![]() |
Re: Aardwark - started!
3 stales. A bit too much, probably. Fantomen, please, add another 5h to the current turn if Ashdod doesn't submit his turn in time.
It's like a double-edged blade. When turns are long people lose interest, when turns are short, they just stale:) |
Re: Aardwark - started!
Well sorry about that, I had to go away for work purposes.
I guess I should be more selective when I join a game. Sorry about missing my turns, I will check to see what happened over the last two turns. |
Re: Aardwark - started!
Just thought I would say something about the rules. I understand the need to stick to rules and my nation is not the biggest as I'm a newbie and learning how to play.
I still find it slightly harsh to be staled twice. The first one should have been a big enough slap on the wrist, to then stale me again was a little harsh. To top it off, two other nations have staled, one has staled three times. Anyway, it was in the rules so I understand the right to stick to the rules. I just think sometimes in life rules should be a little more flexible. |
Re: Aardwark - started!
Shinuyama is going to stale again, btw. Maybe we should look for a sub? Three stales in a row cry for that, IMO.
Re: Aardwark - started!
If starshine and statttis have no objection - I would be happy to replace Shinu.
Do you wish to delay the turn so I can get up to speed? |
Re: Aardwark - started!
It would be cool:). If only Fantomen postponed hosting and sent Shinuyama turn to you.
Re: Aardwark - started!
Please, postpone the game by as much as possible. Thanks.
Re: Aardwark - started!
Jesus, lots of stales! It´s not that I want to be harsh or anything, I just wanted us to have a quick start. Most of those stales just went under the radar for me... I have granted all 5h delay requests that have been pm´d to me so it seems that most of the stales are just people choosing to stale, or having unexpected real life issues.
Ferrisol seems to have abandoned the game entirely without notice, so I´m glad to pass shinuyama on to Chrispedersen if he wants it. Have patience with me guys, it´s the first game I organize but I´m trying my best. |
Re: Aardwark - started!
I made a one time delay of 20 hours to set things straight, I have changed Shinuyama to Chrispedersen.
For further delay requests, it is more efficient to send me a pm, I will notice these faster than posts in the thread. I´m a working woman so don´t count on me reading anything before 7pm. |
Re: Aardwark - started!
Re: Aardwark - started!
I'm back and ready to lead Atlantian nation again. All diplomacy options are on. Special thanks to Ano for subbing.
Re: Aardwark - started!
I just thought the second stale was a little harsh, anyway, I am back and running again. |
Re: Aardwark - Running
Ummm... I got Rams Head the Hero last turn. As I didn't have anything for him to do, I left him just standing there. Now he declared himself profet...
I am wondering if this is a bug (I have two profets now) or does Rams Head automatically declare himself a prophet under some conditions in CBM? At least I've had it happen to me never before. |
Re: Aardwark - Running
Wow .. send that in. There has definitely been talk of a prophet bug introduced recently.
They will *really* want to see that.. send in the fatherland, mod and turn file to info@illwinter.com. |
Re: Aardwark - Running
Re: Aardwark - Running
In other news, I think Fantomen is doing a great job as GM. I like the fast pace of this game :)
Re: Aardwark - Running
Aaaaand my pretender is dead, again. Damn those Ashdod giants are tough, anything I throw against them get killed :( The only good thing is that the giants are not present everywhere and I seem to be able to steam-roll the non-giant armies, but sucks to lose one army per turn to the berking giants :mad:
Re: Aardwark - Running
I guess it is lucky for all involved that I have no idea how to play this game, otherwise I may be dangerous.
Re: Aardwark - Running
We have reached turn 20, meaning longer delays are now permitted. Remember to ask well in advance and that it is preferable to find a sub if possible.
I am sorry to inform you that I am being mercilessly crushed without hope of recovery. I kindly ask that someone else step up as new admin as soon as possible. |
Re: Aardwark - Running
Speaking of subs Fantomen,
Would you like to sub for Shinuyami starting Tues or wednesday? I was called out of town.. I've been looking for a sub for a week no luck. I was originally replacing a player who staled 4x... so if you wanted to take over the position that would be ok too. |
Re: Aardwark - Running
I would gladly do that chrispedersen, but even if I´m going down with machaka I would still be in control of two nations.
I guess if I have lost enough of my provinces by Tuesday I could turn AI without shame and take over Shinuyama instead...would you others consider that an acceptable solution? |
Re: Aardwark - Running
Yes, given the scarcity of subs this is a far better solution than Shin staling or going AI.
Re: Aardwark - Running
I'm not sure I agree.
Re: Aardwark - Running
Its almost impossible to find subs these days.......
The alternatives seem to be: postponing; shin staling which is akin to handing the kingdom over to Ctis; or Fantomen taking it over. I think you can trust Fantomen not to abuse it.. |
Re: Aardwark - Running
Very well, I'll withdraw my objection and defer to the will of the group.
Re: Aardwark - Running
Re: Aardwark - Running
Very well then. I´ll switch nations on Tuesday. Perhaps Chrispedersen could PM me describing the situation.
Re: Aardwark - Running
Ok, so I have taken over Shinuyama, Machaka has gone AI.
Re: Aardwark - Running
I'm having computers problems, and won't be able to play anymore.
Re: Aardwark - Running
So now we are looking for another sub then...sigh.
I don´t want to turn Agartha AI as well, It would be a shame since it is winning against Machaka and has two capitals. I´m trying to find a sub, I´ll postpone the game a bit in the meanwhile. |
Re: Aardwark - Running
I decided to get a new computer. Can you delay the game for a couple of days?
Re: Aardwark - Running
Reckon I can, that will probably be better than Agartha going AI. Second opinions?
Even better would be if you tried to find a temporary sub though. |
Re: Aardwark - Running
If there is no angry playermob showing up with pitchforks and sharpened sticks to lynch me, well then I´m going to consider Ghouls computer crash a force majoure and grant him the delay.
You´ve got two days then Ghoul, hope thats enough. I made a request for a temporary sub and if someone steps up I´m going to let him do a couple turns rather that postponing. |
Re: Aardwark - Running
Sounds fair to me.
Re: Aardwark - Running
Huh... I'm not sure what happened to the delay, but in case the issue comes up: I am vehemently against a rollback - not least because it took many turns of dancing with Atlantis to create a position to "appear weak where I am strong" (on two fronts simultaeneously, no less).
Re: Aardwark - Running
Why didn't you delay the game like you said you would?
Oh well, I just got my new computer, so I'll just play from here on. |
Re: Aardwark - Running
Huh? I thought I did... Really sorry Ghoul, I must have had some sort of mental blackout...
Re: Aardwark - Running
Actually the postponing wasn´t the only thing that didn´t went through. I also sent in a revised turn for Shinuyama, which was confirmed by email, but the orders used was still the ones from the older .2h file.
Also, I delayed BOTH this game AND Zebra but they have both hosted prematurely. So I conclude this was somehow Llamaserver playing tricks on us rather than me having another wave of LSD flashbacks. Wait... I didn´t mean to write that out loud... edit... hello? EDIT!!! (Fantomen tries to catch the edit button which has mutated into a pink flying bog beast) |
Re: Aardwark - Running
Ashdod sure has been a hard nut to crack. Considering BSE staled a couple turns and they've been fighting on all fronts, it *still* took this long to crack their back-bone. Well, technically it is still not over, they have one army left, but with their capital fallen (and no way to take it back), I think it is just a matter of how and where the final show will happen.
Well fought BSE! |
Re: Aardwark - Running
Ok, it seems I´m once more the captain of a sinking ship. This time you WILL need a new admin, it would be best to hand the job over before I´m completely out of the game. I´m guessing 5-6 turns from now.
It´s been a blast and I rather enjoyed organising this game, the first one for me. I will arrange more games in the future in the same spirit, probably start a new one as soon as someone steps up to take over here. |
Re: Aardwark - Running
Machaka still has 14 provinces and 3 forts. Maybe you should swith back to them
Re: Aardwark - Running
I'll admin.
Re: Aardwark - Running
Ok, good. Thanks Baalz.
Re: Aardwark - Running
I'm not sure I'll make the deadline for this next turn. Can I get a 12 hour delay please?
Re: Aardwark - Running
Re: Aardwark - Running
well this game seems to be over.
T'ien Ch'i and R'lyeh have teamed up and taken over most of the map. |
Re: Aardwark - Running
The counteroffensive has begun. Long live the rebellion!
Re: Aardwark - Running
:) You had a few more mages within those walls than I expected. My noobness is showing... even forgot to properly fortify Atlantis' capital against the off chance he'd Call Back his pretender before I hunted him down. Doh! |
Re: Aardwark - Running
It's obvious to me that there is next to no chance of stopping R'yleh. Unless anybody else thinks they have a snowballs chance in hell I say we call the game for Raiel.
Re: Aardwark - Running
Have to say I agree with Baalz. R'lyeh is strong in late game, but sometimes struggle in early game... R'lyeh is already now super strong, and we are not even close to the end game yet...
I shouldn't have attacked C'tis, should have tried to gather an alliance to stop R'lyeh, but C'tis did piss me off on purpose by taking that province next to my capital and then even built a fort there. Ok, I got the message, and off to war Pangaea went without considering the greater good...:( Only if we all drop our small quarrels have we together a chance to stop R'lyeh. And even if we all unite, R'lyeh has the upper hand I think. |
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