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melnorjr November 9th, 2009 07:16 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Hope you at least felt that siege, Quitti.

Took my fort with one guy left standing. And I kept almost all my mages. Ready for round two on my other one?

Since I am obviously going to lose, btw, Whichever one of you takes my last fort gets my remaining gems and gold.

Quitti November 10th, 2009 05:53 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Well, I don't have more troops on your front, but I could get plenty in short time should I put gold into it. My upkeep was reduced around 30% by that fight! Only thing I miss is three galdermen I lost though. You're free to keep that last fort for yourself for the moment :)

And actually it was one vanjarl, one galderman and two skinshifters left after that fight ;)

melnorjr November 16th, 2009 12:02 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Is there anybody who is inclined to take over adminning once I'm taken out?(I hear that that is standard? I'm new to this)

Mardagg November 22nd, 2009 08:59 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)

Mardagg November 22nd, 2009 09:20 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
gg Melnorj!
I would have attacked you this turn...just had to wait for Iron Blizzard. I was kinda looking forward to that final battle in your castle.I guess starvation and gold issues forced you to attack.

I feel a bit obliged now to take over admin from you ;)
I could do it,even though it would probably not the best solution since this would be my first time doing it and i dont have the time to check the forums several times per day(i get my PM`s emailed though)

Quitti November 22nd, 2009 09:50 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Well, melnorjr put up a heck of a fight, but the breaking-out fight seemed a bit lackluster (I had a scout there watching). I don't mind Mardagg becoming the admin, just check the forums once a day or so some hours before the hosting :)

melnorjr November 22nd, 2009 12:53 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
The battle there was so lackluster because I didn't have the troops for it. my mages routed on round 3, when they were about to open up with their spells. I had them in a reverse communion - which was probably not the right choice there.

Anyway, PMing you the password Mardagg.

You guys killed me about 4 turns too early by the way. I was just getting ready to get bunches of vampires up when you took my forts and stopped me from collecting more slaves - that was the reason for my odd pretender.

One thing I learned: trying to cause unrest with five-fold angels and Khlyst doesn't work on players.

Quitti November 22nd, 2009 01:02 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Spies do work, if you can mass them in sufficient quantities. I think fivefold angels were spies in addition to just being stealthy? Anyway, your huge research graph showed that you were aiming for something, and staying very quiet about it, didn't know what it was though..

But still, if you had waited for ulm to bump into your castle, you would've had much better chances since the gate is a very easily defendable choke point (as we saw with the fight in your cap ;)).

Mardagg November 22nd, 2009 02:19 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)

Originally Posted by melnorjr (Post 719181)
The battle there was so lackluster because I didn't have the troops for it. my mages routed on round 3, when they were about to open up with their spells. I had them in a reverse communion - which was probably not the right choice there.

Anyway, PMing you the password Mardagg.

You guys killed me about 4 turns too early by the way. I was just getting ready to get bunches of vampires up when you took my forts and stopped me from collecting more slaves - that was the reason for my odd pretender.

One thing I learned: trying to cause unrest with five-fold angels and Khlyst doesn't work on players.

you did lose some starets and troops already to starvation+desertion before i think.At least 3 starets and 1 fivefold angel went missing.
Actually i was looking forward to lose some more melee troops there...to lower my upkeep.
I did lose a lot of respect for Khlyst btw...i think that the cause unrest tag is BIG laydown...i always knew in which province u had sneaky troops bc of that.That way i could easily use my freespawns and regular troops to hunt down your invaders and no spy can stand vs like 80 troops + PD patrolling.

Yeah,as soon as i saw your pretender magic paths,i was like: Someone wants to use vampires vs my ULM :)
Anyways,Thanks for some fun battles and for showing me how great Sharivar map is(never played it before).

Ok guys,i am the new admin then.
I will try to check this topic at least everytime before hosting.
But if its urgent its better to send me a PM in addition to posting here.


Mardagg November 22nd, 2009 02:43 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 719182)

But still, if you had waited for ulm to bump into your castle, you would've had much better chances since the gate is a very easily defendable choke point (as we saw with the fight in your cap ;)).

Probably one more round for his mages to cast spells,still not enough troops and huge morale issues because of starvation(-4 to morale IIRC) especially vs that many ranged attackers.
And i had something cooked up for the castle fight which didnt trigger now ;)

Kietsensei December 6th, 2009 04:47 AM

Noobs and Strangeness
Greetings to the Nagas.
It has been a long time since we last talk. The world is really peaceful now and as promised I come back to you to discuss of a possible joint war operation as promised in the past. Unfortunately there is only one possible target for both of us, that is Cti. I don't know what relation you have with them. Is it a 3 turn nap?

Maerlande December 6th, 2009 02:22 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
You posted this publicly.

Kietsensei December 6th, 2009 04:58 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Hahaha what a nice joke! The messenger who lost such important message has been thrown to the hydra pit as punishment. :doh:
That was the funniest and dumbest noob mistake I ever made in Dominion :D

Maerlande December 16th, 2009 08:50 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
We Bnupa, God of Patala, require more lands.

We thereby cancel our non-aggression pact with Agartha and will be moving out in 3 turns. Prepare your armies Agartha!


PS: I believe that would mean that on turn 47 I may attack. Please correct me if I misunderstand the 3 turn NAP concept.

Kietsensei December 17th, 2009 04:47 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Dear Lords of Shahrivar,

In this time of "peace" where only fools dare to leave the safety of their home and face deadly lightning bolt striking from the stormy sky, the snake nation of Pythium is interested in trading gems. We are looking for air and earth gems and we can provide with any gems but astral in exchange.

Quitti December 17th, 2009 02:16 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
You know, the human body is extremely bad conductor - there's nothing to fear about lightning. And we've heard that it never hits the same spot twice too, so just build a house to a place where confirmed thunder strikes have happened before. Still, should you find yourself struck by a lightning, wearing a ring of lightning protection is a very good pre-emptive measure to save your meager life. In fact, we are selling them for 5 astral pearls a piece for those who are interested! Contact us by mail or send an emissary with a cartful of astral pearls.

- Letter addressed to other nations from the Herse of Propaganda and Marketing of Midgård.

Kietsensei December 18th, 2009 02:45 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 722320)
You know, the human body is extremely bad conductor - there's nothing to fear about lightning. And we've heard that it never hits the same spot twice too, so just build a house to a place where confirmed thunder strikes have happened before. Still, should you find yourself struck by a lightning, wearing a ring of lightning protection is a very good pre-emptive measure to save your meager life. In fact, we are selling them for 5 astral pearls a piece for those who are interested! Contact us by mail or send an emissary with a cartful of astral pearls.

- Letter addressed to other nations from the Herse of Propaganda and Marketing of Midgård.

Ha the rings are less expensive if you buy them from a pythium merchant: 4.5 astral pearls ;). Garanteed 100% bio and natural!

Mardagg December 18th, 2009 03:09 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Ulm hereby announces that our first strike surprise attacks on Agartha have been mostly successful.
Those lands are infested by vampire tribes worshipping a false god and as such cant be tolerated by our great ruler ,Mardagg,the Leech.

Every conquererd province as of this month is viewed as Ulmish territory from now on.

Speaker of the Leech
Drinker of Dragon Blood

Kietsensei December 18th, 2009 06:33 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Who would like to take part into a vampire war anyway? Let the bloodsuckers drink the blood of their own kind. We are just curious how Agartha will react to this surprise attack.

Quitti December 18th, 2009 11:39 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)

Originally Posted by Kietsensei (Post 722397)
Ha the rings are less expensive if you buy them from a pythium merchant: 4.5 astral pearls ;). Garanteed 100% bio and natural!

Fine! We'll offer them at 4 pearls a piece. Or alternatively 400 gold for one! Buy four and get the fifth one free!

- The herse responsible for cheap labor in Midgård.

Mardagg December 19th, 2009 09:31 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
We will switch to 72h hosting soon,for the rest of the year.
We are going back to 48h hosting in 2010.

I will be away on 25th and 26th december.
If anyone needs even more time during the christmas period,just give me a call before 25th december;)

Maerlande December 23rd, 2009 11:58 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Bnupa's Bountiful Bizarre is open:

Rings of Wizardry for sale: 40 pearls or 80 other gems.
Rings of Sorcery: 25 pearls or 50 other gems.

Good friend discounts available.

Other high end items may be available. Contact Bnupa for details.

Mardagg December 24th, 2009 09:29 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Game is set to 72h quick hosting for the rest of the year,to avoid stales during christmas time.

Its still possible to keep the old pace on via quick hosting.I will be away 25-26th december,but i will play my turn before leaving.
If anyone needs more time,tell me today.

Have a nice xmas everyone!

Maerlande December 27th, 2009 02:57 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Greetings from Bnupa,

Someone has snuck either a bane venom charm or a disease carrying leader into our province of Ebys (30). We consider that a declaration of war. When we determine who's unit is doing it we will cancel all agreements and instantly attack. Of course, that's unless it is removed.

Bnupa, Destroyer of Patala.

Quitti December 30th, 2009 01:35 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)

The Mighty Frigg, Goddess of Air will be absent from 31st to 3rd, and would like to request a postponement for that duration. We wouldn't like too much lightning to hit you while I'm gone, would we?

-Jörn, the official interpreter of the mute goddess Frigg, Queen of Clouds.

Mardagg December 30th, 2009 06:25 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Ok, we will keep 72h hosting until you are back then and i will further postpone hosting,as soon as it becomes necessary.

Mardagg January 4th, 2010 11:15 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Happy new year everyone!

We will switch back to 48h hosting after this turn,if noone objects.

Probably going back to 72h hosting should it start to get really complicated;)

Mardagg January 4th, 2010 11:25 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Ulm hereby announces,that the mighty Destroyer of Worlds,Bnupa, and Mardagg,the Leech ,did put the rulership of Agartha to the end.In a concentrated effort, the last 2 remaining fortresses have been captured this turn.
It should be mentionend,that many brave Soldiers of Ulm lost their lives while sucessfully storming the capital of Recenna held by over 750 Agarthian infidels,heavily digged in in a very dark and unhealthy environment!

Speaker of the Leech
Drinker of Dragon Blood

Kietsensei January 5th, 2010 03:57 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
The disease carrier who is travelling in our province should move away immediatly. Our statement is the same as Bupa's the destroyer of worlds: when Pythium find out who is behind this, all agreement will be cancelled. By the way, it is not really difficult to guess who is behind this as the suspects aren't very numerous...

Mardagg January 13th, 2010 04:53 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)

wow,what a turn!!
I have never seen dominion death in action before for an otherwise healthy nation,well done Quitti!
Ctis went AI.
Now its down to 4 ,much earlier than i thought.

In other news,I might have to request a 1 time delay to 72 h hosting again,got a lot of things to do in real live this week and microing my nation is pretty stressful at times...expecially switching my Black Priests back and forth between Research and Preach.Thanks for this Quitti! :D

Alpine Joe January 13th, 2010 05:20 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Haha wow neither had I. Had about 18 holy 3 priests preaching and a blood sac in a temple in each of my provinces from another holy 3. Pretender and prophet were both alive and well. I only had one province with about 5 candles in it the last few turns. I was starting to turn the dominion tide, then got the negative dominion event in that key province :(

Good work Quitti, I will never underestimate the importance of base dominions again.

Mardagg January 13th, 2010 05:59 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
gg Alpine Joe.Wow,bad dominion event there,thats sick.


Originally Posted by Alpine Joe (Post 726115)
Good work Quitti, I will never underestimate the importance of base dominions again.

me too.Seems that my priests still only preach with the base dom as the chance for success.
I got like 80 priests,all with inquisitor bonus, preaching on average and probably nearly equal number of temples like midgard(30+).Still not enough to keep the borders up dominion-wise these days and my base dom is pretty decent actually.
Its probably the massive blood sacs combined with base dom 10.
I would pay huge sums just to make my priests to be able to blood sac in this game...

Pretty sick strat there...strangeness indeed!
Midgard seems to fit very well for this in lots of ways.

Mardagg January 13th, 2010 06:05 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
btw,did you patrol your home province Alpine Joe?

I guess,he might have had lots of stealthy preachers there,too.
That would explain his pretty low research from like 20 turns ago until now .
Glamoured stealthy preachers and blood sacrificers in huge numbers ,all in there own dominion,invisible for everyone else...

*off to further improve my border patrols*

Quitti January 14th, 2010 09:38 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
No problem! To quote a meme, "I accidentally the whole Marignon, is this serious?".

To be honest, it was hard work, but bit too easy. I see it was due the bad event then few turns ago. I never set foot on marigs lands though with any other than normal scouts to honor our NAP. I doubt you could catch them though, they are stealthy +35 with glamour or so ;) (and I got better use for earth+astral than stone idols)

Having said this, I claim whatever is left of Marignons lands. I fought a shadow war for them for quite a while. Please do not interfere. And I don't mind the delay if you need one, got somewhat busy weekend probably coming myself too.

Mardagg January 14th, 2010 10:59 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
I will change the hosting intervall to 72 hours then for this turn.
Switching back next turn,but since it always takes another turn to take in effect,we got 2 turns now with 72 h hosting.
So that means also more time on the weekend;)

I might get my turn in already on Friday though.

Mardagg January 14th, 2010 11:13 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
I still dont get get how the dom death is handled exactly now.
I always thought,that all troops just disappear in that case.
But i have intel about all Marignon lands now being defended by former Marignon troops.But to me,it looks,that not all former Marignon troops are Indy now...some disappeared.
Also,on Llamaserver,it says that there are only 2 indie provinces atm.:confused:

Quitti January 14th, 2010 02:34 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
That's because they're Midgårds lands now! ;)

Mardagg January 15th, 2010 10:17 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
The council of the Dragon Blooded has been held.
This event normally occurs only once every 1000 years.
Several anouncements will be made public soon.

Speaker of the Leech
Drinker of Dragon Blood

Mardagg January 15th, 2010 11:52 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Announcement No 1:

Despite a growing number of dragon blooded fearing the fast spreading false religion of midgard will cause Ulm to disappear,
Ulm will keep on honoring the NAP with Midgard as of now,due to excellent past history with Frigg.
Our research is suffering for a long time though and a lot of gold is going into a lot otherwise useless things just to repel the constant religous waves.
The constant blood sacrficing at our borders and the excessive number of Temples will be seen as act of minor aggression vs us though from now on.
Appropriate counter measures might be taken here in the future.
The civil war in Marignon has teached Ulm a lesson.
We wont just sit and wait still until our faith is surpressed.

This is a warning.

Mardagg January 15th, 2010 12:06 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Announcement No 2:

The civil war in Marignon.
Lama(178) and Neotha(176) are under the protection of Ulm from now on.

The daughter of the son of the daughter of Tabos,speaker of the Leech,is married with Goltra,the son of the duke of Lama.
We have send a demigod therefore to claim that province for him.

The Duke of Neotha,a former ally of Ulm, has asked us for help to put down the civil war.
We have answered and send a demigod to help him.

Further letters asking for support have reached us.
Many Dukes are fearing the false religion and prefer to ally with Ulm instead.
Ulm might take more actions here in the future,even though not necessarily.

Mardagg January 15th, 2010 12:11 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Announcement No 3:

Since every temple of Midgard is a powerful force in itself,Ulm might react with increasing Force for every new temple build all while still honoring the NAP.
This means any new temple anywhere,regardless of distance.

Especially the last 2 "no-temple" provinces at our borders,(154) and (150) will be watched closely here.Building a temple there will be seen as act of major agression.
We think it is not necessary to build any more temples there,unless Frigg isnt honoring our past anymore.

Quitti January 15th, 2010 08:37 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
If me building temples to spread my faith is a transgression to you, then you summoning more tartarians should be seen as transgression towards me, eh?

Still, I will honor your wishes. I will not build temples at 150 and 154, but I will construct them in the old marignese lands that we have. We have fought for them, and the people must be brought under our rightful religion. For this we can stop sacrificing blood slaves at your eastern borders, but this entails that the mind hunts and earth attacks against me (I'm looking at Ulm and Patala mainly. Both I know will have casters capable of doing them, and the few such spells happened in provinces that were advantageous to Ulm) will stop. Otherwise sufficient measures will be taken. If they will stop next turn, I will stop blood sacrificing.

Also, having fought marignon dominionwise for a very long time now, I will not look kindly at simply grabbing those provinces, being fought over by us. Those provinces will be the only ones Ulm will be having from the late Marignon.

Mardagg January 16th, 2010 01:35 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)

Originally Posted by Quitti (Post 726477)
If they will stop next turn, I will stop blood sacrificing.

We will stop taking future counter measures if you stop sacrificing and keep (150),(154) "temple-clean".
Be warned though,we are Vampires,we can smell blood.We will realize if sacs are going on again at our borders or not.

Speaker of the Leech
Drinker of Dragon Blood

rdonj January 27th, 2010 01:32 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
So, midgard is at 1500 dominion? Wow. Is anyone having any luck fighting back his dominion?

Quitti January 28th, 2010 01:48 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Rightous religion cannot be fought or contained. It is only inevitable that all the poor folk of the world are brought under our wise leadership and guidance.

Seriously, it passed 1500 already? Neat.

Mardagg January 29th, 2010 07:27 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Ulm hereby announces that the NAP5 with Midgard is canceled.
We remind everyone that a cancelation isnt the same as a declaration of war.
We need more flexibilty to counter that enormous religious waves though,should it become necessary...

Speaker of the Leech
Drinker of Dragon Blood

Mardagg January 29th, 2010 07:30 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
We are Turn 65.
I forgot how i handled that matter in Dom2.
5turn NAP,means attacks can happen with turn 70?
So on Turn 69 attack orders can be given?

Quitti January 29th, 2010 10:07 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Yes, should you want to attack me, turn 70 is the turn hostilities can happen at earliest, so you can issue hostile orders at turn 69.

Maerlande January 31st, 2010 12:44 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Greetings from Bnupa,

It is sad to see such a happy set of friends come to conflict. We of Patala hope our good friends can remain in happy coexistence. Of course, if not, watching exciting battles is always entertaining.

We will continue to exist in harmony with our neighbours.

Quitti January 31st, 2010 05:24 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Harmonious wellbeing! I see hordes of thralls and other stuff including old dead gods on my borders. Ulms talks of peace seem quite moot, but who knows, perhaps they are there just to keep the local populace under control, due them being fully under our righteous religion...

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