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BigDisAwesome January 30th, 2009 04:05 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)

Revolution January 30th, 2009 04:37 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
Yeah I thought I'd play two nations this game, sorry BigDis.


On a serious note, that's pretty messed up. Hopefully we can get it sorted out.

licker January 30th, 2009 06:23 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
Let's just say...

I've got nothing against a restart...


GrudgeBringer January 30th, 2009 09:59 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
aarrrgghhhhhhhhh All that worry about a bad start, I finally get a good start/NAY, I say a GREAT start and its messed up.

LOL, I knew you guys where just messin with me, go ahead and restart but give me my usual 1 province start so I won't be spoiled.

AreaOfEffect January 30th, 2009 10:19 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
You weren't the only one with a good start. Oh well.

I can't understand why anyone would submit a pretender on someone elses behalf though. Its just so... stupid.

GrudgeBringer January 30th, 2009 11:26 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
Well, there should be a penalty...Maybe 100 gems of my choosing?:p

K January 30th, 2009 11:29 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)

Originally Posted by BigDisAwesome (Post 670738)
Did the game start already? I just finished up my pretender and was about to email in. According to Llamaserver turn 1 is sent out, and somebody else uploaded an Ulm pretender cause that's not me.

What'd I miss?

Ok, so that's super-wierd, and I can't check who the offender is.

I restarted. Ulm needs to submit a Pretender. Everyone else is cool.

Sorry about the trouble guys.

hEad January 31st, 2009 01:29 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
Whilst we are at it, can i upload a new pretender?

Revolution January 31st, 2009 04:02 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)

Originally Posted by hEad (Post 670864)
Whilst we are at it, can i upload a new pretender?

Yes. Yes you can.

Juffos January 31st, 2009 11:37 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
Phew. I hope I will now get a better start than that little 4-province lake.

GrudgeBringer January 31st, 2009 11:52 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
Are we re-uploading pretenders?

I thought they said only Ulm had to do it agian?

I don't want to do it and make us re-restart:confused:

BigDisAwesome January 31st, 2009 02:31 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
I just tryed sending in my pretender, and this is the message I got.

I received a pretender file from you, but unfortunately the game has just filled up. Sorry!

So um...what?

Revolution January 31st, 2009 02:45 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
There is an Ulm in the game page once again so either your pretender did get through or someone else is really insistent on playing your nation.

BigDisAwesome January 31st, 2009 03:32 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
What the crap!? This is getting ridiculous.

I just resent my pretender to double check and got the same message. Someone else is definitely sniping my spot.

K January 31st, 2009 05:34 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
You're right: this is ridiculous.

I'll boot them one more time. After that, I think the only recourse is to send me your Pretender and an email address and I'll boot them and upload it myself, then change the email to your address.

Anyone else have an opinion on this?

BigDisAwesome January 31st, 2009 06:01 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
Finally got in...

This is just to confirm that I've received a pretender file from you for Ulm in the game DarkHeavens, and everything seems to be fine with it.

So...that's my Ulm that's uploaded.

Sorry for all the confusion and junk.

K January 31st, 2009 07:54 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
Cool. Game on!

BigDisAwesome January 31st, 2009 08:18 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Upload Pretenders!)
And I got the first turn mailed to me. Thanks again guys.

hEad February 1st, 2009 01:56 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
And so it begins.....

Juffos February 1st, 2009 05:45 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Maybe someone really should modify the map so that these bad positions are not allowed for starting? A three-province Oceania is not going to make for great competition.

licker February 1st, 2009 10:56 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

Originally Posted by Juffos (Post 671175)
Maybe someone really should modify the map so that these bad positions are not allowed for starting? A three-province Oceania is not going to make for great competition.

I don't think this is a strong map for water nations regardless of start.

Though perhaps at least setting nostarts in the water to help water nations wind up in a bigger pond isn't unreasonable.

GrudgeBringer February 1st, 2009 02:05 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I (of course went from a great start to a terrible start) but my problem isn't that I only have 3 Provinces ( LOL, I had 7 last start), its that I have lands more suited to sauro that Arco...There are no fertile provinces within sight much less any that I can reach. I have 2 Blanks and 1 Forest around my Cap with wastes around them

As I said I can live with 3 provinces, but I would like to be able to have enough income to buy a mage and MAYBE a couple of archers each turn.

I have never played on a random map so maybe I am actually in a 'good' position.

Someone has to get the short end of the stick, but it sounds like there are quite a few that are in trouble from the start.
I have no idea what to suggest so I will just do my whining now and then do my best....

licker February 1st, 2009 06:15 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Yep, with as many nations as we have some will no doubt wind up with a less than ideal situation.

I'm not sure what remedy their is short of not playing on a random map though.

My 2nd start is slightly better than the first, but neither outstanding. I suppose it will all depend on whom my neighbors actually are.

Revolution February 1st, 2009 06:43 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
With random start locations it's impossible to please everyone with as many people as we have; it's unfortunate but you just have to work with what you're given (which is easy for me to say since my start isn't too bad).

Amonchakad February 2nd, 2009 02:34 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Sorry for waiting until Monday evening to post the turn,i was really busy in the last 2 days.
Now everything's back on schedule.

AreaOfEffect February 2nd, 2009 07:26 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I say we kill Amonchakad just to be sure he's not an illithid.

licker February 3rd, 2009 03:41 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I just got notified that I need to be on travel from feb 10th to the 13th and will be unable to put in turns during that time.

I've contacted someone about subbing for me so hopefully there will be no delays to the game. I'll keep you updated with the situation though.


gotchaaa February 4th, 2009 12:15 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Apparently Admin forgot to postpone the turn for me? and i missed crucial turn 2... Can I request a roll-back please?

K February 4th, 2009 03:36 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

Originally Posted by gotchaaa (Post 671980)
Apparently Admin forgot to postpone the turn for me? and i missed crucial turn 2... Can I request a roll-back please?

Crap. Ok, I'll roll back.

gotchaaa February 4th, 2009 04:04 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Thx, K! I love you =)

Revolution February 4th, 2009 06:00 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
You're almost definitely going to want to push back hosting more than that...if this game hosts in 9 hours there are going to be alot of people caught by surprise by the rollback who will stale...which out of fairness would cause another rollback and that's a headache no one wants. I'd probably tack on another 12 hours to get everyone back on track.

AreaOfEffect February 4th, 2009 03:21 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
So... as of the previous night my turn was in and everything was in order. I check today to find not one but three messages about DarkHeavens in my mailbox. Indeed, I was unable to resubmit my turn for turn 2 round 2.

A few weird things happened as a result. First, my army still attacked the province I had targeted on turn 2, however, they used the battle arrangement from turn 3, which was optimized for the foe I was facing in those respective turns. Sure enough, I lost more units this go round then last. Now my expansion is less then what was going to be. This bothers me.

However, that's not the weird thing. Apparently I also managed to obtain extra units that I did not have from the previous version of the turn. I'm up one Auger Elder and one Principle. That said, I should probably not complain about the less the optimal expansion.

None-the-less, roll backs should not be taken lightly and avoided whenever possible. Just a comment for future reference. Also, rollbacks need to be given just as much time as any other turn.

Edit: Other things to note. A side-by-side comparison of the respective graphs for each version of the turn shows that Ulm's income has been decreased substantially while Arcosophale has a dramatic improvement. Arcosophale also has a tremendous increase in units in this version as well. There are other little fluctuations, but those are the most notable.

Torin February 4th, 2009 04:06 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Nagot Gick Fel. :confused:
I received turns 2 & 3. And Im roughly at the same point as yesterday.
(Could have been a good random event to make things more intresting)

licker February 4th, 2009 04:21 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
After a roll back you need to delete all the files in your game folder. Not doing so can lead to some issues with playing your next turn.

Otherwise it sounds like the game glitched somehow.

GrudgeBringer February 4th, 2009 04:46 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
You mentioned Arco's gain in money and men...

I had forgotton on turn 2 to set taxes at 170 while taking my first province...and setting my prophet.

With the rollback I set it at 170 thus the money.

I had a 'Event' happen that said a lot of lowborn soldiers ect ect joined the cause....They where about 30 of the same Inf I start with...so now I am back to being happy with the restart in the first place..sigh

I agree, I just happened to be on the forum when I saw that they wnated to roll it back.

There was no discussion or whether in fact they where going to do it.

This morning before I went to the gym I checked and got a message that it was going to post in 6 hours..I got luckey or I would have staled.

I did NOT delete all the old files which may account for me getting a whole army as an event...(maybe I will get one EVERY turn:p).

We have to have a discussion with a game this big before we just roll back, start over, or attack me:D

just an opinion...:up:

K February 4th, 2009 05:03 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Ok, considering that the roll-back just glitched a bunch of people, I'll assume we don't need a discussion to roll-back again.

Sigh. I have never had so much trouble with a game before.

Revolution February 4th, 2009 05:11 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
this is getting a little silly

BigDisAwesome February 4th, 2009 05:52 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Well I'm guilty of not deleting the all the files. I just overwrote the .trn file. I'll make sure to do it right this time...

Juffos February 4th, 2009 06:38 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Get on with it...

GrudgeBringer February 4th, 2009 08:11 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Arrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh, we are rolling it back agian?

I don't want to seem like i'm complaining TOO much but we restarted when I had an excellent spot to a place where I have no Provinces backed up agianst the water (your right, I knew it was a random map). But I paid my dollar and took my chance...then had to take another chance after I won.

Then I am semi happy with start (although 1 turn behind everyone) and we have a rollback that could have been a stale if I hadn't have been lucky...BUT got some benifits that might put me on even keel.

Now...we need to roll it back agian?

Are you saying that the game is messed up NOW and in the future because some of us just rolled the turn over the old one without deleting the file...OR, its messed up for the rest of the game....OR your not sure.

I don't claim to know a darn thing about the way this works...it is just taxing in a a game this big that you get put behind the 8 ball and wiggle out and then a re-do puts you right back there...twice!!:doh::confused:

GrudgeBringer February 4th, 2009 08:13 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
If we are rolling it back, lets just RE-START or I promise you SOMEONE will not do it right and we will be on turn 3 or 4 for 2 weeks!!

AreaOfEffect February 4th, 2009 08:35 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
GrudgeBringer, I'm sure we can get it right given the turn delay. As much as you want to start over, I'm sure there are some who don't. The same as when the first rollback occurred. You have to understand the position your putting K in. Attempting to make him do something that forces action on his part only places him in a more stressful situation.

I'll tell you what. My position is rather good. I'll float you some money when I have some available.

K, I myself was not calling for a roll back the second time. This is one of those situations were there is no possible way to please everyone and you must understand that. Knowing that this is one of those times means that your damned if you do and damned if you don't. Given all things being equal, my rule-of-thumb is to do the simplest of all possible actions, which in this case is to just leave it be.

One final note. This game can proceed as fast as the last person to submit a turn. If we all make it a point to submit our turns when we can, we can move this right along spite the annoying delays.

K February 4th, 2009 09:30 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
OK, the second roll-back is because the first roll-back basically caused half of the players to stale. That's bad form.

I've mulled it over and I think we should just play on from now. If someone has travel plans or something you should get a temp sub. We have too many players to delay for any one person.

GrudgeBringer February 4th, 2009 10:49 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
K, That IS the one reason to roll it back and I can understand that. If I hadn't got up at 5 AM to go to the gym and decide to check messages in another game and just run by this one...I would have staled also.My ranting has/had nothing to do with the Admin of the game nor directed at anyone personally.It is that the size of the game means you need to get off to a good start...I had a great start and someone HIJACKS the game (twice).I just wanted to whine for a moment as I have NEVER had a start with 7 Provinces around my Capitol.I was trying to play catch up and was doing reasonably well when someone asked for a delay and someone didn't see it and we rolled it back...Lo and BEHOLD, there is a dominions God and he likes me...I get a whole dang army for free and NOW my friends ...be skeeered, be very a skeeered as I can expand comfortably in 2 directions:D.AND THEN...AND THEN, that tricky Dominios God said it was just a dream and took my army from me.:doh:So I (LOL) lobbied (read that...begging) that maybe we should just start over...:eek:So I have had my say and I thank you for the offer of money...but I can't be bought that cheap ( but for 100 Earth Gems... SOLD!!)Good luck all, lets go see what the new start has in store for me THIS time, you never know maybe I have opened the Tartarian Gate!!:p

GrudgeBringer February 4th, 2009 10:51 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
(Sigh) I can't even post correctly, I was previewing and then hit submit and it ran it all together.

I think this is going to be a loooong game for me....

AreaOfEffect February 5th, 2009 11:06 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer (Post 672305)
(Sigh) I can't even post correctly, I was previewing and then hit submit and it ran it all together.

I think this is going to be a loooong game for me....

▼ There is an edit button available for 30 minutes after you post. ▼

GrudgeBringer February 5th, 2009 04:10 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Thank you

Revolution February 5th, 2009 08:09 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Just waiting on Tien Chi and Neifelheim, lets get this game back on track!

hEad February 5th, 2009 11:38 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer (Post 672304)
K, That IS the one reason to roll it back and I can understand that. If I hadn't got up at 5 AM to go to the gym and decide to check messages in another game and just run by this one...I would have staled also.My ranting has/had nothing to do with the Admin of the game nor directed at anyone personally.It is that the size of the game means you need to get off to a good start...I had a great start and someone HIJACKS the game (twice).I just wanted to whine for a moment as I have NEVER had a start with 7 Provinces around my Capitol.I was trying to play catch up and was doing reasonably well when someone asked for a delay and someone didn't see it and we rolled it back...Lo and BEHOLD, there is a dominions God and he likes me...I get a whole dang army for free and NOW my friends ...be skeeered, be very a skeeered as I can expand comfortably in 2 directions:D.AND THEN...AND THEN, that tricky Dominios God said it was just a dream and took my army from me.:doh:So I (LOL) lobbied (read that...begging) that maybe we should just start over...:eek:So I have had my say and I thank you for the offer of money...but I can't be bought that cheap ( but for 100 Earth Gems... SOLD!!)Good luck all, lets go see what the new start has in store for me THIS time, you never know maybe I have opened the Tartarian Gate!!:p

Now this here, is a great example of how to whine properly!:D

I think we can safely say that the stalls and roll backs have been a pain to us all, but i'm sure it'll be all systems go from here. It shouldn't surprise that a game this size may fall foul of the occasional admin error.

It won't be long before we are complaining about a new set of ingame issues - trecherous double crossers for instance... Hang in there Grudgebringer, a game of Dominions is about managing the ups and downs!

Dark Kitty February 8th, 2009 11:04 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

I have to go back home and drop the games I'm in (I can't take my computer). I'm sorry to warn so late (and after having already stalled one or two turns) but something unexpected came up and I forgot a bit about the games I'm in.

There is no password on my pretender, do as you see fit :) (it is possible that I will be available again in a week or so if no sub has been found yet...)

Have fun,

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