![]() |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Also added so people can download the trailer (mp4).
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
This mod seems quite intresting, don't know how it managed to get under my radar. Haven't had the chance to play yet, just skimmed over the manual (which is quite nice, btw). I'll give this mod a whirl sunday and tell how I felt.
Big bonus points for the extraordinally pretty first post. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Added for download (seperatly) 1 Pre-made Pretender;
http://www.imageviper.com/displayima...632/0/Ivan.png Vampire King ------------------------------------------------- Ivan, Warrior Against the Sun, the Watcher of the Gallows, Lord of Terror is a Pretender God trying to banish all other Pretenders and become a true God. The Vampire King is one of the most powerful Pureblood vampires yet to live. The search for godhood has been an obsession for the Vampire King since his audience with The Oracle. With his recent success in gathering all The Vampire Lords as his vassals, he has cleared the first obstacle to achieving godhood. Name: Ivan Magic: 6 Blood Magic, 4 Death Magic, 4 Astral Magic Dominions: 6 Order: 0 Productivity: 1 Cold: 1 Growth: 1 Drain: 2 Awakening: None Point left: 5 Bless Bonus: 100% Afflication chance, +3 strength, +1 Magic Resistance Death Magic Bonus: Expanded Maxage for Pretender Productivity: income +4%, resources +15%, supplies +20%, growth +0.2% Drain: units etc. +1 magic resistance, -2 research An undead immortal regenerating Pretender which each turn Newblooded Vampires will be created. 3 Different Magic paths, Blood, Death and Astral which makes the Pretender a good spellcasters and researcher (16-2(drain)=14) Also with his immortal and regeration abilities he will do good on the battle fields within your own dominions. The Sacred units of his army may not recieve the biggest bless bonus, but should be seen as a little buff. Early game, it will be a good idea to conquer surrounding lands and build temples ASAP. The extra army The Vampire King produces should make it an easy task against independent lands. When that is done, get priests to blood hunt and sacrifices, while your necromancers do most of the research. The main focus of the research should be Blood Magic (horrors) and access to more powerful vampire summoning. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
A new updated Nosophoros Unit Chart New Shadow Dragon Banner I have begun on the new Mod: Nosophoros: Pavor Nocturnus. It will be compatible with this one and will be Nosophoros Early Age. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
I'm tryin to put this mod into warhammer universe, by combining it with "WarhammerSix" combination. I tried to manually change nation number of Nosophorus, then tried automagic combination via "combinemods" perl script.
The game either does not start, or crashes when my prophet tries to use the nosophorus divine magic Has anyone successfully merged the mod with some great mod such as Warhammer nations, magic site mod, conceptual balance? |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
I haven't. There's some huge modifications in Nosophoros regarding the special Vampire Divination Magic. It had to be done that way to make it work (workaround the limitation of mod commands). This could make troubles and may only be solved by changing the mod(s) manually.
Nosophoros does work if you run it alone? |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
If you are talking about rituals that have holy as mainpath, those have not beenworking since version 3.21. Casting one will always crash the game.
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
To Thilock_Dominus: yes, the mod is working alone. And also working with conceptual balance mod:
./combineMods 2 CBcomplete_1.6.dm Nosophoros.dm result I played 30 turns with no visible problem, except for the following: Some undeads automagically created on the battlefield by black rose guards killing opponenets disappear. Latest battle report says undead beings 81, killed -33 but i only got extra 15, and total 110 (instead of 81+33=114). And sometimes the mismatch is more. Is this a bug or feature? |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
The undead (souless) that is made by Black Rose kills should disappear (most of them) after the battle. But they count as killed when the battle is over. It's feature (or rather a game mechanism) ;)
Note that Dark Summoner's Demonic Blood Spear and Vampire Beast bite (not its claw) do the same. As well if the soulless makes a kill will raise another soulless. But the soulless are pretty weak to say at least. You can check the nosophoros wiki (far from finished yet) for more unit features: http://dom3.servegame.com/wiki/Nosophoros |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
It's a change in the mod. :)
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
oh, i liked thoes 40 free points :(
magic 2 then is research +2? |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Yes but -1 in Magic Resistance. But not advisable while playing undead. They need all MR they can get or it could turn very very ugly.
Death magic can easily make items which boost research points so it shouldn't be a problem. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Yeah, yeah i just don't like drain.
The description sounds so depressing... |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
I tried this nation out. Intresting mechanics and nice backstory, it really shows that you have put up a lot effort into this. However, some nitpicks (especially on the balance department). As this mod stands now, I really wouldn't allow it for a MP game (however, I don't know if you care about that or not).
I'll start with a typo report on the nation description; "Vampires likes cold" -> "Vampires like cold" And some thematic stuff: - The necromancers are odd. Why do they have forge bonus? I know that they are absolutely fantastic in supplying your Dark Summoner SC's (more about that later) with items, but I can't see the thematic justification behind it. I can kind of see why they'd have researchbonus (communing with spirits and all that) but it'd probably help to mention the reasoning in the description. Also the last line in the description "Hobby: Skull Bowling" is a real oddity. Is it a joke (if it is, I really don't know if it is really that thematical)? I'd guess that it is meant to be in a coherent sentence like "Necromancers are shunned because of their wierd practices and take up odd hobbies, like skull bowling". - Why do Dark Mystics have healing? It's (IMHO) unthematic and not really useful, since you can't heal undead afflitions with regular healers. It's just unneccesary ability clutter. - Dark Summoners are really good. Having a recruitable SC chassis is really powerful (especially for a MA nation) and your necromancers can easily feed them with many SC items. They really only need a "Girdle of Might" and some buffs to start SC'ing because of their natural regen and fear. I'd suggest that you nerf their combat stats a bit. Judging from the description, they are supposed to be mages, not front-line fighters. - The Vampire King pretender is really really good. Compare it to Lich, which is quite good already. Vampire King is + Cheaper by 35 points! + Regenerates + Flies + Has a "Life Drain" attack + Has good summons + Higher att + def + Better starting paths - The only negative is his lack of protection (but your necromancers can fix that easily) I'm a strong advocate for national pretenders being a tad stronger than normal but too much is too much, since I really can't see a reason to ever select anything else but him. I'd suggest bumping his price a bit. I was able to afford him with D5B4 dom9 (fear + awe) and still manage pretty good scales. He can summon his very nice summons for the starting turns until you alchemize gems for a Black Steel Plate and go to town with him on turn 4. I'm sorry if I sound a bit rash, but these things really stood out for me. Overall the nation is pretty fun to play. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Thilock_Dominus: I was thinking today that, considering how professional looking your OP is, the only things this Mod seems to lack are "concept art" (as in, detailed drawings of what the sprites are intended to represent), and a soundtrack/mixtape (violin music?).
Also, I was wondering why the Vamp Nobles get Fire on their greatswords? Cold would seem more appropriate (these guys seem to be somewhat cold-oriented), unless the Nobles are intended to be killing their own. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Imho, fire on noble sword is a good idea, thematicaly wise
1)fire, in a cold land, means you have to power to defeat nature 2)fire is one of the best way to kill vampires actually point 2 tell me maybe they should have some fire protection item as standard |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
The mod itself is meant for single player style with Aggressive Impossible AIs (and with CBM (haven't tested compatibility yet)). I have always been more a RPG player than Strategy player which might be the issue to make a MP balanced nation. Quote:
The Skull bowling was a joke :P. It will be removed. Quote:
Also in the next update: Changelog 1.01 Code:
--- CHANGES --- |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Yep, it need that ^_^ Quote:
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
New Patch (1.01)
• The Nosophoros GUI for Dominions 3 have been greatly improved (screenshots updated in that event). • A new Nosophoros Icon are made (can been found in the first post). • Ivan the Vampire King (premade pretender) have been reworked to fit the new changes in v.1.01 Biggest changes in this patch is that the Vampire King and Dark Summoner have been balanced (in hope that the mod will be used for MP purpose). The Necromancer and Shadow Necromancer (Hero) have been reworked for that matter. Also Nosophoros: The Vampire Lords Wiki site is almost complete. You can find every bit of information, everything from unit stats to weapon stats etc. http://dom3.servegame.com/wiki/Nosop..._Vampire_Lords Changelog 1.01 --- CHANGES --- • Nosophoros GUI Updated • Blood Gift changed to: A Vampire's Instinct. • Power of Blood changed to: The Scents of Blood. • Greater Power of Blood changed to: Blood of Kings. • Removed "ambidextrous" from Ancient Vampire Lord. • Removed "ambidextrous" from Vampire Lord. • Removed "ambidextrous" from Black Rose Lord. • Removed "ambidextrous" from Black Rose Guard. • Removed "ambidextrous" from Pureblood Vampire. • Removed "Standard" from The Chosen One. • Removed "Standard" from The Chosen One - Wolf form. • Ancient Vampire Lord: Dark Power 2 ---> 3 • Ancient Vampire Lord: Random Magic 3 ---> 4 • Ancient Vampire Lord: Removed Standard. • Vampire Lord (Hero): Removed "ambidextrous". • Child of the Night Wolf Shape: Morale 12 ---> 8 • Snow Demon Wolf: Defense 14 ---> 10 • Snow Demon Wolf: Morale 30 ---> 20 • Necromancer: 2 earth ---> 2 astral. • Necromancer: Change in unit description. • Necromancer: Forge bonus removed. • Necromancer: Darkvision 25 ---> 50 • Shadow Necromancer: 1 astral ---> 2 astral • Shadow Necromancer: 3 earth ---> 3 random • Shadow Necromancer: Darkvision 50 ---> 75 • Shadow Necromancer: One Shade will join each month. • Mystic: Healer ability removed. • Dark Mystic: Healer ability removed. • The Judge: Healer ability removed. • Dark Summoner: HP. 25 ---> HP. 20 • Dark Summoner: Def. 12 ---> Def 8 • Dark Summoner: Att. 12 ---> Def 10 • Dark Summoner: Str. 14 ---> Str 12 • Vampire King: cost 75 ---> 100 • Vampire King: Path cost 40 ---> 60 • The Chosen One - Wolf Shape: -4 in all Magic Path ---> -2 • Soulless Bite: -2 Damage ---> 1 • Soulless Bite: -1 Attack ---> 1 --- FIXES --- • The Oracle (hero) was not enabled in Nation hero list. • Night Blessing desription changed. • Soulless bite doesn't affect mindless beings. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Heya Thilock. Just thought I'd note that your preview image appears to be the thumbnail only -- I was trying to find a preview image to put in my little archive of Dom3 mods and couldn't get it to come up full-sized. So, dinking with the URL, I found the real one, if you want to update it on the OP:
www.imageviper.com/displayimage/146634/0/Nosophoros.jpg (The one you have up is image # 146633. I just tried incrementing it up by one and lucked out. Apparently, the following filename doesn't matter to this image host as long as it's present in the URL. Also, as a side note, your other in-game screenshots suffer from the same problem, but I didn't hunt down the full-size images as they were available on your wiki page.) Cheers, and I look forward to trying it out when I get the chance. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
I noticed something strange when playing this mod. So, I took a w9 bless for the black rose order and setup 2 armies for expansion. The first is commanded by a prophetized black rose lord + 15 black rose guards + 30 children of the night. The second is commanded by a dark mystic and a skeleton commander and consists of 15 black rose guards and a few skeleton guards.
Now lo and behold the first army does alright expanding, however the 2nd army also gets free soulless every time the battle ends (supposedly from the vampiric great sword fatalities). Is that a bug, a mod conflict or WAD?- If WAD why only in 2nd army? |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Ok, I tried it.
Expressions: 0. Perfect graphics, content, etc.. looks like A LOT of time and passion was invested. Thanks. 1. I expected more from ancient vampire lord - as a mage he just repeats regular dark summoners, as a thug he has too mall amount of HP. I'm not sure I would research Blood 9 to get him. 2. all national summons are not so powerful as expected... standard vampire commander is better then in this race. That's strange. 3. Black rose lord..perfect idea. But it took all provinces on it's way...I can imagine how he works with soul vortex..i don't know if yuo can do it in all castles, but if yes - it's overkill. 4. dark summoners.. not sacred, so expensive in support. 5. Mystics.. why 110 gold? Should be 80 or even 60.Nobody really needs their priest 1 level which makes him more expensive probably. 6. shadow dragon is way overpowered. He killed all armies he has met, without any casting. With soul vortex would be unstoppable. 5. The chosen one.. his awe will not work against most units he will meet at the stage of the game he was summoned.AWE is cool for expansion. Later he is just ok, compare it with Kailasa sacreds. He will be killed immidiately even in melee. Not mentioning arrows.And he has very strange paths. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Thanks for the input.
@Globu I'll fix this. @Wraithlord It's a ingame bug in Dominions 3. The soulless should die. @militarist A completely balance is nearly impossible. Some people think the the units are underpowered and others overpowered - it depends how your playstyle is I guess. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Version 1.02 is released!!!
--- NEW --- • Tested with Dominions 3 version 3.27 • The Manual redone. • Chart of Units • New Gui (Grey Gui), replaces the old Nosophoros gui. --- Changes --- • Mystic: gold cost reduced from 110 to 90 • Dark Mystic: gold costed reduced from 220 to 200 • Ancient Vampire Lord: HP increased 22 to 28 • Ancient Vampire Lord: Death Magic increased from 4 to 5 • Ancient Vampire Lord: Regeration increased from 10 to 20 • The Choosen One: New ability; Ethereal • Dark Summoner: gold cost increased from 425 to 430 • Dark Summoner: Resources increased from 5 to 8 • Dark Summoner: Strength increased from 12 to 14 • Dark Summoner: Attack increased from 10 to 12 • Dark Summoner: Defense increased from 8 to 12 • Banner changed. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Thanks, I look forward to giving this a bash.
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
I've got just nosophoros and CBM running right now, and pureblood vampire summons are armed with just fists. This seems to be very wrong according to the .dm file. What are they supposed to have for weapons?
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
http://dom3.servegame.com/wiki/Nosop...eblood_Vampire You may run into some oddness as nosophoros and CBM is not compatible. Well you could try enable CBM first and then Nosophoros afterwards and see if it helps. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Ah yes, that would explain things :P
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
But if people reporting back where they find oddness and strange things, the easier it would be making the compatible version of Nosophoros. |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Hi, recently downloaded your mod, its great for the most part, just one thing really that I am having a problem with
Vampire purebloods (Blood Call)are supposed to be armed with Vampiric swords and drain, however they are armed only with fists, even with no other mods running, what makes this wierder is the fact that The Baroness is armed with a vampiric sword just fine. The Blood contract summon: Vampire lord is also only armed with just a fist Any idea what could be causing these problems? Thanks for an otherwise great mod, its just awkward making purebloods viable to summon when fists are useless (the commander is less of a problem, I can just give him a magic weapon) |
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Quick addition: I have checked through the .dm file and all the numbers for the weapons match up, I cannot for the life of me see where the problem is. hence me asking here.
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Are you running the latest dom3 patch?
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
thats 3.27 right? if so, yes I am. If not, I am a dumbass for not realising I needed to update
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
Yeah 3.27 is the latest, I'm not sure what your problem is then.
Re: Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords
I am playing Dom 3 after a few years. Just got the urge. This may be a dumb question.
Can this be used with the CBM Mod also? Or would multiple mods conflict??? |
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