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militarist February 10th, 2010 05:38 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Yes, Burnsaber it would be harder to manage. The idea of such quests was taken from Warlords games series. Yo Could select Complexity level there. I used to play a lot many years ago.

So when we Can ask Pantokrator ? from turn 1, each 5 turns or..when? What's mechanic? Starting Conditions Can be really unequal because of having neighboring to Capital water provinces. It would be Cool if there was a possibility to ask for something for fighting under water - with army, or even solo, when it will be possible to ask? And what are the Chances to get?

Burnsaber February 10th, 2010 05:54 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)

Originally Posted by militarist (Post 730891)
So when we Can ask Pantokrator ? from turn 1, each 5 turns or..when? What's mechanic?

You can start asking from the start of the game. With the maximum of one request per event cycle (see the first post for more details).

As for how, you just PM (personal message)/e-mail (my e-mail is in the first post)/IrC me up and state your request.


Originally Posted by militarist (Post 730891)
Starting Conditions Can be really unequal because of having neighboring to Capital water provinces.

We are playing with fixed starts. No one is going to start right next to R'lyehs capital.


Originally Posted by militarist (Post 730891)
It would be Cool if there was a possibility to ask for something for fighting under water - with army, or even solo, when it will be possible to ask? And what are the Chances to get?

In that case, you should reguest for items that allow you to go underwater. It would a be "semi-specific" reguest and you would get some UW breathing items.

militarist February 10th, 2010 09:57 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
If I would ask "I'd like magical items as a boon to defeat my foes!", is the selection of item for me will have some sense in a context of nation , or it will be absolutely random (in this case it could be that items will not bring much chance to defeat foes, for example ,horned helmet for micltan in turn 1 :))? Would Pankrator care to give something which can bring at least some use in defeating enemies? Any item has a nation, for which it's absolutely useless :).

Baalz February 10th, 2010 10:50 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Arr, methinks them thar pansy giants be too worried about courting the Pantokrator's favor. Better to be spending yer time worrying about these here giant sized harnesses my ice crafters be working on. I done been hearing ferever that Ashdod be too strong, lets see if they be strong enough to haul my plunder around.

militarist February 11th, 2010 01:58 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Yes, Baalz, I've already asked him earlier in this tread about water breathing staff. You will see underwater giants this game when I'll clear my island.
P.S. And I asking Pankrator here, because I want my questions /his answers to be known for all, to be in the same conditons.
P.P.S..And I really dream about some staff :) your are right. I bet you too.

Burnsaber February 11th, 2010 04:24 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)

Originally Posted by militarist (Post 730922)
, or it will be absolutely random (in this case it could be that items will not bring much chance to defeat foes, for example ,horned helmet for micltan in turn 1 :))?

It would be completely random. Go.. Excuse me, Pantokrator works in mysterious ways. If your puny mortal mind can't the see the mad combo of Bear Claw Talisman, Black Steel Helmet and the Spectre of Authority, it's hardly the Pantokrator's fault, is it? The advantage of getting random items is that you get a lot of them, so at least one of them is bound to be useful (or at least something you can sell to some other nation).

But anyways, it seems to me like you are overthinking this a bit too much. Boons will be useful, sure, but they will not decide anything. You should think of them as a bonus, not as a stragedy in themselves. (You especially should not *count* on getting a specific item/certain amount gold/ certain ritual spell/ certain information from a boon, life is full of suprises, you know?)

Lingchih February 11th, 2010 11:27 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
The goblins of Shinuyama will have their pretender in by Saturday. Sorry.. been a bit busy of late, and have several other games going on. And, I need to study a nation I have never played.

Aethyr February 12th, 2010 08:23 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)

Could you please clarify for me which mods have been compiled?

Burnsaber February 12th, 2010 09:45 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)

Originally Posted by Aethyr (Post 731146)

Could you please clarify for me which mods have been compiled?

CBM 1.6
Mark of the Champion
Streamers & Standards: Llama edition
Pantokrator nation placed over MA Man

pyg February 12th, 2010 05:05 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Well I think Ed got into the hard stuff again, which means we are probably having BBQ Avvite tonight. Hopefully he doesn't overcook it, but that's not very likely. Anyway, that's not really important except to say that Ed has been feeling more irritable lately and I'm worried. Soggoth hasn't been around for a long time and Ed has been holding down the fort, so to speak, except lately he hasn't been holding much of anything except his jug (and sometimes... nevermind). This might all turn out all right as the Rephaite Lords have planned a campaign of military expansion in order to find more interestingly flavored people. Ed seemed pretty excited about it and hopefully it will work out OK.

Lingchih February 13th, 2010 01:36 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
The Bakemono, under the leadership of Shung the Magnificent, assert their claim for the soon to be vacated throne of the Pantokrator. You other would-be rulers should keep an eye on your backs. We goblins are a sneaky bunch.

militarist February 13th, 2010 02:35 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
The Ashdod, under leadership of Burn, Baby, Burn!!! sympathize this idea with intention, and assert their claim for the provinces of the Bakemono, which rush so much to find themselves on Heaven, and, probably will not have time and attantion for down-to-earth business. And, so be it, takeover commadment over those sneaky goblins. Among us there are a lot of those who, though not as old as Pantokrator, still remember how first creatures of Bakemono were created.

Lingchih February 13th, 2010 03:52 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Your English is horrible, militarist. We hope it is not your native language. But, we have gotten the gist of your message. May the Pankrator decide that we do not live adjacent to each other.

Burnsaber February 13th, 2010 05:39 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals. Full (Organizing)
Okay, I'm leaving for work now. I'll return Sunday and if the last pretender is in, we will start the game then.

I added statement to the OP how arena is worth one boon to the winner. since I didn't get any more opinions about the Arena rules, I decided to keep them as is.

As a recap, the rules for arena in this game;
-> Instead of the trident, the reward is a helmet that gives you quickness, extra trident attack and extra 3 prot.
-> If the Arena victor is a commander with no magic picks (holy magic does not count), holding the arena winner is worth 1 conquest point. (the commander must have won the arena, not pick up the helmet as a loot)
-> Winner of the deathmatch gets one bonus boon.

Burnsaber February 14th, 2010 12:44 PM

Ordeal for the 1st turn.

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The game has begun! Remember that there can be only one!

To start off this grand competition, I will grant each and every one of you a personal ordeal, to allow you a chance to prove yourselves in my eyes. And since I'm in a good mood, I have also granted each one of you a boon, to start off your quests for godhood.

Each player will receive a personal ordeal within this evening (by PM). Completing this ordeal will always grant some favour in the eyes of the Pantakrator and great tangible rewards. The Personal Ordeals differ in style and difficulty, but so do rewards.

The boon granted for everyone is not free, is random, and counts as the "boon" for this event cycle. All requests for boons I have so far recieved will thus be moved to the next event cycle (starting from 6th turn).

Trumanator February 14th, 2010 05:03 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

kianduatha February 14th, 2010 05:18 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
This is the best ordeal <3

slMagnvox February 14th, 2010 05:44 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Enigma of Steel Ulm is pleased by this challenge, Pantokrator! You may count on the Ulm to see your will done.

militarist February 14th, 2010 07:14 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Burnsaber, if ordeal have no time limitation specified, does it have it or can be completed any time during the game?

Lingchih February 14th, 2010 08:44 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by militarist (Post 731522)
Burnsaber, if ordeal have no time limitation specified, does it have it or can be completed any time during the game?

Yes, what he said. Any time limit?

Burnsaber February 15th, 2010 01:52 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The Personal Ordeals can be completed whenever one wants to do so or is able to do so. I will not take away this opportunity to prove yourself in future ordeals.

However, wise pretender would note that the rewards are set in stone, so they will not be upgraded during this competition. So, the earlier you compete your ordeal the better the rewards will relatively be. Also, some Ordeal rewards have low-powered artifacts that will only be awarded if they are forgeable at the time of completion (if they are not, they will be replaced with lower-construction items).

Burnsaber February 15th, 2010 04:45 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 731540)
However, wise pretender would note that the rewards are set in stone, so they will not be upgraded during this competition. So, the earlier you compete your ordeal the better the rewards will relatively be. Also, some Ordeal rewards have low-powered artifacts that will only be awarded if they are forgeable at the time of completion (if they are not, they will be replaced with lower-construction items).

Just a disclaimer in the name of common sense:

Although completing ordeals fast is an advantage, surviving is even bigger advantage. If you had a game plan, you should follow it instead of spending all resources on completing the Ordeal.

Also, you are allowed to do certain "backroom dealing" with other nations in order to make it easier to fill certain criteria within the ordeal. It should be noted though that if your neighbour wants to give you something in order for you to do something odd "(could you build a temple on that province and not mind it when I capture it? I'll give you X/Y/Z in return)", you should be damn sure to get paid for it appropiately.


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

In the following three turns, I will capture some provinces from your mortal realm, in order to fill the world with my eyes and see which one of you is the greatest. Two land provinces will be taken along with one marine realm. In my infinite wisdom, I will make sure that these provinces are of low value as possible to you mortals, and that no military losses will come to any of you as a result of these actions.

You are not allowed to attack these provinces until the tasks I need them for are complete. You will be specially informed when I'm ready to relinquish them.

Pantokrator will conquer one land province on turn 3, one uw province on turn 4, and another land province on turn 5. These provinces will be of low population and will not blocakade any nations important strategic routes. Pantokrator will also make sure that no expansion force could even theoretically bump into my servants who are capturing these provinces. If Pantokrator cannot conquer a province within these criteria, he will not do so.

One of these provinces will be relinquished in year 1, another in year 2 and third in year 3.

pyg February 15th, 2010 11:45 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Barbarians! Wow, what a suprise! They are actually pretty good if you can get all the hair off. For some reason Ed stayed home this month to "say goodbye" to his favorite Qedesim.

Baalz February 17th, 2010 10:03 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Arrr, the Dungeon Ma...er Pantokrator has taken the island I had a mind to use as me personal retreat and whisked it off into another dimension. Hmmm, maybe I'll just have to rope off the eastern continent now fer me alone time, we'll have ta see if there are any locals what need to be run off. Meanwhile them lubbers in Jomon done stuck their toes out where the big fish swim. I do so love the jumbo shrimp, but I hear squids got a taste for them as well so the boys dun made a wager with me to see who's gonna get that appetizer first. We'll have ta carve up a mighty large snake first, but Old Pete says he's got a recipe for that to.

Burnsaber February 17th, 2010 10:33 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 732027)
Arrr, the Dungeon Ma...er Pantokrator has taken the island I had a mind to use as me personal retreat and whisked it off into another dimension.

Well, I had mentioned it in the first post, but I really could have been more clear about the island being that two province island in the middle. Sorry about that.


Originally Posted by From OP

-> Will start in a island in the middle of the map with no neighbours

(also sorry for not responding in character, but I really can't mention any gameplay terms or refer to the OP as pantokrator)

On other news, I have bumped into some unexpected issues, but luckily nothing too major. Details below:

It seems that my rampant cheati... My more than adequate researchers have made the research graph pretty useless. But we can still use the llamaserver "show score graph" command to get that info (unfortunately you won't be able to see research from previous turns).

Also, my servants that have been conquering these provinces that I need seem to get into HoF. Luckily we have HoF 15 and I have 5 guys in the HoF so that evens out, like we'd be playing with HoF 10. I'm not using those servants anymore and I was planning on drowning them, but that would just make them more famous, so we will just have to wait until they drop out.

Also, major props for everyone for making their turns as soon as possible and making this game move at this pace!

Baalz February 17th, 2010 11:40 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
No worries your lordship, truth be told me boys got plans fer every province and there be plenty oh room once I run off some of these squatters and the taste of the lash gets the others to work.

kianduatha February 17th, 2010 02:04 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
I shouldn't be surprised that you Lovecraftian horrors are allied in spirit; I am rather astounded, though, that R'lyeh is content to let you take half the ocean with nary a fight.

As to who's a squatter...aren't you pirates merely because the aforementioned illithids drove you from your homes? Meanwhile, the peaceful(and civilized) Shogunate is merely expanding the palaces of the Dragon King, under the protection of our ancestral kami(not those dirty goblins, the real ones).

pyg February 17th, 2010 09:42 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Well, Ed wants to thank Ashdod for the snacks, but really those Anakites are so big you don't have to send so many... also the triple bless makes them chewy.

Ed really wanted to say something so:


Originally Posted by Ed, Prophet of Soggoth

Burnsaber February 18th, 2010 04:54 AM

Ordeal for turns 6-10
Ordeal for turns 6-10


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

I have grown weary of this children's play I seem to see on this divine competition. I want prove that each one of you is here to become the next ME! I DEMAND SACRIFICE!

Before mid winter, I want each of you to send me a sacrifice in the form of either gold, gems or an magical item. Those who give the most, will have more worth in my eyes and those who are greedy will be looked upon with scorn by my divine eyes!

Before mid winter (turn 9), each one of you must send me either gold, gems or an magical item. The following rules apply to the sacrifice:

-> You can only send either 1)Gold, 2)Gems or 3)Magical Item. No combinations
-> If you sacrifice gems, they can only be of one type. Blood Slaves "count" as 0,5 gems each.
-> Pantokrator does not accept regifts: you cannot send gems or an magical item that you have received as boon at any point of the game.
-> The three players who have sacrifed most gems/gold and the most valuable item receive one boon to their total. The three players who have sacrificed the least gems/gold and have sent the most worthless item lose one boon from their total.
-> If a player fails to send anything, he will lose two boons from his total. I will post a reminding in-game message for turn 8 to avoid this thought.

-> The value of items is judged upon two criteria;
1) Gem cost
2) How hard the item is for the nation in question to forge (item that had to be forged by your pretender is worth more than one forged by a national mage)

namad February 18th, 2010 04:59 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
btw the way this sounds really cool... count me in if you wanna do another wacky game in the future :)

militarist February 18th, 2010 05:14 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Tripple bless..yeh, it works well on them :). Hinnom has much more diversity in strategies - I agree with Baalz blood fountain/good scales idea. If you wanted to do bless, as you did, you could take Ashdod, they are more cost-effective, and they have no alternative strategies unlike hinnom. No high-end blood summon, no tramplers for fast expansion, no healers, worse mages...I think Ashdod is much weaker..unless they are tripple blessed :)

And your wimpy Melqart, with 6 hitpoints left, was very fast in what he did the best, showing his back side...Lucky him, that Ashdod is not crazy to waste it's affords on your crazy PD and there are still a lot of empty lends around. Beware though! Ashdod vs Hinnom is funny. Some moment it can happen.

Burnsaber February 18th, 2010 05:32 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by namad (Post 732189)
btw the way this sounds really cool... count me in if you wanna do another wacky game in the future :)

Well, at this point I'm pretty confident that there will be "Legendary Ordeals II". I've gotten a lot of in-character posts and the turns have just been flying by, showing the the players are also excited too. My turns also take less time than I anticipated (it also is good that my micro won't basically increase much as the game progresses, although some complicated late-game Ordeals will be a bit time intensive occasionally).

Although I already have ideas for improving the next game (like modding a unit with ridiclious fear to conquer indy provinces without getting into HoF). The ordeals I have planned are pretty diverse, so that I can see which kinds of Ordeals people like the most and which kinds can be cut.

Well, to make it short, this game is an experiment and I'll likely keep these games up and polish up the format as I go along. One thing I'd like the most would be a custom-map for this kind of game, with a badass mountain in the middle for the Pantokrator's throne and so forth.

militarist February 18th, 2010 05:46 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
I would also suggest to have the world round..It creates better balance in case someone grows to fast. And being in the corner of the map, though not always better, but it's not so bad to have your *** covered just by map limitations.

slMagnvox February 18th, 2010 09:51 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Oi! The Ashdod expand recklessly and trespass onto Ulmish heartland. Ashdod, immediate withdraw is your only course of action lest blood be shed. Crom, give us strength! Mighty Pantokrator, bless our cause! Ulm will fight in defense of her sovereign territory.

Lingchih February 18th, 2010 09:04 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
The pirates of Atlantis have landed on the holy isle of Shinuyama. We met with misfortune when attempting to take the southern port, but drove all the knights from the field, and apparently the pirates came in and mopped up the dregs of defense.

We give you leave to depart from there Atlantis, for that is our southern port, and we will not let it be inhabited by you.

Shung has spoken.

pyg February 18th, 2010 10:38 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
I gotta say, you just haven't lived until you've had sweet and sour beer batter fried Kohen. Ed really does it right. I'm a little worried that Ashdod won't be sending more snacks soon, but Ed seems pretty sure about it. Anyway, I made Ed promise to write down his recipe so everyone can enjoy. Here is Ed with a nugget of culinary wisdom:


Originally Posted by Ed, Prophet of Soggoth
Ya **** it and then eat it... The order is really important here.

militarist February 18th, 2010 10:40 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Ashdod is not interested in Ulm land. It was just a giant's morning cross by the road with a good view on smiths and that lazy Iron warriors, smoking in capital.

militarist February 18th, 2010 10:43 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Yes, small and pink. You are right. We are coming, and we are hungry. You can start boiling water, some of us will become a dinner very soon.

militarist February 18th, 2010 11:51 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Or some of yours.

Baalz February 19th, 2010 12:36 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Ho ho! Listen to mister big for his britches! The boys don't back down from blow hards without any hair on their chest. You think long and hard about the implications of that long coast ye be sporting. One province worth the absolute guarantee that we make to any of your neighbors that you'll be hamstrung if any of them are so inclined to take a bite? You play nice and the lady can be a good friend to you, but you swing yer tiny pecker around like that and it'll end up nailed to the yardarm.


Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 732347)
The pirates of Atlantis have landed on the holy isle of Shinuyama. We met with misfortune when attempting to take the southern port, but drove all the knights from the field, and apparently the pirates came in and mopped up the dregs of defense.

We give you leave to depart from there Atlantis, for that is our southern port, and we will not let it be inhabited by you.

Shung has spoken.

KissBlade February 19th, 2010 01:36 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 732195)

Originally Posted by namad (Post 732189)
btw the way this sounds really cool... count me in if you wanna do another wacky game in the future :)

Well, at this point I'm pretty confident that there will be "Legendary Ordeals II". I've gotten a lot of in-character posts and the turns have just been flying by, showing the the players are also excited too. My turns also take less time than I anticipated (it also is good that my micro won't basically increase much as the game progresses, although some complicated late-game Ordeals will be a bit time intensive occasionally).

Although I already have ideas for improving the next game (like modding a unit with ridiclious fear to conquer indy provinces without getting into HoF). The ordeals I have planned are pretty diverse, so that I can see which kinds of Ordeals people like the most and which kinds can be cut.

Well, to make it short, this game is an experiment and I'll likely keep these games up and polish up the format as I go along. One thing I'd like the most would be a custom-map for this kind of game, with a badass mountain in the middle for the Pantokrator's throne and so forth.

Please let me know when you decide to run another one of this as well. =) I was sad that I missed this one too.

Lingchih February 19th, 2010 02:25 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
So be it.


Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 732381)
Ho ho! Listen to mister big for his britches! The boys don't back down from blow hards without any hair on their chest. You think long and hard about the implications of that long coast ye be sporting. One province worth the absolute guarantee that we make to any of your neighbors that you'll be hamstrung if any of them are so inclined to take a bite? You play nice and the lady can be a good friend to you, but you swing yer tiny pecker around like that and it'll end up nailed to the yardarm.


Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 732347)
The pirates of Atlantis have landed on the holy isle of Shinuyama. We met with misfortune when attempting to take the southern port, but drove all the knights from the field, and apparently the pirates came in and mopped up the dregs of defense.

We give you leave to depart from there Atlantis, for that is our southern port, and we will not let it be inhabited by you.

Shung has spoken.

kianduatha February 19th, 2010 02:29 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
We do so hope that Shinuyama will not back down--for that would show the Bakemono as honorless curs, worthy only to be spit upon and replaced by more civilized peoples.

Lingchih February 19th, 2010 02:35 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Shinuyama will not back down. Shung commands with ultimate authority.

Anyone intruding on the isle of Shinuyama, faces the wrath of Shung.

Baalz February 19th, 2010 10:33 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Alright then! As the limp wrist goblin king sees fit to not only assert his sovereignty over independents he lacks the strength to conquer, but then also very publicly thump his chest like the pubescent boy who's hormones are out of control the Pirate Queen sees this as an opportunity to make friends. The fleet will be moving to just of the goblin coast, if there be any of you lubbers interested in easy plunder send a messenger this way. The dagger is posed to find his kidney.

Lingchih February 19th, 2010 10:35 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
After his latest conquest, Shung has thought more on the matter, and has come to a decision. Why not let the pirates have that port? We are not sailors. And, it is a good neutral ground province betwixt our goblins and the hordes of Ulm, of whom we know nothing of their intentions.

So, by all means, the Pirate Queen can have the port town. We look on them as good neighbors now. Perhaps you could send some Rum our way, as a token of goodwill.

Baalz February 19th, 2010 11:27 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Ah, good news indeed for there be plenty o' fat lands for the reavers to visit. The Pirate Queen welcomes her new friend and indeed would like to very publicly sign a 3 turn NAP so that none may doubt our fresh friendly relations! What say ye goblin king?

pyg February 20th, 2010 12:01 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Ed had one of his dreams again.


Originally Posted by Ed, Prophet of Soggoth
Well in teh spirit of happy times and freindlyness all around Lord Soggy has a speshal massage for Burn,Baby,Burn!!! we will eat you and then kill you and eat you agian so their!!!!!!

Lingchih February 20th, 2010 12:01 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Any NAP pacts, Shung thinks, would anger the Pantokrater. He wants us all to fight for supremacy. The goblins will not anger the Pantokrater by signing any NAP pacts. But, the port is yours, Pirate Queen.

Burnsaber February 20th, 2010 06:31 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by militarist (Post 732197)
I would also suggest to have the world round..It creates better balance in case someone grows to fast. And being in the corner of the map, though not always better, but it's not so bad to have your *** covered just by map limitations.

Yeah, but the problem is that the wraparound maps seem to be either ridiciliously huge or 2-6 player maps.
I decided to go for the land of Milk and Honey because the ports make the world a bit rounder. A nation on the top right corner can have access to the player to player in the bottom left corner. It's not perfect, but a tad prettier than the other options I had for a map of this size.


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

My divine ears heard of a claim that' I'd be somehow opposed to NAP agreements. The truth is opposite of that claim.

For it will not be only strenght that will decide on who will take my place! Let those who are clever and possess silver tongues take advantage of those traits, for the next Pantokrator must be strong like the cosmos itself, clever enough to trick the horrors of unreality and possess charisma like a thousand Seraphs to get the loyalty of the celestials.

Anything less will be a failure and only worth of my wrath.

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