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SnallTrippin February 5th, 2010 03:14 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Shinuyama you're warned to leave the Isle of Man.

Belac February 6th, 2010 01:40 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
May I ask that the turn be extended 12 hours? Super bowl preparations are stopping me from working on my turn.

Dark Kitty February 6th, 2010 04:11 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
The nations of Shinuyama and Arcoscephale signed a NAP-3 (since diplomacy is binding, I suppose pacts must be announced here?)

Cicero February 6th, 2010 04:38 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
The retreat of Arcoscephale's troops from Fennis and Gol Draxos is now complete. Those lands will now be governed by the Machakan tribe, as was agreed.

Patolixo February 6th, 2010 04:51 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Hosting extended by 12 hours.

Belac February 7th, 2010 08:21 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Does binding diplomacy mean that we must disclose pacts here to be valid? That was totally not clear to me.

Belac February 9th, 2010 06:00 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Greetings from the Machaka Board of Trade and Magical Currency Exchange!

We will trade fire and nature gems for death, water, and astral gems. We also are about to open a manufacturing plant, and can supply Const-2 items in the following paths: Fire, Nature, Death, Earth. PM us for pricing information.

Belac February 12th, 2010 10:16 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
I will be unable to submit turns today and request that hosting hold off until tomorrow, if possible or necessary.

Patolixo February 12th, 2010 10:34 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Belac, I have postponed the hosting by 24 hours, while leaving quickhosting on. So the turn should process when you get the chance to submit yours.

Regarding diplomacy, yes, it is advisable to post any non-aggresion pacts in the thread, in order for them to be considered binding. That's the only way the players may know when they were agreed to, in order to avoid drama.

In other news, the Golem Cult of the halls of the Agarthan caverns is looking to trade Air, Fire and Astral gems for Earth gems. Anyone interested?

Num February 18th, 2010 08:35 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
This is a message for Agartha : As you see, the armies of Archoscephale and C'tis are marching upon your lands. There will be no mercy.
(There is no reason for this... Except greed and ambition)

Patolixo February 18th, 2010 08:47 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Yeah, yeah, let's all partake in the age old sport of kick-the-pale-one, haha

SnallTrippin February 18th, 2010 09:04 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
The Lord of Man thinks it may be wise for all pretenders to rise against the lord of the dead lands that is Ermor...

Num February 18th, 2010 02:04 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Well, you are probably right but I have never seen Ermor. It would stand very far from my nation...

Dark Kitty February 19th, 2010 07:46 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
The nation of Shinuyama is willing to buy/exchange a vine shield and/or boots of flying. You can also contact our ambassador if you need some forging done.

Agent Smith February 21st, 2010 01:30 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Greetings from the land of Marignon! The board of Foreign affairs has decided to stop it's isolationist policies, and as such the industry guild of Marignon has put forth a request for one dwarven hammer, to be traded for either Nature, Fire, Or Astral pearls. Of course, said item can be traded for up to const 4 items, specifically fire items.

Have a nice day!

Num February 22nd, 2010 06:48 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Hello everybody,
At this point I have a few questions some of you may answer about the game, and this game.
First a general question : There is not a lot of fight : That is because we are all discovering the game ?
Details : How Ermor have and maintain a that large army ? Is there no upkeep for undeads/summons ?
I made a lot of research, and it seems I am almost the only one to do that ? Is it that stupid ?
Do you all have a plan to get to the end of the game ? Do you walk around blind ?
Well I guess it is not easy to answer in a few words, but I am not experimented at all... Thanks in advance :)

SnallTrippin February 22nd, 2010 09:01 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Believe me I'm fighting..and I just wanted my island. I WISH I could afford to research, having to buy other stuff and use my mages as warriors.

Belac February 22nd, 2010 11:08 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)

Originally Posted by Num (Post 732858)
Hello everybody,
At this point I have a few questions some of you may answer about the game, and this game.
First a general question : There is not a lot of fight : That is because we are all discovering the game ?
Details : How Ermor have and maintain a that large army ? Is there no upkeep for undeads/summons ?
I made a lot of research, and it seems I am almost the only one to do that ? Is it that stupid ?
Do you all have a plan to get to the end of the game ? Do you walk around blind ?
Well I guess it is not easy to answer in a few words, but I am not experimented at all... Thanks in advance :)

There is no upkeep for undead. Ermor's army is probably mainly undead, and the rest are cheap legionnaires.
Your lead in the research graphs is scary (though not surprising given how good Marshmasters are), and if you have been researching smartly will give you a substantial advantage.
I have a plan, though it has run into some friction.
I expect warfare to spread now that someone is fighting anywhere but an isolated corner of the map (sorry Man+Shinuyama, your border area is pretty isolated). In fact, I should get on that :).

In general, I think there were mostly balanced starts, so everyone has a good enough empire for them to sit in and research/forge without feeling threatened (except for those already fighting). I only go to war when I feel like my expansion's been cut off or I need to grow to survive, or when I can meaningfully help my allies and get something for myself. If no one has been in any of those situations, I wouldn't expect them to go to war.

SnallTrippin February 22nd, 2010 11:17 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Yeah, I'm still having fun but I wish I could have at least gotten 2-3 turns to generate island defenses. Poor lil Man.

Patolixo February 22nd, 2010 01:28 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Also remeber that, while MA Ermor does not get freespawn like LA, I believe all of their priests can reanimate with no Gem cost. So if you play your cards right, it's easy to get a scary number of undead (Which do not require any upkeep to boot).

As for myself, I have been struggling against Arco and C'tis in the last few turns. I do have a long term strategy, but I just can't seem to get the Gems I need to make it work. In retrospect, if I had built my pretender a little differently, things could be MUCH easier overall. Lessons learned for next time, I guess. (And there will be a next time, as I REALLY like playing Agartha, and my head is teeming with better builds than the one I am using in this game)

But don't count me out just yet, hehe.

Belac February 22nd, 2010 04:03 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Yeah, Agartha is fun. MA Agartha's umbrals, granite guards, and marble oracles are just beasts. I prefer EA Agartha (need no supplies, quick sieges, recruit-anywhere sacreds, trogs, all mages are sacred, national low-level Earth Elemental summons, umbrals, nearly all units amphibious...the perfect turtling nation).

Belac February 23rd, 2010 05:37 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Machaka assumes a protectorate over southern Man. The precise borders of the protectorate are to be worked out at a later date, but our troops are on their way to enforce our new regime.

We apologize to the current government of Man for the tragic necessity of this protectorate.

To the civilian population: Our Dominion brings with it good income scales, so you should all be expecting a raise. In addition, we are a hot land, so our troops will be passing out free bathing suits and beach towels in the pacified areas.

Edit: To be clear, we are invading Man.

SnallTrippin February 24th, 2010 03:31 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
What this really means is make sure you get your alliance info on this page and trust no one.

Dark Kitty February 24th, 2010 05:06 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
The nation of Shinuyama signed NAPs-3 with the nations of Marignon and Ermor.

Belac February 24th, 2010 11:51 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Machaka has signed NAPs with Arcoscephale and C'tis.

SnallTrippin February 25th, 2010 08:50 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)

SnallTrippin February 26th, 2010 09:25 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Hmm, can't seem to find an edit button for my last post? Anyway:

Looks like I'm boned soon. Should have built my Pretender better to use my blessed troops and should have kept pressure on Shinyuma, not to mention above comments, but I had a good time. I'll try to hurt you three but me thinks it shall mostly be mosquito bites.

SnallTrippin February 27th, 2010 09:08 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Put a nice dent in Ermor's undead, if you guys were smart you'd pounce soon!

Patolixo March 2nd, 2010 05:52 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Well, going stale last turn really killed any hope I once had for continued survival. I am going to make my last stand an have some fun doing it, but who is up for admin duty after I bite the dust?

SnallTrippin March 2nd, 2010 09:27 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Who killed you? I will do Admin, but you'd have to show me a FAQ of how to run the llama server stuff.

SnallTrippin March 2nd, 2010 11:55 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
And somehow my God killed 220 undead by himself. Good job pal!

Patolixo March 3rd, 2010 06:11 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)

Originally Posted by SnallTrippin (Post 733889)
Who killed you? I will do Admin, but you'd have to show me a FAQ of how to run the llama server stuff.

Arco, C'Tis and now Marignon too. Basically, most everyone who is not busy killing you right now, haha. There's really no trick to admining, most options are self explanatory, and the Llamaserver FAQ explains any questions that might arise:


But I am going to fight until the bitter end in this. Note to self: Overlooking blood stones when playing vanilla MA Agartha is just suicide. Oh well, I guess that's what your first MP experience in dominions is supposed to do, teach you lessons the hard way, haha.

And stay tuned folks, I intend to organize a LA newbie game soon, and I would like to see you all again on the battlefield.

SnallTrippin March 3rd, 2010 06:35 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
I'd def be in to starting a new game anytime. Also I'm about the end myself..good times though.

Belac March 3rd, 2010 11:29 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Good fighting, Man. My scouts seem to have missed all the big battles of you and Ermor, but it sounds like you acquitted yourself well enough.

Num March 3rd, 2010 01:42 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Is it because Patolixo did not play the last turn that some of my moves did not happened at the same time (Moves within Agartian land of course)?

@Patolixo/Agartha : I am sorry for you, I offered you a deal, you throwed it away... Althought you could not destroy both of us.
See you :)
Did I see a scavenger lately ?

Agent Smith March 5th, 2010 01:30 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Hey, I will admit that was pretty bad, I didn't realize at the time it was such a bad scavenging move, I had been thinking of war with agartha, but it won't happen again. I will remove my forces from province 3 and 50. To Arcoscephale and Ctis, sorry about that.

Patolixo March 5th, 2010 06:13 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Well, and I have just played my last turn, setting myself as AI. Good game, everyone. Several lessons learned in this one!

Snall, I have sent you the admin password in a PM.

Aaaand I have a bit of a weird request. Could someone volunteer to send a copy of their turns from now on to me at patolixo[at]yahoo[dot]com[dot]br? I would like to continue looking at the game progress as this was my first MP game and the first game I created. You need not to worry, as Llamaserver won't accept turns from any e-mail address other than the one already registered for the nation in question, and I am an honorable man and you have my word I will not discuss or disclose information to anyone else in the game. Thanks!

SnallTrippin March 5th, 2010 08:39 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Not sure what I do other than make sure the turns keep going regularly and we halt if necessary, I will be following this thread/forum so just post or pm me if you need something done for the game.

EDIT - I have to say my prophet did quite well anyway.

Num March 6th, 2010 04:27 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Patolixo, I just sent you my turn 43. Any advice, idea, suggestion or insult is of course welcome (I admit you know most of the diplomatic situation).

Num March 16th, 2010 11:57 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Nation of C'tis is pleasured to send to Marignon his best delegates. The Devourer of Souls, the forgotten gods and all their dead servants, poisonous creatures from the marshes guided by our best mages are going to corrupt the lands of false justice.

Belac March 17th, 2010 01:52 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Machaka and Shinuyama have a NAP-3.

Agent Smith March 17th, 2010 08:33 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
To the cowards,
I commend your ability to learn from the writings of Machiavelli. You really had me going there with thoughts of plunder, adventure and conquest. Now, the true face of evil is revealed. My name is Agent Smith, you took my borderlands, prepare to die.

SnallTrippin March 18th, 2010 08:07 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
You'd think people would have learned from my death..heh.

Belac March 21st, 2010 01:40 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Machaka will end its NAP with Arcoscephale in due time (3 turns).

Dark Kitty March 21st, 2010 01:52 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
The nation of Shinuyama is cancelling its NAP with Arcocephale

Cicero March 24th, 2010 04:36 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Well, I think I've gone far enough for a first play. Honor to Tien'Chi that has massed an impressive army.

Just one note: as diplomacy was stated binding, I think that Shinuyama has acted in a very irregular way. It is useless to say you will cancel the NAP in 3 turns and then taking three of my provinces before the right turn by the excuse of failing stealthy armies. I know that there is no referee or similar, still I don't want this to go unobserved.

Dark Kitty March 24th, 2010 05:39 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
EDIT : Argh, double post, please see below

Dark Kitty March 24th, 2010 05:43 PM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
Yes, it happened two turns in a row : 58 and 59 (however if memory serves, I took "only" two provinces that way : 136 and 154, what would be the third one?). I wrote to you to apologize both times in all good faith. And what I said was true : my orders were "sneak", not "attack". I don't mind someone looking at my turns and the orders I submitted to check. I guess it would be SnallTrippin.

I understand this must have messed your preparations and/or defense and I apologize once again, however I did not do it on purpose (that said I saw in a thread on NAP yesterday that it was of bad taste to sneak troops in your new ennemy's territory before the NAP was completely over so I'm sorry for that too)

If you really feel it was unfair (and I would understand), how would you feel about extending the end of our NAP to when you see it fit? (+2, +4, +6 turns, etc...)

Num March 25th, 2010 06:23 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
See you out there, very soon :(

Sorry for have been a so weak ally

Dark Kitty March 25th, 2010 08:24 AM

Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)
@Cicero : Having received no answer here or to my PMs, I assume the war with Arco is starting/continuing after all?

If you would like to "postpone" the end of our NAP or something like that, please post here or send me a PM, I won't do my turn until a few hours from now...

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