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Maerlande April 1st, 2010 06:26 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Recruiting 15/15) full

Maerlande April 2nd, 2010 06:51 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Upload pretenders)
The game is up on llamaserver folks. See link in OP

Maerlande April 3rd, 2010 03:04 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Upload pretenders)
Bumpity bump: Ready for pretenders. I know a few are still testing.

LoloMo April 4th, 2010 01:55 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Upload pretenders)
I changed back to Caelum and submitted my pretender :)

Maerlande April 4th, 2010 01:57 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Upload pretenders)

Maerlande April 5th, 2010 04:07 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Recruiting one spot)
pyg had to step down. So there is now one spot open.

Also, waiting on a few pretenders. Mine is ready. I'm just sitting on it so the game doesn't autostart in case I buggered the settings.

legolasjrt April 5th, 2010 04:14 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Recruiting one spot)
I can play?? i used pangea or yomi.

namad April 5th, 2010 04:16 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Recruiting one spot)
I'll play --- I'll update later with nation choice.

EDIT: lemme know if i get the slot or not... he posted first ... he should prolly get it... get some confirmation to me at some point... if you need me to play i will... if not ... not

Maerlande April 5th, 2010 04:53 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Recruiting one spot)
legolasjrt: You posted first so I'll let you in. But Pangaea is taken by Lumen as per the original post and Yomi is not availabe in MA. Shinuyama is open.

Heck with it. You can both play. More is merrier. But you have to pick nations that are available :)

Edit: My bad. I can't add another player without restarting the game and I don't want to do that. legolasjrt you are in.

legolasjrt April 5th, 2010 04:56 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Upload pretenders)
I take Pythium

Maerlande April 5th, 2010 04:59 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Upload pretenders)
done and we are full

legolasjrt April 5th, 2010 05:16 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Upload pretenders)
i send my pretender

legolasjrt April 7th, 2010 05:15 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Upload pretenders)
Wait for ulm player...

Sir_Dr_D April 7th, 2010 11:24 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Upload pretenders)
The game is looking for a mod called diversity_base. I have the diversity mod installed but nothing called diversity_base. Where do we get this mod from?

don_Pablo April 7th, 2010 11:27 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Upload pretenders)
I've just renamed diversity.* file to diversity_base.*

Maerlande April 7th, 2010 11:38 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Upload pretenders)
Follow don_pablo's advice. I have both named files in my mod directory and it loads fine. They are identical files.

Sorry for the glitch. It's the first game I've started on llamaserver so hopefully that's the only glitch.

Maerlande April 8th, 2010 12:06 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Upload pretenders)
Folks. I delayed turn 1 by 24 hours to be sure everyone can get the mod issue sorted out. It's a small problem but let's make sure no one stales because of my confusion. This game has been a while getting started anyways. So a bit of slowdown now is fine in my opinion. I'll watch the clock closely as I usually do for games I admin. So don't feel pressured. Let's have a fun time.

Maerlande April 8th, 2010 01:52 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Waiting on a few turns. Anyone still having problems?

Squirrelloid April 8th, 2010 03:26 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Yes. My problem would be I haven't even looked at the turn yet. La la la, maybe tonight.

Maerlande April 8th, 2010 03:29 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Slacker! Come back to IRC so you can get a group nagging :)

Maerlande April 8th, 2010 04:10 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Okay folks. I screwed up. The mods are not compatible in the versions I used. So we need to restart. I'm getting the mod combined by Sombre and we'll try a restart from pretenders. With luck, llamaserver will be happy with that and we'll simply get a new turn 1 file.

Sorry for the delay.

Sombre April 8th, 2010 04:26 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)

Maerlande April 8th, 2010 10:25 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
The game is up. Please download the combined mod kindly prepared by Sombre to resolve the conflicts. It's linked on the original post.

Zeldor April 9th, 2010 06:13 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Funny, I was able to open and do my new turn without downloading mod. Should it be possible?

Sombre April 9th, 2010 06:58 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
If the filename matches, sure, should be possible.

But if you do it, things will break. So don't.

Zeldor April 9th, 2010 07:27 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
But it's impossible to submit new mod to llamaserver with same name as existing one. And wasn't it suppoed to be called Dystopia.dm?

Zeldor April 9th, 2010 07:41 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)

There is no attachment with your post.

Restarted game uses diversity.dm and cbm.dm

Maerlande April 9th, 2010 08:55 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
OH MY GOD! I did it again. Argh.

Sombre April 9th, 2010 09:00 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 739723)

There is no attachment with your post.

Restarted game uses diversity.dm and cbm.dm

It had an attachment, which Maerlande downloaded. It wasn't available for anyone else to download because they weren't supposed to be downloading it.

I provided the combined mod, error free afaik. Anything else is nothing to do with me :]

Maerlande: For the record, what you need to do is upload Dystopia.dm to llamaserver. Then remake the game using only Dystopia mod (no CBM, no anything else). Then provide the Dystopia.zip I gave to you to all the players. You're 0/3 currently by the looks of it.

Maerlande April 9th, 2010 09:20 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
I realized that now

Sombre April 9th, 2010 09:26 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Haw haw haw ;P

Maerlande April 9th, 2010 09:33 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Okay. I have fixed my errors. The link in the original post is NOW the combined mod.

The game is restarted with the proper mod.

Good luck.

LumenPlacidum April 9th, 2010 03:40 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Don't feel bad, Maerlande... when I was starting RAFT, the game kept disappearing. I had to have pretenders submitted 3 separate times because *I* screwed up the map name (it had a space when that wasn't allowed).

Maerlande April 10th, 2010 05:24 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
4 players left. I hope everyone is still in the game. Let me know if we need a sub soon. I can probably scrounge up one or two.

Fantomen April 10th, 2010 07:10 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Aren't the start locations fixed?

I've got only 2 neighbouring provinces. 3 is bad enough, but 2 is a bit over the top.

I guess I'll just have to bite it and try my best.

Maerlande April 10th, 2010 09:49 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
I tried to fix the starts. The result was terrible so I gave up. So they are random starts. Like everything else in this game it's up to luck. So good luck.

Zeldor April 11th, 2010 02:17 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Oh, I was sure I submitted, but it was confirmation from previous restart.

I don't think 2 neighbours are bad thing this game - easier to defend :)

Maerlande April 11th, 2010 06:48 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
It appears that Agartha has disappeared. If I can find a sub I'll sub him out until I hear otherwise. But his forum nickname doesn't seem valid.

Frozen Lama April 11th, 2010 07:51 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
i'll play if you need someone to take over agartha

Maerlande April 12th, 2010 02:31 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Well folks. I wanted to sub out Agartha, but my password on llamaserver got corrupted and I can't do any admin tasks. I'm hoping llamabeast will reply soon with advice but until then Agartha will stale out unless the player returns.

Frozen Lama April 12th, 2010 10:09 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
All hail the new lord of agartha! direct any diplomacy to me please :)

legolasjrt April 12th, 2010 10:25 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Welcome XD

Rytek April 13th, 2010 10:01 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Just to let everyone know the magic sight setting is at 40, not 0.

Maerlande April 13th, 2010 10:10 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Ooops. My bad. Well let's keep going.

Squirrelloid April 13th, 2010 10:41 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)

LoloMo April 13th, 2010 11:07 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
I was wondering how lucky Man was to get magic sites immediately. Thanks for the heads up!

LoloMo April 13th, 2010 11:50 PM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
With such a small map and at 40% magic site settings, blood sacrificing nations have a big advantage. Someone please list those nations so we can kill them off early please! :D

Squirrelloid April 14th, 2010 02:00 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)

Originally Posted by LoloMo (Post 740541)
With such a small map and at 40% magic site settings, blood sacrificing nations have a big advantage. Someone please list those nations so we can kill them off early please! :D

Aby and Van are the only blood sacrifice nations in MA.

Fantomen April 14th, 2010 03:10 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)

Originally Posted by Rytek (Post 740518)
Just to let everyone know the magic sight setting is at 40, not 0.

Oh, great. :( Thats going to ruin the idea of this game a bit IMO, I have developed a strategy that is totally built on a low gem environment, so I won't stand much chance now.

Maerlande April 14th, 2010 09:13 AM

Re: Dystopia - new poor game (Running)
Everyone did that Fantomen. Same for me. Hopefully that evens things out.

But if folks want a restart I can do it. However, given my pathetic efforts first time I'm not sure it's a good idea :) I'd prefer to play on and see what happens.

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