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Finalgenesis September 7th, 2010 05:16 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta
The nation of Ryleth have need of Death, water, fire and Astral gems, and have Earth or nature gems to trade for them.

September 10th, 2010 09:56 PM

Re: Re-Vendetta
Last month (turn) was truly the month of the taskmaster. They didn't do anything (or barely did in some cases), but my dear taskmasters, that I had been using to bootstrap into blood, saw a surprising amount of combat, both heroically in the arena and in open battle.

Conclusion: they're (of course) only good as cheap leaders/blood hunters...but its funny as hell to see them in combat.


This is a public call for donations to C'tis. A little more money would go a long way toward holding out against Jotun, as would any undead-killing items. Help the poor lizards resist tyranny and enslavement! The hated Giants have raided our lands with terrible beasts and turned the wolf tribes against us! Money is needed to rebuild the C'tisian defenses as we cannot match the tribal hordes!

Additionally, if anyone has any overland spells that they would be willing to lob at the Giants that would be swell.

- Marshmaster Mike, Official DJ of the Swamps

Dark Kitty September 15th, 2010 11:20 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta
My victors have finally decided to put an end to my slow agony and finish me, thanks to them (although it didn't take much time to do my turns, I must admit I had lost some interest in the end :p). I completely neglected diplomacy in that game, I hope my neighbours didn't think I was sulking or something^^ (I was busy with other games and RL when the game started, and then, well, I had already started without diplomacy...)

Good luck all ;)

AdmiralZhao September 15th, 2010 01:18 PM

Re: Re-Vendetta
We will miss you Abysia. The world is a little darker without your constantly burning hellish flames.

September 18th, 2010 06:05 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta
Nations of the World,

A fair warning: a great tide is sweeping over my lands and will soon be reaching you. The mighty Lizard people have tried, with our allies, to fight the Jotun menace...and have only fed them more and more power.

All along the coasts that border the sea of Blood (88) and Palatuk Bay (110) lay our fallen warriors, their bodies horribly twisted by their ordeal with dark magic, killed in any number of ways, reanimated and then blasted with holy-fire. What's worse! Marshmaster Mike and his retinue of wizards/monsters was just killed by a gigantic-flying-giants-killer-ambush-army! If anyone has a firestorm handy, please send it to province (56), it will be well spent :)

Now the giants have conquered much of the C'tis Empire. Indeed the old kingdom of Shinuyama has fallen under Jotun's control. The C'tissian people cling to life in their southern lands, while their mighty Dragon-god, Apep, ravages the enemies heartlands in vain.

- Scrawled on a piece of lizard-hide

AdmiralZhao September 29th, 2010 12:48 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta
We will miss you C'tis. Everytime one of our commanders dies of a horrible wasting disease, we will think of you.

Also, could we have a 12 hour extension? Peace has made us fat and lazy. Well, fatter and lazier.

NooBliss September 29th, 2010 01:35 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta
To AdmiralZhao, in case you didnt receive our envoy.

We inform the giants of Jotunheim and the rest of the world that peace has come to an end, for the Empire of TC declares war upon the Jotun. Lets put the pretty rhetorics aside: they aim to rule us all, and we won't bow to their rule for they have no Mandate of Heaven.
For the Greater Good!

Finalgenesis September 29th, 2010 01:50 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta
To the giants of Jotun,

We express the same sentiment as Tien Chi, Let's meet on the battlefield. Per our envoy, the 55th month marks the beginning of the end.

September 29th, 2010 02:49 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta

Originally Posted by AdmiralZhao (Post 759480)
We will miss you C'tis. Everytime one of our commanders dies of a horrible wasting disease, we will think of you.

GG, I just hope the slave-lizards are happy with their new masters...

AdmiralZhao September 29th, 2010 07:11 PM

Re: Re-Vendetta
So far the slave lizards seem to be taking the transition well. We are gradually teaching them to use their tridents for spear-fishing and hay baling, and the runners have revolutionized the Jotunheim mail service. Indeed, all around the signs of war are fading. The marshes are not so noxious, the summers are a little cooler, and the piles of shattered and burned skeletons are feeding an enormous expansion in the southern gelatin industry. Even the great heroes are fading away, as those brave commanders who took up Soul Contracts to defend their homeland are now being terrorized in their retirement homes by regular Horror visits.

Things were going so well, at least until this recent news. R'yleh, perhaps upset by our overfishing, has once again set their black tide of aggression lapping at our shores. While we expect such bellicose behavior from the mad star spawn, it was much more upsetting to receive a similar declaration from Tien Chi. I can only assume that Ryleh has misled their astrologers and soothsayers through some foul astral magic. In any case, the proud Jotunheim people will again take up arms to defend themselves. The tree of Jotun-Liberty will be refreshed by the blood of tiny, tiny humans and blood slaves!

Finalgenesis October 5th, 2010 01:04 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta
We note that Jotuns have initiated a pre-emptive attack before NAP cooldown ran out to great effect. On the other hand, no agreement need be kept with this god or any future incarnations thereof, as no agreement should be kept with those who pay it no heed.

We must admit, the tactical advantage was significant from the breach and we approve in that sense, a possibly worthwhile tradeoff.

NooBliss October 14th, 2010 04:13 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta
Eh... Postpone the next hosting, please. We have to wait for Admiral Zhao.

NooBliss October 15th, 2010 03:09 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta
Bump. Do we have a host, even?

Finalgenesis October 15th, 2010 03:50 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta
Should be Graeme as Bandar Log and still in the game.

I'm sure he'll check this before turn ends and extend it until it's clear we need a sub.

Finalgenesis October 16th, 2010 03:48 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta
It seems jotun is gone for good (and that host wants to keep it that way) and Pan just went away, frankly I'm losing interest in the game with the state of the game falling apart like this, I will be switching to AI next turn.

Graeme Dice October 16th, 2010 01:36 PM

Re: Re-Vendetta
Well, no I had no idea a sub was even needed since I don't read this forum more than twice a month and had never received a PM about it.

NooBliss October 16th, 2010 01:47 PM

Re: Re-Vendetta
I didnt send PM but I posted in this thread, twice. But nevermind that - we do need a sub. Jotun is still stronger than me and RLyeh combined so it shouldnt be too late.

NooBliss December 6th, 2010 06:52 AM

Re: Re-Vendetta
Ok, I have alerted everybody that we need subs back then, now the game is over.
Yes, I'm shameless.

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