![]() |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Surely someone must have it! :( |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
1 Attachment(s)
I have a version that claims to be 3.06. I don't recall for sure if it's the proper version or not, but I downloaded it recently. Also, I made a few changes to it as the monkey king pretender was broken for me for kailasa. I didn't play around with it enough to get it fixed though. Anyway, here is my version of the mod.
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
3.06, you say? Amazing, seeing how the last update to the main post was supposedly 3.05.
Thanks, though. Going to take it out for a spin. :) Edit: Suddenly, there's an edit-button for me. No idea how that got there. Anyway, a-ma-zing! A mod that for the most part actually doesn't look out-of-place (except for Aku). I like. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Yeah, that is pretty amazing. Maybe he just misnumbered it somewhere along the way, or forgot the update the post after making some minor update....
There's always an edit button when you post, but it only stays for 30 minutes. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Anyway, I have a question. Somewhat unrelated, but I'm doing it in the context of this mod, so.. I want to change the Great Eyes around a bit. I'm not a fan of the whole shapeshanging deal the Earth/Water and Fire/Air eyes have going on. Removing the shapechangings shouldn't be too difficult, and changing the spellboosts since they're no longer necessary. But no matter what, I can't seem to get the Water or Air eye(s) to show up as pretenders. Obviously this is what is originally intended, since those are meant to be shapes of the Fire and Earth eyes respectively. I am missing something really obvious here and the modding manual doesn't want to help me either. Anyone feel like grabbing a laser pointer and showing me what I'm doing wrong? :help: |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
1 Attachment(s)
Alright, I solved it.
Then I noticed that all the "eyes" appeared a bit "flat" on the top, instead of entirely round. Then I noticed that none of them had a secondary "animation". This isn't really relevant, since they can't attack - but they can still cast spells, dammit! So I threw a wrench in it. Then another one. Then I decided to merge it with some of my own mods. Suddenly, I've been stuck for hours doing a whole slew of minor stuff. Since Psientist seems to have gone AWOL, I felt that there's no harm in sharing. Read the top of the mytheology4.dm for a full disclaimer on my part. Changes: Renamed, changed descriptions of and diversified all Great Eyes. Only The Earthen Eye (Earth) is now a natural shapeshifter (into The Aether Eye (Air). Added secondary images for all Great Eyes and made them "rounder". Added my own Ecclesiarch, Spider King, God-King and Sunwell pretenders. Changed the descriptions of Grim Reaper & Wraith King pretenders. Changed all instances of Cuthulu to Cthulhu, including the name of the pretender. Numerous small changes to most of Machaka. Just thought I'd share. Smack me on the fingers in case there's any complaints. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
You know, a preview image somewhere in this thread would be nice indeed.
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
I haven't used Mytheology beyond 3.05, but my bro claims that there are several monster IDs in conflict between version 3.07 of Mytheology and the Endgame Diversity mod. However, he seems reluctant to post his findings. So, I'll do it for him:
Mechanical Giant - Cytherean Priestess Cyclops - Yggdrasil Zmey - Gold Dragon Snow Giant - Kong Solar Fragment - The astral Eye |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
As my brother pointed out, there are some issues with the Mytheology III mod and the Endgame Diversity mod. As to his comment about my reluctance, I actually was checking the other summons from EDMOD to see if there were conflicts. Some of the affected summons had magic levels that might not be intended, such as the Kong from the Gather Tears spell having Water 3 when the one from Craft Snow Giant had no magic whatsoever.
MODs active when testing CBM 1.6 v1.06 CrossPathCombatSpells v0.80 Deep Dagon v3.0 Endgame Diversity Mod v0.09 FW thugs n summons 1.00 v1.00 MA Nation: Goguryeo (Playtesting for my big bro Kenny Dicke) v0.01 Greater Gods 0.40 Worthy Heroes 1.8 v1.08 Streamers & Standards, Llama’s version v3.04 Mytheology III v3.07 Nova Deus II v1.22 Magic Site Mod v1.0 Throne of Heroes v1.01 Noticed Conflicts Some cavalry have Shishi Claws instead of a Hoof attack; Preexisting Issue w/ EDMOD Mechanical Giant summons a Cytherean Priestess Awaken Cyclops summons a Yggdrasil (Pretender Chassis?) Awaken Zmey summons a Gold Dragon (Pretender Chassis?) Craft Snow Giant summons a Kong (Pretender Chassis) Solar Fragment summons The Astral Eye (Pretender Chassis); from either CBM 1.6 or FW Thug Awaken Ember Lord summons a Prodigal King (Pretender Chassis) Wild Ettin summons a Shadowcat (Pretender Chassis) Summon Shishis summons a Chaos Mage/Black Dragon and a Toad Demon Summon Roc summons Another Monkey King Awaken Aesir summons a Pantokrator Gather Tears summons a Kong (Pretender Chassis) Call Grendelkin summons a Menhir of Fortune Curse of the Wendigo summons a Black Dragon Awaken Treant summons a Menhir of Growth Unaffected summons Quest for the Fire Bird Harness Rage; from either CBM 1.6 or FW Thug Call the Eater of the Dead Call Abomination Elder Sign |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Have you considered using pyg's mod combiner program (to be found in this forum)?
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Yeah I think looking at the conflicts between random mods too deeply is pointless. Mods that aren't designed to work together are relatively likely to conflict. For them you just gotta combine them. If you try to get the author to move the IDs around they'll just end up conflicting with something else.
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
To Sombre: Kenny told me to post about the issues with those two mods. Mainly because he doesn't want to go through all the issues of fixing it while he's working on his own mods. Sorry for not being intelligent enough to fix it on my own.
To Gregstorm: Where exactly would I find this "pyg's mod combiner program"? My attempt at searching just brings me to your post that I'm replying to. Edit: Never mind Gregstorm, I screwed around with Google to find it. Still, thanks for letting me know about it |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Anyway, my point was letting other people know that there are conflicts between the mods beforehand, not getting the author (or anyone else) to fix it. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
I think people should assume mods conflict unless it's stated somewhere that they don't. And if that statement is older than the newest version of either mod, they should discount that too.
Because 99% of mods are not designed to work with other mods. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
I'd love to see someone pick up this mod and maintain/fix it and Antilarium (sp?). Kind of buggy, but I found them very cool and pretty. A lot of potential, great graphics.
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
I like both mods, and even hosted a game using them :)
There are a couple of balance issues in the mods (krakens spring to mind), but they're otherwise good fun. The Monkey King pretender is missing full functionality, which could probably be added quite easily these days. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Yeah, the monkey king pretender was working for me in bandar log and patala, but his staff was missing in kailasa. Still not sure why, but there is no reason that it couldn't be fixed if someone put a little time into it.
As far as balance goes I have some serious concerns about the new death pretenders :P |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Oh yes - I never tried those. Also, Jack of Shaadows has ridiculous Darkpower, IIRC.
The Monkey King is supposed to summon a number of clones in combat, looking at the code. That doesn't happen either. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
All easily fixed!
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Indeed, and if I ever get non-lazy enough I'll do something about some of them. Although I've never created a spell, and I suspect getting the monkey king's clones working would take a #onebattlespell.
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
You'd be right to suspect that.
Someone who actually makes use of mytheology should update it, really. I see it being linked to a fair bit on the forums. Gandalf has expressed interest in it quite a few times, maybe he'll update it. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
1 Attachment(s)
I made an update to the Mytheology 3.07r mod. I have been bold and renamed my version 3.08. A lot of pretenders now work again. And I tried to make some balance changes. (Nerfs mostly). There is still a lot wrong, and I could have done more. These are the changes so far:
- Moved some code around. Performed some cleanup. changelog.txt (the above) holyspells.txt (the removed not working spells) numbers.txt (the used monster, weapon, etc numbers). There is still a lot to test. And also a lot of different things to fix. But if anybody has some remarks. Post them here. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
The style of a lot of the mod is not really to my taste for the most part, but I might take a look at it again with your update -- thanks, Soyweiser.
And just a note on the holy spells part -- I know we've discussed it elsewhere, but for the sake of reference I thought I'd note here as well that the Revelation spell does and has worked fine for me, playing on the newest version on Dom3, for a long time. For me, it's just [m]onthly casting the spell that breaks it. Though I should note, in case it matters, that I did copy the code for the Revelation spell out of the Mytheology mod and stuck it in my house .dm file, since I don't play with the mod. It probably doesn't make a difference, but just in case. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Revelation as writen doesn't works for me with the last patch, but I used it as a template to create my own revelation spells, one for each magic type. (and thanks for the base effect by the way :))
Revelation: cloud reading (A1H2, Thaum 2, cost 2 air gems) Revelation: lore of the ancestrors (D1H2, Conj 3, cost 2 death gems) Revelation: holy brazier (F1H2, Thaum 2, cost 2 fire gems) Revelation: secrets of Gaia (N1H2, Thaum 2, cost 2 nature gems) Revelation: reading the entrails (B1H2, Blood 2, cost 3 blood slaves) and so on ... Depending on which nation I play (like Gandalf, I usually play solo, playing more against the map that the AI), I copy/past the appropriate spell(s) in a mod, sometimes with a small change (like maybe reducing the holy level to 1 for some nations) As long as holy is not the main type and it cost normal gems the spell works fine, I can even use monthly casting. Of course the main problem is that some nations do not have any mage-priests, and the only way to then cast those spells is empowering a priest or making a prophet from a mage. :( |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Just press thanks on the first page of this thread ;). |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Without downloading it, can someone please tell me which weapon and armor # are used by this mod ?
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Personally I love this mod, and never considered it to be an effort at balance. If anything it was rather on my list of mods going the other direction. Games with Mytheology, both heroes mods, magic sites mod, cpcs for more spells, and single age. In fact, the only one I havent found yet is a mod for adding more equipment to the game
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Armor 304 Red Feather Cap 305 Golden Chain Mail 306 Skin of Brass 307 Skin of Mithril 308 Skin of Pewter 309 Papal Mitre Weapon 791 Scimitar 792 Edge of Darkness 794 Acidspray 795 " " 796 Tiny Bite 797 Word of Might 798 Claws 799 Bite 800 Disintegration Breath 801 Crushbite 802 Soul Scythe 803 Gold Band Staff 804 Thunderclap 805 Lightning Snake 806 Harpoon Tentacle 807 Krakensbeak 808 Siege Stone 809 Black Vortex 810 Venom of Ophiox Monsters: (ALL) 2915 Desire 2916 Desire 2921 The Astral Eye 2922 Teratos Rex 2923 Kong 2924 Kong 2925 Kong 2926 Jack of Shadows 2928 Protoplasmic Spawn 2929 Ubbo-Sathla 2931 Assassin Spider 2932 Assassin Mother 2933 Empress of Assassins 2934 Wraith King (Mounted) 2935 Wraith King (Dismounted) 2936 Cthulhu 2937 Cthulhu 2938 Cthulhu 2939 Elder Sign 2940 The Ethereal Eye --Secondshape of the Astral Eye. 2941 Siege Catapult 2942 The Infernal Eye 2943 Siege Trebuchet 2945 "The Earthen Eye 2946 The Aether Eye -- Earth eye secondshape 2947 The Celestial Eye 2949 Father of Medicine 2950 Menhir of Death 2951 Menhir of Fortune 2952 Menhir of Growth 2953 Menhir of Courage 2954 Menhir of Peace 2955 Menhir of Faith 2957 Gold Dragon 2958 Gold Dragon 2959 Gold Dragon 2960 Taoist Master 2961 Carrion Lord 2962 Scarab 2963 Prodigal King 2964 Morpheus 2965 Black Dragon 2966 Toad Demon 2967 Pantokrator 2968 Shadowcat 2969 Cytherean Priestess 2970 Chaos Mage 2971 Thunderbird 2972 Thunderbird 2973 Thunderbird 2974 Carrion Mage 2975 Great Egg 2976 Great Egg 2977 Great Egg 2978 Small Fish 2979 Portuguese Man O' War 2980 Crab 2981 Fallen Archangel 2982 Tarrasque 2983 Shah of Djinn and Ifreet 2984 Yggdrasil 2985 Another Monkey King 2986 Monkey King 2987 Monkey King 2988 Monkey King 2989 Grim Reaper 2990 Grim Reaper 2991 Grim Reaper 2992 Grim Reaper - Speacial manifestation for summoning, not pretender 2993 Aku 2994 Aku -- dragon shape 2995 Aku -- octo shape 2996 The Ecclesiarch 2997 God-King 2998 Sunwell 2999 Spider King Modified Monsters: 438 Kraken 639 Kraken King |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Edit: Of course, you could also read the post above mine. Heh. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
The carrion lord is still broken for example. And some of the pathcosts are wrong (golden dragon has different ones in different ages). Aku waterform is not working. And the list goes on. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
I really like your changes. You should spawn your own thread and take over this mod. You could even do it at that unmentionable place.
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Pyg, You are just saying that to get the link into this thread ;).
And I'm afraid to go there. Sombre might say something nasty. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Well a new thread would allow you to edit the first post to make it easier for people to find the latest version as people have gotten used to here.
It also might allow a split between a version of Mytheology for balance, and one not. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Isn't a "sea of scarabs" somewhat overpowered spell? It looks like a single pan with 2 nature gems can easily summon about 1000 scarabs (I don't know parameters of a single scarab). With this number, it's possible, for example, to block an attack of SC, it's not a small task to kill several hundrets of units in 50 turns. The spell creeping doom, also it require 3 nature, will cause the same amount of fatique, it costs 2 gems, and it makes only 70 creatures, i.e. six times less. I don't think creeping doom looks like a weak or not cost-efficient spell.
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Where can you download the latest version?
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Previous page is the last one that somewhat works. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showp...9&postcount=73 There. But this is a slightly different version than the one created by Psientist, some small updates have been done in the interest of game balance. And all the holy spells have been removed. See that post for the details.
I haven't forgot this mod. I'm currently working on it. I already fixed a few other bugs (including a few that have been around for years). And moved some of the monsternrs around, to make it compatible with endgame diversity and CBM 1.6. When I release that version I'll start a new topic. |
Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
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