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Squirrelloid July 2nd, 2009 12:41 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 12/15 players. Sign up!

Originally Posted by Hoplosternum (Post 699152)

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 699132)
Yep Exec is *way* strong. Wonders who the 4 are = ). Hop, Squirrel, Ossa, Exec are all really good. Of course ano too...

I know squirrel doesn't have a track record, but he has solid game knowledge.

Personally, I'd rank it


Hop being short for Chrispedersen in this case ;) I am fairly sure the four would be (in no particular order):


Squirrel having written a guide (on the power he's playing!) and doing well in the one mp game I know he's in. He's doubtless going to become / already is a very good player but hasn't been proved to be so in mp yet :)

Yeah, i got to handwaive the lategame bits because lets face it, you've got mages with good ESD which means your late game is trivially referenceable. We'll see if it being common knowledge means I can actually apply it in a rational way.

(Not to disparage my guide - but much of its point was "you don't have to mitigate your dominion - it is a weapon").

chrispedersen July 2nd, 2009 01:02 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Sign up!
heh heh

You completely trashed me in at least one game we played hop.
Utter destruction. And of course Exec has as well in Beer, Jim in Glory.

But thanks for the vote of confidence.

chrispedersen July 2nd, 2009 01:03 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Sign up!
I'm thinking Dragar signing up so fast means he likes his new Abysia strategy. So do I = ).

ano July 2nd, 2009 01:04 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Sign up!
What new strategy?

Dragar July 2nd, 2009 01:05 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Sign up!
yeah, what new strategy?

ano July 2nd, 2009 01:08 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Sign up!
Perhaps chris wants to share his new Abysia strategy with you, Dragar:)
We are now short of only two people, btw.

Black Sun Empire July 2nd, 2009 01:20 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Sign up!
If my version of the game makes it tonight, I will gladly join this game. The BIGGEST problem will be the fact I am a complete newbie. This will be my first MP game, so I should only make up the numbers for the first 10-20 rounds, before getting smashed.

ano July 2nd, 2009 01:24 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Sign up!
Perhaps it is better for you to join one of the newbie games that start from time to time?
Though I don't mind you joining I have to warn you that it won't be easy. Also, be positive. When you say yourself "I'll hold for 20 turns and then fall" you'll fall earlier. When you say "I'll do my best to be competitive" you'll last longer:)

Black Sun Empire July 2nd, 2009 01:28 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Sign up!
I plan on attempting as many games as possible, newbie and vet games. At worst I will learn some scripting and tactics that work.

I don't play many games to just make up the numbers, so I will attempt to cause as much pain as possible. :)

Still, I have to wait for the game to arrive, which I hope it should be here by tonight or tomorrow.

Dragar July 2nd, 2009 01:32 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Sign up!
I have faith in Black Sun Empire, he's a quick learner :)

ano July 2nd, 2009 01:42 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Sign up!
Ok then, with Dragar's patronage you're in, Black Sun Empire. Choose your nation.

Black Sun Empire July 2nd, 2009 01:47 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
LA Utgard - There about as close to a nation as I've tried.

Kietsensei July 2nd, 2009 02:22 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
I am afraid I didn't think about the fact I already have too much game I cannot handle. SO I would like to leaveand let another player take my place. SOrry about that but I don't want to leave you after the game have started.
Good luck to all of you!

Jarkko July 2nd, 2009 03:48 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Hurry up!
I like the map, my very bestest favourite (LA Pan) seems to be open, I like the way Ano GM's (just seen him in action in Heracles, but still)... But I see this game has the graphs off and that is the fun-killing factor to me, and thus I won't sign up for this :(

I hope you soon find the players to fill the last spots and get the game going :)

Executor July 2nd, 2009 05:46 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 12/15 players. Sign up!

Originally Posted by ano (Post 699105)
Why woo hooo?? :)
After Beer and Timewarp I'd say you're one of the strongest players at this forum. Just a fact, nothing personal:)

Errr, I don't remember you being in either Beer or Timewarp?

C'mon people take MA Pangaea, graphs off!!!

ano July 2nd, 2009 09:58 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Hurry up!
Thanks for your compliment. I really like things running smoothly in my games and do everything for it.
I'd really appreciate you being in though because:
1) I liked playing with you
2) Closed graphs (I prefer to play with either closed graphs or limited diplo) are absolutely natural restriction. In real word there will never be a good guy who tells you each and every detail about your enemies. Learning to use scouting effectively really makes your strategic skills grow. Also, games with closed graphs are nearly never endless because it is harder to catch some empire growing too much. But it is no more harder if you know how to deploy your intelligence resources.

Why are open graphs so much fun for you?

p.s. The only Era that should be played with graphs open, IMO, is early, due to the natural lack of independent scouts.


Errr, I don't remember you being in either Beer or Timewarp?
I was a watching shadow:)

Executor July 2nd, 2009 10:02 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Hurry up!
I support graphs off. Much more interesting IMO, and less chance of being ganged upon. :)

Any idea on where to find CBM pretenders and scales since the link on Llamaserver leads to nowhere?

ano July 2nd, 2009 10:06 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Hurry up!
Yes, that was my mistake. I uploaded it there but somehow provided an incorrect link.
You can get CBM split version from CBM discussion thread at Mods section but I'll soon post a compilation of required mods here.

ano July 2nd, 2009 10:11 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Hurry up!
A compilation of required mods has been attached. You need to unzip it to your "mods" folder.

ano July 2nd, 2009 11:13 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Hurry up!
I also created started locs for 15 players and attached the .map file to the first post.
If you don't want to download, they are:
21, 239, 284, 96, 203, 44, 144, 280, 118, 217, 242, 146, 281, 147 and 75

Jarkko July 2nd, 2009 12:02 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Hurry up!

Originally Posted by ano (Post 699239)
are open graphs so much fun for you?

I have a strong board-game back-ground (Diplomacy, Avalon Hill and GDW games, etc). I am used to play double-blind games (my all time favourite for grand-strategy is the Euro Front series from Columbia Games) with limited info where I have to use spies/scouts/what-ever to gather correct intelligence. But most of all I am used to gain a general view of the game with a single glance on the map, so that it can be used as the basis for diplomatic actions. That single glance in Dominions is the stats page, and it is quite difficult for me to adjust myself to that, and there seems to be absolutely limited basis for diplomacy then. In effect, the fun-factor for me is missing then.

Notice, I understand well others prefer the information limited. I used to be that like myself in 80's when playing PBM Diplomacy :) But then I grew out of it ;) :D

Hoplosternum July 2nd, 2009 12:15 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Hurry up!

Originally Posted by ano (Post 699243)
A compilation of required mods has been attached. You need to unzip it to your "mods" folder.

I believe I have all the mods already. But I'll download them all just in case.

However I thought I could just use standard CBM 1.5 to make my Pretender as isn't the rest of it is just ignored by the game? It's whats on the game creaters pc that count? I thought the only mods you needed for creating a valid pretender are those that affect Pretender design. And that will be the same between full CBM and just the scales/pretenders version won't it?

ano July 2nd, 2009 12:35 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Hurry up!
Yes, it should be so. But I just don't know for sure:)
What I suggested is a safe way to do everything smoothly

ano July 3rd, 2009 11:44 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Hurry up!
Some wonderful nations are still free. Maybe you guys ask someone you know if they want to play?:)

BandarLover July 4th, 2009 12:00 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Hurry up!
I'm not exactly a newb, per se. I've played in about 6 MP games, even made it to late game in one of them, but all of my MP experience was about 2 years ago and I'd like to give this another try. If that's ok, I'd like to go with Bandar Log.

P.S. I didn't notice if this was being played on a server or by email, so if someone would please remind me of the steps for getting started either way (ie- uploading pretender, is it the 2h file we send if playing email style, etc.) that would be much appreciated. Thanks

ano July 4th, 2009 08:11 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 13/15 players. Hurry up!
Welcome on board, BandarLover:)!.
This game is played with llamaserver as the most of the games nowadays are. Sorry for not mentioning this. I'll add the information to the first post shortly and will probably also create the game so that you'll be able to upload your pretenders.

ano July 4th, 2009 08:36 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
Game has been created. It has a bit ugly name but that's only because llamaserver requires names at least 5 characters long (don't know why)
You are free to upload you pretenders now (I hope we'll have the last person shortly). Tell me if something goes wrong.

BandarLover July 4th, 2009 08:49 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
Is the tga file for the map missing? I tried to start a test game using it, and got the mapnot found error and did not notice the tga for Alexander in my maps folder. Anyone else getting this?

ano July 4th, 2009 08:55 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
No, it's not missing. There's a link to the map discussion thread in the first post.
Here it is

ano July 4th, 2009 08:56 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
Also, while we were waiting I decided to change my nation and take Gath. Hope this doesn't cause objections

BandarLover July 4th, 2009 09:52 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
Thanks for the map link, Alexander works for me now.

What is the IP for this game's server? I didn't notice it in the game link. I think I got my pretender down how I want and am ready to upload.

ano July 4th, 2009 10:02 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
Llamaserver is an automated PBEM server so no IP. You make your turn, send your .2h to turns_at_llamaserver_dot_net and receive a new turn once it is hosted. Please read the FAQ if you're unfamiliar with it. Link is in the first post.

Revolution July 4th, 2009 10:02 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!

Originally Posted by BandarLover (Post 699641)
Thanks for the map link, Alexander works for me now.

What is the IP for this game's server? I didn't notice it in the game link. I think I got my pretender down how I want and am ready to upload.

read the llamaserver FAQ


ano July 4th, 2009 10:04 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
Don't you want to join, Revolution?:)
I would be really glad to see you in

Revolution July 4th, 2009 10:06 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
I'm thinking about it.

ano July 4th, 2009 10:08 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
A lot of good nations and the last spot are still available:)

Revolution July 4th, 2009 10:20 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
OK, LA Agartha.

BandarLover July 4th, 2009 10:22 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
Pretender uploaded.

Thank you Revolution for the link, I'd actually checked it out on the llamaserver page, but was 2 posts down and didn't see the steps for uploading and taking game turns. Brilliant! :doh:

Going to work soon, so if this game gets started today, my turn will be done later tonight.

ano July 4th, 2009 10:34 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Open. 14/15 players. Hurry up!
No, no. The game will 100% not be started today. Probably, Monday or Tuesday - once everyone uploads their gods.

Glad to see you in, Revolution:)

Hoplosternum July 4th, 2009 11:37 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Full. Upload pretenders
Good because I probably can't upload my Pretender until Sunday evening :)

ano July 5th, 2009 04:57 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Full. Upload pretenders
6 of 15 pretenders in. Guys, could you please hurry up a bit so that we could start Tuesday?

Squirrelloid July 5th, 2009 10:12 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Full. Upload pretenders

Originally Posted by ano (Post 699845)
6 of 15 pretenders in. Guys, could you please hurry up a bit so that we could start Tuesday?

Mine should be submitted sometime tonight.

chrispedersen July 5th, 2009 11:44 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Full. Upload pretenders
its July 4th weekend .. lot of people out of town.

I should have mine in within 24 hours

Squirrelloid July 5th, 2009 11:51 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Full. Upload pretenders
Quick question - if we have CBM 1.5, do we need to dl the CBM component mods you're using? Or will it extract the appropriate mod components from the complete CBM to run? (Pretender was submitted with no problems, so...)

ano July 6th, 2009 04:49 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Full. Upload pretenders
I don't know for sure.
It seems to me that the game checks the validity of pretender after first turn generation. So probably, pretender created under full version of CBM 1.5 will be ok.
Also, Black Sun Empire still didn't receive his game copy. Probably, if he doesn't in two days we'll have to open his slot.

Black Sun Empire July 6th, 2009 06:02 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Full. Upload pretenders
Came home and my copy of the game is still not here, I will have to pull out.

ano July 6th, 2009 06:06 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. 14/15. Ready to start. JUMP IN!
Ok, if your copy arrives before we find another player you'll still be able to jump in. For now I reopened the game

Bwaha July 6th, 2009 12:49 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. 14/15. Ready to start. JUMP IN!
Hello, I would like MA Mictlan. :D

ano July 6th, 2009 12:50 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. 14/15. Ready to start. JUMP IN!
Ok. Nice to hear we're full again:)

chrispedersen July 6th, 2009 01:50 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Full. Uploading pretenders

balanced fixed starting positions...
May I ask the criteria for "balanced".. many times this means starting positions will exclude coastal provinces due to lack of neighbors.

I'm not sure how I feel about it, but would like to know for reference purposes..

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