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Fantomen August 30th, 2010 03:37 AM

Re: Warthog - running
I agree Squirrel, but Samulus is not on this fora unfortunately. Nag at him in dom3mods

Nikelaos August 30th, 2010 12:58 PM

Re: Warthog - running
A wild Koschei appeared. No virgins be safe no moar.

Squirrelloid August 30th, 2010 01:20 PM

Re: Warthog - running
wait, virgins were safe before? Fatality, god of Abysia, does formally protest any such insinuation.

Problems with virgins being too safe? Send them to us - we'll take care of [s]them[/s]it.

Edit: Is there no strikethrough command on this forum?

Nikelaos August 30th, 2010 04:03 PM

Re: Warthog - running
atleast sacrificed virgins get their essenced used usefully (demons yay), but virgins raped by koschei? I swear, we need to escort him in and out of the lab incase he does anything.

Dark Kitty August 30th, 2010 04:40 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Disguise a few Fivefold Angels as young maiden and tell them to roam around the lab...:angel

Nikelaos August 30th, 2010 04:45 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Tried that, apparently wearing make-up is a sin...damn you religious extremeists!

Fantomen August 30th, 2010 05:18 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Careful what you say, those are what keeps you from being domkilled you know.

Dark Kitty August 30th, 2010 05:22 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Put it on anyway, it's not like they can remove it (unless they're very handy with their feet :P)


Fantomen August 31st, 2010 05:13 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Pug rested after yet another victory, leisurely cleaned his armour from blood and reflecting on how fast you got used to the act of killing. The campaign had been successful and scouts reported that several other more powerful forces had followed to claim the world for Pothead. The future seemed pleasantly dark. (obviously a positive term for Agarthans)

Suddenly the watch sounded the signal of alarm, clang of steel and shouting was everywhere. Pug rushed out of the tent just in time to face a magnificent fay horse rearing above him. The rider was a tall blond man with feirce blue eyes screaming like mad in a strange language. The heavy hoofs came down and struck the unarmed Pug to the ground. Just before dying Pug absentmindedly reflected upon the fact that these warriors must have been after the same garrison that the Agarthans had just fought, in order to claim this land as their own.

"Dying by accident... somehow it fits perfectly" Those were the last words of Agarthas first fighting commander, words neither heard nor remembered.

But Pothead heard those words in his head, as he heard the words and thoughts of all his servants. And they made him chuckle to himself as he took another drag on the hookah.

Nikelaos September 7th, 2010 12:39 PM

Re: Warthog - running
The Druzinha were a force to be reckoned with, skilled and deadly they swiftly cut down all in their way. Province after province fell, and the list of vassal states grew - The heroes of Rus had built an empire. Their travels took them far and wide in and across the horizon they were promised.

They met other great nations along the way, among them the Ashen Empire of Ermor. Here the land was barren, the people fell in such great numbers that it were as if a plague had swept the land, and the dead rose continueing to praise the grim god of death. The foreign faith wormed it's way into the lands of Rus, and soon Bogarussian people had fallen to the plague dominion of the death god.

The Princes agreed enough was enough and the Druzinha rode of to destroy this threat. Upon reaching a fortress of the dead, these great men witnessed skeletons rising to protect it. The Druzinha were known to be great brave men, but a fear overcame them. "How do we kill that which is already dead?" one man asked. Obaric the chosen scout emerged from the shadows. "Let me show you" he replied with an authoritative voice. Throwing his arms into the air he called down the divine might of Vladmina to banish the dead back to the underworld, two score and five he destroyed in total. Meanwhile Sviatoslav rallied the men to charge at those whom Obaric had missed. Lances shattered ribs, swords cleaved skulls, and all manner of bones were crushed beneath hooves. All the dead were laid back to rest, and not a single hero of Bogarus had died. They celebrated their triumph over death, but knew a larger battle was soon to come, it is then that they shall earn their status as heroes.

Squirrelloid September 8th, 2010 11:01 AM

Re: Warthog - running
Mortal Combat cursed under his breath. Thrice-damned fish-people and their insanity-causing dominion, it was enough to make one go crazy...

13lackGu4rd September 10th, 2010 11:38 AM

Re: Warthog - running
I threw down a glove I made the mistake
Of picking it up now I'm gone
The choosing of guns or fighting with swords
The choice of weapons is done
They'll tear me apart as soon as I start
I know I don't have a chance

OH...OH... Fight for the Honour
Fight for the Splendour
Fight for the Pleasure
OH...OH... Fight for the Honour
Fight for the Splendour
Fight for my Life!

Ready to start the duel begins
the best man wins in the end
A lunge and a feint, a parry too late
A cut to the chest and I'm down
Seeing the stain then feeling the pain
Feeling the sweat on my brow

The fighting resumes, a silence looms the
Swordsman move 'gainst each other
A cut and a thrust, a parry, a blow
a stab to the heart and I'm down
The Angel of Death hears my last breath
Meanwhile the reaper looks on

OH...OH... Fought for the Honour
Fought for the Splendour
Fought for the Pleasure
OH...OH... Fought for the Honour
Fought for the Splendour
Fought to the Death

Courtesy of Iron Maiden: The Duelist

R.I.P Marignon, good luck to the rest of you and may the best man win in the end.

Fantomen September 10th, 2010 11:46 AM

Re: Warthog - running
Thanks for playing Blackguard, may I ask who killed you?

Nikelaos September 10th, 2010 12:07 PM

Re: Warthog - running
It may be ermor, I heard from the horse's mouth that they neighboured marignon. I've also been expecting a PoD to drop down to accompany his legions in fighting my invading army, and that hasn't happened so this might explain it.

offcourse just speculation...I'm probably wrong.

13lackGu4rd September 10th, 2010 01:00 PM

Re: Warthog - running
R'lyeh dealt the killing blow but it was a mixture of Ermor and R'lyeh, with Ulm blocking my path and taking a province as well. basically I died due to being in a very bad position(right next to R'lyeh's lake, Ermor to my immediate North East and Ulm to my North as well as making some crucial mistakes early on and being very unlucky on turn2 expansion.

Dark Kitty September 12th, 2010 04:21 PM

Re: Warthog - running
I suppose you had to divert a lot of ressources to fight off my dominion and Ermor's but you defended yourself until the end. See you in a next game

Squirrelloid September 13th, 2010 03:06 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Abysia is aghast at the actions of Ermor, and announces the following:

1) Casting BoT is an attack against all nations of the world.
2) As such, the caster of BoT has summarily violated all non-aggression agreements which he maintains.

Thus, Abysia requires that Ermor eliminate this heinous global within one turn or we shall consider all of our agreements with the nation of Ermor to have been ended by them without notice, and done in violation of our NAP. We also publicly announce these charges in view of the nations of the world, and will gladly succor allies to our cause and make war upon its enemies. So swears the warlock council and the god Fatality.

BvG September 13th, 2010 05:15 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Unfortunately there is no dominion local spell that helps in this war. If you have a suggestion we'll gladly change to that. The war will be over in 7 turns or so, so how about I cancel the spell again in 5 turns?

Nikelaos September 13th, 2010 05:20 PM

Re: Warthog - running
That wasn't a smart move Ermor, the men of Rus can fight through this, we could cast gift of health next turn, and our blood magic allows us to fight the aging on our old mages.

Even if we should fall you have hung yourself unless you drop BoT immediately since everyone now sees you as an enemy. We also would like to point out that we actually can dispel this with 1 in 3 of our starets, I doubt it would be that hard to raise the gems since everyone wants to get rid of this.

It saddens us that you cannot keep your harmful magic to the battlefield or within your own dominion. We shall stamp your armies into the ground, mark my words.

To all others in the realm, put your trust in Bogarus who are actively working to rid the world of this scourge, laying to rest hundreds of undead. The donation of pearls would be required for us to dispel the BoT. Thank you all in advance for your co-operation against the evil ermor empire.

Squirrelloid September 13th, 2010 06:14 PM

Re: Warthog - running
5 turns is unacceptable. The one turn we've had was unacceptable.

BigandScary September 13th, 2010 11:20 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Ulm will give 25 astral pearls to the nation that dispels this abomination.

BvG September 14th, 2010 02:19 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Oh well if you want to be like that, then I'll cancel the spell, spoilsports :P

Or not doesn't matter anyway. you guys spend the pearls on this..

BigandScary September 14th, 2010 06:44 PM

Re: Warthog - running
If you cancel it then the whole map probably won't go to war with you.

BvG September 15th, 2010 11:24 AM

Re: Warthog - running
I'm already at war with all my neighbours. When I lose, the spell might prolong my un-life. If I win against them, then going to war with everyone else is going to happen anyway.

Fantomen September 19th, 2010 06:03 AM

Re: Warthog - running
As it looks like 3 players are about to stale I delayed the timer 6 hours. Abysia, Bogarus and Man, please get your turns in or ask for a delay.

Squirrelloid September 19th, 2010 03:19 PM

Re: Warthog - running
can the warning be increased? 6h is short enough that i forgot and went to sleep, and it would have hosted while i was sleeping.

Fantomen September 20th, 2010 01:50 AM

Re: Warthog - running
I can put in at 12h if you want.

Squirrelloid September 20th, 2010 06:23 AM

Re: Warthog - running
12h would be great

Fantomen September 20th, 2010 11:58 AM

Re: Warthog - running
As Samulus is possibly about to score three stales in a row I'm preparing to sub him out or turn him AI. I sent him a PM and I hope he replies but in case not I'd like some information from those who are his neighbours or enemies in the game.

Is his position good enough that we need a sub or can we turn him AI without huge balance problems?

Nikelaos September 25th, 2010 07:02 AM

Re: Warthog - running
I'm going to be looking for a sub, I really don't have the time to play (fffuuuu... homework).

Fantomen September 25th, 2010 11:45 AM

Re: Warthog - running
Ok, Nikelaos. It's been great playing with you, I hope to see you in future games. Tell me if you need help finding a sub.

I'll rather delay the game than let such a powerful nation stale, so if you don't find time to do your turns while looking for a sub please tell me. Alternatively we can set a longer timer (48h) if that would give you the leeway you need to stay in the game.

On a side note, it seems Samulus is back with us for now. Although he didn't respond to my PMs he's started submitting turns again, so I'm leaving him be for now.

Nikelaos September 26th, 2010 06:49 PM

Re: Warthog - running
feel free to help looking for a sub, I might not be able to check online and sort things out everyday so...

also there is a password set, the (unecesary) password is "bonjovi"

Fantomen September 27th, 2010 01:59 AM

Re: Warthog - running
Jesus cockslapping christ, 5 stales! I better put the game on hold until that sub is found.

Fantomen September 27th, 2010 01:19 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Ok we found a sub for Bogarus, welcome back in the game Blackguard!

I will also set Man AI now.

BvG September 29th, 2010 12:36 PM

Re: Warthog - running
uh oh, that smells like revenge time :(

Fantomen October 4th, 2010 04:37 AM

Re: Warthog - running
Timer changed to 48h

BigandScary October 4th, 2010 09:12 AM

Re: Warthog - running
Well, I'm finally gone. Good game everyone.

BvG October 4th, 2010 11:03 AM

Re: Warthog - running
Unfortunately there is no Internet in my vacation Place. I was Promissed thered Be. I Need a Substitute or posponement until sunday. Sent from someones iPhone whom i gave fifty bucks.

Sorry for this horrible Missmatch
BVG ermor

Dark Kitty October 4th, 2010 03:06 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Nice fight BigandScary, see you soon in Gotm :)

Fantomen October 6th, 2010 02:14 AM

Re: Warthog - running

Originally Posted by BvG (Post 759895)
Unfortunately there is no Internet in my vacation Place. I was Promissed thered Be. I Need a Substitute or posponement until sunday. Sent from someones iPhone whom i gave fifty bucks.

Sorry for this horrible Missmatch
BVG ermor

Alright, game postponed.

Nice game BigAndScary, thanks for playing.

Fantomen October 19th, 2010 04:26 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Turn postponed on Squirreloids request

Fantomen October 23rd, 2010 04:01 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Turn postponed by 12h on my own account.

Fantomen October 28th, 2010 06:00 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Turn postponed 24h due to sudden call for overtime work, so I can't make it home tonight.

BvG October 31st, 2010 08:41 PM

Re: Warthog - running
haha that was fun... I only wish the death rate wasn't 2 of mine for 1 of yours :(

Squirrelloid November 2nd, 2010 03:02 PM

Re: Warthog - running
BoT beat me. BoT > LA Abysia. And of course I had the absolute worst luck with site searching, and have virtually no pearl income to even attempt a dispel.

So now I can't use national mages in combat, which means I can't beat the undead hordes because all my H3 priests just die in 3 turns.

This game has been extremely frustrating because the morons who do have pearl income have let BoT stay up for forever. You know who you are. (And in any normal game, Abysia would have pearl income, but yay 1 astral site in 22 provinces?) So that was a desperate attempt to do something to stop the pain. Because this game has been unplayable for me for like 30 turns.

Dark Kitty November 2nd, 2010 05:36 PM

Re: Warthog - running

BoT doesn't really affect my mages and helps me reduce upkeep and micromanagement of freespawns :angel

Fantomen November 6th, 2010 06:02 AM

Re: Warthog - running
Yesterday the dates on llamaserver displayed incorrectly, leading me be to believe several players was about to stale. So I postponed the game, as it turned out to be, for no reason.

So Ermor and Abysia, please don't let the long timer detain you.

BvG November 17th, 2010 05:40 PM

Re: Warthog - running
wow lots of ppl haven't submitted a turn yet. maybe they did read "0:45 thursday" the same way as i did at first: meaning thursday night, not the first hour of thursday (and hence in about 3 hours)?

Fantomen November 30th, 2010 04:10 PM

Re: Warthog - running
All that smoking finally starts taking it's toll, Pothead is going insane.


So don't expect too much out of any diplomatic attempts from now on.:D

Baalz December 7th, 2010 01:51 PM

Re: Warthog - running
FWIW I'm about to the point that I'm completely unstoppable, nows the time for everybody left to make their last ditch efforts against me.

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