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tgbob May 19th, 2009 01:47 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
In my test game I have found several sites underwater that let's you recruit troops/commanders. Unfortunately none of them have underwater breathing so they all just drown.

Burnsaber May 19th, 2009 02:01 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 691669)
What is the relevant line of code I should be looking for?

Eh, sorry. False alarm. Those were just a unit clash with Holy War (lot's of guys with priestly magic there).

I'm going to wait until we get the compiled mod-pack without clashes before making my pretender, seems like a wise thing to do.

Go ahead and 'fix' the Desire. Seems like an oversight.

Burnsaber May 19th, 2009 02:03 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

Originally Posted by tgbob (Post 691735)
In my test game I have found several sites underwater that let's you recruit troops/commanders. Unfortunately none of them have underwater breathing so they all just drown.

Holy sites or regular sites? We need to identify if it is the magic site mod or Holy War.

Could you post the site names? I could quickly fix those and look over for more problematic sites.

tgbob May 19th, 2009 02:11 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I only have Guild of Seamstresses in my current game. I keep starting over to check pretender effectiveness at stomping indies.

simonlost May 19th, 2009 09:09 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
going to work. I'll check back when I get home to see what's going on with the pretenders. What should I put in the subject line when submitting to LlamaServer?

Gregstrom May 19th, 2009 09:13 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I'll check the map file for Antilarium. I think I remember seeing some Sea/Waste provinces on it, which might cause that sort of effect.

Does anyone know where I might find some software which would let me run llamabeast's Perl script for combining mods?

Strabo May 19th, 2009 09:22 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
maybe ActivePerl works

Scarlioni May 19th, 2009 05:00 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I'll wait a bit before submitting my pretender until the modness gets settled.

Gregstrom May 19th, 2009 06:04 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Well, until I have the mod sorted there won't be a game to submit to. Feel free to play with designs until then.

simonlost May 19th, 2009 08:44 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Just found out that I will be out of town for the weekend. I should get back sometime Monday night. Any issues with starting the game after that or do you have any other suggestions? Sorry for the short notice but hey with all the mod issues maybe this could be a good thing?

Gregstrom May 20th, 2009 03:13 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Huzzah! The mod is joined successfully, so I've attached it to the top post. Everything you need for the game is in there (including the map files, even), so go for it!

tgbob May 20th, 2009 07:38 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Recruiting, 11/12 player

Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 691579)
Jotunheim? Weee...does a somersault...does another cause I have never played this nation in MP.:D

Btw...I started a 12 player game using all the mods on the proposed map with cbm 1.5. When the game started there was no fortress, starting army...anything. When I ended turn it said my nation was dead. I tried again with the exact same results. I concluded the map was short of placement positions, as it worked fine with 11 players.

Anyone want to check it out? See if it happens to them?

This, I'm getting this. I'm running the mod-combo pack "Unsanity Seed" and CBM 1.5 when I make the games.

Meglobob May 20th, 2009 08:12 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I am running just Unsanity Seed mod pack.

Siege Trebuchet, Catapult and Elder Sign cause the game to crash by clicking on them. Bad sprite, assume they both have same sprite.

When I start a 12 player game, it no longer is lacking a placement place for me but 1 or 2 computer positions die straight away every game when you click end turn. Either still lacking enough start places (very likely) or computer is creating stupid pretenders.

Obviously, going to be a few glitches with so many mods, I am sure we can sort them out. Like some of the new juicy pretenders!

Gregstrom May 20th, 2009 08:37 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
@tgbob: Unsanity seed includes CBM 1.5, and you shouldn't have both active at the same time.

Gregstrom May 20th, 2009 09:10 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
There are 12 set start provinces in the .map file. Are you making sure to set 3 AI players to the aquatic nations?

The VP provinces are suffering from the mod melding, as the map file refers to units by number. Editing will be in progress.

tgbob May 20th, 2009 10:45 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I set it with 12 players, R'lyeh as yours truly, Atlantis and Oceania as AI, and the rest 9 as random nations, with the map from Unsanity Seed.

Gregstrom May 20th, 2009 11:32 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Right... One of the problems is fixed, at least.

As to the other, I think province 46 (should be a start location for a sea nation) has too many neighbours, and the game might be barring it as a start point.

Can anyone confirm this is a problem?

Meglobob May 20th, 2009 01:42 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 691960)
Right... One of the problems is fixed, at least.

As to the other, I think province 46 (should be a start location for a sea nation) has too many neighbours, and the game might be barring it as a start point.

Can anyone confirm this is a problem?

I have set a game up with 12 human players and gone throu them.

The sea nations are fine. P46 is working correctly.

However, it give 2 land nations the same starting province, P171, which resulted in instant death when end turn pressed.

Executor May 20th, 2009 02:06 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
What, we have AI as water nations?
How did I miss this?
I wanted to take Oceania myself, I find them pretty interesting, but the pretender I want don't work well with Oceania. :(

Gregstrom May 20th, 2009 02:16 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
That's interesting. I found that one of the land start points needed to be correctly added as a start point as otherwise the game assigned 2 nations to one province, which is what you're seeing.

However I then got 2 sea nations being assigned to the same province as well, which made me wonder about 46.

I think I'll cut some of the neighbours off 46 anyway, as it's got far too many.

Gregstrom May 20th, 2009 03:01 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Ah. In the course of surveying neighbours for 46, I think I worked out the problem.

99 was stated to be be a start point, but wasn't set as one in the initial mod. 99 is adjacent to 46, which meant when it was set as a start point, it could maybe exclude 46 from selection.

Luckily, 46 has too many neighbours anyway and so I can cut it off from 99. I'll see if that sorts it out.

Burnsaber May 20th, 2009 04:09 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I'd also like to say a few words, concerning my mods that are in. Just some tips on how to handle them, so that I can't try to leverage my obscure mod knowledge.

- With Holy War, holy sites are much more common, althought the effect is somewhat diluted by the magic site mod. My careful estimate is that about 8% of sites will be holy. All common holy sites can be found with a level 1 priest, uncommons by level 2 and rare sites by level 3. It's recommendable to send at least h2 priest out early to search some holy sites. Most of the sites do not give lots of gems, but allow access to good quality units & priests. Most of the indy sacreds can be pretty good even with a moderate bless, and some need no bless at all to be of use (Penitents, for example, are just undercosted heavy infantry), so it's worthwhile to search even if you don't have a bless. Most also give some gold and/or resources. Most of the holy sites are just for land, so rarely concern sea terrains. However, the "Temple of the Deeps" common holy site is still there, so holy searching is worthwhile just for it.

- Be careful with the CPCS spells - consider the new options they give for your opponent against you, so that you are not completely taken by suprise by a new spell. Let me state an example. You are facing against agartha, earthpower + bladewind and some love att statues. strong shielded high def thugs sound good. But what if their script is for Grip of the Marshlands? Sliming halves def, and the statues can easily hit if you are earth gripped.

- Also consider the new cross-holy summoning spells (Call Guardian of X). They need precious mage-time (only one unit per summon), but the troops are pretty good, and sacred to boot. If things get hot, they might just be the silver bullet you need. For example, Guardians of the First Flame have high attack and high-dam magical attack. They might be just what you need to croak those pesky ethereal thugs. Guardians of the Throne deal nearly no damage but are ethereal, high def and small size. Perfect to buy you some time on the battlefield and to exhaust enemy troops as they try hit them. Guardians of the world tree have magical ranged attack -> perfect for popping up mistform.

Executor May 20th, 2009 04:32 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
The guardian spells are a bit screwed up, air and water summon the same unit, earth summons nothing.

Yap, a bunch of spells are a bit off.

The blood/holy spell that should summon flagelants as the description says summon the Dergoth the Exile pretender.
This pretender generates astral/death gems, so anyone with blood and nature can GoR him to get free gems and a damn good unit.

Burnsaber May 20th, 2009 04:50 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 692031)
The guardian spells are a bit screwed up, air and water summon the same unit, earth summons nothing.

Yap, a bunch of spells are a bit off.

The blood/holy spell that should summon flagelants as the description says summon the Dergoth the Exile pretender.

Yeah, I now noticed the same thing. The compilation mod changes some monster numbers. In mod code, units are referred by those numbers.

So apparently all of the holy sites in Holy war are now broken along with all summon spells which summon modded units (there are 8 in holy war, mytheolgy has one (summon demon toad), are there any else?).I can fix it manually tomorrow morning (Gregstorm has sweaten enough over this already, me thinks). But now clock is nearing midnight here, so, sleep.

Gregstrom May 20th, 2009 04:52 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
1 Attachment(s)
Argh - llama's combination script doesn't handle summon spells all the time?

Bother it... what with work and life taking up my time, I don't have enough hours in the day to both fix bugs and test for them.

I've attached the .dm with fixed sites to this post. Burnsaber: if you're going to have a look at the issue, it'd be best to use this file.

Fakeymcfake May 20th, 2009 05:02 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
So what's the plan?

Executor May 20th, 2009 05:07 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

Originally Posted by Fakeymcfake (Post 692042)
So what's the plan?

Phase 1, Executor uses all the bugged exploits,
Phase 2, ???
Phase 3, Executor wins.

Sounds like a solid plan.

llamabeast May 20th, 2009 06:51 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Aargh, sorry guys, I thought my script was bugless, but it seems I had underestimated the number of things that I hadn't tested it for! These mods have very different things in to the ones I tested it on you see.

Unfortunately I am suffering from similar time problems to Gregstrom, but I will try to fix things when I get back from the library tomorrow night.

Burnsaber May 21st, 2009 03:31 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
1 Attachment(s)
Ok, I did it. The summons and sites should work now. The mod is not synchronized with the antilarium map thought (in my test game, one site was defended mainly by Great Eyes :P), but I have 0 experience with .map files, so I'm kind of hoping if someone else could match the custom province defenders to the new unit numbers?

Once the mod and the map is synchorized (and the starting point bug fixed), I think that were good to go.

There still might be some bugs left, but since were all human here, I think that we could agree not to exploit buggy mod behaviour that are found during the game?

If you are not sure if it's bug or WAD, post on the thread and the players can decide if you're allowed to recruit angels of death with their AOE instakill attack for 0 gold from that "Happy Rainbow" magic site. :)

llamabeast May 21st, 2009 04:06 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Oh, the map... might it be possible to leave the Antilarium mod out of the combined mod, and just combine the rest? It probably won't clash with the combined mod. Otherwise the map will probably be pretty much ruined.

Gregstrom May 21st, 2009 06:52 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
1 Attachment(s)
I've fixed the .map, as it happens. I did it last night, but didn't upload it. Here it is now. Please note: this map file should be used for testing purposes only - there's at least one fix (province 46) that isn't in it yet.

@llamabeast: Sadly, the Antilarium mod was another of the ones using unit ids in the 28xx range, so I felt it couldn't be safely excluded.

@Burnsaber: Many thanks for the mod update. Luckily for me, .map file editing isn't too tough (or I wouldn't be able to do it). It's not too far removed from mod creation.

Extra @llamabeast: It just struck me that the problems with the Divine War summon spells might be because they refer to unit IDs from a different .dm file. In which case there might be little your script can do about it.

I'm very tempted to start a thread attempting to organise allocations of unit/armour/weapon/etc. ID numbers on a voluntary basis.

llamabeast May 21st, 2009 06:57 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
So is everything working now?

If so I will probably fix the script at the weekend rather than tonight you see.

Gregstrom May 21st, 2009 07:11 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I think the situation can currently be stated as: "We are currently unaware of any further problems with the combined mod."

If anything further crops up, we'll undoubtedly post about it :D

Hopefully we're now at the stage where the bugs are small and we just need to make you aware while fixing it by hand.

llamabeast May 21st, 2009 07:52 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
:D Great.

Yeah, sorry my script didn't work so smoothly, it was meant to make running this kind of game super easy! Well hopefully I will get it all fixed up and future such games will indeed be easy.

Gregstrom May 21st, 2009 08:12 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Yeah, you'll always get teething problems first time around. It's nothing to worry about really.

Gregstrom May 21st, 2009 10:11 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Right, I have a new .rar ready. Before I upload it, I've had a thought. The Father of Medicine is currently a load of rubbish compared with the CBM pretenders. Mother of Serpents is a far better healer, and has better base magic (plus she's a SC chassis). Other rainbow mages have free gems, more and cheaper paths, sometimes make gems, and they're cheaper to boot.

I'd like to put him as cost:40, healer 100, new path cost 20 and give him S1 since S is a path that gives healing spells. I'm not sure he's worth using even then (and I won't be using him), but it seems closer to a balance with the other rainbows.

shard May 21st, 2009 11:19 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Recruiting, 11/12 player

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 691361)
Well, Scarlioni got in first with a pick, and he makes the 12th player. Many apologies Shard, but the game is now full. I'm at a wedding for the weekend so sorting out all the admin (race assignment, mod concatenation)will have to wait for a day or so while I get home. If anyone independent would like to volunteer to assign nations, please PM me.

No problem, good luck with the game! I'll be keeping an eye on your progress

Executor May 21st, 2009 11:51 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I doubt anyone will be taking the Father of Medicine so I feel there's really no point in changing him,
I assume everyone's just gonna the the Jack of Shadows pretender and put every possible MR item and kill everyone. dark power 100?

Gregstrom May 21st, 2009 01:11 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Thanks for pointing that out Executor. It will be changed...

Darkpower 6 is a pretty hefty boost - does that seem nearer a correct level?

Meglobob May 21st, 2009 04:07 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Darkpower 6 sounds correct to me. Never spotted darkpower 100.

chrispedersen May 21st, 2009 05:46 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 690643)
Note: This game is intended to be mostly for recreational purposes, as the mixture of mods involved may alter game balance unpredictably.

Server: Llama
Players: 12
Map: Antilarium
Turns: 30 hours, quick host. Longer turns after turn 20 or so.
Era: MA
Hall of fame: 15
Mods: Antilarium metamap, CPCS, Mytheology 3, Endo's Site Mod, CBM 1.5, Holy War 0.8
Victory: Standard
Magic sites: A little higher than default.
Renaming: On
Graphs: On
Missed turns: Two in a row and you will be replaced.

The four mods above appear to be intercompatible, although Mytheology seems to be having trouble with its extra divine spells, and I may need to create a replacement .dm file with the holy spells removed.

I'll throw CBM into the mix if people believe it won't cause any difficulties with the other mods being used.

Antilarium is a 12 player map, and needs 9 land and 3 water nations.

Nation choice: Nations will be randomly assigned, but each player gets to choose a nation to be thrown into the pot for the random selection. Water nations will already be in the pot, so three of the suggested nations will remain unplayed. Players will not be assigned the nation they suggested themselves, so don't throw Ashdod into the pot unless you really like the idea of being on the receiving end of an Anakite horde.

One exception to random assignment: If anyone wants Oceania, they can have it.

Final nation placements:

Bandar Log-----Gregstrom


Machaka (proposed by Gregstrom)
Pangaea (proposed by Executor)
Jotunheim (proposed by Alpine_Joe)
Man (proposed by Goodchild)
Ulm (proposed by Ossa)
Bandar Log (proposed by Burnsaber)
Shinuyama (proposed by Meglobob)
Agartha (proposed by tgbob)
Ermor (proposed by Strabo)
Arcoscephale (proposed by fakeymcfake)
C'tis (proposed by simonlost)
Caelum (proposed by Scarlioni)

Just wanted to compliment you Greg on a cool method of nation selection.

Gregstrom May 21st, 2009 05:48 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Thanks. It seemed to work well, so I think I'll do it again.

Scarlioni May 21st, 2009 07:52 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Do we have a consolodated set of mods that work yet?

Gregstrom May 22nd, 2009 01:49 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
The new zip file in the top post should be good to go.

I'll give it ~24 hours for people to break it, then I'll put the game on llamaserver.

tgbob May 23rd, 2009 12:35 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I get "Nagot gick fel!" "getspldscr: bad splnr" when I click on the spell entries for siege catapult and siege trebuchet in the laboratory. They're under construction 4 and 6.

Add Elder Sign from thaumaturgy 7 to the list. Hand of Destiny alteration 8.

And yes, I'm using the latest version from the OP with only Unsanity selected.

Gregstrom May 23rd, 2009 01:55 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Clicking on the spell entries? How odd... I'll have a look.

Edit: I'll test Krakensong while I'm there...

Gregstrom May 23rd, 2009 02:19 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Yup, Krakensong (a copyspell of Send Bukavac, thus only available to Bogarus) is gone too.

The spells in question are the last 7 in the mod, as Hand of Destiny takes 3 slots. I'm guessing that we've run out of spell slots. If so (and a little testing should show it... gimme a few minutes), then we have just stretched the game of Dominions to its very limits and beyond. Cool!

Gregstrom May 23rd, 2009 02:40 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Yup, it's the spell slots. We need to free up 7 of them.

Burnsaber, you mentioned Curse of the Four Horsemen as being 5 slots and droppable, I think?

Krakensong is bugged anyway, so that can go.

And maybe Rite of AshkEnte or Soul Harvest? I think either could be a bit unbalancing in favour of heavy Death nations.

If anyone has suggestions for which spells to crop, please make them.

Gregstrom May 23rd, 2009 02:56 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
In other news,Unsanity is on llamaserver.

Since I can still alter game settings to correct the mod for a final version, you can submit your pretenders as and when you like.

Burnsaber May 23rd, 2009 09:21 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
There's no need to scrap spells. Overwrite some.. let's Ashdod & Hinnom national spells.

So instead of having

#newspell "XXXX"
(spell Stuff)

just change the starting lines to 10 last spells to

#selectspell "Strange Fire (for example)"
#clear (so that it's not restricted anymore)
(spell Stuff)

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