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PashaDawg May 29th, 2009 07:46 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 6 is out.

Deadline is Saturday due to the late hosting, but I'd be happy to host tonight (Friday) if players can get their turns in quickly.



PashaDawg May 29th, 2009 09:53 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 7 is out.

Deadline is Saturday night.



PashaDawg May 31st, 2009 01:43 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 8 is out.

Deadline is Monday due to the late hosting. (I'll host again tonight if possible, but I doubt everyone can get their turns in that fast.)



PashaDawg June 1st, 2009 10:00 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 9 is out.

Deadline is Tuesday at 9pm Boston time.



PashaDawg June 2nd, 2009 07:21 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 10 is out.

Deadline is Wednesday at 9:00 pm Boston time.



PashaDawg June 3rd, 2009 08:13 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 11 is out.

Deadline is Thursday at 9:00 pm Boston time.



PashaDawg June 4th, 2009 08:50 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 12 is out.

Deadline is Friday at 9pm Boston time.



PashaDawg June 6th, 2009 07:39 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 13 is out.

Deadline is Sunday due to the delayed hosting. Again, I am happy to host early, but I know Jurri has something going on this weekend and might not be able to get a turn in faster than usual. We will switch to a 3-turn/week schedule after turn 15.



PashaDawg June 7th, 2009 04:24 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 14 is out.

Deadline is Monday at 9pm Boston time.



PashaDawg June 8th, 2009 11:03 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 15 is out.

Deadline is Tuesday. Then we will switch to a 3-turn per week schedules (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday).

I am assuming that most, if not all, players want to switch to a more relaxed schedule at this point. If that is not true, please let me know.



Lingchih June 8th, 2009 11:45 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Heh... from the rampant posts on IRC, I think most players want to keep this thing going as fast as possible.

But, I don't want to pressure you, Pasha. I know you host this game by hand.

PashaDawg June 9th, 2009 10:33 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 16 is out.

Deadline is Thursday at 9pm Boston time.



Zeldor June 10th, 2009 06:24 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
I'd be happy with current fast hosting schedule. I think that some people would prefer to die faster to join new games :P

tgbob June 10th, 2009 08:26 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
I agree with Zeldor.

Calahan June 10th, 2009 09:10 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Why is everyone always in such a rush these days? Doesn't anyone appreciate some good old fashioned thinking time anymore?

I tend to find that if you think more, you die quickly less :)

PashaDawg June 11th, 2009 06:42 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

The screen on okiN's laptop has died, :skull: and he needs some time to fix the situation. He expects to be back in the saddle next week.

While that is a fairly long delay, I think it is important to accommodate players when such unexpected problems arise (opposed to a long planned vacation without any attempt to find a sub). Maybe okiN will be able to find an alternative computer to play on in the meantime.


Calahan June 11th, 2009 06:51 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
That's fine with me Pasha.

Such problems happen unfortunately, and it would be very harsh to force someone to stale because of it. It's only a few days (plus it's the weekend, so go out and mingle people :)) and the game is starting to hot up, so even one or two turns by a sub at this stage (who lets face it will never 100% know what's going on) might be terminally costly to that players nation. Which again IMO would be unfair to enforce on someone for a problem that is out of their control.

PashaDawg June 17th, 2009 06:00 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 17 is out.

Deadline is Friday, but I'd be certainly happy to host sooner to make up for lost time.



PashaDawg June 21st, 2009 08:00 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 28 is out.

Deadline is Sunday, June 28. It was agreed at the beginning of the game that we would take a break while Calmon went on vacation this week. If he sends in a turn early, I will certainly let everyone know.



tgbob June 21st, 2009 10:16 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Heh, looks like everyone stalled 11 turns!

Zeldor June 22nd, 2009 06:12 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
What, tgbob?

Calahan June 22nd, 2009 06:52 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
That's some damn fine random message writing tgbob :)

tgbob June 22nd, 2009 09:26 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Originally Posted by PashaDawg (Post 697187)

Turn 28 is out.

Deadline is Sunday, June 28. It was agreed at the beginning of the game that we would take a break while Calmon went on vacation this week. If he sends in a turn early, I will certainly let everyone know.



There I bolded it for everyone. It's really turn 19!

Zeldor June 22nd, 2009 09:33 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Hmm... indeed right you are.

Lingchih June 28th, 2009 08:52 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Umm... Pasha? Pasha?

PashaDawg June 28th, 2009 09:12 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 20 is out.

Deadline is Tuesday.

I am going to a conference this coming week. djo has graciously agreed to host the turns while I am away. You send him your Tuesday and Thursday turns (turns 20 and 21). I will return on Saturday and can host the Sunday turn (turn 22).

I sent out an email to all players with djo's email address.



djo June 29th, 2009 06:08 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Hi folks, your temporary host here...I also read the forums regularly, so feel free to PM me if you lose my email address.

djo June 30th, 2009 06:04 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Just a reminder that turns are due by 9 pm Boston time tonight (Tuesday). Send them to me instead of Pasha.

Zeldor June 30th, 2009 01:55 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
My motherboard just died, so I asked djo for 24h, so I can install dominions on other computer temporarily, till I fix it. Dunno how long will it take to fix it [well, buy new one, I guess - I think it's north bridge broken, was faulty for some time and now that weather...]. I may need relaxed schedule till I get it done.

Ferrosol June 30th, 2009 02:16 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Okin has asked me to sub in for him due to him needing a vacation

so on behalf of the great nation of *censored* I would like to say *censored* *censored* call a plumber *censored* *censored* <censored> <censored> a marsupial covered in gin *censored* *censored* <censored> <censored> and the horse you rode in on.</censored></censored></censored></censored>

djo June 30th, 2009 04:38 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

I'm on the case
Can't be fooled
Any objection
Is overruled
Yes, I'm the Arbiter and I know best
-- Chess
We'll pause for 24h for Zeldor--hosting now scheduled for 9pm Boston time Wednesday.

Ferrosol, if there's some kind of steganographic message in there, you will be severely punished! I'm watching you, buddy!

djo, who has been waiting for an excuse to abuse power, and Pasha just handed over the reins, the fool...

Zeldor June 30th, 2009 04:58 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Ok, got my turn in, my MB is barely working, gotta order new one. Don't use that as excuse to slow things down :)

djo June 30th, 2009 06:14 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Having announced a delay, I will not go back on it unless all turns are in. That being said, I am only waiting on one nation. If I receive their turn tonight, I will host tonight. Otherwise, they have until tomorrow.

djo June 30th, 2009 08:57 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Turn 21 is out. Next one is due Thursday, 9 pm.

Let me know ASAP if there are any problems!

Micah July 2nd, 2009 09:09 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Man down, man down...err...cave-dwelling monster-thing down!

Agartha is AI, and I want to whittle down my list of guesses, who was at the helm? =)

djo July 2nd, 2009 09:16 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Turn 22 is out. Next turn is due Sunday, usual time, usual place. Send turns to Pasha!

Geez, Micah, you're fast. I was going to let Pasha announce it, but...Agartha was played by Wraithlord.

WraithLord July 3rd, 2009 01:30 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
I say, if you're gonna lose might as well be quick about it :)

Anyway, my mistakes apart, EA Agartha sucks, even it's elite troops can't hit a damned thing. Being gang banged didn't help matters either :D

Good luck all.

Calahan July 3rd, 2009 04:13 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Hard Luck WraithLord. I'm playing EA Agartha in Legends of Faerun, so can sympathise with you on their suckyness.

Think it'd help EA Agartha loads if those Umbrals could be de-nerfed in CBM back to Conj5 to give them a fighting chance. Conj7 is a painful amount of research to expect a nation to have to get to just to survive.

WraithLord July 3rd, 2009 07:01 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
They need something to compensate for their abysmal attack. Perhaps national net throwers?- They are after all a race of amphibious cave dwellers. The may not eat the fish but perhaps they use them for other things, like rituals or whatever :)

It's not their only problem though. They have no national access to astral (critical) and nature (quite important). So if you take an SC to survive to initial phase you have nothing to show for the end game (unless you get lucky with indi mages.)

Add to all that cold blooded, so in fixed locations map you can bet on all your neighbors taking cold-3.

Worst - It's no secret that EA Agartha sucks so you can bet on said neighbors attacking you at the slightest sign of weakness, or just attack you anyway.

I'm sure I have made my share of mistakes with EA Agartha in this game, but frankly - it's not like there's much to work with .

Oh and a moment of self confession: when I got the mail from Pasha assigning EA-Agartha to me I immediately put on a sad face knowing this game is lost for me. Hope to have better luck in my next RAND game :)

Zeldor July 3rd, 2009 06:56 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
I didn't expect Agartha was you, huh. I agree thay are rather weak, but they should be able to expand against indies a bit faster - I think you had some problems with it early on.

WraithLord July 4th, 2009 04:36 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
You are correct. I've no problem discussing the grizzly details of my awful start but that would have to wait until the game ends (if it all it would still be interesting by then :) ). If I talk now I may disclose something forbidden so I'm keeping my mouth shut.

PashaDawg July 5th, 2009 01:19 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Yes. Wraithlord was Agartha. :)

PashaDawg July 6th, 2009 09:56 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 23 is out.

Deadline is Wednesday, due to the delay in hosting.



PashaDawg July 9th, 2009 08:05 AM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started
Hi There:

Turn 24 is out.

Let's have the turn due on Friday to keep the game moving, in spite of the late hosting.


PashaDawg July 10th, 2009 06:13 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 25 is out.

Deadline is Sunday.



PashaDawg July 12th, 2009 09:31 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 26 is out.

Deadline is Tuesday.



PashaDawg July 14th, 2009 08:52 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 27 is out.

Deadline is Thursday.



PashaDawg July 16th, 2009 11:07 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 28 is out.

Deadline is Sunday.



PashaDawg July 19th, 2009 10:35 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 29 is out.

Deadline is Tuesday.



PashaDawg July 21st, 2009 09:27 PM

Re: RAND-DOM DAWN - PBEM Game - Started

Turn 30 is out.

Deadline is Thursday.



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