![]() |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
Interesting, it seems the mulit-age function on the llamaserver adds the Single Age Mod. Oh well. The game page has been built. The current map is just a place holder for the finalized version of our map.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
Niefelheim Please
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
Interesting choices so far. I surely thought statttis was going for a strong amphibious nation, but a versatile sailing nation works just as well.
I think chris should be glad that Incabulos choose a powerful land nation rather then an amphibious one. Though that's going to be a tough nut to crack and they do have thugable commanders and water magic for eventual water invasion. Excited to see what the next choice will be. |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
My choise is Lanka
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
Mutter, mutter: And I think you should have let one more person join =P. Oh great: Incan gets My number again = ) |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
That would have been my choice as well:/
So I'll choose EA Hinnom |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
so i ll go for ea helheim
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
I will try LA Gath
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
MA Man for myself please.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
Well LA-R was hit pretty hard with the nerf bat - but I still find they're a lot of fun to play and a good way to make people vary from their plans..(my prophet did what#??!!!!).
So LA-R'yleh and a quick exit most likely = ) |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
hey also AoE
There is a milkshake game on Llama server - but its using albathia map. Is that us or a different game? |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
Yes it is. You'll note that in one of my updates said I put up the game page and used another map as a place holder since I only wanted to upload the map once. I couldn't finish the map until I could properly set everybody's start location.
Wow, so its finally my turn to pick. I choose MA Ermor. Now to finalize that map. Feel free to submit your pretenders, provided the llamaserver is accepting them. P.S.: I still think your crazy chris. MA Ry'leh pretty much all the same bells and whistles, minus the management of a dominion trying to kill you just as much as it tries to kill everyone else. Oh well, I suppose being crazy comes with the territory. |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Alright, we are finally down to the last step. Everyone please submit your pretenders. Once everyone has done so and I confirm with llamabeast that its safe to start, I'll begin the game.
The game page for the llamaserver has been updated to use the MilkShake map. The map everyone has currently should work well enough as I'm sure only the llamaserver needs to actually know the start locations. Links to the needed mods can be found either there or at the original post of this thread. The OP has been updated and everyone has been granted their mulligans. If you haven't already noticed, each players name in the list is linked. Clicking the link while logged onto the forums will result in a new private message page for the selected player. This is to help facilitate communication. Good luck. |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Choosing Nati
Laughing, yeah I know. LA-R, really has been nerfed in the last patch - and I know MA-R is the smart choice. And I'll rue it, when I *lose*.... But until then it has such a different feel to it. Just be prepared to deal with EA-N when he eats me alive = ). |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
I think it would be really awesome if we can get started by this weekends beginning. Yet we less then half the pretenders submitted.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Would anyone be put out if i changed my nation from MA Man to Tir Na n'Og? I am prepared to use my mulligan for it if required.
Thanks! |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Tactically, this is a huge disadvantage for me head.
However, in the interest of sportsmanship, its ok with me, if its okay with everyone else. And giving up the mulligan isn't required either. |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Thanks CP! :up: Sorry if this has stiffled your plans to destroy me.... I was sort of hoping we could be friends. ;) Cool with everyone else? |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Meh, it is ok with me I guess. I find any stealthy fairyfolk in my lands I will have to make a bee-line for you though :lol:
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
I think by definition it will be the unstealthy ones you find = ).
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
I have nothing against you changing nation hEad.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
I have magic beer goggle of unstealthingnessingenginginging.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Aren't those the same goggles that let you catch leprechauns and be irresistable to women?
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
And thanks all for being tolerent with my nation change, you are just a bunch of legends. |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Bah sorry, I am going to have to resubmit a pretender. I forgot it was vanilla (all my games are CBM) sorry for the false start!
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Phew. I'm not the only one looking like an idiot =).
Thanks Incab = ) |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Sorry about the duplicate turns. I tried to un-start the game and it for some reason started it again automatically.
To top it off, the admin password suddenly stopped working. I'll try to sort this out as soon as I can. |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Is this awaiting a restart? I seem to have started in the wrong position 120 - infact, i have started right next door to Abysia. I should be at 182.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
My apologies, when you submitted a pretender of a different nation, I didn't get the chance to change and resubmit a new map. The llamaserver did apparently just drop my admin password from existence. I've got a new one and should be fixing this all real soon.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Ah! This is a multi-age game isn't it? There's a known bug with restarting multi-age games, I should have thought of that. I'll un-start it for you myself.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Okay, done. Hope that was helpful!
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
I'm a little frustrated because we can't play this game until everyone resubmits pretenders. The llamaserver seems to glitch whenever I try to change any settings. Dropping passwords, pretenders, and even whole games.
The end result is that I had to make up an all new game page. Please resubmit your pretenders to 'MilkShake2'. The map has also been updated so that Ehad starts where he is suppose to. |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
If you would give me a chance to help, then I could do so. There is certainly no need to resubmit pretenders, they're all saved so you don't need to worry about that. I think most of the "glitching" was because we were both doing things at the same time. The remainder was the aforementioned bug with restarting multi-age games.
Give me a few moments, and I'll get it all fixed up. |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Having personally not yet organised a game, I am always appreciative of the efforts made by others such as yourself to make these things happen. So relax AoE, you'll be kicking my a$$ in no time.
(Only saying this to cheer you up. I would of course prefer you kicked the butt of other more eviler and deserving nations....) |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Okay, it's all fixed up. Sorry about the kerfuffle, I made some noob errors when trying to fix it earlier. It's just waiting for you to start it AOE.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Uploaded a fixed pretender.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Please don't get frustrated AoE. Admining a game is like herding cats.
And I for one think you've set up a great game, and done a great job. |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
I wasn't as frustrated as I sounded. I was only a little rushed because I needed to get to work and be worky. Thank you llamabeast for all the work. Now that everything is order (finally), I'll get this game started.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
Don’t sell yourself short, I’m sure we’ll see some sandgroper resilience from you :)
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed
I just realized that since Ehad changed his pick, I'm now the only one representing the Middle-Age.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed
Around the world, in the minds of the high and low alike - the following message plays....
"Seas for the sea peoples". The wheel of time has come indeed - and no longer will the seas accept those of air. For too long air breathers have stolen our lands, fished our waters, and fouled them with the effluents of their blood and war. They have desecrated our holy places, and sailed on the roof of our world. But the wheel of time has come - Seas for the seas peoples. Land for the sons of land. To those that respect these rights and the rights of the sea peoples everywhere.. we extend the tendril of friendship - and we are willing to to live in peace and in commerce. But those that do not - we extend a different tendril - one of hunger. And it will not come alone - but it will come - by the hundreds. We who sleep in the depths will not rest until the seas once again breathe free.. |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed - Upload Preten
shhhhh.... i'm trying to play the 'underestimate me' card! :D (quickly looks in deck to see if he actually has one there...) |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed
Would someone mind delaying the turn for about 8-12 hours? I've been having a weird day today, and I just need some sleep before I do my turn.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed
Postponed. Good night.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed
Hi guys,
well with easter coming up i need to let you all know that I am taking my self and the family away for a week. (much needed mini holiday...) I'll be leaving good Friday 10th April and returning the following Friday, the 17th. Would it be possible to get a week break in the game turns or...? |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed
I don't suppose you could find someone to sub for you? If not, well then I'm fine with the delay. You have your current turn in so we'll at least get to the end of the first year.
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed
I'll probably be out from Good Friday till Easter - I'd like to suggest turn off scheduled turns but leaving quickhosting on.
As for the rest, head, I'd suggest a sub as well - it should only be a few turns. |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed
I ve staled didnt I, gosh was sure i sent the turn yesterday night, can i use my mulligan?
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed
unless staling had drastic consequences seems like a waste of a mulligan to me :)
I staled too :/ btw :D Thought I sent mine in too but checked my sent mail and must have brain farted this morning. |
Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - Closed
Inc...! since you would get a free fix yourself your supposed to be *encouraging* him.
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