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-   -   Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40786)

Bwaha October 11th, 2008 01:36 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme
One last try, I will avoid starting with an I. Jokester is the new name. And yeah I did import the concept of I E T A. The other guys didn't seem to get it.:D

Nope, that didn't work either. I'm sorry, we will have to wait for some help. :confused:

Mithras October 11th, 2008 01:56 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme
Thats definately an excuse to add YOU to the axis of evil. Threat of extreme heat... Anyone else? Before my pencil spontaneously combusts?

Tifone October 11th, 2008 02:43 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme
Mister Bwaha, what are you doing? Is that you who tried to create those two I and i games? And why are all the submitted gods disappeared from Jocker and it says Invalid Age?? :shock:

Bwaha October 11th, 2008 02:59 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme
Yeah, thats my clumsy attempts to fix the problem. I propose a delay till Llama fixes my mess. I don't want to mess with this further, this is driving me batty. I set up Storm and everything went well. I'm completely baffled. So I will set this up later. Again I'm sorry...:(

I just contacted Llama, hopefully he will come to the rescue.

Okay, He did. Please try Joker2. Yes it worked so lets get to it.:D:D

Bwaha October 11th, 2008 03:51 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Man I wish I could clear out old posts. Okay submit your pretenders to Joker2.:D

Starshine_Monarch October 11th, 2008 04:07 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Um, did we get the wrong map? We agreed on Pangaea right? Why does it say the map is Alexander?

Tifone October 11th, 2008 04:11 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
A Pangaean Earth gives the wrong link in llamaserver, Starshine_Monarch. It links to the Mines and Farms map. Not that MaF is a bad map, absolutely, but not even knowing in which map we'll end up seems weird :D

Starshine_Monarch October 11th, 2008 04:15 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
We are still using Pangaean Earth, despite what it says right? Or do I have to download this one now?

Tifone October 11th, 2008 04:20 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
No, we're using Alexander because Pangaea very probably doesn't work :o Yes, you have to download Alexander.

Bwaha October 11th, 2008 04:25 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Yes, sorry about the confusion. Alexander is the map. Heres the link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/attac...0&d=1199233709

There was something wrong with the way I was trying to set up the game. What that was, I don't know. Anyway I'm just happy to get started.:D

llamabeast October 12th, 2008 05:01 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
A Pangaean Earth is fine. I don't even know what you mean. Are you sure when you clicked on it you hadn't previously been on Mines and Farms and it was just slow to update?

If you want to play on A Pangaean Earth I can easily change it back for you. So can you in fact (just go to admin options and click "Change game settings"), but I can do it if you prefer.

Tifone October 12th, 2008 05:05 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
No, really mr. llama, the download link onto "A Pangaean Earth" continues to drive me to Mines and Farms.

llamabeast October 12th, 2008 05:35 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Ah, I misunderstood, sorry Tifone.

The download link is only for users actually though, the server doesn't make use of it. Nevertheless I'll fix the link. Thanks for pointing out the error.

llamabeast October 12th, 2008 05:35 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Ah, I misunderstood, sorry Tifone.

The download link is only for users actually though, the server doesn't make use of it. Nevertheless I'll fix the link. Thanks for pointing out the error.

llamabeast October 12th, 2008 05:37 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Okay fixed that.

Man, it seems there's always a few more bugs hiding in the woodwork...

Tifone October 12th, 2008 05:45 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Np, thanks for the fixing and for the work you do for the community ;) (p.s. remember even my game plz when you have the time :D)

Bwaha what do we do? Shall we return to Pangaea or we stick to Alexander? :)

Bwaha October 12th, 2008 01:12 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Well I think I ran into Llama server anti-hacking protocols yesterday. That was very frustrating, But thats all behind us.

As far as which map we will use, I was test driving the Pan map and found the map unbalanced. So I think we should stick with Alex.

Hey, if you want to laugh go look at Balbarian's 300. Its in the Intel Bar and Grill. Now we just need the rest of youze jokers to submit their pretenders. :D

Tifone October 12th, 2008 06:05 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Yep, Pangaea is unbalanced as map and lacks chokepoints. It's very beautiful graphically though.

Well I'm looking forward to burn your backs, guys :D Send those jellyfishes of pretender to the battlefield!

Bwaha October 13th, 2008 12:42 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Allright, everyone is in. Game starting in 3, 2, 1. :D

Starshine_Monarch October 13th, 2008 02:32 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
In the beginning, there was Chaos...

Out of Chaos rose worlds populated with multitudes of beings. Mean words were spake, kings and emperors rose and fell as they kept stubbing their toes and fanbases were built and crumbled as millennia passed. Comics, unoriginal and strange, were worshiped in pagan nightclubs. Still there was Chaos. The comics fought amongst themselves bringing even worse jokes to those who would hear them. At last there was One, a Being of great wit and humor who rose above His immoral peers and cast them out of the Spotlight into C-list-dom. From Chaos came Laughter and with Laughter came peace and the creatures of the world flourished. The Age of Chaos had ended.

Now the Wheel has turned once again...

The supreme Comic has suddenly disappeared. Poorly considered blasphemies are left without a witty comeback and the cheers of fans rise in vain to the Heavens. No one knows why He disappeared, but it is certain that the people of the worlds are once again left without comedy, without taste in humor, without laughter. Now is the time for comedians of great skill and ambition to try their wit. The Throne of the Heavens stands empty and only the most clever may pluck the whoopee cushion from it's seat. Only the funniest may ascend to take the spotlight from He Who Came Before. This is a time of great grief and suffering. This is... The Joker Wars!!

Tifone October 13th, 2008 04:25 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Best. Start. Eva.

Really, Shiny, I will miss you after cooking you.

Gregstrom October 13th, 2008 04:36 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
High Voice of the Lord
Temple of Tamakeri
Machakan Plain
Machaka 31836

Managing Director
Gods 4 U Plc.
Unit 314c
Ambrosia Business Park
Cloud 5

Dear Sir,

While the priesthood of Machaka appreciates the speed at which you supplied the 'God'n'Environment SuperPlus Service<SUP>TM</SUP>', we have some serious reservations over the actual quality of the service. The God Forest was delivered to the wrong location and we received not one, but 5 God Mountains! To make matters worse, not one of these arrived at the right address and our capital now lies in near-permanent shade as the bottom of a deep valley.

On the bright (or at least less shadowed) side, our newly dark conditions are a good growing environment for the giant spiders who's eggs you supplied. We would however have preferred it if the small print explaining the need for incubators had been slightly less well-hidden. I believe that the ambient heat of the caves deep within God Mountain might have been sufficient for the task, but due to the delivery problems mentioned above that possibility remains one for academic debate alone.

Finally, there is the matter of the Pretender you supplied. I am sure that the call center I contacted was outsourced for sound economic reasons, but the agent I spoke with apparently had some difficulty understanding me. I specifically ordered a Colossal Fetish Pretender, and most emphatically NOT a Pretender with a colossal fetish!! When Tamakeri arrived, his subjects had barely five minutes to worship him before he disappeared into the deepest interrogation level of the temple basement with a dozen sorceresses in tow, and no-one has seen him since. The one initiate we sent in to investigate is no longer capable of lucid conversation bar an occasional muttering about manacles.

In view of the gap between our expectations of your quality of service and the realities we have experienced, I have no choice but to request a full refund.


High Voice of the Lord Tamakeri

Mithras October 13th, 2008 04:42 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
The top Ermorians were scutteling around the place like ants... one day they had a perfectly good comic, the next poof. Those people were unreliable. So now they had to hire this new guy from across a few oceans, George he was called and apparently he could do interesting tricks with a pingpong ball... Anyway they had other problems the next to free immigrant labour had dried up, so the coorporations had to rely on necromancy to keep production going, it wasn't looking good for ermor, but at least they still had their sense of humour, those that weren't walking dead anyway...

Mithras October 13th, 2008 04:50 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
So far best post goes to Gregs, I actually laughed, and now someone kill be quick so I can bow out, I kept telling myself I was only funny when I wasn't trying :(

Starshine_Monarch October 13th, 2008 05:08 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Thunbu and I must have shopped at the same place for a pretender. Atlantis's very own Mr. Tentacles, apparently so unimpressed with the Queens of the deep almost immediately wandered off muttering in a rather miffed tone something about "frog faces" and "pointy coral panties."

Besides Tifone, I thought Abysians were allergic to calamari? Had something to do with the water I think. :P

Tifone October 13th, 2008 05:55 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Actually, we are allergic to a lot of things. Trust a fool, don't feed us, you don't wanna be where an army of 80+ Abysians is caught by Explosive Dysentery.

That was last time we ate French cheese.

Crust October 13th, 2008 06:01 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 645395)
Actually, we are allergic to a lot of things. Trust a fool, don't feed us, you don't wanna be where an army of 80+ Abysians is caught by Explosive Dysentery.

Let's hope the Machakan fetishist's shares this view. :eek:

Starshine_Monarch October 13th, 2008 06:20 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
I'd suggest staying away from Bandar Log then. I imagine you'll find the curry in particular depressingly mild.

Starshine_Monarch October 13th, 2008 07:34 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Also on that not, I'd highly recommend staying away from C'tis. Gods only know what happens to a man's insides in their dominion, and with all the swamp gas around there, you might just have another French Cheese incident on your hands, or even worse.

Tifone October 13th, 2008 07:38 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Hey, man, we aren't in culinary jaunt, we're in a furious war commanded by the bloody lust for expansion of our brutal God Flamegasm!!!!

...oh, and he gave us all sandwiches packed in cellophane for dine, prepared with his tender loving hands.

Starshine_Monarch October 13th, 2008 07:42 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 645436)
Hey, man, we aren't in culinary jaunt, we're in a furious war commanded by the bloody lust for expansion of our brutal God Flamegasm!!!!

...oh, and he gave us all sandwiches packed in cellophane for dine, prepared with his tender loving hands.

Ah, some nice toasted subs, am I right? Scorched beef with some zesty Red Virgin sauce? Sounds lovely.

Gregstrom October 14th, 2008 01:20 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
They call it beef, but I have my suspicions.

Gregstrom October 14th, 2008 05:27 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Leaked internal memo from the Temple of Tamakeri

From: Thunbu, High Priest
To: Initiate Fanbo

Fanbo, I seem to recall you saying "let's send out the troops to take out one of the mountain tribes. They're only poorly trained savages, after all, so they won't prove much of a threat."

Only one thing got in the way of this oh-so-cunning plan; OUR troops are the poorly trained savages, remember? If I ever track down the genius who first said that hide shields and loincloths were all a true warrior needed for protection, I'll stick his cost-efficiency predictions where they'll do the most good - and then issue him with said shield and loincloth and drop him in the spider pit. Then we'll see just how much good his 'true watrrior's protection' does him.

The rank at this memo's header can be considered accurate, by the way. You're also now assigned to supplies, where hopefully less can go wrong. You can start in your new post by arranging for the extra shipments of black leather required by Lord Tamakeri. Quite what he does with it all and why he prefers it in thin strips should remain a mystery if you wish to retain a position in the priesthood. When you've sorted that out you can start arranging a supplier for the metal spikes and studs Tamakeri requires, and then organise the extra rubber tree plantations we're apparently going to need in the long term.

Also, remind me to interview for a Receiver of Divine Visions post if I haven't done so by the end of the week. I spent three hours trying to get clean after the last one, and I still feel wrong. I'll never look at our sacred hippos in the same way again.


Starshine_Monarch October 14th, 2008 08:09 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 645484)
They call it beef, but I have my suspicions.

So long as the troops don't call their rations "Soylens Veridians," there should be nothing to worry about.

Crust October 14th, 2008 10:44 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!

Originally Posted by Starshine_Monarch (Post 645434)
Also on that not, I'd highly recommend staying away from C'tis. Gods only know what happens to a man's insides in their dominion, and with all the swamp gas around there, you might just have another French Cheese incident on your hands, or even worse.

Pull my finger.
- Prophet Mushdama, humble servant of the Farter of Gods, the Fart Raveler.

Mithras October 14th, 2008 10:48 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
Well the first problem had been solved, those lizards from south of the border had been stamped out... serve them right for not providing enough imigrant labour; they all wanted to be Emerion citizens anyway right?
Anyway that didn't matter who cared about lizards? It was time to give the pansies north of the border a hard time, and some of them still spoke... whatever it is that people from Arco spoke... and we all know that arcos was a country where full of cowards and people that thought! Of course Ermor had put a stop to that a couple of decades ago but some people hadn't learned that making money was the only way to go, oh well Ermor was still here to learn 'em.

Bwaha October 14th, 2008 02:00 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!
HA Ha ha giggle... Void Gate 1 reports the first successful battle with some of the surface rabble. For his service Lord Kloanthos is rewarded with the Medallion of Mirth, which makes our noble troops even happier.:D

You guys have surpassed my expectations. Keep it up.:lol

Thanks. Bwaha :D

Tifone October 14th, 2008 03:14 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme Submit Pretenders!

Originally Posted by Crust (Post 645546)
Pull my finger.


Crust October 14th, 2008 03:51 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha

Mithras October 14th, 2008 04:02 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
And now we have nothing to fight over. Who pulled the finger? come on own up, you're only making it worse for yourself!

Bwaha October 14th, 2008 04:07 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Eww, Okay thats enough green house gasses. I notice no one contributed to IETA. Okay if thats how you want it, I will send inspectors to your labs. Those found in violation of the clean waters act will be lobotomized. So if you value your BRAINs, send 50 gold care of Lord HA HA. Thank you for your cooperation.:D

Crust October 14th, 2008 04:16 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha

Originally Posted by Bwaha (Post 645613)
Eww, Okay thats enough green house gasses. I notice no one contributed to IETA. Okay if thats how you want it, I will send inspectors to your labs. Those found in violation of the clean waters act will be lobotomized. So if you value your BRAINs, send 50 gold care of Lord HA HA. Thank you for your cooperation.:D

What benefit do we gain exactly for our "contributions"? A promise you'll enslave us gently?

Mithras October 14th, 2008 04:22 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Lobotomy? Why didn't Ermor think of that? We could have had cheap labour that doesn't get destroyed by the first person wearing a towel instead of proper clothes.
Give us the technology!
Psst, we'd pay you for it but we're not giving money to anyone who wants to clean up the enviroment, so give us the technology and we won't burn the sea down kapeech? And if you don't think the sea can be burned then your in for a suprise :p

Bwaha October 14th, 2008 04:28 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Hey, its not slavery, and the people that I rule over are merry. I'm a kind and benevolent dictator. Well okay it does say master enslave, but thats a long ways off. To answer your question as far as what you will receive, you gain from keeping the world a little greener. The waters purer, ect...:D

Gregstrom October 14th, 2008 05:07 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
I think C'tis win on the green credentials, by reason of their natural advantage.

Crust October 14th, 2008 05:14 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha

Aww. :o

Mithras October 14th, 2008 05:16 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
On that note ermor will soon be carbon nuetral due to not breathing.

Gregstrom October 14th, 2008 05:47 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Sadly, recent research has shown that undeath on a massive scale is very disruptive to the ecosystem. Apparently finely ground, sanctified bonemeal works well as a fertiliser to repair some of the ecological damage.

Tifone October 14th, 2008 05:59 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Rejoice R'lyeh, you will not find unclean water IN our labs. Actually the nearest drop of water is 500 miles west to our lab! But we ignore if clean or not.

Edit: Oh wait, it boiled off too.

Mithras October 14th, 2008 06:03 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Well thats massively unfair, all we do is rot slowly! Now lizards on the other hand, your not doing much for ecological variability! Swamp swamp and more swamp yay!

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