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-   -   (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=45918)

Bonfire August 27th, 2010 05:24 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Good fight AngelSong. Doubt I could have taken you alone.

AngelSong August 27th, 2010 05:06 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Wish:another time wheel turn on ^^

Bonfire August 31st, 2010 03:18 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I'm out of this game. Real life is not allowing me to continue. I've sent in the current turn.

I'd recommend looking for a sub my position seems quite strong. I'm not currently at war with anyone. Hard to say without graphs on but I haven't seen anything to suggest a major research deficit and my province count seems respectable. My pretenders still dead but he was only really there to turbocharge expansion and forge a few boosters I was able to trade for anyway.

Groundworm August 31st, 2010 03:50 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I'm sorry to hear it, Bonfire, but life does come first. Hope everything is all right, and you've been a welcome part of a good game.

I'll start looking for a sub for you, and will unfortunately have to delay hosting after this turn until such time as one is found.

Groundworm August 31st, 2010 11:40 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Nikelaos is interested in subbing for Jomon. I've played with him before, and I'd like to let him replace Bonfire. Any objections?

Nikelaos September 1st, 2010 05:10 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
howdy folks,

Groundworm can you extend the timer a bit, I might not need it but I just opened my turn up and I'm a bit "HUR...DUR". I need to figure out what I've got here.

Groundworm September 1st, 2010 10:12 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)

Originally Posted by Nikelaos (Post 756185)
howdy folks,

Groundworm can you extend the timer a bit, I might not need it but I just opened my turn up and I'm a bit "HUR...DUR". I need to figure out what I've got here.

Absolutely. I'll extend the turn by 24 hours, take as much time as you need.

Hrum September 7th, 2010 10:55 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Did anyone else not receive the turn file this turn? I checked Llamaserver, which is the only reason I knew that the turn had cycled (so I requested a turn resend for myself). If anyone else hasn't received their turn yet, please remember that you can have Llamaserver resend the turnfile to you.

mockingbird September 13th, 2010 08:35 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
So we have reached the critical point in this game. Abysia has over 50 provinces, over a dozen forts, and is likely the lead in research. And that was before Abysia finished knocking over Midgard. I don't believe that any of the rest of us anywhere close to that.

My fellow Pretenders, we have two choices: either we band together NOW, while we have a chance to stop Abysia, or we each give up on the possibility of becoming Pantokrator. This is the stark reality of the situation.

Inindo September 13th, 2010 09:54 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
What's a Pantokartor? Actually the rest of Midgard lands are already mostly spoken for by another nation. Interesting words though. To be fair 10 of those came the last 2 or so turns courtesy of Midard conquests after I managed to kill all the commanders of all his raiding forces and rout his leaderless skinshifters, besides, those 5 on the far coast bordering your lands are write offs since I will never be able to hold them against you once our war breaks out. I have to admit I do like castles in general, while you preferred to spend your gold bumping all your PD to 20, I spent mine on castles, helps to keep the heat in during the long winters. You yourself are hovering around 40 provinces a chunk of which also seem to have come the last 2 turns courtesy of Bogarus, no? And Tien chi is pretty big too just to be fair, although I'm not sure how big these days since my former scouts kept getting caught in the Bogarus-Tien Chi cross fire :P And don't hide all those Earth and Fire elemental kings you've summoned with your Forge lord god in that special province with what I'm guessing is bonus blood or nature site you have there. Not to mention I'm pretty sure you have most, if not all the demon lords as well since I don't have a single one. We shall just have to see if your Aegis/Crop of pain sickle wielding fallen angle can take my father Illearth in a death match!

mockingbird September 13th, 2010 10:56 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
You can try to muddy the waters all you want in a graphs off game, but when it comes right down to it, the facts are the facts.

You have over 50 provinces and a dozen castles (that you just crushed Midgard, a reasonably advanced nation themselves, and grabbed over 10 provinces in the space of but a few turns hardly is a good argument for your harmlessness). I know that I only have 35 provinces including the ones I just obtained from the dying Bogarus, and by my count no one else in the game has much more than that. Which means you have half again as much in the way of resources (gold, gems, troop and mage production centers) as anyone else.

Anyone else with halfway decent scouting can verify that this is the truth.

My fellow pretenders, if you're not scared of Abysia you should be. Because the way things are going Abysia is just going to pick us off one by one and then turn around and steamroll those who thought to profit in the short term from its conquests.

Nikelaos September 16th, 2010 04:16 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
can I request an extention, I'll probs only need like 6 extra hours at most

Groundworm September 17th, 2010 12:54 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Sure, extension in place.

Inindo September 17th, 2010 09:00 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Can we move to 48 Hour turns?

Groundworm September 18th, 2010 03:04 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Done! 48 hour hosting enabled.

Inindo September 19th, 2010 11:05 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Craaaaap just missed the turn deadline by like a minute. Can we roll back, I haven't looked at the next turn?

Groundworm September 20th, 2010 02:00 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Rollbacks are a little touchy... what do the rest of the players think?

Personally, I have no opposition, but I don't want to make the decision for everyone.

mockingbird September 20th, 2010 02:51 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I don't have a problem with it.

Allium September 20th, 2010 03:15 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I don't much care, as long as it doesn't take too long to resolve.

Groundworm September 20th, 2010 05:47 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Well, that's 4/7 players and constitutes a majority vote. Rollback incoming!

Hrum September 20th, 2010 07:31 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Sorry for the late response, but yep, no objection here.

Inindo September 20th, 2010 10:54 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Thanks everyone, i never opened the new turn so it shouldn't be any unfairness in the ongoing wars.

According to another game admin who had to roll back, no one else needs to submit their turn and you can just force host one the person who needed to submit has their turn in, the other turns should still be in the server. Afterwords, make sure to delete the old .2h file in your directory before you open up the new .trn file, don't just overwrite over the old one. Otherwise, it's possible that weird stuff like commanders changing their magic paths do to a lack of sanity checking in the Dom3 server code.

mockingbird September 21st, 2010 12:14 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I hope my resending turn 56 didn't mess anything up, then.

Inindo, you sent in your turn, right? So we just need to have the turn forced?

mockingbird October 1st, 2010 01:54 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be on international travel Oct 2-11. I expect to have excellent internet access and plan to continue to submit my turns as usual. However, there is always the possibility of complications, so I wanted to let you all know in advance just in case.

Best regards,

mockingbird October 2nd, 2010 12:19 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Did Jomon actually take a turn or did the game just cycle for some reason?

Groundworm October 2nd, 2010 11:39 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I'm presuming Jomon took a turn, though I haven't looked yet. I've been pretty good about delaying the game so Jomon doesn't stale until we find a sub.

Allium October 2nd, 2010 03:17 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Looks like Jomon staled.

Inindo October 2nd, 2010 05:23 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Um so do we just roll back and only let Jomon submit or just let it pass and wait to find another or what?

Groundworm October 2nd, 2010 05:37 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Just let it pass. I'll try to be more diligent about the turn timer. Sorry, work was really rough the past few days.

That being said... there seems to be absolutely no interest on anyone's part in subbing for Jomon, and I'm not certain what to do about that.

Hylobius October 2nd, 2010 09:50 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I'd be interested in playing Jomon if you are still looking for a substitute.

Groundworm October 3rd, 2010 02:09 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Absolutely! PM me your email address and you're in!

Thank you!

Hylobius October 3rd, 2010 01:02 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Hi guys,

I have just received the turn file for Jomon and Groundworm has given me 48 hours to figure out my position. I'd appreciate if the current players, particulary my neighbors, could let me know what to expect from them (NAP, war, etc.). A summary of current events would also be a big help. Thanks.

mockingbird October 3rd, 2010 04:52 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I just woke up and found a message from four hours ago saying that MonkeyParadise was about to cycle in six hours.

I think we all, especially our new Jomon replacement, need more time than that!

Please extend the turn.

Hylobius October 3rd, 2010 05:53 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
When I received the Jomon turn the message said that turns were due 22:10 GMT on Tuesday October 5.

Hylobius October 3rd, 2010 05:57 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
It is a little awkward subbing into a game with binding diplomacy without being able to verify with the previous player what agreements are in place. My first inclination is to offer everyone a NAP-3.

Groundworm October 4th, 2010 01:43 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
That's strange. Llamaserver agrees with Hylobius, that the next turn was due on Tues, Oct. 5. Nonetheless, I've extended the turn 48 hours beyond that, so everyone can feel free to take their time. I'll extend the turn farther if need be.

Hylobius, from my end: I've had no real diplomacy with Jomon at all this game.

Hylobius October 5th, 2010 11:53 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I have spoken with my neighbors and most of the rest of the players in the game. I will of course be honoring the NAPs that the previous player had in place. I have decided to promise not to attack anyone for 3 turns while I become more familiar with the position. This is not an offer of NAPs, just a three turn break where I will only be defending myself. Diplomatic chanels will of course be open during this time. I'll try and finish off my turn tonight.


Hrum October 7th, 2010 12:31 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
It looks like Hylobius hasn't submitted the turn for Jomon yet, and at this point we've only got less than 6 hours until it's set to cycle.

Maybe we should extend the turn to give him a chance to submit his turn..?

What do you guys think?

Personally, I'd hate to see a sub come in and do us a favor by taking over Jomon for us and not get a chance to submit his first turn (that nation already had one stale while we were looking for a sub).

If we extend the turn another 24 hours, will that be enough time for you Hylo?

Hylobius October 7th, 2010 01:21 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Thanks, but I'm just finishing up now and will submit in time.

Inindo October 8th, 2010 03:29 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
It's a long weekend for me but I will try to get my turn in this turn but FYI just in case. Either this turn (if i don't make it) or the next one will need to be delayed till Tuesday please.

Marignon: I think I have finally broken even with you as far as removing SC's go now :) My first time ever having anything sent to the abyss, guess they randomly pop up if they survive long enough which was nice. The Aegis and sickle whose crop is pain is once more available if anyone can forge it.

mockingbird October 10th, 2010 06:31 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Dear Fellow Monkey Appreciators:

Due to my travel schedule, I most likely will not be able to get my next turn in before sometime on Tuesday PST. Due to my utter confusion at this point about time zones, I am not sure if that is after the normal turn cycle deadline, but if it is, I would appreciate it if our dear moderator would be so kind as to extend the turn.

Thank you all for your understanding.


mockingbird October 11th, 2010 03:48 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
It was but a false alarm; I got my turn in just fine. Airport internet to the rescue!

Hrum October 14th, 2010 12:22 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Getting my turn in on time might be a little tough tonight - think I could get an extension?

6 hours would probably be plenty. I'll be getting home right around when the turn is due, so a few hours more should be fine.

Groundworm October 14th, 2010 04:54 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Extension in place. It must be difficult having an actual empire to manage. :)

Dark Kitty October 19th, 2010 04:46 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I've been beaten, congratulations to Tien Chi, your raiders were really difficult to deal with.

Good luck all :)

Allium October 19th, 2010 09:22 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
You put up a good fight. :) I wish I'd seen how your big attempt to break the siege actually went (I got the replay bug on that one) but I can guess from the results, which were a lot more expensive than I would have liked.

Groundworm October 20th, 2010 01:29 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
And I, too, have been finished off by Abysia. Well done, Abysia- the war against me was swift and deadly.

Good game all, and good luck to the rest of you!

Inindo October 20th, 2010 11:51 AM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Good war. My offer stands if you are interested in taking over for me in this game. I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to continue playing.

Dark Kitty October 20th, 2010 06:09 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
Allium : Foul Vapors + Fire Storm + Wrathful Skies + Mists of Deception + one or two others and some massive evocations, I was just disappointed there were not more bodies on both sides :angel

Groundworm October 21st, 2010 08:33 PM

Re: (Monkey Paradise) NEWBS ONLY (running)
I appreciate the offer, Inindo, but I don't think it would be a good idea for me to take over Abysia. For one, I think I have too much inside information to the other nations left in the game. More importantly, I don't think I have the time or the interest to assimilate your massive empire, which is also far more advanced in research and summoned units than anything I've ever played with in Dominions.

If you need a sub, let me know and we can try to find one.

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