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Maerlande October 19th, 2009 01:34 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running

Very good effort to hold your capital. Your air magic cost me quite a lot along with the frighten spam. You nearly won the fight.


Immaculate October 19th, 2009 01:58 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running

Deathjester October 20th, 2009 10:29 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I seem to have a problem submitting my turn. Is anyone else experiencing this too?

Johnarryn - could you postpone a bit just in case?

Maerlande October 20th, 2009 10:37 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I'm having the same problem.

Calahan October 20th, 2009 10:43 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
The turn submitting problem is due to the llamaserver currently moving home.

More details here.

Immaculate October 20th, 2009 10:43 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
llamaserver is down. Llama took it offline so he could take it to his home (see a seperate thread in this subforum)

EDIT: ninjaed

Deathjester October 20th, 2009 10:53 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
This might be a hasty question, but could this cause any problems in this particular game?

ie - the game processing before our turns are registrered when the server goes online again (and the turn is processed due to the hosting interval).

Calahan October 20th, 2009 11:23 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running

Originally Posted by Deathjester (Post 715363)
This might be a hasty question, but could this cause any problems in this particular game?

ie - the game processing before our turns are registrered when the server goes online again (and the turn is processed due to the hosting interval).

Well as far as I know, on every occasion that the llamaserver has gone off-line in the past, llamabeast's standard procedure has been to delay all games by 24 or 48 hours. So I'd be very surprised if this didn't happen again here.

But don't worry, in my experience llamabeast is always on the case in this regards, and I'm confident he will not let any games host without the players having had plenty of chance to get their turns in (ie. When he turns the llamaserver back on, he won't just let a bunch of games host that have a load of missing turns to them)

johnarryn October 20th, 2009 11:26 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I will keep an eye out and delay on my own if the server comes back up and people haven't put their turns in.

Maerlande November 1st, 2009 11:05 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Did anyone stale that last turn? It looked very close for Pythium and Utgard.

johnarryn November 1st, 2009 11:08 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Pythium staled, as did Utgard (you can look at this on the llamaserver).

Utgard staling was my fault. He had asked me for an additional 4 hour delay, which i thought i had inputted, but apparently did not. I've already apologized to him, it was a crappy mistake =(

Alpine Joe November 1st, 2009 11:16 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
SOrry about the stale, but with my commanders scripted and awaiting the final battle I don't find myself doing much with my turns.....now if Gath or Ulm would just finish me off!

Maerlande November 2nd, 2009 12:47 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Are you going to offer a rollback for Utgard?

Quitti November 2nd, 2009 02:00 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
You can check llamaserver game stales from the webpage -> game page -> admin options -> staling data. While it's in located in the "admin" part of the game, anyone can access it.

I'm usually not a fan of rollbacks...

Erebus November 2nd, 2009 03:12 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
The situation between Utgård and C'tis is quite delicate at the moment. So if Utgård wants a rollback, it's for a good reason.

Deathjester November 2nd, 2009 03:46 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I (Utgard) did, yes. It seemed there was a misunderstanding with regards to the postponing of the hosting. Very bad timing.

Edit: If a rollback is doable (I have little experience, except a small 2-player game once), it would make a big difference for my chances of survival, simply put.

Deathjester November 2nd, 2009 04:59 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running

Originally Posted by Erebus (Post 716810)
The situation between Utgård and C'tis is quite delicate at the moment. So if Utgård wants a rollback, it's for a good reason.

Coming from the god of C'tis, that's a honorable statement. Thanks.

johnarryn November 2nd, 2009 09:52 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Im just going to go ahead and roll it back as an executive decision, so people, please take the same actions you did previously (except for Utgard and anyone interacting with him) so as not to gain any advantage from this.... ill trust everyone to abide by that.

Actually, looking at the llamaserver faq, it seems that as long as deathjester sends in his .2h and no one else does, they will all take the same actions as they would have anyhow. So NO ONE ELSE SEND IN A .2h but Deathjester

johnarryn November 2nd, 2009 11:16 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running

I rolled back the turn, and then allowed Utgard to take his turn. I then hosted... your old orders should have been the same. Let me know if this is not the case.

We will otherwise proceed as normal. So make sure you send in the .2h for the most recent turn.

Maerlande November 2nd, 2009 11:34 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Status page is sitting at turn 33 with only Utgard submitted. No turn received.

Maerlande November 2nd, 2009 11:59 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Actually, I see that llamaserver stopped updating at 14:40. Looks like it's stuck.

johnarryn November 2nd, 2009 02:22 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
It hosted, and I received my turn with no problems... so game continues as normal.

Quitti November 2nd, 2009 03:28 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I've recieved my turn also.

Deathjester November 2nd, 2009 04:25 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Me too, and I can confirm that things did turn out a bit differently when I could actually do something with 25-30 commanders under siege.

Thank you for handling it well John, a mistake can anyone do, it's how you handle the consequences that count.

And thanks to everyone else for the patience..

Maerlande November 3rd, 2009 12:12 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
It's looking like we'll have 3 stales coming. Get your turns in please.

johnarryn November 3rd, 2009 12:51 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Again, if people don't contact me previous to a stale, not much I can do... I am generally not willing to delay the game unless a reason is given. Them's the breaks, as they say.

Maerlande November 3rd, 2009 12:57 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I'm cool with that johnarryn. Just bugging them to get turns in. Nothing to do with you.

Maerlande November 3rd, 2009 03:41 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
johnarryn, Did you happen to change my email on llamaserver? My turn file is not arriving and I've tried resend.

Maerlande November 3rd, 2009 03:48 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Never mind. Third time lucky. It finally got here.

Deathjester November 3rd, 2009 04:03 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I did not get mine at first either, but after about 30 mins I did.

Erebus November 4th, 2009 03:20 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I tried to send in my last turn an hour or so before the deadline, but I got no response from the server. I tried sending it again, but I didn't get a response until only some hours after the deadline. It said I was trying to send in a wrong turn. I'm quite sure I wasn't... but so my turn staled. I should've asked for postponing immediately when I didn't get a response from the server, but I was a bit busy with life outside Dominions and didn't think too clearly. Anyway, I wouldn't have done much on that turn that I can't do now, so losing it isn't catastrophic.

johnarryn November 4th, 2009 09:53 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Ok, that's good to know... the llamaserver can be weird sometimes. Its possible, also, that because of the rollback the turn was a little screwy. Also, Erebus, it would be helpful if you could turn on private messaging in your profile.

Maerlande November 4th, 2009 01:45 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Pythium has staled 10 times. Perhaps if the player isn't playing it should be set to AI. Has to do a better job than a stale.

Erebus November 5th, 2009 01:01 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running

Originally Posted by johnarryn (Post 717076)
Also, Erebus, it would be helpful if you could turn on private messaging in your profile.

I hadn't thought that the feature might be disabled by default. It's turned on now. :)

Also, I'll be out of town for the whole weekend starting on friday morning. That means I can submit the next turn (37) as usual, but I won't be able to play turn 38 until on Sunday evening. So I'd very much appreciate a postponing of the deadline of turn 38 to something like Sunday 22:00 GMT.

Deathjester November 7th, 2009 04:44 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Which is another 18 hrs to the current deadline..

Maerlande November 8th, 2009 04:04 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I see that Erebus got his turn in. The holdout is Pythium. Any chance of a forced host since we were waiting for Erebus?

Alpine Joe November 8th, 2009 06:52 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
my mages are scripted and ready to fight, so I do absolutely nothing on my turns at this point. Go ahead and force the hosting.

Maerlande November 15th, 2009 11:01 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Something is funny with Llama. The time limit ended over an hour ago, but the game isn't hosting. Anybody know why?

Maerlande November 16th, 2009 12:11 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Okay. Resend turn worked and I got the new turn. So all's fine except the status page is wrong.

ghoul31 November 27th, 2009 09:53 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I'm going AI. Tien Chi wiped out my last army. And he has like 1000 troops. He controls the entire southern part of the world now.

good luck

Maerlande November 27th, 2009 10:38 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
For the record,

Midgard attempted a surprise attack on us. It's been a long war in which we, T'ien Ch'i, lost a lot of ground before returning to retake and advance. It was not our plan to conquer Midgard but the continuing attacks by sneaky Vans required a massive response.

As our other neighbours know, we have maintained excellent border relations with all others who communicate and don't attempt stealthy sneak attacks.

Nebechadnezar, the peace loving Emporer of T'ien Ch'i.

Deathjester November 28th, 2009 07:59 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I sent my turn in without response, but on the other hand the turn has not processed, and the time on llamaserver is not updating.

Maerlande December 4th, 2009 11:44 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I see that quickhost is turned off. Was that deliberate?

johnarryn December 5th, 2009 10:32 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Oops. Yet, it was deliberate, but should be on now. Thanks for the reminder.

johnarryn December 8th, 2009 10:56 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Delaying for 24 hours, got a little too much on my hands right now.

johnarryn December 13th, 2009 06:15 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Sorry for the inadvertent stale there, folks (though im sure my opponents didnt mind). Anyway, im getting a bit crushed by school, so im delaying the next turn until after tuesday evening, when i should be able to resume. thanks for understanding.

johnarryn December 22nd, 2009 12:24 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Hey folks - after this turn (turn 59) I will delay the game until the 27th to allow people extra time for the holidays, although people can always send their turns in if they wish.

Maerlande December 22nd, 2009 12:27 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
Sounds good.

Maerlande December 28th, 2009 09:59 PM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
We, Nebachadnezar, Emporer of T'ien Ch'i, do annex the lands of Man. We trust our fine allies will understand our requirement for more space and not interfere with this simple annexation. Man has clearly demonstrated a lack of comprehension of the way and must be absorbed into the empire.

Our best to you,

Quitti December 30th, 2009 01:32 AM

Re: End of Time 3 - Running
I will be gone from 31st to 3rd, but I'm in a position where a stale or two won't really matter about my own outcome. Still I would like to request a postponement or perhaps leave it to max one hosting while I'm gone.

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