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chrispedersen February 3rd, 2009 05:03 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

I believe the three pretenders mentioned were all seriously underpowered. I compared them versus more than 20 other pretenders.

In the modifications I tried to err on the side of underpowering. But I still like the theme and flavor.

There are a few more I'd like to do in the next revision (not for this game). So feed back or requests always welcome.

Incabulos February 3rd, 2009 05:07 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
just to be clear I should use 1.44 for my pretender right? The server says the mod is called something else.

( chrispedersenCBM or something similar :D )

erios February 3rd, 2009 06:54 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Hello I m palymg Bogarus in game, but Huston I have a problem, I installed Ccbm 144 mod, i enable it, but weny i try to play fist tern, i get a "need to be installed", could be caused by pretender created without the mod?If possible to restart game please...:smirk:

bye Erios

Zeldor February 3rd, 2009 06:58 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Nah, you downloaded good mod, but you need to rename the file to what it asks you in the game.

Incabulos February 3rd, 2009 07:18 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
ahah! thank you.

Incabulos February 3rd, 2009 07:44 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
hmm went to submit my opretender but see the game has started. I delayed because of the confusion over what CBM etc..

Ah well there are plenty of other games starting. Good luck and have fun :)

chrispedersen February 3rd, 2009 09:06 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Hold on a moment incabulus...

The game automatically starts when it gets the requisite number of pretenders...

But I have no problem restarting the game; everyone that asked to be in the game should have a spot.

Zeldor February 3rd, 2009 09:07 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
But we have 11 players signed and 11 players in the game?

chrispedersen February 3rd, 2009 09:12 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Ok... I understand what happened... erios..(who wasn't signed up) submitted a pretender for bogarus, bumping incabulus.

Erios, I presume you're new. As a new player, we welcome you to the dominions world; however, you have to be one of the players signed up for a game, you can't just jump in and submit a pretender.

That being said, I would have to restart the game for Incabulous anyway. So what I propose to do is change the map to Wotg - which allows for 12 starting positions.
That way erios can play as well as Incabulous.

So Incab - give me a few minutes to reset the game, and try to get your pretender in ASAP. We'll start the game tonight!

Revolution February 3rd, 2009 09:12 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Had a similar thing happen in the game Darkhavens which just got underway where a mystery someone submitted a pretender for Ulm before the actual ulm player submitted his, and even submitted his first turn. We restarted the game and the mystery person submitted another pretender for Ulm (but this time we found out before the game started and got things sorted out).

that and this happening so soon together


chrispedersen February 3rd, 2009 09:36 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Incab - submit a pretender, but everyone wait on downloading the map, as I'm having troubles changing it.

By the way, these are Zeldor's maps - so the rule is we have to kill him first =).

Zeldor February 3rd, 2009 09:44 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Huh, I forgot to release a fixed version with 3 wrong terrain types and 2 wrong neighbours [1 missing, 1 not present]. And for 12 players you need either Cave Maze or Gold Rush version. With Team Arena some valleys can be empty and some can have 2 players.

Let me fix it fast and upload it on llamaserver.

P.S. I'd suggest difficult research for just 12 players on it.

Edit: Added 1.3 of both Cave Maze and Gold Rush.

chrispedersen February 3rd, 2009 09:47 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Yes, Zel, I was planning on cave maze. I'm having problems fixing it on llama. Absent a compelling reason however, I'm loathe to put it on difficult research.

BLeh: I just realized Zel, that you still have 387 provinces on this map ( I thought you had cut down provinces). Which turns into a looong game.

If I recall Glory was fixed on the llama server - and is has 227 provinces. So, if I can get llamaserver to cooperate .. I'll head to that...

Incabulos February 3rd, 2009 10:14 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
just got home and got your PM will post pretender very shortly.

Incabulos February 3rd, 2009 11:12 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Pretender Submitted

chrispedersen February 3rd, 2009 11:30 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

After looking at a *lot* of maps, I chose shahrivar. I have no personal experience with this map, but Sombre redid it and he does great work - so I'm hopeful. It is slightly small - 180 provinces, 168 land and 12 water. There are some preworked magic sites I know nothing about.

If this map is unacceptable, we will use glory, with the corrected starting positions. I wished to avoid doing that as I originally promised no water.

I've restarted the game. Please be sure to *delete* your old game folder. We don't need headaches with corrupted game files.

Good luck to all.

Incabulos February 3rd, 2009 11:35 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
does it take a few mintues to show up in the running games column? (crosses fingers)

chrispedersen February 3rd, 2009 11:36 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
yes it does. I'm puzzled.. it doesn't show in either awaiting or running...

Incabulos February 3rd, 2009 11:42 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Sorry, this isn't a real game. Have you been messing with my URL?

Something similar happened in another game and I think Llama had to do something to fix it.

Zapmeister February 4th, 2009 04:21 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
With the attached mod installed, I get an error like "need mod cCBM1.44 installed" when I try to play the first turn. Help?

Zeldor February 4th, 2009 04:22 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Yeah, it did happen to me once. Llamabeast has to fix it manually.

erios February 4th, 2009 04:31 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Sorry for incovenience, yes i'm new, to used play whit my friends, I'd like to play whit cealum or bogarus, but over faction are fine.
bye Erios

Alpine Joe February 4th, 2009 12:39 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by Zapmeister (Post 672027)
With the attached mod installed, I get an error like "need mod cCBM1.44 installed" when I try to play the first turn. Help?

I have this same thing happening. I have downloaded the mod in the OP and it worked fine to create a pretender.

Zeldor February 4th, 2009 12:48 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
I said it before - you just need to rename the one you downloaded here. It's unofficial version of CBM, so llamabeast renamed it to avoid confusion.

chrispedersen February 4th, 2009 12:57 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Thanks for the help Zeldor, but the correct answer is:


Per the previous posts, we restarted the game to let Incabulous in (who was signed up to play). The game crashed on the restart, we are waiting for llama to fix.

B: DELETE your old game folder and files, or we may have corrupted file errors, when we do get started.

C: If you are creating your pretender locally, either the version located here, or the version on the lamaserver will work to create the pretender.

However, llamabeast renamed the version on the server; you will have to rename *your* copy of the mod. When you start the game it will tell you something like...

Mod "X Y Z" needs to be enabled.

Rename the mod you have to "X Y Z" paying attention to spaces. All will be fine.

Hey I'm sorry for the glitches - erios jumping in at the last moment was... unexpected at the least.

llamabeast February 4th, 2009 01:21 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
A-fixing I shall come, this evening.

Now it is cooking time for llamas!

chrispedersen February 4th, 2009 02:42 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
who would want to cook a llama? That does not sound good at all = ).

Ballbarian February 4th, 2009 03:29 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
mmmmm llama burgers. :p

erios February 4th, 2009 03:34 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
I rename mod.
I'm soory for truoble, I wait your confirm to play.


Incabulos February 4th, 2009 03:34 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

erios February 4th, 2009 03:38 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

erios February 4th, 2009 05:46 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
I to play in Crismon2 whit Patale (Erios), Is O.K?

Bye Erios

erios February 4th, 2009 05:53 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
O.k My pretender is Ready people Patala(Pretoria).

Bye Erios

Incabulos February 4th, 2009 06:09 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
[takes foot out of mouth]

Welcome to the game and the DOM3 MP community Erios :)

chrispedersen February 4th, 2009 07:09 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by erios (Post 672240)
O.k My pretender is Ready people Patala(Pretoria).

Bye Erios

Hey Guys,

I am going to spare llama the work and ask everyone to resubmit their pretenders to CRIMSON2.

However, erios, you may *not* choose patala. The map in question has water provinces, and patala would have preferential access to those provinces.

The way sign ups work erios, is that people have already asked for certain nations - and the game administrator - which is a thankless task (done by yours truly in this instance) sets the game rules.

In this case, because we could not get two water nations, land only nations were to be chosen. So choose a *land* nation not already chosen by someone (see first post).

Best to all,


Zeldor February 5th, 2009 05:17 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
I think it's better to get it fixed by llama. The game may vanish again [it happened in Preponderance].

erios February 5th, 2009 08:46 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
O.k thanks for welcome.I choose Bogarus(Pretoria)is O.k?.

chrispedersen February 5th, 2009 11:46 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 672339)
I think it's better to get it fixed by llama. The game may vanish again [it happened in Preponderance].

I agree its better, I just don't seem to be able to accomplish it....

Incabulos February 5th, 2009 02:24 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
The game seems to be gone again :/

llamabeast February 5th, 2009 02:42 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Sometimes llamas are very slow, I'm afraid. It's mostly caused by PhD theses and job hunting (and procrastination). However, I should be able to revive Crimson in a moment...

llamabeast February 5th, 2009 02:48 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Okay, so the problem was with the map - "Shahrivar Som.tga" has a space in it, and it seems dominions can't cope with that, at least on Linux. So I had to rename it. You'll all need to rename your map image "Shahrivar Som.tga" to "ShahrivarSom.tga".

Anyway, you should just have got your first turn. Sorry to keep you waiting.

Incabulos February 5th, 2009 02:48 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Thank you for all your efforts with the server.

chrispedersen February 5th, 2009 03:50 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by llamabeast (Post 672434)
Sometimes llamas are very slow, I'm afraid. It's mostly caused by PhD theses and job hunting (and procrastination). However, I should be able to revive Crimson in a moment...

We weren't complaining llama. I appreciate all the time you put into it.

Alpine Joe February 5th, 2009 04:34 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Wait, where do i get shahrivarsom.tga? Is it the one on llamaserver map/mod browser, because that one looks too small?

Quitti February 5th, 2009 10:38 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Well, since chrispedersen has not provided us with a link to the map, I did some digging and:
I presume this contains it. I'll be submitting my turn tomorrow if this in fact contains the map we're playing.

chrispedersen February 5th, 2009 10:52 PM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 672583)
Well, since chrispedersen has not provided us with a link to the map, I did some digging and:
I presume this contains it. I'll be submitting my turn tomorrow if this in fact contains the map we're playing.


A few details. The map was available for download while pretenders were being submitted. Standard procedure is to download maps and mods at that time.

Now, some people may not have had the opportunity, due to the unforseen circumstance of e- joining the game. The reason *I* haven't posted a link, is because I am trying to ascertain from llama is which version of Sombre's map is he using. One of them does not allow independent recruits. Obviously, that is not the one we want.

However, until I have correct information, I am not going to post it.

I also ask you to remember qio, that I am a *volunteer* - it is not my job to setup games. The volunteers setup games, in the hopes of having fun with a good group of people. And it is equaly incumbent on ALL of us to try to make this an enjoyable experience for every one.

Thank you for posting the link.

Good game to all


Zapmeister February 6th, 2009 02:43 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
But note that qio and Quitti are different people

chrispedersen February 6th, 2009 02:58 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
My apologies to both =)

llamabeast February 6th, 2009 05:14 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
The map used is "Shahrivar Som.map". Independents are recruitable.

llamabeast February 6th, 2009 05:17 AM

Re: Crimson Skies - New Game
Comparison of the admin page for Crimson Skies and the Map and Mod browser would have given you that information by the way.

Also everyone, note that the admin page for games gives links to maps/mods. I realise this is unclear. At some point I'll split the admin page into a page for players (with staling data and admin log as well as that information), and a proper admin page. For the moment, you should nose around the admin page.

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