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Re: Laurus : Looking for a replacment! Turn 0!
Jazzepi |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
What the... not again! Guys, I'll never expand if you don't let me hire those mercenaries.
Re: Laurus : Game On!
At least they're killing them off promptly to make room for new mercs the rest of us can bid on ;)
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Mercs we hired clearly lied on their resumes as they got their azzes whooped by a bunch of g...d... Hoburgs. Hoburgs!!!
Re: Laurus : Game On!
You probably just didn't check for that minor paragraph in their contracts were they were stating "preferred target size"...
Re: Laurus : Game On!
The Ulmian nation is under siege by the Pangean scourge, 7 dryad hoplites having cut through our capital's defenses.
There is no longer any hope left, the world will be a worse place when its truest and most righteous light will be gone in the coming month. |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Wait, what already? That's unfortunate.
In other news, my capital borders 2 provinces defended by dark vines... wonderful :rolleyes:. |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Yeah this map has some crazy strong independents for level 5 indies.
Jazzepi |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Simply reseeding (shift+u&shift+k)had me winning the battles I lost though like anything, that's just luck. Yeah, my neighboring independents were quite evil too with one Gryphon Riders and three Heavy Cavalry provinces |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Jazzepi |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
frrghsaaapph! uuhhiio phoo ooph oooph uyyii!!
*makes swimming motions* Fnaah fnaah fnaah! |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Agartha is happy, that now the unrest in our capital finally is back to useful levels. (missfortune can suck sometimes, atleast my lab is still standing)
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Well I just hope my noobish Dominions skills will put that Ulmish capital to good use.
As for crazy indies, I have a province with vine men, hama dryads and a wtfgreat mother in it. |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
I wonder if this map secretly has preset indies in it or something D: Jazzepi |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Well this is one of the slowest starts I've had since I started playing. Had my butt handed to me twice now by indies. Gath is traumatized and now fears even hoburg militia. :)
Re: Laurus : Game On!
I saw it in another game last week, it gives 3 nature and allows hama dryads to be summoned |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Oops. Note to self - do not lose prestender early when playing Mictlan. It would have been the dominion spread from R'lyeh's Ancient Kraken that wiped out my last candle :(
Until next time .... Zap. |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Bah, what a gem-wasteland that island is...
Re: Laurus : Game On!
So incabulos picking a fight are you?
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Come on in, the water is fine.
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Sure, would you be willing to supply the water breathing items though? Otherwise you may have to wait a while.
Re: Laurus : Game On!
I can use my tentacles to convince you that you can breath underwater... would that work for you?
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Ulm would gladly accept your offer of Asylum had we had an avenue to reach the water.
Alas, we can't accept *hangs head in shame* |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Hmmm...seems even size 4 Gaths giants get squashed pretty easily by elephants. Back to the drawing board. :)
In other news, had my first mage go insane. Never played with R'lyeh allowed in a game before and I am starting to wonder whether this might be a broken game set up - letting one of the strongest nations in the game as the only underwater nation...I don't mind since I am curious to see how their dominion thing works but suspect it will be pretty tough to stop. |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Ha, there was this other thread where someone complained about suddendly discovered or built castles, moving armies into these provinces in the same turn and not being able to set them on patrol. Never thought this would be a problem until now, that it happend to me. Damned castle building lord...
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Man is looking for earth gems. We have air and nature to trade. we can also construct items for those gems.
Jazzepi |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Dear Lord of Man,
Jomon has many an earthgem and would have been glad to trade with you. And it's not too late yet. Just accept the NAP with 20 turns of notice before an attack we offer you now. So we can stop whiping your poor longbowmen out of Jomon-land. Don't be angry at your men and your prophet, who ran away head over heels from the disciplined Jomon army. They just saw that they are no match and wanted to preserve them selves for future battles, hopefully in your south. Forgive them as I forgive you. Cupido the Wise, Lord of Jomon |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Jazzepi |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Duh. Arcos has staled the third time now... find a sub (unlikely, probably he's being ripped apart already?) or set him to AI...?
Re: Laurus : Game On!
I mean, a full scale war would involve scuba diving, but at least shoving them back into the water would be a start. Or do we all want to learn Illithid? Pythian tongues for sure are not made for this dialect... |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
squid hater!
We have crawled out of the water to deal with ermor who sieges Bogarus' castle and will soon move to Bogarus' other castle next door. The 300 undead there will only continue to grow. Of course we understand your hate and fear, and are prepared to meet force with force, we will still be trying to eradicate the ermorian threat before their death spreads across the land. *wibble wibble wibble* |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Ehm, Mr. Wibble, you didn't notice by chance that your forces accidently took a land province, nor are you really engaging Ermor as other nations are.
Plus - if people are asked to decide whether they want to die in Ermorian or R'lyeh dominion, they usually pick none :p So you just need to be stopped in time (if it's not already too late, considering your dom spread...). So, guys, let's step up - for every place where they crawl out of the water, it's only one army we need, but together we can have a big bowl of squid soup! |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Paella please, squid soup sounds terrible. If you are going to east us at least do it in good taste.
As for dying from starvation and slow suffering death or being healthy and insane... the fruit fishes the moon star to pickle the tree face! In fact when you are insane it doesn't really matter if you are dying! *shapes tentacles into a peace sign and devil horns* |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
That squid has been parked outside of Gath for a while. Move along please, nothing here to see.
Re: Laurus : Game On!
He keeps muttering about an amulet of the fish and air majick or somesuch, not really sure what he is blathering about. Hopefully he will get to conquering the ocean instead of reminiscing about the lack of legs and lungs. We understand it is hard trying to get a bunch of blathering, frothing madmen to do your bidding and that he has to take matters into his own hands and do some menial tasks every now and then, but he really does tend to forget why he is the chosen one. And who can blame a cultist for deciding that searching for belly button lint is a more pressing task than building a kelp fortress; certainly not me. |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
I say that us poor oppressed unhuman nations have to stick together. So if you will just mindblast a few of those evil priests we will be happy to let you keep any land provinces you take from them.
As an added bonus undead doesn't need to eat so no risk of becoming soup (although our goulish citizens would be very happy if you could send a few of those nice big squishy brains their way) |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Man needs 5 fire gems sent to them this turn. Or a ring of fire eater forged this turn, and sent the next.
We can pay in gems, gold, or items. Message us! Jazzepi |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
I could send you 5 fire gems. Or would you like the ring of fire better? It would be for free. Can't you see that we are nice?
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Jazzepi |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Sent you the gems for free. No need for others to send them.
Re: Laurus : Game On!
:balloon::balloon::heart::heart::heart: Dear nations of the world :heart::heart::heart::balloon::balloon:
Could someone lend me 500 gold? :happy: I will pay in gems :gem2::gem1: or cash back :money::money::money:. :heart::heart::heart: Please pm me or just send it. :heart::heart::heart: :rose::rose:Thank you very much.:rose::rose: Cupido the Wise, Lord of Jomon :wave: :ghug: |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Jomon happens to be capital-poor at the moment and won't be able to pay you back ;)
Jazzepi |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Don't listen to the grumpy old man of Man. Your money won't be wasted or lost. I have gems at abundance to alchemise, alas I lack a laboratry (=500 gold). ;)
Of course the one who lends me the money will get an interest on it. You won't regret it. Fair's fair. :money::money::money::money::money::money::money: Your uncle Cupido the Wise :heart::heart: |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Did something go wrong when the last turn was hosted?
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Not that I noticed.
The server does send out a message if the turn hosts with an error. Jazzepi |
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Maybe he faced a delayed mail as I did - I told the llamaserver to resend, and got the resent email before the original one (although the original one, which came in about one hour later, had the earlier timestamp on it).
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Anyone have earth gems to trade?
Re: Laurus : Game On!
Yep. Fine earth gems. Alas I have to sell them for 500 gold. How many should it be?
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