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Starshine_Monarch February 9th, 2009 10:57 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Still Recruiting! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

Originally Posted by DryaUnda (Post 673295)
I'd like to be EA Abysia.

Is this PBEM?

Sort of. This game is played through Llamaserver. PM pretty much anyone here and they'll tell you everything you really need to know about it.

Now that we have 15 players, I'm actually more inclined to start now using Asia Twist as JimMorrison suggested. Recruiting is now closed, game will be created shortly.

Starshine_Monarch February 9th, 2009 11:44 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Upload Pretenders! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Since we haven't gotten hardly any OKs for ChrisPederson's version of CBM, we will just go with CBM 1.4.

Alpine Joe February 9th, 2009 01:01 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Upload Pretenders! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Well I think we should use chrispederson's version. It makes three pretenders playable who aren't and I personally like his new freak lord, something you'd never hear someone say in regular CBM.

jimkehn February 9th, 2009 01:27 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Upload Pretenders! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Not gonna be in the game guys. Sorry.

Starshine_Monarch February 9th, 2009 04:19 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Upload Pretenders! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Well we haven't gone past the point of no return yet. Plenty of time to change.

Once again, especially to those who signed up after the first announcement of this:

If you want to use ChrisPederson's version of CBM, please say so! It's almost like everyone ignored me the first time I said it, so I'll PM this to all current players.

The mod can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yFUt...layer_embedded

Changes are listed in the Readme. Look it over and decide if you want it or not.

Incabulos February 9th, 2009 04:21 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Still Recruiting! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I hav eno preference either way :) as long as it is CBM of some sort.

Meglobob February 9th, 2009 04:30 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Still Recruiting! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

Originally Posted by Incabulos (Post 673422)
I hav eno preference either way :) as long as it is CBM of some sort.

Same here.

We are not ignoring you, just happy with whatever you want to do.:)

Having said that, the above link takes me to a video not a mod.

Incabulos February 9th, 2009 05:04 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Still Recruiting! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 673423)

Originally Posted by Incabulos (Post 673422)
I hav eno preference either way :) as long as it is CBM of some sort.

Same here.

We are not ignoring you, just happy with whatever you want to do.:)

Having said that, the above link takes me to a video not a mod.

Heh I thought the RickRoll had returned.

JimMorrison February 9th, 2009 05:37 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Still Recruiting! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
The 1.41 post doesn't list what "minor" changes were made, I thought it was mostly typos, and a few tweaks to the Bogarus units.

Personally, I have the official 1.41 here, and I would suggest that we just use that. The -ONLY- problem with it is the Blindlords with A8, and we are not playing with LA Agartha in this game, so moot point.

If people are terribly bothered by the thought of having that mod just for this game, then bleh, I don't know what to tell you. :p In that case I would vote for original 1.4 release, QM states that it solves many of the problems from 1.3 and I've played a LOT of turns in 1.3, and noticed few if any real problems, so 1.4 must be awesome. :happy:

Starshine_Monarch February 9th, 2009 06:25 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Still Recruiting! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 673423)

Originally Posted by Incabulos (Post 673422)
I hav eno preference either way :) as long as it is CBM of some sort.

Same here.

We are not ignoring you, just happy with whatever you want to do.:)

Having said that, the above link takes me to a video not a mod.

:doh: I don't know how that link got there, I'll have it fixed in a jiffy.

Edit: Okay, this is the for reals link to the Modified CBM in case any of you want to look it over.

Readme is rather short so I'll post that here:

1.44 Changes (Not official mod, based on QM's great 1.41 CBM mod).

A. Freak Lord updated. Added 1 blood path, second shape, blood vengeance. Weapons need to be tweaked.
B. Scorpion Updated. Better thug chassis.
C. Skratti Pretender. Increased blood path. Added douse bonus.
D. Fixed Black Bull.
E. Fixed Agartha Blind Fighter
F. Hoburg priest costs reduced in line with other hoburg reductions.
G. Divine Emperor, reduces chance of bad luck. Awe. Still not competitive.
H. Wolves add a pb+1. As it was they were less effective at patrolling that humans.
I. Summon Umbral reduced to Conj 6
J. Blood Henge druids dousing bonus toned down slightly.
K. Succubus given an incubus form.

JimMorrison February 9th, 2009 07:10 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Still Recruiting! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

Originally Posted by Starshine_Monarch (Post 673456)
1.44 Changes (Not official mod, based on QM's great 1.41 CBM mod).

A. Freak Lord updated. Added 1 blood path, second shape, blood vengeance. Weapons need to be tweaked.
B. Scorpion Updated. Better thug chassis.
C. Skratti Pretender. Increased blood path. Added douse bonus.
D. Fixed Black Bull.
E. Fixed Agartha Blind Fighter
F. Hoburg priest costs reduced in line with other hoburg reductions.
G. Divine Emperor, reduces chance of bad luck. Awe. Still not competitive.
H. Wolves add a pb+1. As it was they were less effective at patrolling that humans.
I. Summon Umbral reduced to Conj 6
J. Blood Henge druids dousing bonus toned down slightly.
K. Succubus given an incubus form.

< shrug > Sign me up? :happy:

Starshine_Monarch February 9th, 2009 09:04 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Still Recruiting! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

Does this link work? This is the for reals for reals link to the Chrispederson CBM for those that don't have it. Law of Averages says I have to post this correctly eventually.

AlgaeNymph February 9th, 2009 10:24 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Upload Pretenders! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

Originally Posted by Starshine_Monarch (Post 673421)
If you want to use ChrisPederson's version of CBM, please say so!

Yes, I'd like to.

rtyffg February 10th, 2009 12:43 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Still Recruiting! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I'd agree to edited CBM.

Dragar February 10th, 2009 12:47 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Still Recruiting! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

P3D February 10th, 2009 03:50 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Still Recruiting! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
CBM 1.41, just to have a different opinion :P

Stretch February 10th, 2009 04:34 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Still Recruiting! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I'd like to play LA Jotunheim if there's still time to get in!

Starshine_Monarch February 10th, 2009 06:57 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Recruiting Closed! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
You're just in time, Stretch, and with that, recruiting is finally closed. All may now upload pretenders created with chrispederson's cCBM 1.44 mod. The mod is now linked in the Opening Post. (And yes, it's the actual, working link this time.)

Scarlioni February 10th, 2009 08:15 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Recruiting Closed! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Will do my bestest to upload my pretender later tonight.

Scarlioni February 10th, 2009 08:17 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Recruiting Closed! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I wouldn't object if someone posted idiot proof step by step inscructions on how it's done!

Starshine_Monarch February 10th, 2009 11:37 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Recruiting Closed! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
There's no such thing as idiot proof anymore. Idiots tend to adapt after several generations, sort of like cockroaches. However, I will do my best to make sure you newbies know what you're doing.

Step 1: Activate the mods we are using and create a pretender god for your nation.

Step 2: You remember where you installed the Dominions 3 folder right? Go in there and find a folder called "savedgames". Inside that folder is another folder called "newlords". Look for the era and nation name of your nation in the filename of the .2h files in the folder. If there are multiple files for the same nation and era, the highest numbered one is the latest pretender created, and probably the one you want (for example late_mictlan_0.2h).

Step 3: Attach this file to an e-mail and send it to pretenders@llamaserver.net. Make sure you include the game's name, (Betelgeuse, in case you forgot :p).

Step 4: There is no step 4. You're done. In case you want to change your pretender before the game actually starts, you can create another and send it to Llamaserver the same way you did the first. Llamaserver will replace your old pretender with the revised one.

Scarlioni February 11th, 2009 03:57 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Recruiting Closed! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

pyg February 11th, 2009 10:01 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Recruiting Closed! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I don't mean to be a pain, but can I switch to LA Gath? I'm already tired of Midgard although I hadn't played it much before I signed up.

Starshine_Monarch February 11th, 2009 11:02 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Recruiting Closed! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Not a problem Pyg. If anyone else wants to make a last minute change in nation, please let me know. I've disabled automatic start just in case this question should arise.

erios February 12th, 2009 10:06 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Recruiting Closed! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Bye my name is Erios, Can play whit Pythium MA, sorry for time...


erios February 12th, 2009 10:31 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Recruiting Closed! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I reeding only now,play only peaple whit blood...

Bye Erios

Incabulos February 12th, 2009 10:15 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Recruiting Closed! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
will upload my pretender shortly.

Incabulos February 12th, 2009 11:12 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Recruiting Closed! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
uploaded... let's get ready to ruuuuuumble

Starshine_Monarch February 13th, 2009 10:06 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Recruiting Closed! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Alrighty, everyone's in, let's begin.


Incabulos February 13th, 2009 10:33 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
doesn't look like it auto started

chrispedersen February 13th, 2009 12:06 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Starshine turned auto start off a few posts ago.. I thik he needs to remember to start the game.

Incabulos February 13th, 2009 12:09 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I checked in the settings and now it is set to start when all pretenders are in. But maybe since he set that up after they allw ere in it won't auto start since it won't get the triggering last pretender uploaded.

I will resend my pretender and see if that triggers it to autostart.

Edit: Didn't trigger autostart (which is now enabled)

Starshine_Monarch February 13th, 2009 12:38 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I did turn off Autostart, but I most certainly set the game to begin right after I posted last time. I figured it just took a little while to work.

Anyway, I did "Start Game Now" again just now, we'll see if that works.

Incabulos February 13th, 2009 02:05 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I think it might have something to do with single age.

I think you should set that as an option on llamaserver rather than as a mod or something similar to that at any rate.

JimMorrison February 13th, 2009 04:42 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
That would be a weird inconsistency, but at this point, it's sort of moot. Just PM Llama and ask him to do a manual start. I feel bad, he's got a lot on his plate right now, but it only takes but a moment, I am sure he's got other people making much larger requests, some of them with much less need, but more urgency. ;)

Starshine_Monarch February 13th, 2009 07:28 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I'd like to see if I can at least get this working myself first, that way we won't need to bug him unless it's necessary. There seemed to be two different versions of Chrispederson's CBM mod there, and I wonder if I just picked the wrong one. I changed it to the other one and did another manual start. Let's see if this one works.

chrispedersen February 13th, 2009 07:36 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
The version to use is the last one on the list - the first one also works - the second one merely fixes a description error.

Incabulos February 13th, 2009 07:55 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Yeah I think it is more to do with how you make the game all ages. I know one version of all ages does not work with llama, another does and also llama has the option to select all ages as a game setting rather than as a mod.

JimMorrison February 14th, 2009 02:27 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Well, I just looked, and:

Game: Betelgeuse
Multiple Age, max 15 players
Players so far: 15

Map: Asia Twist
Mods: Single Age Mod, Streamers & Standards, chrispedersen version of CBM

The first one, indicates that "Single Age" was selected as a game option. The second, indicates that Single Age Mod was selected in the mod options.

In my experience, the files are in fact identical, and interchangeable (other than slight filename difference), -however- if both are selected, the game tends to not want to start, just like this. :(

Starshine_Monarch February 14th, 2009 11:05 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
The Single Age Mod wasn't even in the mod options, so I just set it as Multi-age in the game settings.

llamabeast February 14th, 2009 12:14 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Er, so, there's a parameter for games which haven't started yet, which gives a time (in seconds since the start of 1970!) before which the game's not allowed to start. It's not a feature that's actually used though, so it's always set to zero. Somehow for this game it was set to 1234567804! Which is very odd and mysterious, and we may never know why.

Anyway, I changed it to zero, and the game's just started.

Also there used to be confusion with a choice between a "Multi" age game (which works) and choosing the single age mod manually (which doesn't). I've removed the mod from the list now though, to remove that confusion (it was user-uploaded in the first place).

klagrok February 14th, 2009 02:12 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Ok---Single Age worked fine for Timewarp--but cant seem to get it to work here. Keeps wanting the SingleAgeComplete.dm file. Had Timewarp running on "Single Age" folder with 'Single Age mod.dm" file in the folder and in the MOD section. Now every time I try to get this game to run get the same fricking message. Followed the 'rules' at the beginning of this thread, even though I already had it set up as such. HALP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh even redownloaded on some off chance MOD was modified. Same dates for the files so assuming that isnt the reason. Looks like time to head back to school..... :p

rdonj February 14th, 2009 02:24 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
If you created your pretender with the other mod running, I think you'll have to have that mod in order to play the game.

It might be best to close this game and re-submit pretenders using only the proper mod to make sure everything runs smoothly.

klagrok February 14th, 2009 02:25 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Figured it out---just kept the file as "SingleAgeComplete.dm" and worked fine--until I realized I needed llama's streamers :D

Meglobob February 14th, 2009 02:30 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Yea, it works fine, as long as you ignore the 1st post about renaming the single age mod.

Essentially download that mod in the 1st post BUT DO NOT RENAME IT and bingo your good to go.

No need to re-submit pretenders.:)

As you can see, several players have already done there turns overcoming any small 1st turn glitches.

klagrok February 14th, 2009 03:19 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Yeah had to rename the file and folder for Timewarp--so next Single Age I try Ill just try the SAC.dm first and then the S A mod.dm 2nd if it doesnt work.

JimMorrison February 14th, 2009 03:21 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
The pretender file does not save any information directly relating to the mods that were active on creation, name of the files or otherwise.

The only mods you ever actually -need- to have active to create your pretender, are mods that affect pretender selection, or costs, OR nation mods that may be applicable for the game.

When the game is started, it just looks at the data without any thought as to what is a mod or not, it just loads the files, pulls the relevant info from the database, and checks spent points to make sure that all is proper and legal.

At that point, then you must have the same mods (or really, just any .dm files matching the name of the files used to create the game) in order to open the turn, but again, the turn doesn't have -any- of the mod data within it, so you could have empty text files, or totally different mods renamed in your folder, and the turn will run, but you will observe very strange behavior on your end, and you could potentially send in corrupted turns that cause hosting errors.

Don't know if any of that clears up anything that needed clearing up, but there you go. ;)

Stretch February 16th, 2009 01:44 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Got SingleAgeComplete.dm as well as the other two in my folder and it's working fine. :)

AlgaeNymph February 17th, 2009 03:53 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I don't mean to be a pain but the game turns were sent to the wrong e-mail address (fixed now though). Could we please restart?

JimMorrison February 17th, 2009 05:05 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Oh my.

Oh dear oh dear oh dear.....

How does it get sent to the wrong email? It automatically sets the email to the one that sent the pretender file, so..... :doh:

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