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Bwaha October 12th, 2008 02:39 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
The battles of Wickwood: As our army approached the capitol of Calem we noticed that the poor inhabitants were under siege of Troglodytes. We watched two Eagle Kings get tenderized before these foul beasts. When we dispersed these beasts did the people rejoice? No the rude buggers shut their castle gates. Imagine that, how rude. For this affront we declare the need for a change of administration. We will not rest till this is accomplished.:D

PS. Abysia if you give me 15 earth gems for each pair of boots, I will happily have my cobblers make some shoes for you. :D

AfterShave October 12th, 2008 04:39 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
As the ruler of caelum i hereby admit my defeat against hinnom,
but i will still let you wait until the walls have been destroyed before i let you have my lands.
(I admit defeat mostly because someone played with matches in the arcane laboratory :()

Bwaha October 12th, 2008 05:01 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Yeah, you must of had a horrible set of disasters. Good Shooting btw, that set of arrows was almost devistating. I'll have to do that sometime. Thanks for being a good sport, and I hope to play with you again. :D

coreyh2 October 17th, 2008 07:35 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Atlantis and I have been getting wierd replays of our battles. Its pretty hard to decide what to do next when what is happening is unclear.


Bwaha October 18th, 2008 12:08 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Uh, oh, please look in the main Dom forum. I Lost? Is the post. Iron Duke the poster. Does your problem match? I had a weird battle as well. But I ascribed it to just bad luck. Now I'm worried. If it does match then its time to post the darn thing as a bug. We also might consider a roll back. And see if it repeats. You should save the turn file for further analysis. In fact I'm going to back up all turns from now on.:D

Iron Duke October 18th, 2008 06:05 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Well twice now I had to suck it up that my win didn't show on battle reports and I already lost the backbone of my army, coral guards due to the bug. I'll go AI if this keeps up. Needless to say I'm quite pissed.

Tifone October 18th, 2008 06:23 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
AFAIK the bug doesn't "change" the battle results Iron Duke... just shows the battle happening in an incorrect way. Annoying but it shouldn't be ground breaking. Nevertheless, I suggest you to tell llama about those turns - twice in a row seems very weird.

Iron Duke October 18th, 2008 06:34 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Most likely not true. I watch my 8 mages with evo-5 powerup beat the snot out of enemy's antlered shamans and pd, coral guards standing against enemy iron warriors and not flinching, yet in the end I got 1 surviving coral guard who retreated back. I got everything on my favor yet still I lose. There's something definately wrong with this.

Bwaha October 18th, 2008 10:57 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Should we roll the turn back? Its been done before. I want a vote please. I would like everyone to backup their trn file if we do so. I'm gonna save my turns from now on anyway. Hmm maybe we should organize a Vista friendly server to solve this problem in future games. :D

RadioGibbon October 18th, 2008 11:56 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Hi Guys.

After reading the thread describing the bug I don't think a roll back is the correct course of action.


Originally posted by Llamabeast

It's worth noting that the defeat isn't exactly unfair. It's just that the battle could have worked out differently, depending on chance. In the version you saw, you won. In the version the server ran, you lost. But your troops did get to fight fairly nonetheless, it's just that unfortunately you don't get to see the battle they fought and so you can't see what went wrong.
Whilst I sympathise with Iron Duke not being able to see what went wrong this paragraph makes it quite clear that Ulm won two perfectly fair victories and so to undo Ulm's victories would be unfair on him.


Bwaha October 18th, 2008 12:08 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Okay, I agree. I would still like people to save their last turn. Its easy, you create a new folder, I call mine backup. and copy the files to it. I rename them so theres no possiblity of confusion. :D

PS. Whats with the delay? Wer'e waiting for calem, who I think went AI. The clock is past due to run the game. :confused:

Bwaha October 19th, 2008 01:58 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
The battle of Wickwood is now complete. The people rejoice. The frost of calem is dispeled. Now for Breakfast...:D

Deadnature October 22nd, 2008 10:24 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Abysia is repeating its offer to trade gems for earth boots.

Bwaha October 22nd, 2008 11:37 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
My offer is still open Abysia, just send me the gems and I will set my cobblers in action. What color would you like, :doh: red of course...:D 15 Earth gems is the price. Asbestos socks are recommended...:D

Iron Duke October 22nd, 2008 03:26 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Atlantis offer to forge earth boots for 14 gems.

Bwaha October 22nd, 2008 05:00 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
So, I've found a competitor. After letting you keep those provinces. Thats what I get for being nice. Well here's you eviction notice. I'm gonna remove you from the land provinces on my little island. That should repay the loss from the Abysians. Also I demand back rent for those provinces. Say 20 gold per provence, per turn. Lets see three provences for lets say 20 turns. Thats 600 gold I want from you.

I'm in the market for items that allow underwater travel. I will pay a good price for them. Also I will consider it a favor. I always reward those who are nice to me. But those who betray me will suffer the fate of Calem. Plucked.


Bwaha October 24th, 2008 08:41 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
I agree to a 48 hour turn. I see Atlantis has not seen fit to pay their rent. Next turn we shall start our eviction process. I won't consider this to be a full scale war against Atlantis unless he wants it. I'm just evicting someone who I let stay out of kindness. :D

RadioGibbon October 24th, 2008 08:59 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Unless 3 objections are posted before next hosting time (Which is pretty much 12GMT tommorrow) I'll switch to 48 Hours.


EDIT: Actually lets just go to 48 hours - James243, Bwahahahahha & Myself all think its a good idea, and I think 2 or 3 requests are the normal critera.

James243 October 26th, 2008 06:36 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
That's great - thanks.

Anyone else at war with Neifelheim?

Bwaha October 27th, 2008 12:23 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Neifel who? Nope don't know them. Ambassadors are reluctant to speak to me for some strange reason. I wish people were a little more talkative. Maybe I should get some breath mints. :D

Bwaha November 3rd, 2008 12:30 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Bump, Are we going to go use the 3.21 patch? If so I'm ok with having Hinnom nerfed. Although it means I have to rethink my plans. :confused:

coreyh2 November 4th, 2008 12:20 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Is it normal to switch patches mid game? I haven't play for long enough to know. The forum said it was a beta patch.

Bwaha November 5th, 2008 02:10 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
I believe it is customary to switch as soon as it comes out, since all players must run the same revision to play together.:D

coreyh2 November 6th, 2008 05:54 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Interesting, I can imagine that changes balance often considering how long games last. Its hard to predict mid game nerfs. I guess I wouldn't do it that way if it was me but I can't imagine people would want to keep multiple copies of the game on their hard drive for different games either.

RadioGibbon November 7th, 2008 07:25 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
I think we'll stick with 3.20 until 3.21 is offical instead of beta.

(Sorry for not replying sooner, Fallout 3 is a harsh mistress who gets very jealous about all the other games).

Bwaha November 8th, 2008 03:40 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Man, I'm jealous, I have to get a new computer. I SO want to play that game...:D

Deadnature November 10th, 2008 10:35 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
umm, did we switch to the new patch? My newest turn file seems to think so?

Bwaha November 11th, 2008 02:42 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Yes you have to patch to 3.21, otherwise Llama Server will have problems with your turn. Gah, my whole production strategy is wrecked. But I will recover.

One interesting thing, My giants that I already made weren't affected in any way. So thats a small blessing. Lets rock.:D

RadioGibbon November 11th, 2008 03:21 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Yeah, switch to 3.21. About 5 minutes after I pompously announced we'd switch when the patch went offical it went offical.

Bwaha November 12th, 2008 02:00 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Wow, that was a long battle, it hurt when my chariots broke and overran my Magi's. Tein chi my compliments on a fine field army. If you didn't break first I think you would of had me. Cearun your pretender isn't bad either. Wait till you see mine. Bwaha ha ha.:D

Caerun November 12th, 2008 03:22 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
But I already have seen yours.

It's that undead lichy-type dude wandering around Yamba (province 147) right now, right?

Also, who're you calling T'ien Ch'i? (Yes, I checked the spelling.)

And yeah, chariots are interesting things. Frankly, I think my army would've stood a bit longer if it weren't for that one errant fleeing chariot running down one of the priestesses. Guess he thought he was running to safety.

Lord of Arcoscephale, currently trying to get his engineers to develop a chariot brake system.

Bwaha November 12th, 2008 07:16 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Caerun, yes I have a Master Lich. Sorry about the mixup on your race, yes you are Archo. Boy do I have a suprise for you, I hope the turn goes by quickly. Heh, this next turn is going to be fun. :D

Deadnature November 12th, 2008 09:19 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
yeah, Caerun's cyclops stopped me dead in our little border war, thats why I opted for peace. Fire-immune AND awe? That spelled bad news for my burning hordes.

Bwaha November 13th, 2008 12:31 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Yeah, but he'll be a blind, severely horror marked, dead pretender if things work out. Boy getting my butt kicked in other games really tought me some dirty tricks. This is gonna be fun...Heh, I love horrors, especialy if I can send them into combat. :D

Caerun November 14th, 2008 11:50 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.

I'm not quite sure what you were planning, but if it's any consolation, I do now have one horror marked chariot. :)

Speaking of love, I must admit I'm quite fond of my wind riders. The wyverns accompanying them are rather nice too.

Bwaha November 14th, 2008 12:57 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Yesh, a stale turn that sucked.

Caerun November 14th, 2008 01:15 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Damn. And here I was feeling pleased with myself for thwarting your evil plans.

Ah, well. Next turn, then.

Iron Duke November 16th, 2008 11:19 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
I felt like bumping. Why is there no action of any kind here? Leaving the hinnom-arco war aside(which gave me opportunity to tickle hinnom a bit) there's been no events whatsoever. Come on people, atlantian newspapers want stories!

RadioGibbon November 16th, 2008 01:36 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
The Marverni council of Druids has denied any links between a sudden spate of bushfires ravaging the entire eastern half of the Marvernis' lands and their neighbour Abysia. A senior Druid is reported as saying,

"Whilst their may have been some skirmishes between our forces and the burning men of the fire lands necessitating a few minor tactical withdrawals their is absolutely no need for concern. Reports that our entire army marched into a blazing inferno and didn't come out are completly false and we can catagorically deny any claims by Abysia to have slain The Thunderbird who is alive and well in the capital planning our decisive counterattack."

Reporters were unable to ask questions as the press conference came to an unscheduled end as fireballs descended from on high and incinerated the meeting circle and all within it.

Breaking News: The Council of Druids had denied any link between the burning of the meeting circle and Abysia, a senior Druid holding an umbrella and staring upwards is quoted as saying,

"Fireballs from the sky are a perfectly natural occurence and just something our citizens should learn to live with."

Bwaha November 16th, 2008 02:26 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Well lets see how well Baals work. This oughta be cool.:D

Iron Duke November 16th, 2008 02:57 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
That was just great! :D

Bwaha November 16th, 2008 09:12 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Nevermind, Llama Server did take my turn, I was having problems with it. Game on. :D

Deadnature November 16th, 2008 09:43 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
is auto-host turned off? If so why? everyone has submitted their turn so we might as well host...

In other news: protests broke out today in front of Smouldercone as angry burning ones demanded satisfaction for the continued government use of fire-gems in a war against Maverni that is now being described as a "peacekeeping operation." "Fire-gems for fire-people" was the slogan chanted as angry protesters demanded more domestic use of the precious resource.

The demonstrators were finally placated when reports surfaced that their great leader Cameron had lost an arm to a Maverni earthquake. "If he can sacrifice an arm, we can make sacrifices here at home too" one was heard to remark.

Bwaha November 16th, 2008 09:52 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Llama Server is apparently down.

We are proud to annouce the first Baal and his cohort have been sent to bounce the evil cyclops. :D

Caerun November 17th, 2008 05:51 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.

Which one of us here is the one who eats his own subjects, eh? Not to mention everyone else's.

*grumbles* Always misunderstood just 'cause I smash in a few faces and heads...

Bwaha November 18th, 2008 12:39 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
Well that makes two Baals, I guess Hinnom has a pair, and big ones at that. Bwahaha :D

Caerun November 19th, 2008 09:22 AM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
That'd be one less Baal if it weren't for the battle turn limit.


Bwaha November 19th, 2008 01:22 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
That had to be the stuipidest battle I've ever seen. The flame bolo says it has 50 shots. What the hades happened? Also Ethnue standing around picking his nose while the battle raged ticks me off. Why isn't your cyclops blind? Magic resistance? The eye sheild description does not mention that it is resistable. Bug? Well at least he's horror marked. That will make the next battle more fun, heh. :D

Bwaha November 19th, 2008 02:48 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
We may have a bug issue. The battle with the Cyclops should have had him blinded. My Baal had an Eye shield. I'm sending my turn in for testing. I request a hold till this is explained. :confused:

Caerun November 19th, 2008 03:51 PM

Re: Kickabout - Game Started.
I just figured it was luck, to be honest.

I mean, said Cyclops does regenerate 20 hp per turn. Plus he's lucky.

Edit: Also, the eye shield description does say "anyone who hits the eye shield," so maybe my lad just spent all that time beating on the big dude holding the shield instead of the shield itself. :)

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