bringing life back to the wastelands war left behind.

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 11:06 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
yes I had been thinking about either an insect race (starship troopers) or a nature race (I was thinking the Ousters of Hyperion/Endymion books who try to build huge planet, even solar system size plantlive throughout the whole universe.)

That last thingie might be hard to represent but fungi and insects and some weirds whatevers might be good if you fit a decent bunch of ranged weapons into the picture.

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 12:05 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
It might be better if you choose one of the 2 races to work on.

What I've found about the necromorphs in dead space is that they are some sort of alien (no idea how they look) that go inside a corpse and then they and the corpse morph into some sort of freaky looking zombie (all different sorts)

if we know how the primary creature should look like we could easily create a send form (which would then be your pics)

do they use weapons or is it all melee?

Too me there isn't enough known to start creating a nation out of this atm.
What unit should there be?
how about commanders?
do you just buy each of the creatures or do you summon them?

basicly: tell me more :D

Panpiper August 31st, 2008 01:08 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
It may well be that I am missing something as I am not the best of players and I have never really played R'lyeh before, but in this mod I am having utterly no success with them versus independents. Jomon and Ulm are both relative cake walks for me, buy lots of ranged firepower, stand off and blast. With R'lyeh this does not work. Trying to play the hand to hand game gives even worse results. I've tried spending as many as ten turns building up prior to attacking an independent and still get my face handed to me. (I should mention that I always set independents to maximum strength.)

Is there a trick that I am missing or is R'lyeh simply weaker than the other two races?

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 01:47 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
hmm I turned the indies down a bit, I don't know if the indie setting still matters since I handplaced them all in the provinces

In my test games I didn't have too much trouble with the indies though.. especially the ones with few troops (the fish) are immobilized fast.

I usually try a screen of chaff and then depending on what I'm facing either mutants or illithid (since most troops are higher size so less on a square I think I'll lower muntant price since they are relatively less effective)

it sort of worked then.

I didn't figure r'lyeh would be that weak.. teh same illithid that work pretty well in base game are now even cheaper and there are larger and less indie troops.. so I'd figure that would help them actually.

I'll lower the mutant cost though.
PS do you ahve the latest version? 1-2 versions ago I lowerd MR a bit on some indies which should help mindblasting

PS there is a #end missing so the weapon of the jomon militia is strange, this is changed already for the next patch
also there will be a new indie type then.
as I said next version will also have shield with a parry value which will lower effectiveness for ranged combat.. sadly most indies don't have shields since they have no tech except the pirates and they need to be clearly weaker than ulm so have no shield either....
I need to think of something for that .. though indies being weak isn't that much of a problem

Nikelaos August 31st, 2008 01:56 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies

Originally Posted by Aezeal (Post 635420)
It might be better if you choose one of the 2 races to work on.

What I've found about the necromorphs in dead space is that they are some sort of alien (no idea how they look) that go inside a corpse and then they and the corpse morph into some sort of freaky looking zombie (all different sorts)

if we know how the primary creature should look like we could easily create a send form (which would then be your pics)

do they use weapons or is it all melee?

Too me there isn't enough known to start creating a nation out of this atm.
What unit should there be?
how about commanders?
do you just buy each of the creatures or do you summon them?

basicly: tell me more :D

well i think it should work pretty much exactly like LA ermor, we could swap the variety of freespawn chaff with my chaff units which i have based on the mutilated corpses you see in dead space, the odd mound king that freespawns can be replaced by a beefier walking mutant corpse and then the remaining summoned commanders and troops can be formed from a mix of dead space, the necrons from warhammer, LA agartha's Ktonian dead and perhaps some other things we think of before and possibly after i complete the sprites for what we already have.

i'll get to work on the countless chaff sprites we'll need and this should give us some time to think of something if we need to add more on.

also i should espect most of the chaff will be melee but with the prospect of us changing space into something other than sea so we can have a sorta no gravity all round flying effect on all critters in space, melee shouldn't be much of a disadvantage. However we could probably add in some ranged attack summons if not have any as freespawn.

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 02:08 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
hmm let's not mix the necrons in this since we'll already have a crapload of sprites etc.. If I have some extra time I might just create another nation for the necrons (I've been looking into them and there is more than enough there for a nice nation)

Have you checked if the replacing of the original chaff can be done?
I think that if you just use the weapons from those sprites I send you for higher troops you can use those as ranged troops. (so the most common free chaff will be weaponless zombies, the medium ones will have melee weapons (the chainsword thingie) and then ones with blasters like Ulm has.
Everything stronger than that will be a summon. This nation looks bloody so we could make it a blood/death nation instead of just death.

PS a think about sprites. make the sprite sizes 16-32-64-128 and not just random and make the background true black (0.0.0) since that is what dominions seems to use (black in creatures should be a bit off like (30.30.30)

(Necrons would be earth/death)

Panpiper August 31st, 2008 02:08 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
I do have the latest version, yes.

I expect part of my problem is that I tend to resist the use of 'chaff' as I do not like having resources 'expended'. I would rather come up with a strategy that preserves investments so that my strength is always building. It would seem that this strategy simply does not work with R'lyeh. Without investing resources in sacrificial chaff each turn, R'lyeh has no way to keep the trolls off it's ranged troops as they simply don't die fast enough. My worry is that anything I have ever seen in hand to hand with those trolls dies so fast, I don't see how any chaff will be anything more than a speed bump. I'll try again.

By the way, I have gotten very confused with the names of the two maps. I expect that is partly because the 'Galaxy at War.map' uses the 'spacemap.rgb'. Anyway, all map feedback I've given was feedback on the 'solar system map'. Hence; Adjacent orbital spaces on 'solar system map'; 31 & 17, still don't connect.

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 02:12 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Ehm well you have those trolls available yourself you know :D
your chaff isn't exactly weak. And the Illithid don't kill that fast.. they PARALYZE.. paralyzed troops are very very very very vulerable.. IF someone is dealing damage that is so you need melee troops

and I thought I'd fixed that link but I'll look again (well the command wasn;t there but it is now.. I'll upload it with next patch)

Panpiper August 31st, 2008 03:11 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
2 Attachment(s)
I retried R''lyeh and recruited equal numbers of trolls along with the mindblast units and I have met with much more success. I have lost trolls which then need to be replaced and I still need some time to build up, but it's nowhere near as bad as my previous attempts.

A celebrant of the faith has appeared preaching justice and bringing with him no less that 49 Oni Dragons. Needless to say my victory is now assured. ;-)


Also, there is a recruitable troop, not commander, in many of the space territories that seems to use an Oni Dragon silhouette as a graphic and has some pretty weird stats. See attached screen caps.

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 04:09 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
That celebrant of the faith business... well.. no clue what to do about it really..

the dragon oni is newly created, not a modded creature and it's unit number is way out of range of normal units.

The scout thing was due to unit number being 100 off (and luckily there are still creatures of this mod there :))

Thx for the info and that is fixed now

Nikelaos August 31st, 2008 04:31 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies

Originally Posted by Aezeal (Post 635440)
Have you checked if the replacing of the original chaff can be done?

In that email to me you said it could be done by using the same unit number or something, except in that email we were thinking of pangea to be the nation to replace and have my big bloody corpses take the place of the big leafy carrion beasts if i remember rightly.

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 05:21 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
I said I thought it could be done.. asking pplz here might be an idea :D

we'd need to know which troops (numbers) are the ones that you get as free spawn (and which ones with temples, and castles and castles and temples...

there is a way to find the unit number of troops ... if you can look that up and then look which troops ermor get then I THINK I could change them.

I'm a bit busy with the rest so if you could look that up for this nation while making the sprites then I can mod it later :D

Nikelaos August 31st, 2008 06:27 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
okay then, but would you mind making a thread to ask if we can do that, i would but my explanation for what we are trying to do seems a bit 'not enough' for me cause i'm not sure entirely how you said it may be done.

little bit confuzled.

but i'm fine looking up which troops ermor gets and then making a new sprite for each.

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 06:28 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
wait wait, we can't do that .. if we change all free spawn then we'll change the regular skeletons etc etc too.. it'll mess up death magic incredibly.

Untill we find a way round this or redesign the whole race idea you'd better put it on a hold and start with that semi-pangaea insectoid idea

There IS an insectoid mod somewhere.. I never played it but heard about it.. might be worth checking out.

Nikelaos August 31st, 2008 06:36 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
hmm you raise a fine point, maybe if we do ermor on pangeas number thing (so replace carrion beasts and manikins with my corpses) then we could atleast have a uniquereanimate command which reanimates our undead instead of the bog standard skellies and zombies, this was the initial plan anyway wasn't it?.

Pangea ofcourse would then have to go under another nations number thing but that works fine because i didn't wan't them to retain the manikin/carrion beast reanimating abilities anyway.

Aezeal September 1st, 2008 03:18 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
hmm then we'd loose the mannikins.. less of a problem.. but really we could just make them all regular summons, domsummons, makecreatures etc etc
there are quite alot of ways to get creatures without paying for them :D

I myself was kinda thinking about some orc/goblin race..where you don't need to pay for most troops since they are warlike bastards anyway wo flock to leaders to fight.. so mostly commanders to buy and then they can create their troops in a number of ways. Some spaceships would have to be bought maybe or summoned with magic. --> you could do the same thing with your race

Since you seem to prefer working on ermor above pangaea it might be best if you figure out some sort of structure for this: like which commander produces what etc etc

llamabeast September 1st, 2008 06:58 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Unfortunately I can't seem to run this mod, because there are at least several upper case/lower case filename inconsistencies. e.g. a sprite may be listed as Ma_Rlyeh_icon.tga, but actually be called ma_Rlyeh_icon.tga, and so on. On Windows this makes no difference, but on Linux it's a killer.

Also, I think the idea of using forests for space (or vice versa) is genius. That should get over most of your problems and add a lot of potential for interesting things.

You should bear in mind that most things move slowly through forests, and forest survival is a skill things can have. Maybe forest should be the planet surface, and forest survival represents the ability to move rapidly over planet surfaces?

Panpiper September 1st, 2008 07:03 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies

Originally Posted by llamabeast (Post 635697)
Unfortunately I can't seem to run this mod, because there are at least several upper case/lower case filename inconsistencies. e.g. a sprite may be listed as Ma_Rlyeh_icon.tga, but actually be called ma_Rlyeh_icon.tga, and so on. On Windows this makes no difference, but on Linux it's a killer.

Ouch! Lower case everything, always! This is a law! ;-)

Aezeal September 1st, 2008 09:03 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
ehm I admit I never paid much attention to upper and lower case filenames.. never mattered, never knew either.. but I want llama to judge my mod dammit.

Is there a way to make all letters in a tekst file lower case (then I could manually edit all the sprite names.)

Anyway what I wanted to post: I put the forest form in.
I think I'll give all units #forestsurvival by replacing "#spr1" with "#forestsurvival #spr1" it will mess up my tidy mod (getting a lil less tidy already now my nations needed lots of extra forms and I needed to be creative with unitnumbers) a bit but whatever, troops do need to move through space fast.

I'm just thinking that making a land forest + mountain could represent a meteorfield/astroid belt which slows movement :D

forget that I think I got most cases right now.. I'm posting the next version anyway so then llama cn maybe tell me if it works for him then

Nikelaos September 2nd, 2008 05:53 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
thought i should let you know aezeal, i'm at school again so sprite production will slow, busy busy busy.

rdonj September 2nd, 2008 06:03 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Not sure where you would like this sort of feedback so you get it here for the moment.

Bugs: I found a bug with jomon where sometimes enemies will become paralyzed at range when you shoot at them. I haven't tested exactly why, but it happens frequently and I'm pretty sure it's the Jomon Defenders doing it. Probably somehow related to the paralyze damage on their lightsabers.

The pirate space stations have a dual heavy blaster attack with only one shot. Since every other dual blaster attack in the game fires twice, I'm pretty sure that was unintentional.

Another one I'm not quite sure if it's a bug, but I played a game as ulm, one as jomon and one as r'lyeh (all on the solar system map) and in every game I encountered at least one independant province with 20+ guardians, most of them being oni dragons. Having oni dragon defenders in such numbers is a bit excessive. I've also run into a few provinces with normal independants such as heavy cavalry and crossbowmen.

Things I'm not quite sure are bugs but bug me: R'lyeh's Nautiloids are cheaper than Ulm's capital ships and are also better both offensively and defensively?

Ulm's capital ships are incredibly expensive and not really worth buying. They're really vulnerable to Jomon's AN guns and R'yleh's mindblasting, and have barely more offense than ulm's fighters do. They also have less protection than a black knight, which seems very strange. Suggestions for improvement- More guns. Possibly aoe weapons. Health similar to the nautiloid. Magic resistance for things like the capital ship and space stations should increase a lot too, because theoretically there are a lot of people on board and it should be harder to paralyze an entire ship of people than it is right now. I would suggest somewhere between 18 and 22 MR. The gold cost can increase if it gets strong enough, but right now they're really underpowered.

Pirate space stations are even worse off. Space eels are far more deadly against ulm and jomon. Neither is worth much against r'leyh due to mind blast spam.

Tasers are pretty much the best melee weapons (except for light sabers which do as much damage but with aoe paralysis). Since it's incredibly hard for melee troops to get to melee, pretty much the only things that can get there are monsters like the space eel or the oni dragon. And they have so much prot that tasers do as much or more damage as anything else. Making Ulmish Space Marines probably the most efficient melee troops in the galaxy, and some of the most effective.

Ulm can't really fight oni dragons in the numbers that Jomon can make them if they really want to. If you want I can show you a turn file where I attacked a swarm of them in early year 3, I killed one and the only enemy commander on the field in two turns, losing almost 60 space marines and planet guard in the process. With an army of 60 planet guard, 20 personal artillery marines, 7 space fighters and 155 space marines. Anyway, my conclusion is that Oni Dragons are too strong, too massable, too fast and too incredibly easy to research to be fair early on, as Jomon is the only one who could really hope to stop large oni dragon assaults anyway. For some reason they do a terrible job on space eels though. I had the oni dragon pretender with 35 strength and 300+ health lose to one and almost get killed.

Ideas: Ulm's transports, I assume, are meant for transporting troops. They have strategic move 3 and fly, and carry something like 80 men. But the only troops that actually benefit from this are the blood knights. What if you gave ALL ulmish troops three strategic move and flying, but left commanders how they are so you can only fly on the strategic map when on a spaceship? You might have to lower the ap of most of ulm's troops to not let them fly in battles, but it's not like they really need to be able to move that fast anyway as they're going to spend most of their time shooting. You could leave the planetary guards with 1 mapmove and no flying so they can't be flown around to keep them thematically as defensive troops.

I don't really like that some troops (and ulm's transport) use fists for melee weapons. The troops should at least get combat knives or something, and giving the transport a single ship blaster wouldn't be a big deal.

It would be nice if there was some kind of projectile art for the guns because if you want to see what happens in a battle you pretty much have to watch it twice to see what happened when.

Aezeal September 2nd, 2008 06:46 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
rdonj: this sort of posts are exactly what I need.


Bugs: I found a bug with jomon where sometimes enemies will become paralyzed at range when you shoot at them. I haven't tested exactly why, but it happens frequently and I'm pretty sure it's the Jomon Defenders doing it. Probably somehow related to the paralyze damage on their lightsabers.
I knew about this one and I've fixed it already (it was the missing #end I was talking about. If it remains after next patch let me know.


The pirate space stations have a dual heavy blaster attack with only one shot. Since every other dual blaster attack in the game fires twice, I'm pretty sure that was unintentional.
I'll look into this when I'm behind my own comp tomorrow

all the balance things
Lot of good suggestions, I've just started giving prices and not really comparing them yet your points will be a good start. Never noticed the taser being that good yet so I'll lower their damage I think (I kinda like the AN idea)

On Onidragons: did you get them that easily that early? I thought they where pretty high research and cost. I'll increase it all I guess.

The transport where intended to transport troops but I don't think the idea that started it can work anymore (carry other troops) on the otherhand I think I'll lower the GC a lot leaving only some resource cost so it will be a cheap leader. All spaceforms get mapmove 3 though so armies will move through space (forest really) fast.

I thought most troops had a weapon (often taser) except one of the mages which I really think doesn't need a weapon.. which other ones miss weapons?
I'll look into the transport I guess I'll give it a tractorbeam too :D (I don't think you've seen them yet though since they are new.)

projectile art.. which one would fit do you think?

GREAT POST, I need more of those.. keep it coming.

PS could you give me a prov number on which prov has the oni-dragons and the normal independants?

rdonj September 2nd, 2008 07:37 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
1 Attachment(s)
In the version I downloaded yesterday, summon oni dragon was conjuration 1 and costed 4 death per dragon.

Personal Artillery Marines, Ulmish Planetary Guardsmen, Chief-Engineers, Navigators, and Jomon's University Professors all have no melee weapon. Strangely, Jomon's defenders have fist weapons as well as their lightsabers. I have the feeling that probably went away when you changed the #end on their light sabers though. Oh, also Dai Oni have javelins, that's a little weird. The taser is, for the record, so good because even ulm's 25 ap ranged weapons on the artillery marines do less damage per hit than one taser in melee to a space eel.

Definitely haven't seen the tractor beam yet. That could be cool.

I don't really know what kind of projectile art would be good. It's definitely hard to come up with something that would make sense for this game. If you were using bullets it would be easy to say to go for sling stones for the moment. You can't mod projectile art, can you? 'cause if you're envisioning the blasters being star wars-esque you could almost get away with making the shots smaller versions of the fire shot jomon uses.

It was a few turns ago in my game that I last fought dom3 independants so I don't know, but I think it's semi-random because in my ulmish game I had oni dragons in a territory that my jomon game has blue aliens in. I'll go compare maps a sec.

The following provinces have Oni Dragon PD in one or both games: 13 (oni dragons and space trolls in one game, blue aliens and space trolls in the other), 22 (oni dragons, thralls, vampires, space pirates, space station, vampire count), and 1 (heavy infantry, light infantry, crossbowman, space station). There could be more since I haven't explored the whole map in either. I saw a few provinces that had no independants as well, one of which I believe was that planet with every terrain type, connected to the center province of that large planet on the bottom. Also in my game as ulm it seems r'lyeh somehow managed to acquire upwards of 40 oni dragons, though I'm quite certain they don't have the spell to summon them. Screenshot attached, if not pretty.

Edit: Okay that screenshot doesn't really help. But if you look really closely you can see what appears to be the very top of the r'lyeh banner's star above the heads of the dragons.

rdonj September 2nd, 2008 07:47 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Oh. Also, if you do change shield parry values they will start working in melee too, so keep that in mind. And needlers may want to change to AN damage, 1 AP damage isn't really enough to hurt anything (this only affects ulm's med-priests).

I think you're eventually going to have to make the entire magic system over, there are too many things, summons especially, that are going to be all out of balance in this mod. Like summoning longdeads on the battlefield, they're going to be completely useless without 20+ mages summoning them....

rdonj September 3rd, 2008 04:35 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
There actually apparently is an invisible flysprite that doesn't hit instantly according to the database. That's 149. The arrow shaped fiery missile sounds promising too, number 426.

Aezeal September 3rd, 2008 05:13 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
I don't know why there are oni dragons in those provinces the code for the map doesn't put them there.. someone said that he got a celebrant fo the faith with dragons though.. strange and I don't get it but that could explain something.

You have a version where teh oni dragon is still at test costs.. it will be much harder to get :D

If magic isn't balanced then that isn't my problem atm.. just don't use weak spells :D

Ok that twin ship blasters now has nratt 2
The transport already had a tractorbeam (great idea I had)
Prices have been changed, Ulm capitol ship a bit improved
I think most troops that have fists need to have them (mostly those mages) the artillery has their hands fill with their cannon and can't wield melee weapons, just drop the cannon and his, same for mages
Ulm defenders do need a weapon I think so they now have a combat knive on the ground, in space they don't get another weapon.
I lowered taser damage by 1 but you hardest point for them is the use against space eels and that is just one troop... against normal troops I don't think they are that much overpowered.
Trying to get rid of the Javelin for the dai-oni, but the best way to get rid fo copied weapons is unknown to me.. I changed it a bit and we'll see what happens now
used the flysprite you suggested and one for artillery
changed MR on large ships

AND with these changed I'm releasing v 0.5!!!!

rdonj September 3rd, 2008 05:53 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
Did you by chance base the oni dragon off of another unit, such as a type of militia? Because all the times they've cropped up its been in a place where you might normally see them. If you did, maybe if you just created the unit from scratch the problem would go away. That being said, it sounds like you did copy the dai oni and then change his sprite and so on. If you made a completely new unit instead it should let you do it without the javelin. For the record, I also was doing a quick test game of a normal nation with your mod on and found oni dragons defending provinces. Not sure that proves anything though.

Yeah, tasers aren't really overpowered on some things, they just have some idiosyncracies.

It would also be really convenient if all the different nations had different-colored score graphs to make it easier to tell them apart :)

Aezeal September 3rd, 2008 06:00 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
nope nope didn't base it on anything created from scratch.. if it keeps popping up I'll change the unit number next version. The Dai Oni is copied as is the ao oni.. but not the dragon. The spirit from (and of the otehr oni too) are copystat.

Anyway try the new mod, also DL the updated map

rdonj September 4th, 2008 12:27 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
Playing now. Couldn't really play earlier. I'm only a few turns in but a few things I noticed.

1) The spider indy text says they're supposed to be commandable only by magic beings but they aren't magic creatures.

2) Wow shields. Either their protection is too high or the parry needs to come down. I had a shoot out with some pirate raiders... for about 10 turns we exchanged fire and I only even hurt them twice, while they failed to damage my jomon defenders (who do seem to be working properly now and have a much more enjoyable attack). I think it would be fine if just the parry went down... to something like 2 for ion shields and 3 for plasma shields. Anyway, I shall continue.

Aezeal September 4th, 2008 04:50 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
hmm somehow the pirates have the strongest shields.. I changed that... I'll lower parry too

I'll reupload 0.5 in a few min so you can test/play it better

Sombre September 4th, 2008 08:56 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
Would you like to post up some screenshots or previews of this mod? I think it would encourage people to try it.

Aezeal September 4th, 2008 12:09 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
well sprites are not the strongest point of the mod really :D but I'll try.. lots of work though for all the nations :S

have you tried it already Sombre?

Aezeal September 4th, 2008 05:59 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
previes in first post now

rdonj September 4th, 2008 06:44 PM

The combat system is feeling much better now. I'm much happier with ulm's capital ships and how they compare to the nautiloid. I still don't know that they have enough firepower to be cost effective unequipped but they could be turned into fairly decent SC's with a few items. Transports still have fist weapons though. Meh. Plasma shields still might be a little tiny bit too good, but it's not that bad. I'm finding a lot less normal independants since you added the new varieties, but they still crop up here and there.

I think Ice Samurai battlesuits might be a bit too strong vs ulm, but that's debatable. They're almost invulnerable to small arms fire, but you can kill them in melee so it's not so bad. They just do a lot of damage before they die.

One thing you probably should change though is the spider independants. They have too many varieties of spiders with the web spit ability. You should remove it from all of them except maybe the netter spiders, but leave the melee web. I've had enough spiders get to me that they could start killing my troops, but then they all stand back and shoot webs at me... so that would help them a bit.

Also I had an idea for a spell. What do you think of something like a "combat drill" spell, that summons some immobile enemies with no ranged attack that attack a province. And maybe there could be a higher level one like a "live fire combat drill" that summons enemies armed with laser pistols. Just to give you a little more flexibility with how you use your troops. It would really help personal artillery marines, anyway, because they're not that good against space monsters (too many friendly casualties) but almost necessary against jomon. I'm not entirely sure if you can do it though. It was just a thought.

I'm also thinking of making a mod race of my own to go with it. I have absolutely no graphics-making skills so if I do make it I'm going to borrow some of your ulmish sprites as placeholders.

Edit: Yeah, ice samurai battlesuits are fine. However, ulmish personal artillery marines losing their heavy weapons and having them replaced with space blasters is frustrating. Could they be given some kind of space heavy weapons instead?

Aezeal September 5th, 2008 02:23 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
Rdonj good points you have

I already feared the ice suits might be too powerfull (but I feared they would be too strong in melee since they have 2 attacks and paralyse (don't you mean the lightning suits?))

Getting rid of fists a great problem for me and I don't know the solution yet.. I'll just keep adjusting stuff. Same goes for the spiders, the netters are the only ones supposed to have the net but getting rid of it after copy statting a spider isn't that easy it seems.

And the artillery can't get heavy space weapons :D find other ways.. buy more space craft whatever :D Ulm isn't supposed to be a very strong space nation :D They'll get a tank though.. which is even less usefull in space :D

I'll think about those spells you mentioned and see what I can do..
drop pods or something

rdonj September 5th, 2008 03:18 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
The Ice Battle Suits are supposed to have 2 attacks? I only see them as having one. Different version maybe. The Ice Battle Suits are really strong in melee and definitely kill their share even in small numbers, but you can gang up on them if they're in anything like reasonable numbers and bring them down, which I don't have too much of a problem with. And it helps that their attack skill is still fairly low. If you just massed them I don't know, that could be pretty hard to deal with. I'll try massing them and lightning suits in my next game with them. What was giving me doubts was not using anything stronger than ap 11 on them at range :P Bringing in fighters and personal artillery marines to kill them helped enough to convince me that they're not too overpowered against ranged attacks.

Lightning Samurai Battle Suits are really strong too. If you use them in small numbers it's not too unreasonable because you still get lots of misses, but if you used them in large numbers it almost certainly changes. But the lightning cannons do shock damage, so in a way, if you look at it right now even if they are overpowered (they probably do need to cost more in gold and or resources anyway if they stay the way they are. I think it might be better though to just give them really high ap and leave an to large ships so you can't mass it) jomon gets a lot weaker if you can get to midgame and bring out lightning/fire resistance. If that wasn't the case I would probably have to say that all their battlesuits are overpowered, because the fire ones do a huge amount of damage for their cost too.

rdonj September 5th, 2008 05:32 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
Okay, further testing leads me to believe the ice battle suits may be slightly overpowered but it's not really a big deal. Lightning battle suits are a bit more iffy because 20 an is a lot, but it is mitigated somewhat by the relatively limited number of them you can have in one province. An Ulmish player could probably take on a jomon player reasonably well as long as the jomon player didn't have food items, but with them it would look pretty bleak. R'lyeh would need some really powerful magic backing them up not to get torn up by a jomon player it seems. I am slightly surprised though that battle suits are size 4, I'm pretty sure fighters are size 3 and I wouldn't have thought the battle suits would be bigger.

Anyway, I would either lower the damage 5-10 points or raise it 10 or more points and make it ap instead. Another option could be to make them fire once every two turns. But if you did any of those I would consider making them smaller because their supply costs rack up fast. If you don't change their size you might want to give battle suits a siege bonus because it takes forever to get through city walls with size 4 creatures without huge strength without diseasing yourself horribly. You should probably look at this more yourself, I'm not entirely sure if there's a major imbalance here, it does seem like there's potential though.

By the way, one of the floating predator alien cages has mod commands in its description. And because they're useless in space it might be good to make them not have ap in forests.

Aezeal September 5th, 2008 02:26 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
I think I'll give them a lower damage AN attack, they now have the big lightning cannon some ships have and that might be a bit too much.
I'll increase the gc a bit (5 each) too if you say it's all suits are bit overpowered.
I've changed size of all fighters to 4, suits should indeed be considered bigger than fighters but fighters aren't 5 and suits aren't 3.. so they should both be 4 I guess :D

I'll leave siegebonusses for suits out for the moment, guess Jomon just sucks at sieging :D.

rdonj September 5th, 2008 04:53 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
Those changes sound pretty good to me. Now you just need to see if anyone disagrees with me, I hear entirely too much of myself talking these last few pages.

Aezeal September 5th, 2008 06:27 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
hehe well if others don't give feedback then I''m listening to you.. I'm not playing the mod myself since I'm putting most time in getting sprites or typing more for the mod. I only load a game when I really need to see if something works and then I look at things that have been said a bit :D

It would be nice if we could get a MP game going, that would be a real test. If you can find 2 more players we could load a game for you on llama's server, I doubt that will be a problem.. wouldn't even have to play the whole game just starting with first 20-30 turns or something..

rdonj September 5th, 2008 10:39 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
I don't know, might be nice to have one or two more nations first. Seems a bit much for just 3 nations. I might try to get someone to hotseat me soon though.

rdonj September 6th, 2008 04:34 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
Oh well, a few more things.

1) I still don't feel like ulm's capships have enough offensive oomph. The problem is, with the really high shield prot even heavy ship blasters barely qualify as heavy weapons. So most times when you shoot at a shielded opponent, you don't do anything. And most of the time you don't kill things even when you do hit them, so really all the ships provide for you is a big tough block of health. Which isn't bad in and of itself, but you can't really equip them with anything to make them better at killing and that's a lot of resources to not be doing any killing. In vague relation to this, I think making ship artillery fire once every turn wouldn't be unreasonable, because it's not really that strong for how rare it is in the game.

2) On the other hand, there's not a whole lot jomon can do to kill a ship that's immune to fire, immune to lightning, has an air shield, and is lucky. Unfortunately repair droids don't work yet so I couldn't mess with that. Ice battle suits are about it, as the ships are pretty helpless in melee.

3) For some reason after firing at each other for a while it seems as though even if they still have shots left, everything gets tired of it and runs into melee. In my last battle this happened on turn 11 or 12. I've had this happen a bit before and didn't think to mention it. Oops. But somehow I don't think you can fix it... I think it's an issue with dom3 itself.

P.S. Tractor beams work nicely :)

otthegreat September 6th, 2008 02:17 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
I just started a game with this mod so I don't have a lot to say but I'll put it down before I forget.

I fought spiders on a planet with forest terrain. It was kind of funny to fight a space battle on a planet. Was it a mistake to make province 28 (solar system map) a forest?

Also I believe rdonj has already mentioned this but there are still some provinces defended by dom 3 independants. One province, 48, has recruitable elephants and heavy infantry.

Should I assume attack sprites for space kraken will be forthcoming? ;)

That's all for now. Its a lot of fun so keep up the good work!

Aezeal September 6th, 2008 02:59 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!

the nation uses only a few sprites as of yet but is fully playable.
Please try it!!!

The orcs are a race that look up to powerfull leaders, all orcs aspire to be a great warrior but only a few have what it takes. Once a great leader emerges the other orcs flock to his side to war against the rest of the galaxy.

No recruitable troops, only 3 recruitable aspiring commanders who can (and probably will) evolve in powerfull leaders of the orc race. Troops will find the powerfull leaders to lead them to war. Other powerfull orcish commanders can be bribed to join the army with the valuable and holy green gems (of nature) if summoned by intervention of powerfull mages.

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