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-   -   Momentum - EA game - Finished - Sauromatia/Psycho wins! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=41195)

Psycho December 1st, 2008 01:12 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Congratulations to TC. That was fast.

Radioheart December 1st, 2008 02:25 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Hurray, I win!

Did I win?

st.patrik December 1st, 2008 05:45 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Huh :?:

Radioheart December 1st, 2008 07:00 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started

Originally Posted by Psycho
You win for the moment, but I think you also draw a lot of attention to yourself. It's rarely good to be the leader, often it's better to keep a low profile. I predict you will be double-teamed before turn 25.

Is this a threat Sauro?

Our lands are nowhere near contiguous, does Sauro attempt to slander the honorable reputation of my T'ien Ch'i? Convince others I am a neighbor-eating monster so they'll be your proxies while expanding your own already considerable province count.

To my friends and neighbors, should anyone encourage your declaration of a war with the T'ien Ch'i, or anyone else, consider carefully the ones doing the encouraging. Please, if you have any concerns about your future relations with my nation we invite your messengers and diplomats to visit the Celestial Court themselves. Refreshments served between 11 and 3.

Psycho December 1st, 2008 07:33 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
First of all, you should know better then to publish a private message in public. You should never, never, never do it without the consent of the other party. I am sure there is even something about it in the forum rules.

It was not a threat, it was a prediction, like it says. I didn't talk to any player in the game about Tien Chi, let alone encourage anyone to attack you. I was just noting that you have become too big too fast and that the likely course of the events is that you will be attacked soon by more then one neighbor. I am sure that your neighbors need no persuasion from me and that they know what is best for themselves. If I was your neighbor, I'd be attacking you right now. Actually I sent it as a PM so as not to appear as if I am encouraging someone to attack you.

Sauromatia is big in territory, but it means little because our lands are wastes. I started with order 3 - go look at the graphs and compare my income with the others that have half my number of provinces. It has an upside too - whoever attacks me is bound to gain nothing.

Radioheart December 1st, 2008 08:15 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Huh, I was skeptical about the PM issue. I read the forum rules and it is in there. I meant it only as an "in-character" attempt at diplomacy, Sauro wishes to form anti-TC coalition of the willing! Who is the real villain? No to preemptive strikes! And so on. Please forgive, was in good spirit.

Were you trying to convince me you weren't scheming against me, then hah, that message rather missed its mark. Cheers.

Wokeye December 3rd, 2008 05:13 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Indeed this game is beginning to get interesting... :)

Radioheart December 4th, 2008 02:23 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Good game Phalent of Ulm. I had a little more than my fair share of good fortune but that is the way of it sometimes, yeah?

The peoples of Ulm, you shall be governed justly.

The peasant in bondage to your chiefs and master, you are hereby freed. Your land is now under your own private ownership to sell or work as you see fit.

The blacksmith forced into slavery, spending an entire month forging the arms and armor of a single ineffective warrior, you are hereby freed to practice your craft as your own interests dictate. Fair and just prices paid for the spear points and scale mail that will equip dozens of the Ever Victorious Army.

The warriors and shamans who were conscripted into an inefficient horde, enlist in The Ever Victorious Army. Your unique skills will be recognized and you will be given the proper training to best enable your talents. You will be part of a professional army whose sum is greater than its parts. Your pay will be on time and in gold coin. T'ien Ch'i cookfires are the envy of soldiers throughout the world.

Your culture will be given an honored place within the Celestial Court, your voice will be forever heard by the True Sight and Swift Hand, the Eternal Goddess Qing Li.

Aethyr December 5th, 2008 06:45 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Hey folks,

In the original post Valerius indicated that we'd adjust the hosting time at turn 30. I can probaly continue with the 24 turn around for a while yet, but I am reaching the point where I may need a little more time in between turns. Anyone else feeling the pinch as well?

st.patrik December 5th, 2008 04:05 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
I would prefer to stay 24-hour as long as possible, but I don't want to make it hard for other players to keep up. Turns are still only taking me 5-10 minutes.

Psycho December 5th, 2008 07:03 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
I don't mind switching to 48h. I realize that some people have started with wars while others still haven't. The first group naturally needs quite a bit more time for scripting armies and diplomacy.

Valerius December 5th, 2008 11:35 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
It's definitely true that being at war makes turns a lot more time consuming. The other thing that factors in is hosting time - sometimes the hosting time moves to a time that is inconvenient.

As a compromise how about we stick with 24 hour hosting until turn 25, then move to 36 hour hosting. I think the extra 12 hours will help but also keep the game moving. At turn 30 we can switch to 48 hour hosting as planned or stick with 36 hours for a while longer if that is still working for everyone.

Aethyr December 6th, 2008 01:47 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
I'm OK with staying with 24 hour hosting for a while, but you are right that sometimes the hosting time is problematic. I like you idea, lets stay with 24 as long as we can before switching to 36. Thanks

Valerius December 6th, 2008 01:57 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Ok, I'll leave it at 24 for now. If there are days where a delay would be useful just post here - I try to check the forums 3-4 hours before hosting to see if anyone has asked for a delay.

Aethyr December 6th, 2008 02:56 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started

Wokeye December 7th, 2008 04:10 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
If it is to stay at 24hr - which I am fine with - I'll need a delay on (my) Wednesday night...which I think is Tuesday for European and US players. I'll uptade this post to notify you when I leave.

Valerius December 7th, 2008 04:18 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Ok, sounds good.

Radioheart December 8th, 2008 05:31 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Would like to submit my vote for longer hosting intervals. Especially now the most recent hosting deadline has shifted into the early AM EST.

36 hour quickhost would be a great compromise in my opinion. I've loved the pacing of this game, Momentum indeed.

Valerius December 8th, 2008 08:48 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Well, we've made it to turn 27 on 24 hour hosting so let's go ahead and switch to 36 hour hosting as we discussed previously.

At turn 30 the game is scheduled to go to 48 hour hosting and I'm going to make that change rather than stay with 36 hour hosting. This is how I advertised the game and I don't want to change the terms now. I think we have a good group here that has let the game live up to its name and I think we'll still keep up a good pace.

P.S. - Radioheart, do you need an additional 12 hours for this turn or can I switch it with the next turn?

Valerius December 9th, 2008 04:20 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Ok, I've changed to 36 hours and postponed the hosting for the current turn by 12 hours.

Radioheart December 9th, 2008 05:13 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Just got in, 90 minutes to spare. A little extra time sure won't hurt. Thanks alot for looking out for me though.

Wokeye December 9th, 2008 04:04 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
I've returned the current turn but will need a delay of 24 hrs on the next one please.

Valerius December 10th, 2008 12:57 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
No problem, I'll delay hosting by 24 hours after the current turn hosts.

Wokeye December 11th, 2008 03:07 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
My turn is in, no further dealy required for my turn.

Valerius December 11th, 2008 11:17 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
I was about to postpone hosting and saw your post. Thanks for letting me know.

The hosting time is still set to 5:25 GMT Friday. I'll keep an eye on things to make sure everyone gets their turn in on time.

Valerius December 11th, 2008 11:57 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Ok, we're at turn 30 so hosting has been changed to 48 hours.

Wokeye December 12th, 2008 05:58 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
The Nation of Pangaea has just recently been informed of Tien Chi's policy on Global Warming, deforestation for composite bows, and other general environmental mischief. We cannot tolerate acts against the All Mother, who stand next to Biohazard our god as rightful ruler of the Momentum Earth.
We are honor-bound to uphold our previous agreements, however - turn 33 will see the might of TC challenged in the fields and forests alike. Bring it!

Radioheart December 12th, 2008 04:35 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Let it be known, the phenomenon known as global warming is an overblown myth propagated by radical leftist Pan eco-terrorists. We of the T'ien Ch'i have a neutral climate scale and practice a carefully managed forestry industry. That said, we'll eagerly sort it out with the Pan starting on the 33rd month.

It shall be brought.

The Celestial Court

Valerius December 17th, 2008 03:29 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
I have received a request to delay the game between Dec. 22-27. This is fine with me but I wanted to let the rest of you know as well.

I didn't announce any policy regarding holidays but figured we'd need some delays around this time.

Psycho December 17th, 2008 03:37 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Can we stop the game during new year holidays as well, something like 31 Dec - 02 Jan?

Valerius December 17th, 2008 05:14 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Yes, I think that makes sense. I'll message everyone through the llamaserver as to the stop/start times over the next couple of weeks.

Radioheart December 17th, 2008 09:29 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Valerius, great job as admin.

Go go Momentum. Happy holidays everyone.

Valerius December 18th, 2008 03:46 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Thanks, Radioheart! Happy holidays to you and the rest of the Momentum players as well.

Wokeye December 18th, 2008 06:44 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Sounds good.

If I forget to post again - have a great Chrissy everyone. I'll catch you (well, perhaps ineptly try to conquer you) when it restarts.

Wokeye December 19th, 2008 06:51 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Pangaean scouts report skies lit with volleys of magical fire and horses leading great wooden chariots. They also sing of a glorious, yet costly, victory for Pangaean forces. Nature's wrath has dismissed the TC human troops and their evil Bakemo allies. War has begun in the north!

Valerius December 26th, 2008 01:39 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Hmm, looks like all the turns got in earlier than expected. Next hosting will be on the 27th, a few hours later than originally planned with the delayed hosting.

On another note, Tir na n'Og is interested in obtaining a considerable number of astral gems. In return we can provide air, earth, water and, to a lesser degree, nature gems. Please PM if interested.

Valerius December 27th, 2008 01:21 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
We are missing the majority of the turns with 5 hours to go until hosting. Since the previous turn hosted earlier than planned, I've delayed hosting until 22:35 GMT on Monday, Dec. 29 (the time this turn was originally going to host).

Valerius December 29th, 2008 03:43 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
We're still missing a couple of turns. It seems a shame to have people stale due to the holidays so I've delayed hosting by another 24 hours. We'll get back on track after New Year's.

Wokeye December 29th, 2008 09:20 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
It seems to have hosted a few hours ago - should we process this turn anyway, or roll it back?

Valerius December 30th, 2008 01:17 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
We're ok - no one staled. I'm not even sure if we needed the delay but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to postpone hosting right before hosting time so I decided to play it safe.

Psycho December 30th, 2008 06:14 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
I sent my turn, but I won't be able to send the next before 3rd.

Radioheart December 31st, 2008 12:35 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started

Originally Posted by Wokeye (Post 661130)
Pangaean scouts report skies lit with volleys of magical fire and horses leading great wooden chariots. They also sing of a glorious, yet costly, victory for Pangaean forces. Nature's wrath has dismissed the TC human troops and their evil Bakemo allies. War has begun in the north!

T'ien Ch'i scouts confirm: Nature's Wrath mitigated. Carrion Dragon vanquished. Bakemo allies misunderstood and unjustly slandered.

Attention Gem Traders; T'ien Ch'i to trade Fire and Death in exchange for Air, Earth, Astral. Trade of gems in exchange for forged equipment considered.

Address offers to The Celestial Court.

Executor December 31st, 2008 03:41 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Maybe the game could be delayed a little since Mictlan hasn't sent in his turn and I certainly won't make it since it is almost 9 pm here and... it's new years eve.

Valerius December 31st, 2008 04:17 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Sure, no problem. Sauromatia can't complete his next turn until the 3rd and we had planned on a New Year's delay anyway. So, I'll delay hosting for this turn by 48 hours (until 22:40 GMT Friday).

Wokeye January 2nd, 2009 09:11 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
The proud lords of Pangaea are not so proud as to request help when it is clearly needed. Tien Chi grows more powerful despite our best efforts as our armies suffered several key defeats last month.

Any who currently huddle within their turtle shells while the battles rage should consider acting now to thwart it's advance, or it will rule the world very quickly!

Aethyr January 2nd, 2009 11:45 PM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
The Van have watched this conflict from a far with only a passing interest. Our focus has been the demise of the great and powerful Wat, whom we have found to be a foe worthy of much respect.

While we find the growing might of T'ien Ch'i a power to be reckoned with, we note that it was the beasts of Pangaea that began this conflict, waiting no doubt for those of stonger mettle to first engage the foe. Now, after proving to themselves--and their allies?--that they are insufficient for the task, they ask for aid.

The Van take a dim view of such cowardly antics. We call upon all to witness: We hereby cancel our NAP with Pan.

Wokeye January 3rd, 2009 01:48 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Someone must have brewed some powerful beer in the Vanheim halls this year!

Where is the bravery, or sense, in declaring war on a kingdom who is joined with allies trying to contain a growing world-threatening superpower? We label Vanheim's actions 'hypocracy' and will eagerly await their mead-sodden troops for our minotaurs to chop into (pre-marinated! Quite handy, really) stew.

Radioheart January 3rd, 2009 04:43 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started

Originally Posted by Wokeye (Post 663549)
Tien Chi grows more powerful despite our best efforts
consider acting now to thwart it's advance, or it will rule the world very quickly!

Were these the words of a true Prophet there would be calls for celebration throughout the world. The peaceful and just rulership of T'ien Ch'i is surely the undying hope of every man, woman, shambler, markata, bakemo and child of the land.

Were these the words of a false prophet of Pangaea any honorable citizen would question its credibility.

The Celestial Court has sought peace with both the Mictlan and the Ry'leh to no avail and are currently beset on a third front by the Pan. Our "world threatening superpowers" are wielded only in our self defense against intractable enemies.

The Celestial Court has itself received delivery of several casks of Vanheim spirits and nothing of its equal have we ever served. Not even in our humblest commoner inns are the foul grogs and vinegar wines of Pangaea dispensed. Have caution to who is called a threat and think twice before criticizing another's libations.

Good fortune,
The Celestial Court

Aethyr January 3rd, 2009 09:22 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started

Originally Posted by Wokeye (Post 663579)
Someone must have brewed some powerful beer in the Vanheim halls this year!

Where is the bravery, or sense, in declaring war on a kingdom who is joined with allies trying to contain a growing world-threatening superpower? We label Vanheim's actions 'hypocracy' and will eagerly await their mead-sodden troops for our minotaurs to chop into (pre-marinated! Quite handy, really) stew.

Calm yourself fearful one. The Van war leaders can sometimes be harsh in their ctiticism, but this hardly contitutes a declaration of war. Arco's might transcends all public reports, and as we said in our previous missive, they deserve our full attention.

Is is truly war that you wish?

Wokeye January 9th, 2009 04:48 AM

Re: Momentum - EA game - Started
Indeed nature's wrath has been nearly tamed, though we are not defeated until the last naked lustful crazy lady sings!

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