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Peacekeeper April 7th, 2010 03:45 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders
could try Riverlands (http://dom3.servegame.com/wiki/Riverlands), 9 more land provinces, less water and a little easier on the eyes.

Willburn April 7th, 2010 05:34 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders
Why not the arena. Its ok for me.

Willburn April 7th, 2010 05:36 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders
Or when I look the riverlands its also nice to look at. So its also ok for me :)

Verjigorm April 7th, 2010 06:37 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders
I'll cast my vote for Riverlands. Quite a bit nicer to look at and I like the isolation afforded by the bridge network as opposed to what I envision happening by having 12 rival nations paired up and then funnelled, full-force into a small central area...

chrispedersen April 7th, 2010 07:11 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 739436)
I'll cast my vote for Riverlands. Quite a bit nicer to look at and I like the isolation afforded by the bridge network as opposed to what I envision happening by having 12 rival nations paired up and then funnelled, full-force into a small central area...

Ok. If there is no objections to riverlands, we'll go with that.
Two things to note: Map is supposedly wrap around; Starts will be inherently less equal. Still I'll try to take a look at the map file to adjust vp provinces and starts.

First Post updated

Verjigorm April 7th, 2010 08:06 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 739440)

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 739436)
I'll cast my vote for Riverlands. Quite a bit nicer to look at and I like the isolation afforded by the bridge network as opposed to what I envision happening by having 12 rival nations paired up and then funnelled, full-force into a small central area...

Ok. If there is no objections to riverlands, we'll go with that.
Two things to note: Map is supposedly wrap around; Starts will be inherently less equal. Still I'll try to take a look at the map file to adjust vp provinces and starts.

First Post updated

Well, the wrap-aroundness prevents people from having the advantage of receiving a lovely corner which I always prefer to being exposed on all sides. This way, everyone gets wide exposure. Differentials, of course, based on the positions of the bridges.

Verjigorm April 7th, 2010 08:26 PM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
In testing Riverlands, I also find a phantom province (#214), which is positioned precisely on top of #215 and has no neighbors.

and a phantom province, #230 which is positioned on top of #229 having only one neighbor, #232.

In the interests of speed, I will quickly catalog all provinces with fewer than 2 neighbors and then look at them later....

#neighbour 15 25
#neighbour 18 21
#neighbour 23 30
#neighbour 25 28
#neighbour 28 36
#neighbour 43 58
#neighbour 56 57
#neighbour 57 72
#neighbour 65 81
#neighbour 68 72
#76 has 0 neighbors
#neighbour 79 97
#neighbour 85 90
#neighbour 87 101
#neighbour 88 94
#neighbour 89 91
#neighbour 94 105
#neighbour 109 119
#neighbour 117 133
#neighbour 138 150
#neighbour 142 144
#neighbour 144 150
#neighbour 150 152
#neighbour 151 163
#neighbour 163 178
#neighbour 173 188
#181 has 0 neighbors
#neighbour 183 191
#neighbour 184 192
#neighbour 194 208
#neighbour 200 205
#neighbour 201 217
#neighbour 202 206
#neighbour 207 210
#neighbour 209 212
#neighbour 212 220
#neighbour 214 228
#223 has 0 neighbors
#neighbour 230 232
#neighbour 232 237
#237 has 0 neighbors
#neighbour 238 246
#neighbour 239 242
#240 has 0 neighbors
#neighbour 242 243
#243 has 0 neighbors
#neighbour 244 245
#neighbour 245 247
#neighbour 246 247

This map, on examining it in more detail, has some significant errors in at least the number of provinces having no neighbors and possibilities of provinces which sit on top of other provinces visually. On the surface, it looks nice, but it appears to need a little more playtesting... Perhaps a different map unless someone is planning to repair this one?

Calahan April 7th, 2010 09:02 PM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
@ Verjigorm - That's some great map trouble-shooting you've done. Riverlands creator, elmokki, always welcomes any feedback on his maps, and I'm sure he'd love to know about those errors you've found on the forum thread for this particular map.


legolasjrt April 7th, 2010 09:34 PM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
I re-send my pretenders

chrispedersen April 7th, 2010 10:35 PM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
Phantom provinces have occasional uses for AIs.
As I have to update for starting locations (hmm I know there is a script that does that...).. I don't mind fixing the map errors if people prefer the riverlands map.

And thanks for that awesome bit of work Ver. Obviously you will be a prepared opponent!

legolasjrt April 7th, 2010 10:59 PM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
you check me pretenders?

Cammorak April 8th, 2010 01:29 AM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
Wow, great detective work, ver. I'll vote Riverlands too. Tried to check out Arena but it was really kind of distracting. Part of me says, "Graphics don't matter, you fool," but another part of me says the opposite.

So long as Riverlands isn't bugged in some way, I think it'd be good.

Grounds April 8th, 2010 09:26 AM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
I was very poor at reading instructions. Pretender submitted.

Willburn April 8th, 2010 05:31 PM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
Pretender submitted.

chrispedersen April 8th, 2010 05:45 PM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
grudge: Can you post a list of all the people you've received pretenders from?

I know you haven't checked em yet....

Peacekeeper April 8th, 2010 10:13 PM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
did you get my PM with my email address chris? sent it a couple days ago and the first post hasnt been updated with it.

legolasjrt April 9th, 2010 01:46 PM

Re: Countdown - 8/13 Pretenders
you have received my mp?

chrispedersen April 9th, 2010 02:21 PM

Re: Countdown - 8/13 Pretenders
Your email has been received legolas. I've just fixed the map errors, and I'm waiting on word from grudge on the pretenders.
(First post updated)

chrispedersen April 9th, 2010 04:40 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
Absent a catastrophe, I'm done creating the map. What a pain!
Due to lack of time to spend more time on this, the center crown was created (7 vps). No special sites were assigned.

The potention starting sites are:




Let me know if you see a problem. The general criteria were: Could not be closer than 3 to anyone else. Only had 4-5 neighbors. Could not be closer than 3 to the starting vp provinces.

I did *not* adjust to make sure everyone was the same distance from the starting locations, I did not adjust for starting terrains.

The coastal requirements for some nations were a pain with these requirements. 3 Provinces were put in to allow coastal starts.

pyg April 9th, 2010 06:20 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
Hmmm, all the VP are in the water or across the water. Additionally it seems that having them all together will make them closer to a few nations and far away from most. I'm still fine playing on the map as it is currently because I'm playing a fun nation to have fun, but this seems less fair to me than victory by concession or evenly distributed VPs with the majority on land.

Verjigorm April 9th, 2010 07:10 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
Nagot gick fel!

Cannot find a valid starting province.

All of the provinces (including the ones indicated in your post) on the map file that has been uploaded in the OP are marked No Start.

chrispedersen April 9th, 2010 07:30 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
!!!!??? I started 5-6 games with full users.
Did you look at crown?

Now, there is one potential issue: Vanheim (iirc) needs a coastal location. As I recall I put in three of them. However, if all the coastal locations are taken (by other races) you will get a Nagock error.

I wonder if putting Vanheim in as the first nation helps...

chrispedersen April 9th, 2010 07:34 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated

Originally Posted by pyg (Post 739823)
Hmmm, all the VP are in the water or across the water. Additionally it seems that having them all together will make them closer to a few nations and far away from most. I'm still fine playing on the map as it is currently because I'm playing a fun nation to have fun, but this seems less fair to me than victory by concession or evenly distributed VPs with the majority on land.

You are exactly correct pyg. I'd have the same problem. I spent more than 8 hours correcting neighbor provinces, and figuring out potential starting points.

So I think its OK for a starting game - but I really would like the feedback if other people can improve the starting locations.

Finding 13 start locations all with fair neighbor count and all equidistant from the center is, on this map, impossible I think. It might be better to let further nations have more neighbors, or a pop bonus etc.

Peacekeeper April 9th, 2010 07:42 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
why not move the 5 victory points out of the water provinces to land ones that surround the middle lake? like 127, 74, 60, 88 and 132.

Verjigorm April 9th, 2010 08:30 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
NVM my above post, I think it was a water start.

chrispedersen April 9th, 2010 08:54 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 739841)
why not move the 5 victory points out of the water provinces to land ones that surround the middle lake? like 127, 74, 60, 88 and 132.

First, because it makes the nostart area even bigger.

Second, as we are all land nations, and water is widely held to be weak, this will boost the utilty of the water school (and be a challenge).

Cammorak April 9th, 2010 09:03 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
I may be doing something wrong, but I've tried loading 5 games with 13 players and 2 games with 12 players, all of which Nagocked.

Pablomatic April 9th, 2010 09:36 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
Pretender submitted.

pyg April 9th, 2010 09:46 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated

Originally Posted by Cammorak (Post 739858)
I may be doing something wrong, but I've tried loading 5 games with 13 players and 2 games with 12 players, all of which Nagocked.

Don't use random AIs. You have to individually select land nations because there aren't enough/any water starts. Best for testing to select the nations that are playing. If it crashes in tests then, that's interesting.

GrudgeBringer April 9th, 2010 11:18 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
We have as of Friday night 4/9/10 10 Pretenders submitted

Cammorak April 10th, 2010 12:32 AM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
Of course, that was silly of me. Works fine now.

chrispedersen April 10th, 2010 12:07 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
Hop, alpine joe, grounds.. can I get email addresses for you?

Hoplosternum April 10th, 2010 12:54 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
I sent my Pretender and email address to the Noobheim address a few hours ago. Was that wrong?

Let me know where it has to go to and I'll resend if needed.

Peacekeeper April 10th, 2010 02:35 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated

Originally Posted by Hoplosternum (Post 739990)
I sent my Pretender and email address to the Noobheim address a few hours ago. Was that wrong?

Let me know where it has to go to and I'll resend if needed.

i think you send your pretender to Noobheim and PM Chris your email.

chrispedersen April 10th, 2010 03:57 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
thats right.
as of last night.. we have pretneders from
Paul Edwards

2.Alexander Pens (3 of them) Pangea

3.Samual Hannelman

4.Elijah John Martins (lanka)

5. Chris File

6. Andrew Teller

7. Chad Knapp

8.Zack Bohanian

9. David Little

10.Mike Lowery

That means were' missing two...
I'm going to give it a 24 more hours.. and then tell grudge not to wait any longer..

Willburn April 10th, 2010 04:35 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
Strange I sent my pretender a long time ago. Sent again now to noobheim.

GrudgeBringer April 11th, 2010 06:52 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated

I have these Nations in and checked so PLEASE do NOT redesign a pretender unless you check with me first.

Abysia...you will need to re-submit your pretender in EA, you currently have it submitted in MA.

Pangea, I am going to go by your last submission, agian please do not submit another one.

Here is who I have checked and Congratulations, not one of you has to redo it.


I had Trouble loading Pangea to check, will get that done tonight.

chrispederson will have his submitted to me as soon as the map is finished. I will also check it and add it to the list.


legolasjrt April 11th, 2010 10:11 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
Well. you call me for any problem.

GrudgeBringer April 11th, 2010 11:45 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated
Checked Pangea file and it is Good to GO.

chrispederson will be sending me his pretender tonight as he is about to finish up the map.

After that is checked I will upload all the pretenders and you will be off and running.

Abysia, please PM me so we can get you squared away or talk to chris if you prefer.

chrispedersen April 11th, 2010 11:47 PM

Re: Countdown - 9/13 Pretenders Map Updated

I found two more dead provinces, and one more missing neighbor.
Regardless, this is the version of the map we are going with.

I've modified the first post, make sure you get the new map.

Game is created. We are waiting on grudge upload.

chrispedersen April 12th, 2010 01:16 AM

Re: Countdown - 11/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!

When I deleted the 3 phantom provinces, it renumbered all the provinces. Which means my carefully checked starting locations no longer work.


DrPraetorious April 12th, 2010 09:26 AM

Re: Countdown - 11/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!
Oops! Resent pretender.

Verjigorm April 12th, 2010 01:34 PM

Re: Countdown - 11/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!
The map is no longer attached to the OP. Is it still a work in progress?

GrudgeBringer April 12th, 2010 02:16 PM

Re: Countdown - 11/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!
Providing Chris and I can get together by this afternoon, game should be a go by this evening.:)

Pablomatic April 12th, 2010 02:31 PM

Re: Countdown - 11/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!
1. Should we go get some new "crown" map? I downloaded the one that was posted in this thread before, but seems like there have been some changes since then and no new map has been attached to this thread that I can see.

2. I just want to play, so no biggie, but having all the VP sites right there in the center will make for a very imbalanced situation (or not, maybe I'm showing my inexperience in MP here).

3. I assume open diplomacy, indys set to "5," standard research, etc.

pyg April 12th, 2010 02:39 PM

Re: Countdown - 11/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!
Don't worry too much about the .map. All you really have to have is the .tga and so long as llamaserver has the official/final/correct .map everything is good. If you downloaded it once you are fine.

Pablomatic April 12th, 2010 02:48 PM

Re: Countdown - 11/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!

Originally Posted by pyg (Post 740284)
Don't worry too much about the .map. All you really have to have is the .tga and so long as llamaserver has the official/final/correct .map everything is good. If you downloaded it once you are fine.

Map link to new version of Crown (crown2) is broken on llamaserver fyi.

Thanks PYG, I won't worry about it then.

chrispedersen April 12th, 2010 04:50 PM

Re: Countdown - 11/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!
A couple of our members made a couple of mistakes on the pretenders, which grudge has worked with them and gotten them straightened out. Map issues haven't helped either.

All we are waiting for is for me to fix the map link (huh) and update the email addresses, on llamaserver, and we should be good to go for starting tonight.

legolasjrt April 12th, 2010 10:20 PM

Re: Countdown - 13/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!
Send my turn to legolas_jrt@hotmail.com plz

DrPraetorious April 13th, 2010 12:01 AM

Re: Countdown - 13/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!
I just got an e-mail saying that I'm Abysia (yeah!), and a second saying that I'm Niefelheim (boo!)...?

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