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-   -   MP: Standards - MA Game (running) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40180)

AreaOfEffect August 14th, 2008 10:33 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
This best not be a joke. I don't know what the problem is because I've just downloaded the file myself and placed them into my maps folder. I have the right image file when I start up a new game or go to edit it.

I checked the modified date of the file in the zip archive and it is for today. Please double check again by redownloading the zip please. I'm sorry it it isn't working.

JimMorrison August 14th, 2008 10:41 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 631302)
This best not be a joke. I don't know what the problem is because I've just downloaded the file myself and placed them into my maps folder. I have the right image file when I start up a new game or go to edit it.

I checked the modified date of the file in the zip archive and it is for today. Please double check again by redownloading the zip please. I'm sorry it it isn't working.

Well the title is "version 3", and none of the others were called version 3, were they? :P The preview of the map in the game creator shows a big slab of the woodgrain texture background at the top of the map, and it's the map from the previous version, but it's a different .map now, that's for sure. Let me delete again, delete the saved game, and reboot Dom3 entirely.....

Ahhhh, okay. It was just some sort of bizarre caching error I guess? Whatever was causing it, it's fixed now. Thanks! <3

AreaOfEffect August 15th, 2008 12:14 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 631304)
Ahhhh, okay. It was just some sort of bizarre caching error I guess? Whatever was causing it, it's fixed now. Thanks! <3

Praise Thor. I;m glad that worked itself out cause I need to go to bed and not have an more map issues at the moment.

46852 August 15th, 2008 03:17 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 631330)
Praise Thor. I;m glad that worked itself out cause I need to go to bed and not have an more map issues at the moment.

Hey! You're praising in my God's name there! Stick to your Acuecucyoticihuatis, Acolnahuacatls and whatever, or else...


AreaOfEffect August 15th, 2008 09:47 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Original post updated. Glad to see that ability has been turn on.

konming August 15th, 2008 10:07 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Two questions:

1. The game page shows the map is "Random map: Standards". In create game page, "Random map: Standards" shows the old 216 province map.

2. I tried a game with version 3 map, and capitals are quite unevenly distributed. Some capitals are 3 hexes away, where some cannot see enemy capitals in hexes.

AreaOfEffect August 15th, 2008 10:16 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Yes, I'm aware of this. I've put off updating the map on the llamaserver. The new map also needs to be trimmed so that capitols are more evenly spaced. I'll post a version 3.1, but any 3.x version should do as the llamaserver will choose the starting locations from the map I give it. I suppose I should get on that.

My biggest concern right now is getting pretenders in though. Not much more I can do about that though.

AreaOfEffect August 15th, 2008 11:44 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Map updated. Distribution of capitols should now be fixed. I'm asking llamabeast to remove the old map because it shares the same name as then new.

anticipatient August 16th, 2008 03:35 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Oh god, I'm kind of confused with what map we are using. I guess I'll figure it out by trial and error once I get the first turn :D

llamabeast August 16th, 2008 04:09 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Previous map removed. Though, of course, if I hadn't been around you could just have called it Standards2 or something.

46852 August 16th, 2008 03:37 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Is the most recent map downloadable somewhere yet AoE? I submitted my pretty pretender a bit late, but it seems there's 2 still missing.

AreaOfEffect August 16th, 2008 05:15 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Latest map will, from now on, always be downloadable from the original post. When in doubt, go to the link posted there. Thanks for your submissions.

Also, thank you llamabeast, for everything.

JimMorrison August 16th, 2008 09:35 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 631800)
Also, thank you llamabeast, for everything.

I always add that part at the end of my nightly prayers. :p

46852 August 17th, 2008 01:26 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)

Originally Posted by Dedas (Post 630934)
When do we start?

Not before you submit your pretender ;)

chrispedersen August 17th, 2008 10:33 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Hey who we waiting on! If they don't get a moving - lets kick em prompt em nudge, Look for replacements....

Ermor.. chomping at the bit..

Calahan August 17th, 2008 10:47 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Chris, thought you were down to play as Pythium. If so, what's all this Ermor chomping about? :-)

btw, think it's Dedas that we're waiting on.

46852 August 17th, 2008 11:03 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Being a MP noob and a first-timer, I have to ask if there's any common house rules concerning pacts between players, NAPs, trades etc. and how they are handled? And if there's any unwritten rules that might not be that obvious for a MP beginner?

Jazzepi August 17th, 2008 11:48 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)

Originally Posted by 46852 (Post 631948)
Being a MP noob and a first-timer, I have to ask if there's any common house rules concerning pacts between players, NAPs, trades etc. and how they are handled? And if there's any unwritten rules that might not be that obvious for a MP beginner?

Unless a game specifies otherwise, NAPs are just pieces of paper. Obeying them is up to your integrity. Breaking them can make it harder to make deals in the future, etc. etc.

The general terms of NAPs are that they come with a three turn warning before either side can attack. So that if you tell someone "I'm cancelling our 3 turn NAP" on turn 37, you can't give attack orders until turn 40. Some people will play wishy washy with this, and try to squeeze, or remove, an extra turn from it by sending notification at odd times.

Also, most NAPs are put into place indefinitely. That is, the NAPs are permanently there unless one side breaks it. There are variations where people will sign an NAP for 10 turns, that has a 3 turn warning, but expires unless renewed after the ten turns. It's really up to both parties to decide on what sort of terms.

That's pretty much it. Most players use the forum's PM system to communicate for games. Make sure to indicate what game you're in, as some people are in multiples. There are a minority of players who never look at their PMs, and you'll have to use the in game system to contact them.

If you're going to do trading, some people will only sell you items for a markup, and others will trade you a 5 gem item for 5 gems that they need. It really just depends. If they have dwarven hammers, or some sort of forge bonus, they'll make a profit off the even trade. Otherwise they're just looking to get different gems.


46852 August 17th, 2008 01:52 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
OK, thanks for the reply, Jazzepi!

I'll be keeping an eye on my pm-box then.

konming August 17th, 2008 02:22 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
A bit more detail on NAP agreement. If you use in game message system, a message sent on turn 37 is received on turn 38. If NAP1 is supposed to give one turn notice (as oppose to tell you when we already are attacking), then attacking order can be given on turn 38, since you have that turn to prepare. Therefore, for NAP3, you can issue attack order on turn 40, but not on 39. Now if you use forum PM, then I would assume if you send message before the guy moves, it can be considered that the message is received on that turn. So a message sent on turn 37 means you can issue attack order on turn 39. This can be unfair sometimes, but forum PM at least get you read receipt and logs.

Also most NAPs state that no offensive spells cast on each other's land (even anonymous offensive spell, if you are caught) and no sneaking of offensive troops on other people's land (like stealth army, assasins, etc.)

JimMorrison August 17th, 2008 03:06 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 631950)
Unless a game specifies otherwise, NAPs are just pieces of paper. Obeying them is up to your integrity. Breaking them can make it harder to make deals in the future, etc. etc.

The general terms of NAPs are that they come with a three turn warning before either side can attack. So that if you tell someone "I'm cancelling our 3 turn NAP" on turn 37, you can't give attack orders until turn 40. Some people will play wishy washy with this, and try to squeeze, or remove, an extra turn from it by sending notification at odd times.

Also, most NAPs are put into place indefinitely. That is, the NAPs are permanently there unless one side breaks it. There are variations where people will sign an NAP for 10 turns, that has a 3 turn warning, but expires unless renewed after the ten turns. It's really up to both parties to decide on what sort of terms.

That's pretty much it. Most players use the forum's PM system to communicate for games. Make sure to indicate what game you're in, as some people are in multiples. There are a minority of players who never look at their PMs, and you'll have to use the in game system to contact them.

If you're going to do trading, some people will only sell you items for a markup, and others will trade you a 5 gem item for 5 gems that they need. It really just depends. If they have dwarven hammers, or some sort of forge bonus, they'll make a profit off the even trade. Otherwise they're just looking to get different gems.


Geez! All this blah blah and you left out the part where it's customary to send me all excess gold and gems at the end of your turn. :o

Fakeymcfake August 17th, 2008 04:54 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Jeeze, who still hasn't put their pretender in? It's been nearly a week now.

konming August 17th, 2008 05:51 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
I have sent him a PM so hopefully we can start soon.

PsiSoldier August 17th, 2008 06:26 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
If Dedas does not send in a pretender I'll join your game. just PM me.

AreaOfEffect August 18th, 2008 12:23 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Everything is set on the server. As soon as the last pretender is submitted the game should begin automatically.

I'm fine with Psi taking the last slot if Dedas doesn't submit by late tomorrow. Dedas will have had a lot of time by then. I'm not sure what Psi will being playing as, but it certianly can't be a water nation.

Deadnature August 18th, 2008 12:06 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
yeah I second that...

no offense to Dedas but I think a week is a little excessive to wait. I mean, it doesn't take very long to think of a pretender and send it in.

AreaOfEffect August 18th, 2008 03:21 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
I've just informed Dedas (via PM) that he has 4 hours. At which point I'll take the first person to submit a pretender. Let the race begin... soon.

konming August 18th, 2008 03:24 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Yeah, let's unleash the fearsome legion of markatas!

PsiSoldier August 18th, 2008 08:55 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Ok I have uploaded a Pretender for Pangaea. Never played them before but what the hell, I had an army of them kill some of my decked out thugs in a single player game with their damned sleep vines so maybe their alright.

AreaOfEffect August 18th, 2008 09:43 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Welcome to the game Psi.

Jazzepi August 18th, 2008 09:55 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)

Originally Posted by PsiSoldier (Post 632360)
Ok I have uploaded a Pretender for Pangaea. Never played them before but what the hell, I had an army of them kill some of my decked out thugs in a single player game with their damned sleep vines so maybe their alright.

Those sleep vines are very nasty. They can kill almost any SC because the creatures get multiple attacks, the attacks ignore armor and go straight to fatigue, and each attack lowers the target's defense by 2.

The only problem is that they don't do well against conventional troops, or archers.


46852 August 18th, 2008 11:44 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
What do those small crowns mean on some provinces in the map?

konming August 18th, 2008 11:57 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Victory point, which does nothing in this game except acting like a Dom5 temple for anyone who controls the province.

46852 August 19th, 2008 01:46 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)

Originally Posted by konming (Post 632390)
Victory point, which does nothing in this game except acting like a Dom5 temple for anyone who controls the province.

Ok. I don't quite understand what Dom5 temple means though :)

Province makes temple check at 50% chance no matter what your max dominion is?

46852 August 19th, 2008 02:06 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Oh, more questions... Can I resend the turn file to the server to replace a previous one? Llama FAQ mentioned that you can at least overwrite your old pretender before the game starts, but can a turn file be overwritten before the turn time is up?

konming August 19th, 2008 02:09 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
Well, it acts like a temple as if your dominion is 5, if I read the temple information correctly.

You can send as many modified turns as you like. Just try to keep 5 minutes in between resends.

Jazzepi August 19th, 2008 09:52 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)

Originally Posted by 46852 (Post 632470)
Ok, as there are some knowledgable people in this thread, another question: What does the "Land" bit and the number mean in the mercenary window?

When you put money towards bidding on a mercenary, they appear in whatever province you had selected at the time. The province # indicates which one of your provinces they will appear in if you win the bid.


46852 August 19th, 2008 09:55 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 632471)

Originally Posted by 46852 (Post 632470)
Ok, as there are some knowledgable people in this thread, another question: What does the "Land" bit and the number mean in the mercenary window?

When you put money towards bidding on a mercenary, they appear in whatever province you had selected at the time. The province # indicates which one of your provinces they will appear in if you win the bid.


Knowledgable and fast, it seems :)

Found out the answer and deleted the post, but Jazz was faster.

Jazzepi August 19th, 2008 10:12 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)
I've totally got a discrete math midterm today. WHY AM I HERE?!?!



46852 August 19th, 2008 11:17 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (sign-up)

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 632475)
I've totally got a discrete math midterm today. WHY AM I HERE?!?!



I'm sure there's more discrete maths expertise on Dom3 forums than you can ever imagine!

So it's perfectly OK to be here.

PS. Then again, maybe reading for the exam is the better option :)

Fakeymcfake August 19th, 2008 08:02 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
What's discrete math? And by extension, does that mean there is "overt math" where the numbers jump up, kick you in the nose and yell "THE ANSWER IS 4". I wish I had that kind of math in high school, I probably would have gotten better marks, however my nose would probably be quite sore and my hearing would have suffered.

JimMorrison August 19th, 2008 08:39 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
"Discrete Math" obviously handles such talents as 'counting cards', and 'insider trading'. ;)

AreaOfEffect August 19th, 2008 10:21 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Discrete mathematics covers a range of subjects like number and set theory, logic, and algorithmics. It is generally only required by math majors and computer science majors. These days the course tends to be geared toward CS majors, meanwhile some math majors are allowed to skip the subject completely as it isn't a "serious" math course by their standards.

I can't tell you the number of times I went to discuss discrete math to a math major and got instead a funny expression from their face.

P.S.: This post has the third most views out of all other threads on the Shrapnel Games forums. Don't ask me why. I have no clue.

JimMorrison August 19th, 2008 10:57 PM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Soon, Standards will have more views than the KingMaker thread, which has 900 posts. o.O

46852 August 20th, 2008 12:55 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I'm not sure how the "views" mechanic works, but seems it doesn't add the count up if I open the thread as unregistered user or registered from different IPs... So there seems to be over 1000 spectators in our game :P

JimMorrison August 20th, 2008 01:08 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)

Originally Posted by 46852 (Post 632604)
I'm not sure how the "views" mechanic works, but seems it doesn't add the count up if I open the thread as unregistered user or registered from different IPs... So there seems to be over 1000 spectators in our game :P

You know, I did a test of "View spam" on another thread, and I couldn't seem to get it to visibly register me as a "View". Presumably, I had already opened the page once before that..... Maybe it will only count any particular user once, until someone else posts in it? That just seems entirely cumbersome to the server.....

To contrast that, I saw another thread gain 11 Views from one refresh of the page to another, and it didn't even look like a very popular thread..... I think we've got Gremlins.

46852 August 21st, 2008 03:52 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Question again! I suppose if the score graphs are disabled, you can't view the score tables on Llama page either?

PS. If the guys with the awake gods continue to conquer provinces at this rate, I'm gonna get rolled over soon! Does VotD work on pretenders? ;)

konming August 21st, 2008 11:23 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Don't worry, awake pretender still only counts as one expansion army. Many people will be able to field second expansion team by turn 4. Looks like 4 people took awake pretender. There are two big monsters and one most likely a 1-2-2-4-4-2-2-1 rainbow, the last one is kind of hard to read. As Van, you can either take good bless and expand like crazy with vans, or you can take good scale, good magic and expand easily with skin shifters.

Jazzepi August 21st, 2008 11:31 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)

Originally Posted by konming (Post 632900)
Don't worry, awake pretender still only counts as one expansion army. Many people will be able to field second expansion team by turn 4. Looks like 4 people took awake pretender. There are two big monsters and one most likely a 1-2-2-4-4-2-2-1 rainbow, the last one is kind of hard to read. As Van, you can either take good bless and expand like crazy with vans, or you can take good scale, good magic and expand easily with skin shifters.

And this is why graphs on, are stupid.


konming August 21st, 2008 11:54 AM

Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Graph off just benefits the strongest player, and leads to runaway victory every time. We do not need R'lyeh to mass 80 provinces by turn 24 without people knowing it. ;)

However, the details shown on the table can reveal a lot of information that graph alone can not.

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